COQUILLE STORES Savings for Friday & Sat., 21 & 22 Store 469 Phone 122 LUX SOAP WHITE KING Lg. Pkg. THE SEASON’S GREATEST SHOWING OF 35c SALAD RAISINS SEEDLESS CARNATION OATS —- rts SCOTT TOWELS JELL WELLES BOBIN HOOD BEANS Reds or White "U n PANCAKE Coupon Coupon APRICOTS CRISCO FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES APPLES ™ CABBAGE ™ ORANGES Z POTATOES County School Newa from Mrs. Martha Mulkey’s Office BACON SQUARES» 15c BEEF ROAST X.» 12’/2c DILL PICKLES „5c SHORTENING»™, "Manhattan Melodrama" Back For Return Engagement at Liberty Sunday, Monday, Tuesday Powell have appeared in the same piAure. The story is a fast-moving melodrama of New York life, with Gable as a big-shot gambler, pow­ erful and dramatic figure in the city’s demi-world. Powell, as the district attorney, his life-long friend, is called upon to prosecute him for murder. Bandon; Miss Velma Austin, Myrtle Point; Miss Anita Pafeler, Coquille, and Miss Emma Lou Watson, Catch­ ing Inlet, Marshfield. Jack Cramer at Eugene Hi Edythe Farr, a senior in music at the University of Oregon, was re­ cently honored by being initiated into Phi Lamba Theta, national edu­ cational honorary sorority. Giving a very interesting speech at the initia­ tory banquet about the educational systepi of Australia was Dr. J. F. Cramer, superintendent of Eugene city schools “Jack” Cramer, as he is known to his many friends in Co­ quille, recently completed his work for his doctor's degree by spending a year of research work on education in Australia. Jack was principal of Coquille high school while Edythe was a student here. Photo Finishing Portraiture Picture Framing Commercial Photography Le Mille Studio Coquille father.. Mn O. H. Iverson Frank M. Iverson Card of Thanks We wish to thank the many friends who sent flowers and kind expres­ sions of sympathy and understanding at the time of the passing of our dear Helen Bee. Mrs. May Sanders and Louise May Mrs. Annie Lund and family. 1’t take chances on old-fashioned lies or surface remedies. Take >xine, the famous internal throat