The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 23, 1937, Page 8, Image 8

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    the following
prêtent: Mn. 'Junior Women’s Club
Gluh Notes and Other
L. E. Neal, Mrs. Edna Earlywine and
Social Activities children, Mrs. Perkins, Mrs. Carral
Fred Astaire has two new dancing
partners in his current RKO Radio
romantic comedy, “A Damsel in Dis­
tress,”—George Burns and Grade
Allen, which opens at the Liberty on
’Among the legion of radio fans who
listen to George and Grace, there are
probably few who realize how adept
they are at dancing.
before the comics became one of
the top radio attractions, they were
a .^popular vaudeville team, and a
dibice routine was part ot their act.
For the current picture, they dug
their dancing shoes out of the trunk,
and prepared two comedy routines
with the maestro of terpsichore, Fred
Astaire. One is a whisk-broom rou­
ting done in the living room of an
English manor house, and the Other
takes place in a Crazy House at an
amusement park.
Grade and George have co-starred
rc^s in a cast that includes Joan
Foqtaine, Ray Noble, Reginald Gar­
dner, Harry Watson, Montagu Love,
Constance Collier and others.
Mrs. O. T. Gant entertained her
bridge club Tuesday evening. The
members also had their Christmas
exchange. The house looked lovely
with a beautiful Christmas tree,
holly and candles. Contract bridge
was played, Mrs. Walter Litzenberg-
er winning high score and travelling
prize. Delicious refreshments were
served by the hostess to the fallow­
ing members: Mesdames D. B. Estes,
Julius Ruble, Walter Litzenberger,
T. S. Stevens, E. A. Walker, J. E.
Axtell, Paul Trojel, and Kenneth
Miss Audrey Taylbr entertained
with a lovely party at her home on
Heath street Tuesday afternoon. The
house was attractively decorated
with a large Christmas tree, holly
and other Yuletide trimmings. Games
were enjoyed throughout the after­
noon, followed by a Christmas ex­
Delicious refreshments
were served by the hostess to the
following friends: Misses Marilyn
Compton, Mary Lou Nosier, Lorraine
and Beatrice Sanders, Bonnie Gage,
Eileen Kendall, Eileen Percy, Jean
5; Eight Divorces Granted
Nye, Carolyn Perrott, George and
Eight divorcee w e re granted by
Lucille Sherwood, Maxine Knight,
Brand in circuit court here
Frances Sullivan and Dorothy Ma-
f, to the plaintiffs in the fol-
«0 W
Helvie and Shirley, Mrs. Myra Ball
and her sister, Mrs. Clark, from Cald­
well, Idaho, who is making Mrs.
Ball a visit, after not having seen
her for thirty-five yean.
The usual devotional! were held,
also a very interesting account of
the missions in Korea was given by
Mrs. L. E.Neal, the president, after
which t very dainty refreshments
were served by the hostess.
next I meeting will be held at the
home of Mrs. Carrol Helvie on Dec.
The losing side of the Loyal Wom­
en’s Class of the Church of Christ
entertained the winning side Tuesday
evening in the church parlors. All
sorts of games were played, followed
by a Christmas exchange and deli­
cious Christmas refreshments. Those
present were: Mesdames C. Williams,
Earl Downing, Mary Dalton, V. L.
Bailey, W. H. Wimer, Aaron Wilson,
M. O. Hooton, Davidson, Ed Aasen,
Henry Cardwell, Julian Gregory,
Fred Schaer, A. N. Foley, Gus Mc­
Cullough, Geo. Matney, Cal Young,
C. C. Farr, C. V. Gobel, John Wil-
mark, Willard Sloan, L. E. Alexan­
der, Ione Billings and Miss Jennie
B. P. W. Christmas Party
The Junior Women’s Club enter­
tained the Bandon club with a
lovely Christmas partyi!T*the Guild
Hall Monday evening.
The hall
looked beautiful with a Christmas
tree and other attractive Yuetide
decorations. The festivities started
with delightful refreshments at eight
o’clock, the individual tables looking
most atttractive with white candles
tied with re* ribbons and favors at
each plate. While at the tables,
Ethel Whited presented one
pupils, •• Marianne
being fol­
lovely ballet dance;
tap dances
lowed by two in
Marshfield pupils.
by two of
Contract ,
dge and other games
were’ then played interspersed with
a delightful Christmas reading, “The
Chimes,” by Mrs. Wm. Barrow and
a lovely trio, “The Hedy Seasons,” by
Mrs. Harold Gould, Miss Rose Naef
and Miss Catherine Barker. Mrs. D.
