- ¿•.y. I r i.Xi'-y.? ■; ■' is > ■ ■■ I ■5 __ _______ „____ ___________________ UJt, ORBOON, TPURSIM _______________ i- I —-i-.'.. '■ m Red Devils Lose First tS* 28-24 01 i ay 4> . ■ ; ' ‘Si 1 ■ 4 T.’ T y 'Y- The sui prise of last night’s great ■ wrestling card at the Coquille Com­ ; munity Building was not in the main < event between Al Szasz and Jack Lipscomb. What really brought the < capacity crowd to its feet and kept! < there Jor a while was the flashy j it performance turned in by Indian Yaqul Joe, of Sonora, Mexico, and Irish Pat O’Dowdy, of Boston. Yaqui Joe demonstrated the most powerful legs ever seen on a wrestler i appearing in Coquille. The first time he clamped those long legs on i O'Dowdy the latter required about | five minutes of frantic tugging to re­ lease himself. From then on the | Bostonian tried to keep away from Yaqui’s legs. O’Dowdy took the first fall of the match after 12 minutes of rip-snori­ ng tussling. He dusted off the In­ dian’s whiskers about six times to •et the fall. I There was fire in the Sonora man’s x»l black eyes when he returned for the second fall. Then the below-the- Rio Grande boy annexed with as 1 neat a piece of strategy as has been jeen in this ring As the Irisher ap­ plied a heidlock Joe hurled his man into the rope an'd hooked him with a flying scissors hold as he bounced off of the rope. In the third fall the mdian’s powerful legs were again jrought into play when he took the deciding tumble after 14 minute« Tuesda y n'ght in the Coquille Community building, the Red Devils lost their op rung league game to a thong Myrtle Point five by the score 4 24 to Che winners opened the coiing m Uu: u.sl period with a luah .ial bi ought them seven points be- ore Coquille had scored one. Here ne Red Devils "zone” defense began o click and Fuhrman started the of- nsive drive by caging three shots a a row. Both teams played steady ■all in tlie second period and the ..ortboard showed 14 to 10 for Myr- le Point at the half. starting the second half the Red ■nd White “zone’ grew tighter and he scoring moved slowly with De- aent and Cook scoring for the Wild­ au to end the third period at 19 to <7 for Myrtle Point The last period nought thrills and chillis as the ead changed hands and the game :rew rougher. Coquille was leading .4 to 22 with two minutes to go, but ne Wildcats got possession of the >all and “potted” a couple of shots o take the lead and stall till the final gun. In the opening game the Coquille babes” looked good as they downed tfyrtle Point’s **B” squad 21 to 20.. Lineups Joqullle Myrtle Point iailcy 3 Bowker 1 towel 9 Billings 6 'uhrman 8 Dement 6 Joodman 4 Cook 9 HM 4 Three Divorces Granted gp^rfy ynlik* Driving—Watch Hill Crests f'- Three divorces were granted by Judge Brand in circuit court Tues­ day, to Geo. S. Davis Separating him front Jsarrettr E.DavH 'TrT'Byrbn B, Staling from Elsie K Staling, and to Viva Hughes from Chas. Hughes. -------- T — Seel j CourageEag.e the Tyro’eee huntei wears tufts I eagle’s down in his hat to gain he eagle’s keen sight "and courugo. , ■ ggaa The Less Said About Lipscomb the Better i . llj — .--Jwar'Mmmu-1L-U'sjux.- 1 a X. » , 5? H'- ft La^Lf '*;? I , The First Swallow will tell yoo • • • ■ ¡A' ' . J ... -About tbs«üj .waj /»’Jlsw taHi» i» jbusl a bottle of Hop Gold for yourself and see What you think. Will you do that? r.» - . -—------- -------------- nlm. Everything was different now • however, she reminded hers/”, pressing the little note in liar sleeve. Harry noticed the sigh and looked annoyed. He felt her preoccupa­ tion. She invited him to take one of the most comfortable chairs and then poured tea for him and passed cakes ^uj thefkw»* little joy in the ceremony. He asked her whether she would go out to supper with him and take a walk. "How about jt, Mary?" he asked. Dear Neighbor Vi ARY sighed a little wanly. **I am sorry, Harry,” she said with her becoming shrug. “If there's someone else,” he said, sullenly, “you might introduce him to me. I can put up a pretty good fight.” "You have no right to talk that 7 ,■>■■- *•' haven’t. You------ ” But she did not finish for it was then that a rather fateful knock came at the door that - • gave Mary an opportunity, to rush into the little hall She opened the door and a toll, rather plain young woman of thirty, stepped in. She held out a large, well-groomed hand "I’m so glad to meet you. Little Neighbor.” she' said. “So—so you're Dear Neighbor,** said Mary valiantly. . “I'm not quite what you expected" to see?” she asked. "Just exactly.” said Mary with a little trilly laugh After much discussing of plans it was agreed that Mary and Harry should take their walk, while Dear Neighbor went back to her little apartment to make a salad and a batch of muffins, and then they should all have supper together In her wee apartment. "If there's someone else," Harry said when they had reached the se­ clusion of the park. “I want to meet him.” "Why, Harry," said Mary, “why Harry, there isn’t anyone. If there was, would you care?”