——- J 4 — Professional Cards DR. J. W. HARRISON VETERINARIAN Office and residence on Co­ quille - Marshfield Highway, next place west Sanford Heights road. Phone 842 P.O. Box 249 Cequlile, Oregon r O. C. SANFORD Attorney at Law r P.obale. Real Estate and Office Practice, Notary Public Room 19 First National Bank Building ML »• La RULE Eyesight Specialist laird Bldg.—Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R. Ranch DR. RALPH F. MILNE Dentistry Teeth Straightened 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Boite 1 HARRY A. SLACK Attorney-at-Law Firat National Bank Building Coquille <« Oregon J. ARTHUR BERG Hi A Keizer Bros. Oscar Hollis L. M. D., care of 8c _ Empire Drug medicine for Brimhalls ...... .... ......... ......... .95 Hugh McLain, County Judge 3 166.67 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff. ...... 200.00 Peterson Funeral Home, fun­ eral—Frank S. Thomas ....... 39.00 P. w. Culver, Deputy Sheriff 150.00 Ev? Schroeder, Deputy Sher- ixf ......................... ................. 85.00 Hazel Jarvis, nursing Thel­ ma Moore, insane .............. ... 7.50 c. G. Caughell, 1st Deputy, Tax Dept. ____ __ _______ 150.00 Roma Ott. nursing Thelma Moore, insane ............ ;.... Margarita Brodie, 2nd Depu­ ty, Tax Dept...............17...... 100.00 Mabel Herbage, nursing Thel­ ma Moore, insane ____ ... Dolores Belloni, Clerk, Tax Dept. . ............ . ..... . ........... 90.00 Keizer Bros. Hospital, care of 8 00 Thelma Moore ..... .. ..... . Myrtle Minter, Clerk, Tax & Crowell, examina­ I Dept. .... .................... . ........ . 99.00 Keizer tion Thelma Moore ............. 20.00 W. H. Kennedy, Personal Tax Coll. ................. . 130.00 Marion County Clerk, exp. of exam, of Coos Co. pat. ....... 2.00 L. W. Oddjr, County Clerk .... 168.87 Jail J. W. Leneve, Deputy Clerk.. 150.00 Coos County Farm produce Georgianna Vaughan, Depu- i ty Clerk ................ used at Jail ................... 89.73 100.00 \ Movie Stars know the Value of that Well - Dressed Appearance and make constant use of a recognized cleaner — The Stars » of Coquille's HOLLYWOOD PREMIERE LIBERTY TUESDAY NITE w Beyers, County Assessor 166.67 Ideal ‘ ~ Bakery, bread 1 ...... ........... J. P. ” ' ........ 16.86 i Anna Rooney, Deputy Asses­ Various Offices sor __ ______ ___ ________ 100.00 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, sup- Chas. Stauff, Co. Treasurer. 150.00 plies ...................... . ....... . 3.79 J. N. Gearhart, Co. Surveyer 45.00 Jail Dr. M. Earl Wilson, Health Carter, Rice & Co., supplies _ 11.09 Officer ... .................... . 25.00 J. R. Bunch, DMD, extraction Leia Elrod, Health Nurse..... 80.00 • tor inmate ______ 2.90 Martha E. Mulkey, School Fairy Gregory, hauling gar­ Supt.......................... ...... ......... 166.ev bage __ L.... ......... ...... ......... 12.00 Marian Endicott, Stenog.-Supt. Coart Hoose 79.00 Coquille Wood Co., 3 loads , Mae M. Waggoner, Stenog.- wood ............. ;__ ............. .... 10.90 Court 8 e Health Dept............ 100.00 J. A. Lamb Company, glass Carl C. Wilson, Janitor—Old and putty .............. .............. 1.19 Bldg. .......... .. ......... .......... ...... 65.00 Alpine Coal Co., coel ...... . 27.00 Bert Mead, Janitor-Jailer__ 75.00 Stevens Cash Hardware, ma­ Lottie Miller, Matron 8t Cook 30.00 terials ..................................... 230 |R. H. Mast, Probation Officer 120.00 City of Coquille, water .... .... 8.65 Louis J. Langenberg, Court West Coast Telephone Co., Reporter .............. ............ .. 