G. McEniry won high score at con­
tract bridge and Mrs. Wm. Barrow,
second. Miss Blanche Sandon won
high score at hearts and Mrs. Doris
Sayre, second. Other small prizes
were given.
After cards, a very fuhny but at­
tractive Santa, with sleighbells jing­
ling, arrived with a big bag of gifts
for everyone The singing of Christ­
mas carols by all rounded out a per-
Christmas Program Tonight
The Bible school of the Church of
Christ will present its annual
mas program tonight (
t Joys,”
A pageant, “The Three
that includes
win be given by a
and students of the
the church c
portray the Innkeep-
per’s Wife, Mary, Jo-
the Shepherds, Kings, Pages,
the Speakers, Village Chil­
dren, Ann, Bill, Marie, Jaok, Young
Man. Young Woman, Visitor, Soldier,
Sailor, Red Cross Nurse, and Angels.
The program begins a 7:30 p. m.
St James’ Episcopal Church
Cor. 3rd and Elliott Streets
Revd. George R. Turney, Vicar
Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th — 11:30
p. m.—Choral Eucharist and Address.
Christmas Day, Dec. 25th — 10:00
A. M.—Holy Communion (said).
St Stephen, Martyr—Dec. 26th ....
8 a. m.—Omitted.
10:15 a. m.—Holy Communion.’
11:00 A. M.—Christmas Service—
Morning Prayer, Ante-Communion
and Sermon.
Firat Church of Christ, Scientist
Coqullle, Oregon
Sunday School at 9:30 a. m.
The Pioneer Methodist Church
Howard L. Graybeal, Pastor
Sunday School at IQ a. m. Orville
Newton, Supt.
Church Service at 11 a. m. Sermon,
‘Results ot Following-.Christ.”
Evening Service at 7:30 p. m. Ser­
mon, “The Greatest Believer—Abra­
Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. La-
Velle Dale, president.
Church of Christ
East Fourth St at Coulter
Earl F. Downing, Minister
Bible School, 9:45 a. m.
Morning service, 11:00 a. m. Spe­
cial music, “The Search of the Magi,”
men’s chorus. Sermon, “The Other
Side of Christmas.”
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.
Evening evangelistic service, 7:30
p. m. Special music, “Ring Holy
Bells.” Sermon, “The Hardest Thing
in the World to Be.”.
Midweek service and annual meet­
ing, Friday, Dec. 31.
Church of God
Corner Seventh and Henry Sts.
L. E. Neal, Pastor
Sunday school, 10 a.,m.
Preaching at 11:00 a. m. and 7:45
p. m
& party Women’s Christmas party was held commit! ee for this splend Jlu
Subject for next Sunday, “Christian given at the church Thursday eve­
Goldie •Miller vs, Chas. M. MiUer. sewing cl
and exchange Tuesday evening at in the parlors of the Pioneer church Mesdames Geo. McClellan, F. H. Science.”
ning at 7:45 p. m., December 23.
Victor Harvell vs. Cara Harvell.
her home on First St.
The house Monday evening with Mrs. Margarita Ridenour and Verrill McCurdy.
Wednesday evening meeting at 8
Archie L. Strong vs. Elma R.
----- ----------------------------------------------- ---------------
Brodie- -end Miao Inez Rover- in | Tho s e p resen t from. . Bandon .were:.,
Methodist Episcopal Church -
St Ophbr Perdue v». TBtancftt -Perdue. s c h em a ot ailvec-a nd h lu e . K n i tt i n g c h a r ga. . „Xh». r oo m s, -were—prettily
FÍro pubïic ffeadlhg Room open In ~
poaching 7:30 p.
and chatting occupied the evening decorated with a Christmas tree and Mabel Brown, Beulah Panter, May Church Building every Tuesday and
Dorothy Nichols vs. Rudy Nichols.
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.
red candles. Mrs. Ruth Beyeyrs led
Friday afternoons except holidays m.