- • “Don’t ask me.” said Harry. "Don’t you see how I feel?" “If you mean that you want to be engaged to me. I don’t think ypu are saying it very nicely." "Do I have to say it, MaryT” he asked, putting his arms around her in the darkness. "No," she whispered. a Total of 114 Issues CQÖ? ■ r i . c Here’s What You Get! McCall’s Magazine Pictorial Review - Woman’s World - Good Stories - - • The Country Home The Farm Journal Coquille Valley Sentinel All Seven For One Year $3= r A EV', I Iw. USE THIS COUPON AND SAVE 1225 COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL COQUILLE, OREGON SB ‘ Date_____ Yes, indeed, I want to accept your four magagine offer before it ie withdrawn. Enclosed is A8.00 in FULL PAYMENT for a ONE C“ YEAR’S subscription, new or renewal, to the following seven publication«: COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL 1 year GOOD STORIES............................... 1 year MCCALL’S MAGAZINE - . - 1 year COUNTRY HOME........................... 1 year PICTORIAL REVIEW .... 1 year THE FARM JOURNAL - w-4- - 1 year WOMAN’S WORLD.......................1 year BM- r*4. My name is Address Town _____ State nays, the sight of the neat Red Cross signs indicating a first aid station has a psychological effect upon the ! driver who may be inclined to take chan«*« end set him to thinking why these stations are established, Mr. Haggard said. He also expressed the opinion that eventually all highways in the United States will be lined with such first aid stations, located two or three miles apart To train the personnel who will be in charge of such stations a first aid course is to be given in Coquille in the near future. The general pub­ lic is invited to take this course which will be conducted by a local doctor, and which will be for both men and women. Anyone wishing further informa­ tion on the subject can secure it from either Fire Chief Frank Schram or R. L. Stewart A •VA’’5' to. Bb . -V. - SHORT SHORT STORY Ï1 ■ . . A _ A«k Ned C. Kelley tor rates on Fire Insurance Keys made for all locks. Stevens Cash Hardware. Coquille. Ore Completo in This Issue as you are, and what’s more Dear Neighbor hasn’t said he was in love with me. When he knows me it may never occur to him to want to marry me. Only, of course, I can’t encourage Harry when I’m writing every day to another man—not long letters or anything but enough to call a correspondence." Paula left soon after, assuring Mary that she certainly was lucky to have two men fighting for her. Before Mary had cleared away the yellow-glazed tea things that Sunday afternoon Harry arrived. He was tall, well built and certainly well dressed. Mary felt for * mo­ ment that it would not have >•••, difficult at ail to engage hersea to Gano Funeral Home Phone 100 Coqnilk, Ore. Ambulance Service ■ "1 : : -it1 ■ :> - J * -■ ■'/?'*/. ;.î’i • “ • # T------- (Continued from Page One; • * Designed Many Churche» The number of Ixtrxjon churches with courtesy tags, requesting a designed by Sir Chri|tooher Wren, compliance with the city ordinances. ■ famous architect, was fifty-five. J. E. Norton believed that the or­ ----------- .—,!■»{ |. !.y•’ ' dinance should be left as it is, but There is a popular song entitled “Ono Never Tnows.” its enforcement should be accom­ T: e Word ••Teton" apropos of driving at hill craats One never knows what lies just Xr the erest. The road may be dear or can may be piled up la The word "teton” is a contraction panied by good judgment and hone By IANZ OSBORN C McClure Newspaper Syndicate. of the Indian word titonwan mean­ sense on the part of the city offi­ a bad accident The Sportsman'iko Driver always slows down when WMU m rview ing ’ dwellers on tlie prairie.” approaching a “Hind” hill crest. I cers. _____ ---------------------------------- A A.A. SAFETY. F