179.00 phone service ...... »..... ........ 79.17 Mountain States Power Co., SherlfrToff. lights 8c power ___ »_____ 148.99 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile- Ernest Emf :st Embree, Janitor serv, 12.80 94.90 StanI iley D. Warren, labor ..... Ed^Veterson, Saiaryi Deputy 2.75 Cow » __ _ 1 TlTWFi ptfWHNTWHR T Chose CITY CLEANERS & TAILORS Phone 103-L Shores Bldg., 351 W. Front St WE CLEAN ON TIME - RAIN OR SHINE F. A. Robb, Salary, Road­ * master 11 Cl D VC X • «••« • «««—•• a aM, aa • • aa a a a Ralph Harry, Salary, Clerk .... ' General Roods Ai«ly Wilkins, tabor ____ Levi Wilson, tabor ........ Roy Wheeler, tabor ........ Ed Patterson, labor .......... Mike McCarthy, tabor Wayne Goodman, tabor ... Tom Evans, tabor .......... . Powell Yarbrough, tabor . Jack McCarthy, tabor __ Jack Bailey, labor ---------- »It Newton tabor 198.00 118.00 7730 108.40 108.00 106.00 10533 94 00 148.00 9230 93.00 96.13 Lincoln School News “Cricket aa the Hearth” Shewn At a special pay assembly Friday, January 14, the film “Cricket on the Hearth,** was shown. The students recognized it as an old friend, for the story had been studied in literature classes. 6x Presents Assembly The 6x home room presented the flu. However, throughout the game all of the boys played a good game of ball and the J. H. 8. team came out on the winning side with a score of 27-22. - Friday night, January 21, the Ji H. S. will play two games in the Com­ munity HaU against Empire. The first game will begin a seven o’clock. The school greatly appreciates the support of the townspeople at these The following numbers B uy i Ideal Bakery bread because it lph Hurlbutt, tabor ...... ..... ------ Northwestern Mutual Fire 78.00 sembly. Buy Assn. Insurance Policy ...... 86.00 were announced by Jim Howe: to better. 10.99 i James Miller, tabor ...... . ..... . tf Fanners Auto Inter Ins. Exc., C. B. Young, tabor . ................. 94.00 poem, Donna Perkins; play, James Insurance Policy .....___ _ 24.40 i James Child, tabor ....._____ 166.60 Alice Perrott, extra help U. S. Dept, of Labor, Contri­ A. C. Rediferv labor'............... W.80 Broshears, Patricia Berg, Delores Western Union, telegraph bution ---------------- ------ _____ _____________ ___ ---- _ - UM A. C. Redifer, tabof*?. .. r:..... ... 14.40 Linn. Kenneth Hooton and Leona vice _______ ............... 9.78 Fred D. Kunz, Services On car 3.00 ’ Dan Conlogue, tabor _______ 82.38 Arnett; poem, Ben Barton; skit, Ben Smith Wood-Products , Inc., J. A. RICHMOND Burroughs Adding- Machine L. H. Howe, tabor..... ...... ....... 98.00 Barton, Dick Greve, Wade Cowan, WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE lumber ..................... ...... ...... 4.58 .„-GorrsaMcea on Shi’s ma- Kenneth Lane, tabor ______ 113.00 PHYSICIAN sad BURGEON AU warrants No. 414 to No. 424, in­ Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas. cash _ i chine ................... ................. . 24.99 John Abbott, labor ________ 7130 Fred Kunz, and Jim Howe; play advanced ............ ....... 9.50 Burroughs Adding Machine K. F. Ireland, tabor...... .......... 81.60 without words, Juanita Culbertson, clusive drawn against School Dist. No. Richmond-Barker Building Clerk’s Office Co., services on machines.. 49.90 D. V. Yeoman, tabor .....____ 94.80 Marie Burg, Fred Kunz; an argu­ 72, Coaledo, will be paid upon pre­ Coquille, Ore. Myrtle Point Herald, printing 738 State Ind. Acc. Com., insur­ Arthur Derbyshire, tabor __ 77.30 ment, Jhn Howe and Patricia Berg. sentation to the First National Bank of Portland Coquille Branch. Inter­ Capital City Bindery, eash ance on officers ...._______ 80.52 Frank McAdams, labor ............ 