Nellie Reynolds vs.'Lawarerice B-
served by the hostess to the following the group in the singing of Christmas stenberg, Frances Rice, Doris Sayre, from two to five o’clock.
Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­
carols. All sorts of games were
The public is cordially invited to eryone welcome.
Clements vs. Harold Cle-
Jack Hultin, Sue Cooper, Lola Olson, enjoyed and then gifts were wrapped lind McKnight, June Jacobs, Evelyn attend our services and to visit the
G. A. Gray, Pastor
Jennie Taylor, Helen Gamblin, Tress for the Children’s Farm Home at Fogle, Lucy Jacobs, Birdie Jacobsen Reading Room.
Cacker, Adolph Malthu, Gertrude Corvallis. Twenty dollars worth of and Evelyn Warde. Other guests and
Coquille Tabernacle
Huhtala, Grace Hatcher,
Perna gifts were sent. A delightful Christ- members were: Dorothy I"
1>LlWy Na«.« Çatholiç Church. . •** serona ama riefftn streets
■ Brogtr, Clyde Minard, and Misses irflrrTMrsa Wfflrk' righted can?K,'cin­
Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m.;
Rev.- R. D. E. Smith, minister
Schroeder.were members of the dis- Slgrid Davis and Perna Kight.
namon cookies, candy canes and cof­ Mesdames Dennis Waggoner, W. E. 2nd and 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.
banded-W. R. C. who attended the
fee were served. Exchange of gifts Spangler, Harold McCue, D. G. Mc-
Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a.
Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m.
corps . meeting in Bandon last Fri­
Verrill McCurdy,
Elbert m; 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Taylor enter­ followed from the silent sisters. The Eniry,
Christ’s Ambassadors at 6:30 p. m. -..
day, the latter becoming a member tained with a lovely six-thirty o’clock club was favored in having as a Schroeder, Eric Tucker, F. H. Ride­
Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd
Evangelistic Service at 7:30 p. m.
there. “ Inspection of the Bandon dinner party Sunday evening.
A special guest, Miss Sara Margaret nour, Dorothy. Chapnqm, Wm. Bar­ Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
Prayer Meeting, Tuesday night at
corps will be made by Mrs. Dolly Christmas tree and Yuletide trim­ Nye, the girl the club is sponsoring row,-Marlin Brandon, Fred Grant,
Powers, 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
7:30 p. m.
Brown and Mrs. Mabel Zedweck, of mings formed the decorations. After at college.
Those present at this Harold Gould, Lyle Harrell, Belmont
Rev. J. M. Sheridan, Pastor
.£LbA .Stililx. fsidux.WEbt AL 1JUL—
Corvallis, next Wednesday, Dec. 29. a wonderful dinner, the guests spent lively party were: Mesdames . Inez Ireland, Fred Jensen, Harold Stev­
nlng.—Those present CEBse, GTadys Gano/ Bertha Smith,
noon luncheon.
Although the Coquille fire depart-
and Mesdames C. Ver- Edith Walton, Saima Caughell, Ida Misses Blanche and Irene Sandon, Beautiful Christmas Decora-
The opeq meeting installation of non Smith, Drue Cunningham, Carl-lQwen. Clara Bosserman. Belle Knife.
Adorn Coouilie Streets Rient hw answered two alarms lince
officers wil be held there January 7, tön Smith and son and the hosts.
Oct. 19
12 u/hsart
when thn
the Pnlrnm
Folsom kirxiton
house »4lnrn
Bonnie Walker, Isabel Unsoeld, Ruth jorie Baird, Norene McKeown and
and all Coquille members are cor­
Beyers, Margarita Brodie, Clara Vesta Miley.
dially invited to bepresent.
was on fire, that was the last time
The S. O. S. club was entertained Stauff, Georgia Richmond, Annie
(Continued from Page One)
that the boys had anything to do
Tuesday by Mrs? Lafe Compton at Robinson, Jennie Price, Viola New- Marshfield Youth Given
Buy local bread and support nome her apartment in the hotel for one- ton, Harriet Osika, Misses
that was more than ten weeks
20 Years for Assault displays, the house being outlined ago..
tf thirty o’clock dessert luncheon. A Towne, Edna Robison, Eva Schroe­
with lights and the shrubbery dotted
The alarm about 6::30 Tuesday
lovely Christmas tree was in one der, Alfa Bang, Inez Rover and
Ceci! Howard Pidgeon, the 18-year with colored electric globes..
