The Sentinel ÎALE in historij! BIG PRICE REDUCTIONS Relief from the ever increasing tax load being imposed upon property owners was urged by county officials attending a meeting of the interim on everq car in our qreat JANUARY CLEARANCE SALE! SPECIAL—1934 CHEVROLET 157 in DUAL TRUCK- <¿13 5 Motor completely overhauled. New tires. New Paint. W aw yOU* ■MW wüâi ’iÂÿ tx* “if Phipps, former county judge of Was­ co county, told the commission^ •‘Road funds and other functions just as important as social security are being necessarily curtailed in order ALL MAKES • ALL MODELS • USED CARS AND (RUCKS • EASY TERMS SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS MYRTLE COQUILLE CEASE TO HATE "An excellent thought, the highest type of constructice thinking, is contained in the following editorial ---■4 - . Patrons of the statp library are be­ coming more serious-minded in their reading in the opinicti of Miss Har- on the west aide. The first three of these proposals involve the purchase of old buildings and their recondi­ tioning to meet the needs of the state. Lloyd’s Inc., has offered to donate a site on the east side and to accept three per cent certificates of indebt­ edness in financing construction of a two story modern office building 200 by 200 feet. The Elks Temple has been offered the state for $890,000 including the cost of remodeling the structure. Agents for the Board of Trade building, an 11-story office structure, have offered this property together with an adjacent 100 by 100 foot lot for a total coat of $625,000, this figure to cover the cost of nec­ essary alterations to the building. Preliminary petitions - BANDON«. POINT — — Chronic Illness---- ------» (Oregon State Board of Health) Much has been accomplished to­ ward the betterment of public health in Oregon during 1937. Constant vigilance has been exercised over public water supplies and the state has been free from epidemics of wa­ ter borne disease. Special efforts have been put forth to safeguard the health of mothers and infants. Local health departments have been great­ ly strengthened through the organ­ ization of country units on a whole time basis. The reporting and man­ agement of communicable diseases has been more complete. Aggressive measures have been started to lessen the ravages of venereal diseases. Plans to bring cancer, diabetes and pneu- for a new m o nir under effective control have was opposed» to centralization and regimentation in those matters that concern the individual alone. Today, men call themselves “liberals”* who support every crackpot scheme to make the individual a parasitic growth on the general public. They now call these schemes “social legis­ lation.” The dictionary is,- however, still a good guide in defining one word, and that is individualist. There is no mistaking what that word means. It means an independent man, two words haled by all Communists, Fascists and reactionary liberals and Socialists. A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor and dealer, 274 Second St.. Coquille. Complete stock of wiring supplies Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist , Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch Laird Building Phone 82-3 Ceqaille The newly created department of geology and mineral industries has already grubstaked prospectors to a total of $20,000, according to a report to Governor Martin. The 1937 act creating the board authorizes grub­ stakes up to a maximum of $50 on condition that the loan be repaid with interest if the miners make a “strike.” * Huddle Transfer Local & Long Distant HAULING Moving a Specialty coal Phone 178-L Insured Carrier