88 00 Phonos: Office 62M, Res. 98R book ______________ ___ Following the program a very in­ est ceased on Jan. 18, 1938. 1735 Various Offices Berlyn Billings, tabor .......... 87.20 Mrs. Lorene Chard, D. C. Wax Office Equipment X C. Clark, tabor____ ____ __ 92.00 teresting one-reel film of the life on Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ Clerk, 8. D. No. 72, plied'............. . .zzt m Floyd Dalton, labor ............... 83.90 House, Binders ..................... 935 a rubber plantation in the East Indies Treasurer*« Off. - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, W. N. Williams, tabor ______ 82.00 was shown. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Clara A. Stauff, Clerical work 9030 STATE OF OREGON IN AND postage & express ___ ____ 9.89 Ernest Dalton, tabor ________ 82.70 STATE OF OREGON IN AND John C. Merchant, Clerical Basketball News FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Coos County Highway Dept, A. G. Trendell, tabor .......... . 82.00 FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS work .................... ............ ..... 58.00 tabor 6c gas ...... __________ 537.31 Lyle Smith, tabor __ _______ 78.00 The Coquille Junior high school’s Ethel Lucille Hendrick, Plaintiff PORTLAND MORTGAGE CO., « Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash Dog License Fund Lawrence Mullen, tabor ...... . 145.00 basketball teams added another vs. advanced ........... ........ .......... 13.40 W. E. Foote, 7 sheep killed by corporation. Plaintiff, Ed White, tabor .................. 86.00 Henry Jefferson Hendrick, Defend­ Assessor’s Off. vs. dogs ........................................ 21.00 C. Vaughan, tabor ______ 14.10 double victory to their list on Wed­ ant MAIR A. DANO and MARY M. H. C. Getz, Draftsman ...... .... County Farm Pat Gorwell, tabor ...... .....L 80.80 nesday, January 12, when they de­ DANO, husband and wife; MARI- Jessie Lawhorne, Clerk __ .... Isler Sheet Metal Works, fix­ E. E. Newton, tabor ________ 86.00 feated Bunker Hill’s midget and first To: Henry Jefferson Hendrick: 1 ON BOWMAN ZENER, Adminis­ Marchant Calculating Ma­ ing kettle ......... ..................... 2.80 Walt Radford, tabor ...... . ...... 82.80 teams. la the Name ef the State of Ore- chine Co., rental of machine 25.00 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., tratrix of the Estate of John N. Hariy Epperson, labor«.___ 7730 ron: You are hereby required The Coquille* midget team was Bowman, deceased; ANN BITZER; Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash gasoline ____ ________ ____ 25.50 Geo. Wagner, tabor .......... . 86.00 advanced ....... .... MARK SKINNER, Superintendent 49.98 Coquille Service Station, gas Herbert Lane, tabor ............... 86.00 made up mostly of Inexperienced to appear and answer the Complaint Supt. Office of Banks in charge of liquidation 6c oil for Coppjji-Cur ___ ___ 9.19 O. C. Schliff, tabor ________ 18.00 players. Twelve of the young play­ of Plaintiff filed against you in the of Bank of Southwestern Oregon, Martha E. Mulkey, Mileage Kaufman 8c Co., Premiums on Wayne Goodman, labor ....... . 15.25 ers saw action in the game and really above entitled suit in the above en­ Defendants. exp................................... - 3341 titled court, within four (4) weeks Clerk’s Bond ......... 90.00 J. A. Deadmond, labor _____ 7.00 Olive Warren, office work .... FubllcaUon ft Summons 7.20 Allens Cash ^Grocery, ---------- - gro- Herbert Lane, tabor ............. 