Have you seen Bergen’s lovely
evening was for an auto which was
corner of the room, while other Yule- Geneva Agostino.
The R. L. Stewart home on North burning under its hood as it stood
tide decorations were artistically dis­
. ....... ..... .
a l?-year old Marshfield girl Tues­ Coulter has a string of lights along
in front of the Cow Bell Dairy, but
played. The table looked most at­
Students Home for Holidays
day evening of last week by striking the porch roof; the L. W. Oddy home
salt had been used to extinguish it
tractive with a beautiful centerpiece
Students home from the state’s two her on -the head with a stick or has the front door outlined; E. A. by the time the boys could get the
of gayly colored ornaments,* while
institutions of higher learning and small club, pleaded guilty in Circuit Walker’s shrubbery lighting is at­ truck out.
When you have a common cold were at each plate. After most de­ most of whom arrived last week­ court here Tuesday this week to tractive and Frank Thrift’s home
The other call was to the Smith
settled in your chest or throat, don’t
assault with intent to rob.
He shows outdoor colored electric globes.
end include:
plywood plant several weeks ago,
waste time and take chances on old- licious refreshments, a novel Christ­
From U. of O. at Eugene—Misses steadfastly maintained that his in­
The M. F. Pettit home, opposite the but there also the fire was out before
fashioned or surface remedies, you mas exchange was enjoyed. Guess­
need real medicine. Take Thoxine, ing games and sewing were the af­ Ann Barton, Audrey Aasen, Made­ tention was not to attack the girl and Masonic Temple, is another which the department arrived.
the famous throat and cough medi­
line McKeown, Aloha Allen, Edythe as he was frightened away when is ablaze with lights and makes a
cine that «0. many families are now ternoon’s diversions. Those present Farr, and Gus Gallas, Tailant Green- she screamed in front of her home very pretty picture.
Belle Knife Hospital
using. The very first swallow starts were: Mesdames G. A. Ulett, F. 8.
there was no way to prove that he
The Ralph E. Nosier, blue-lighted
is soothed, coughing Emery, R. E. Boober, K. P. Lawrence, ough, Linus Seeley, Don Smith, Ken­
relief, soreness ia
Harold Hatcher and baby
stops usually in a few minutes; ana Ernest Purvance, t. C. Southard, A.
it also acts internally to help stimu-
nie Detlefsen.
front of his home make his display were dismissed yesterday and return­
date throat secretions and loosen E.. Bradford, of Marshfield, and the
ed to their home here.
Judge Brand gave him the max­ a very attractive one.
From O. 8. C. at Corvallis—Miss
Your doctor will approve hostess.
Mrs. Jack Broshears, of Sanford
Sara Margaret Nye, Dorris and Mari­ imum sentence of 20 yean in the
In the business district there are
the ingredients, all are listed on the
Wonderful for children,
lyn Compton, Mary Lou Nosier, and pen and Sheriff Howell took him out scores of inside Christmas trees and Heights, entered last Friday for a
The N. O. M. A. club met at the
window decoration dtspiayr wtrtclr ‘OXhn-op er a tion-----
Harrison GTeenough, Duane Fitz­ fb Salem yesterday,-------- •—<-_
home of Mrs. Lorraine Perrott Tues­
Willett of Lee, entered
Meo. Bella
Balls Willett,
'are Yteautiful and attract very Ya vi­
gerald, • Eldon Gilman, 'Jack ‘dinitsr, - JghqrWaoti," brought Ifcek ffWh xs.
day evening for their annualChrist-
a week's Treatments.
Davis Chaney and Frank Biases.
able comment. One of these which
mas party and exchange. Mrs. Olive
Wilda, 15-year old daughter of
of stealing a Plymoutff car at Lake­ does not pertain to the Yule season is
Kuehn was the lucky winner of the
side, bellonging to Mr. and Mrs. M. that industrial and logging scene in Harold Shepherd, of Brewster Val­
Marriage Licenses
prize. The members spent the eve­
TEe "Financial Aoblcns
N. Young, last June, and $95 in cash, Harry Dimmick’s Highway Cafe win­ ley, underwent an operation for ap­
ning chatting, sewing, etc. A New
Dec. 18—Lincoln, A. McNaughton
pleaded guilty to larceny on Tues­ dow. The plan is Complete in detail pendicitis on Tuesday.