EATUR E S “It. A. Slack expressed the opinion "IF I had a suitor like Harry * 1 Tate. Tate, I can tell vnu you T I wnulrin't wouldn't First Number Drawn in ' ft that the strict enforcement of the ■ .j' ...... The first number r drawn n the keep him waiting for an answer,'* — ” , L ” psusuu* rnw aiiu UIC OMVUlUdjr Illglll parking law and the Saturday night Man's f!or»e->av. er lea Tas.si G-sy .Maa ■ JnitedStatM in the World um tf-qf» 4x cluling u driving business Paula Gage announced, sitting there A man of ISO rounds can exert- ■vas 2S8. Since the blending of teas is an away from Coquille that formerly in Mary’s, little sitting-room drink­ ■ne-eighth hotsepuwer. A pigeon of art. a tea tester, or tea expert. Alls ing tea from one of Mary’s yellow he same weight would exert three an important place in preparing tea came bore. glazed cups. “Why, the Tates have nrsepower for the market. Calltns carri» Ml for II no A. N. Gould objected seriously to all sorts of money and Harry knows giving the outside visitor more park­ every body.’’ ing privileges than were granted local Mary smiled a little sadly, people who pay taxes and have shrugged her graceful little shoul­ helped make Coquille what it is to­ ders, and said nothing. She wanted day. - her reasons for not encouraging Everyone present was called upon Harry, yet she did not want to for his views on the subject and the come out boldly and tell her that resulting talks brought out some new Harry had a rival. and many old ideas for handling » "ft's all so indefinite and—and ro­ traffic problems, but all were of the mantic,” Mary said, laying her right opinion that people should not be of­ hand on her left arm where the let­ fended—made sore—by having to ter reposed. "You see I haven’t answer a summons; people from out­ even seen him. He lives in the next apartment, and, of course, he hasn’t side Coquille, that is. any money. He works on a paper Before adjournment Mr. Harring­ and does writing at home. I hear ton told what the city council hopes his typewriter. And he must have to do to increase parking space in talent because he Writes the most L Coquille, the Improvement in the wonderful letters.” t center of Willard street, the setting D AULA expressed her surprise t ■ back to the sidewalk lines of the 1 that Mary received letters from curbs on Hall and Second streets, and this man she had never even seen I the creation of a parking lot back of and Mary gladly explained. Once I the Legion headquarters and tennis when Mary had gone away for the IK, 1 e week-end, her neighbor had bor­ wB MM. courts in Myrtle Grove park. L a .—-2 rowed her Sunday paper which had Dr. Milne's suggestion that the city been left out at her door. She found arrange for a free parking lot as near it the next day all nicely folded with the center of town as possible was a note addressed “Dear Neighbor,” another one which may be worked and signed "Neighbor.” Then once 12 Issues i out. when he went away for the week-end That the council will be influenced she had taken the milk that was left 12 Issues in their future consideration of the in front of his door, and she had parking problem by the free expres­ written to thank him for it, and now 12 Issues they wrote back and forth almost sion of opinions given at the cham­ every day. She even made fudge ber of commerce meeting is certain. and left it for him at his door, and • 12 Issues The councilmen’s only desire is to he had left her some cakes and administer the city’s affairs as the once some wild flowers. 12 Issues general public of the city wishes “Well, that is romantic,*' said them to. Paula. "So he sent you some wild 12 Issues J — flowers and a Tew cakes, while Har­ ry sends you American beauty roses Two Red Cross First Aid 52 issues / and five-pound boxes of candy!” Stations in the Valley “Harry never sent me roses but REGULAR VALUE $525—YOU SAVE $2.25 once, and the candy was for Christ­ (Continued from Page One) mas. Besides, I’m not so mercenary Bach for One Year •• ' * Business Men Ask Lenient Parking Law Enforcement ,L- : É wtoidn k—fltfir mmv « first and last tumble in 19 minute« and five minutes respectively to_win the match. Szasz took the middle fall with his powerful leg clutch hold. In the prelim Ace Freeman bested Sailor SutherUmd in two . straight___ falls. The next card has been announced for Wednesday, January 19. .................... W" ■ t . Zy ■ •*’ . ikW