37.60 looked as though they would develop from the date of the first publication Gaylord Bros., Inc., paper To Mair A. Dano, defendant. , 43» . ceries of H. Spinning ..... 14.07 Ira Deadmond, tabor_______ 4.00 into first string men with a little of this Summons, to-wit: within four District Atty. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE National Hospital H< Associa­ L. E. Barklow, tabor ------------ 8.00 more practice and growth. Both Co­ (4) weeks from the 21st day of Jan­ » Ben C. Flaxel, part stenog. OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ uary, 1938, and if you fail to appear tion, hospital dues --- _____ 118.00 Lawrence Knight, tabor ....... 15.50 quille and Bunker Hill played good on or before February 18th, 1938, salary 8c exp. ........ ....... ..... quired to appear and answer the 89.46 Thos. Luttrell, tabor ______ 10.80 GENERAL ROADS complaint filed against you in the Ben C. Flaxel, telephone ....... 10.32 ball for the ’ small teams and the game being the last date of time prescribed F. Hickok, tabor.................... . 69.00 above entitled suit on or before the C. F. Besaee, Evidence 15.00 Preston Monson, tabor ...... .... 10.00 O. B. Finch, piling for bridge.. 52.00 ended with the close score of 15-12 in the Order of Publication of said Tom Monson, labor __ __ __ 8.00 Health Dept. expiration of four weeks from the Summons, for want thereof plaintiff 8.00 in favor of Coquille. 6.00 Stanley Powell, use of horse .. date of first publication of this Sum­ Leia Elrod, Mileage exp. ....... 33.42 BiU Monson, tabor ______ _ will take judgment and decree Bill Thompson, use of horse __ 8.00 Ed Newell, labor .......... .......... 10.00 The first string was somewhat against you and will apply to the mons, that being the time prescribed Leia Elrod, expense taking Alpine Coal Co., coal___ ____ 3.50 Junior Monson, tabor ______ 16.00 child to home .......... . .......... in the order for publication thereof, 535 2.95 ’ handicapped by the loss of one play­ Court for the relief demanded in City of Coquille, water ____ Jacob Steinechner, tabor ___ 8.00 Peoples Water 8c Gas Co., said date being the 13th day of Jan­ Rack left Pharmacy, drugs 8c er. Dick Vinton was 111 with the the Complaint of the plaintiff, of R. J. Steinlechner, tabor .a .... 6.00 supplies ,......... 21.55 uary, 1938, and if you fail to ao ap- which the following to a succinct water ..................................... 2.88 James Monson, tabor __ _ 1000 J. W'Harrison, DVM, testing • pear and answer for want thereof, statement: Mountain States Power Co., C. T. Wilkinson, labor _____ 4.00 Bosworth Motor Co., auto . cattle .................................... .............. the plaintiff will take decree against 223.82 “That the 1 manage ’ contract now light 8c power __________ 31.90 C. F. Bessee, tabor ________ 153.13 supplies _________________ 5534 existing between you for the foreclosure of a mort­ J. H. Bennett, DVM, testing reen plaintiff pl and de­ Mountain States Power Co., (X P. Morgan, tabor _______ 39.38 Koontz Machine Shop, welding 3.75 cattle . . ................ 25.56 gage executed by the defendants fendant be dissolved and that plain­ light 8c power ........___ _ 2.00 Thos. Kelly, tabor _________ 12.00 Golders Auto Parts Co., auto Mair A. Dano and Mary M. Dano, to tiffs maiden name of Ethel Lucille 1 80 West vvesl Coast Telephone Co., .Vernon Hooper, tabor ___ ___ ’Ä ____ ___ 60.90 Ellison be restored to her, and that the plaintiff herein, for the sale of Ä i aa rv iss • -96<56 cÄ GYayrT&btto'L’T’1*^": __ _____ ____ __ suppues 3.00 auf the lands edvered by said’ mortgage, Plaintiff have such further relief lobt. Sweetman, tabor ........... 10.80 Western i Union, telegraph Southwestern Motor Co., auto Bancroft-Whitney Company, to-wit: as to the Court may seem just and service ........... .......... ........... .50 29.20 Books .... .............. ...... .......... 2839 Slmer Wiebke, tabor ...... supplies .... _....... ..... ..... ...... 13.59 equitable.” Lots numbered 9 and 10, in C. F. Waterman, labor _____ 4.50 Coos Bay Times, pub. warrant .85 Mae Waggoner, exp. taking Block numbered 10, Town of Service hereof is made upon you call ...... ................... ............. . 2.20 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, supplies 4.50 Hoy Waterman, tabor ...... ...... girls to home __________ ... Marshfield, Coos County, Ore­ by publication in the Coquille Volley C. F. Besaee, new surveys .... 18.98 Chas. Enegren, royalty for Ted R. Miller, tabor ______ _ 1.00 Chas. Evland, Court Bailiff „ gon, as per plat prepared by Wil­ rock -____________________ 1139 Sentinel, a weekly, newspaper in Co­ Bill Davis, tabor ......... 7.20 L. A. Snow Co., grader blades 50.50 Chas. Enegren, royalty for Circuit Crt. liam Hall for E. B. Dean & Co., quille, Oregon," tor not less than once Ford Worsham, auto supplies 10.00 L. Chezem, tabor ..... « _____ 5.40 45.58 a week-’ tor four (4) consecutive rock ____ __ ___________ _ and for such other relief as prayed L. C. Sherwood, Court Bailiff 25.50 Stevens Cash Hardware, pad­ Art Olson, tabor .......... . 18.00 for in plaintiff’s complaint on file Louis J. Langenberg, tran­ weeks, pursuant to Order of Publi­ lock and keys ........ ........... .. 2.75 Old Town Retail Lumber script—Carroll case ........... Yard, lumber----------- -------- 29.79 cation made and entered herein on in this suit, and which shall be 9.80 Carl Olson, tabor 1__________ 18.00 Hazer Hardware Co., material 9.91 Red Browning, tabor ......... ..... 7.20 D. J. Grant, Jr., legal services Marshfield Machine Shop, deemed by the Court proper. the 18th day of January, 1938, by 4.86 7.20 Fred Schaer 6c Son, chain ___ work on crusher ...... . ........ 91.00 the Honorable James T. Brand, Judge This summons is published by or­ —State vs. Springer ............... 15.00 Raymond Barklow, labor ....... 730 Coquille Machine Shop, tank Pioneer Hardware Co . sup ­ der of the Honorable Hugh McLain, Coquille Hotel, meals for jury 19.90 Stanley Steinhoff, tabor ___ of the Circuit Court of the State of oxygen .................................. 9.45 Roy" Hultin, labor__________ 8.10 County Farm plies 8c powder’...«..... . ...... -.1090.92 Oregon in and for the County of Judge of the County Court of Coos Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., a^-, 9.40 Coos. County, Oregon, made and entered F. C. McNelly, Salary, Supt. .. 110.00 Emil Sulin, labor __________ vanced cash ........ ......... . ....... 2.90 Leggett’s Service Station, Edith McNelly, Salary, Matron 45.00 C. E. Wisti, labor____ ."._____ 1030 Earl Littrell Supply Co., ma­ gasoline ...... 4.48 DEMENT 8c LAIRD, the 10th day of January, 1938. 18.00 Jessie Collier, Salary, Cook .... 50.00 Geo, A. Rice, tabor____ __ Harry A. Stack Attorneys for Plaintiff, with resi­ terial .............. ......... .......... .... 49.91 Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas C. J. Martell, tabor .... ....... 90.40 Of attorneys for Plaintiff. C. L. Collier, Salary, Farm­ and oil _________________ 1460.57 dence and postoffice address at Myr­ 17.94 — 77.40 J. A. Lamb Co., material ___ hand ...... ............. .. ............... First National Bank Building. 40 00 Bob Ziegler, tabor It5 Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies 41.10 A. B Daly 8c Co., supplies ... 84.57 tle Point. Oregon. Henry Mailloux, tabor ___ 21.68 Grace Miller, Salary, Waiterl 30.00 John A. Roebling’s Sons, sup­ Coquille. Oregon. Harley Willlett, hauling WPA IN THE COUNTY OOUET OF THE Glenn Horton, tabor _____ 10.80 Date of first publication: January Arthur Anderson. Salary, Or­ plies ______—........... 12131 meh .......................... ...........„J 7.00 STATE OF OREGON IN AND 5730 derly ...................................... 30.00 Glenn Horton, labor_____ Pure Iron Culvert 8c Mfg. Co., 13, 1938. Eugene Scofield, hauling WPA FOR the COUNTY OF 0008 Chas. Wagner, tabor .......... 18.00 Date of last publication: February Jim Williamson, Salary Night­ culvert pipe _____ _______ 111.19 men .............. ........................ 8.00 10.80 watch .... ............... . .............. Beall Pipe & Tank Corp., cul­ 10, 1938._____________________ 53t5 10.97 F. J. McKean, tabor _____ Axle Erickson, royalty on In the Matter of the Estate of John Ralph Davis, labor_______ 8.00 Fred Paulus, Salary, Night­ vert pipe ............................... 282.78 gravel __________________ 1.40 N. Bowman, Deceased. A. W. Cray, tabor ............. 4.00 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE watch ................... .............. Oregon Timber Operators, ta ­ 9.03 8.40 Notice te Creditera 66.00 A. Barrows, royalty on gravel STATE OF OREGON IN AND Reta Horton, Salary, Nurse .. 69.00 A. Z. Stokes, tabor ............. bor 6c material on Bridge .... 500.00 C. Randall, royalty on Notice is hereby given that the Arlyn Barklow, tabor___ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS 90.00 C. gravel Lilly Burkheimer, Salary, Consolidated Freight Line«, .............. _.................... 1.80 undersigned has been duly appoint­ 83.60 Special Nurse ______ ___ freight ........ 35.32 ed Administratrix of the Estate of 64.50 Everett Richards, tabor __ In the Matter of the Estate of Frank Lawrence Barkdoll, labor 103.40 Frank Morris, use of truck Cooe Bay Logging Co« lumber 210.18 ^Rrfff^ 8 * 6 ’ U>e Oi tFUC * C tor hauling gravel .... 12.00 John N. Bowman, deceased, I and all E. Grove, Deceased. Mike Boone, tabor _______ 28.00 o__ ______ gravel.. 2730 Coos Bay Lumber Co., lumber 131.81 persons having claims agaii Inst said Notice of Filing at Final Account John Humphreys, use of truck 11930 Elmer Cluck, tabor ______ 74.00 F. D. Fish, royalty on Kruse 6c Banks, ship spikes estate are hereby notified^ tl„ ___ that they Notice is hereby given that the un­ M. G. Buel, tabor ________ 52.00 H. W. Kelley, Jiauling gravel. 41.00 for Relief ...... ........... . .......... 8c washers __ ___ —........ 22.80 are required to present same duly Raipu Gibbs, Ties lie, aw for luiveii culvert 9.00 dersigned has filed his Final Ac­ Cooe County Farm, Food used 89.50 Tom Lawhorn, tabor ____ 113.00 Ralph J. A. Montgomery, used drift Tom Hayes, royalty on gravel 930 verified, with proper vouchers there­ count in the matter of the adminis­ 86.00 on farm ....... ..... ......... ........ 41.00 Henry Franson, tabor____ bolts ____ _____________ _ 40.00 for. to the undersigned at the taw tration of the Estate of Frank E. Drs. Richmond & Hamilton, Vic Demarest, tabor _ __ _ 79.40 Rees Daniels, royalty on grav­ J. A. Montgomery, used drift el ............................................ 2430 office of Harry A. Stack in Coquille, Grove, deceased, and the County Chas. Randall, tabor _____ 55.20 professional services ........... bolts ............ ......... . .............. 98 00 Cooe County, Oregon, within six Albert Powers, royalty on Court for Cooe County, Oregon, has J. E. Ford & Co., Inc., meets 90.00 J. W. Dye, tabor....... . ........ 113.00 .79 months from the date of this notice. gravel ___________ __ ____ 30.78 Farr 8c Elwood, powder 8c caps set Friday, the 11th day of February, G. A. Lindbloom, dried prunes 54.42 J. L. Lea, tabor...... . ........... 113.00 __ ____ _______ _____ 20.00 4.00 Farr 8c Elwood, powder 8c caps 29.79 C. T. Wilkinson, use of team Dated this 13th. day of January, 1938, at the hour of 10 A. M., as Pioneer M. C. Miller, labor ...... .. ..... 113.00 Grocery Co., groceries 214.79 Smith Wood-Products, Inc., " 1938. the day, and the County Court Room r" J. K. Baker, labor ........ ..... 113.00 Wayne Woodward, use of Western States Grocery Co., lumber ...~. ------------ 199.03 truck ........ ?................. . ........ 49.79 Marion Bowman Zener in the County Court House at Co­ 133.00 groceries ... .......................... . 13.40 Lawrence Dorland, labor ... Smith Wood-Products, Administratrix of the Estate of quille, Coos County, Oregon, as the Ideal Bakery, bread _______ Theron Loahbaugh, tabor .. 58.00 R. J. Steinlechner, use of 25.80 lumber ---------------------------- 10.18 truck ...................................... 18.00 John N. Bowman, Deceased. place of hearing objections to said Coos Feed 6c Seed Stores, Orville Buel, tabor ____ _ 85.00 F. A. Robb, expense trip to Harry A. Stack Final Account and the settlement of 40.00 Davis Hardware Co., material 27.79 ground com __________ ..... 28.05 Geo. Landrith, tabor _____ 9.40 Salem ..................... - ........ ,_... Attorney for Administratrix said estate. Elwin Alford, tabor _ ____ 57.00 Isler Sheet Metal Works, Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs, F. S. Slover Co., stumping gravel chute ........................ 10.80 First National Bank Building, Dated this 10th day of January, 70.40 etc. ......... .......... ............. ........ 38.71 R. B. Howe, labor _______ powder ------------- -- ------------ 799.00 Coquille, Oregon. . 27.20 53t5 1938. Henry Weathers, tabor ...... 62.00 L. E. Barklow, truck hire_ Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, drugs, Howard Cooper Corp., ma ­ ............... -r............. ............. ............ 1.00 Harry A. Stack 32.50 Elmer Steen, filing saws ___ etc. ............ .......... ................... 1802 L. L. Miller, tabor__ _ ___ terial ______________ — 1027.14 .......................... "■ .............................. Moore Mill 8t Lumber Co., the Will Administrator with „__ ____ ___ .. An- . The Hub, clothing 8c blankets R. B. Howe, tabor ________ 4.00 lumber __ __ ____________ 279.81 Busterud Lumber Co., lumber. nexed of the Estate of Frank E. Hands Shoe Store, shoes 8c re­ 295.70 Albert Christensen, tabor .... 58.00 Bridge Fund ................... ...... Grover McQuigg, used row 53t9 Grove, Deceased. C. T. Howell, tabor ............ 40.00 pair ...... . ........... ................. . 10.70 boat ------ ---- ______..... ........ 14.00 Orchard Auto Parts Co., auto 4.00 J. C. Penney 8t Co., clothifig .... 20.53 A. M. Middleton, tabor___ supplies, Gen. Rds. --------- 34.47 NOTICE TO CREDITORS 58.00 J. W. & J. R. Hillstrom. rock J. A. Lamb Co., Hardware .... 8.41 Grant Weathers, tabor ___ hauled from Quarry .... ___ 41132 L. H. Pierce, auto supplies .. 18.58 Notice is hereby given that the un­ Duro Test Corporation, lamps 22.98 Ed Barnikoff, tabor 48.40 Hullnf, Lundy 8c Sons, ma­ dersigned has been duly appointed Coquille Service Station, auto • uu Ed nwinawij, Abernathy, lauvi labor ................ 29.60 Pacific Motor Transport Co., 3.09 terial _________ __________ freight ..._ ..... ... ....... ..... ...... 737 by the County Court for Cooe Coun­ Local and Long Distance ■ nt James Kroc, tabor...... ....... .... 52.00 supplies ......... r. F. S. Slover Co., powder ___ 43.13 ty, Oregon, aa administrator of the Schroeder Bros. STATE OF OREGON 1 Harold Ziegler, tabor _____ 113.00 Mortuary, Robert Rook, taking stumps estate of Anna M. Wilcox, deceased, County of Coos: as. -------------- 8830 funeral—Dill & Johnson .... W OO Sye Davis, labor 8c rock out -------------------- - 19.00 and all persons having claims i Chps. Thomas, labor _______ 77.20 I, L. W. Oddy,. County Clerk of Cannery against said estate are hereby re­ Mary Weekly, tabor —..... — 21 60 Wm. Josephson, tabor _____ 7280 State Ind. Acc. Commission, Insurance ________ _ ___ 499.47 Cooe County, Oregon, and ex-officio quired to present them to me with Gtadya Cox, tabor ........:__ 83 60 Sam Franson, tabor ...... ........ clerk of the County Court of said 21 60 proper vouchers attached and duly Gertrude Finley, tabor ........... 19.20 B. H. BarkdoU, tabor ______ 80 00 Stian Smith, boat hire tor footman ______ «.____ 22.00 County and state do hereby certify verified at the office of O. C. Sanford, J. L. Finley, tabor .......... ........ 1930 I Frank Morris, labor _______ 6.00 that the foregoing is a statement attorney, in Coquille, Oregon, with­ Jasper Yoakam, Beef .......... . 243.04 Coll McLean, tabor ___ ____ 93.00 Mill “B” Builders Supply Co« of the amount of bills allowed by the lumber ______ _________________ — ___ _ ___ 106.87 in six months from the date of this American Can Co., cans 8c tops 116.44 Jack Muggy, tabor .... . .......... 7800 Co.,, creosote erwsvic 1935 county court at the regular Jan­ notice. Frank Heller, tabor ________ 34.00 W. P. Fuller & Co.„ uary, 1938, term thereof, as the Pacific Motor Transport Co., Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub­ oquil Dated and published first time De­ same appears on the exhibits of freight on cans_ ___ _____ 7.80 O. P. JStnitii, labor_________ 7Y00 lishing lishf notice, XGen. Rds. .90 cember 23, 1937. .50 Lester Hater, tabor ___ _____ claims in my office and custody. Indtaento City of BQrUe Point, water .._ 15.00 Grant E. Wilcox, Alva Hater, tabor __ _______ .50 WITNESS my hand and seal of Administrator of the Estate of Busy Comer Grocery, gro- s Gus McCulloch, tabor.... ...... 1430 Coquille Service Station, tires 90.92 the County Court affixed this * -------- ceries for Esther Pack ...... Central Transfer Co., freight .60 2.00 Bill Thompason, tabor Anna M. Wilcox, deceased. 16.00 1938. 12th day of Jan O. C. Sanford, Attorney for Ad- Coquille Hotel, meals for In­ 24.00 Staney Powell, labor ............ L. W. , County Clerk Geo. F. Burr Motor Co., auto digent! .................................. SOtS minis trator. J. W. Powell, tabor________ 8.00 supplies ___________ — By J. W. Deputy Rooms 1 A 2 Farm«» A Merchants Bank Bldg ------------— Phon» TT-------- '------ _ Coquille, Oregon »■ PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT - ■ • M',Bb She: Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co « i I 1 I 4 I ■■ HAUUNG COAL, FUEL OIL and MILL WOOD I * i !; ••V * I 1 tn 9 J i- ■ ».