Year's supper was planned by the and Edna Sharp, both of North Bend.
Connected with
John Yoakam, Jr, was brought in
day. He was sentenced to five years and took an infinite amount of pa­
club ladles to be held at the Yellow
Dec. 18—Wesley Jarvis and Betty
in the pen with a stay of execution tience and lota of time to give its Tuesday evening from his home on
Lantern. Dainty refreshments were Rosa, both of Bandon.
the Marshfield highway for treat­
for 60 days ordered.. If his record perfection of appearance.
served by the hostess to Mesdames
Dec. 18—Donald M. Auer, of Co­
previous to last June is found sat­
Beautifully lighted trees surmount ment for burns which will later
Ruth, Clayton, Ferryl DeJamett, quille, and Hilda L. Boice, of Bandon.
He was
is factory he wil be placed on pro­ the Coquille Service Station, the necessitate skin grafting
Yvonne Carl, Bernice Ireland, Lu­
Dec. 20—Harry L, George and
bation for five yean and released, Roxy and Liberty Theatres, the Co­ carrying a pail containing gasoline
cille Ellison, Elynor Miller, Frances Gladys Culbertson, both of Coquille.
provided he restores the $95. The quille Laundry office building, the in one hand and a lantern in the
Detlefsen, Alice Morris, LaVeme El­ They were married the same day by
Mt. States Power Co. office, and at other. When he slipped and fell
car was recovered.
lingson, Ruth Dey and Olive Kuehn. Earl F. Downing at the Church of
Everett Shively, Albany youth of Folsom’s Grocery three trees are the gas spattered over his face, hands
Christ parsonage here.
22, pleaded guilty to forging an en­ most effectively joined by strings of and arms and caught fire from the
The Royal Neighbors held their
Dec. 20—Bert L. Terry and Leona dorsement on a check for $24.86 made
lantern but what gas remained in the
colored globes.
Christmas party and exchange at the I. Coy, both of Coquille.
out to his stepfather, A. J. Smith,
The City Cleaners front has been bucket did not explode.
home of Mrs. George Burr Tuesday
Dec. 21—Joe B. Finley and Margie
and cashing it at North Bend. He is made a blaze of light for a new entry
evening. The house was beautifully McClay, both of Reedsport.
We do appreciate that there is
Motion Day, January 5
to be sentenced January 4.
in the Christmas decoration contest
decorated with a tree and other Yule-
Dec. 22—Th os. E. Nelson and Doris
a financial problem when a family
this year. J. A. Fitzpatrick 1 as a
the conclusion of the circuit
Mae Johnson, Jsoth of Myrtle Point.
faces a Funeral. It is a problem
County Jail Receives Them
very beautiful display there.
court session Tuesday Judge Brand
in which we can be*of help. It is
The Bosworth Motor Co. fir- adjourned court until Tuesday, Jan.
Alfred L. Scott, arrested at Eugene
out the evening, followed by delicious
Many Rotarians Are Poets
one we are requested to assist fre­
deer, with a new Ford at 4, and set Jan. 5 as the first motion
last Saturday on a non-support
quently. Our advice is more than refreshments served by the hostess
A number of embryo poets were charge, was released by Justice C. their heads is an effective display, day in the new year..
merely helpful; it is sincere and
discovered at the Rotary luncheon A. Barton on $500 bail. He was cut­ and C. C. Farr’s store window has
M. D. Sherrard, Mary Weekly, D.
A point to consider,
yesterday noon, the occasion being ting wood at Eugene for $1.50 a day been artistically lighted with colored
Calling cunta. 50 for SI 00.
when occasion arises.
the annual Christmas exchange, each and had failed to send his wife money globes.
ham, Guy Barber, R. M. Waggoner,
gift being accompanied by a jingle as quickly as she thought he should.
The Schroeder Bros. Mortuaries
Henry Belloni, E. R. Johnson, Wm.
or verse. The opening of the gifts
a lighted tree and colored lights
Ortman, E. B. White, Lottie Miller.
and the singing of Christmas carols Sunday, charged with stealing an around the parlor makes a nice show­
Ronald Burr and Misses Irene Burr
provided a lot of amusement and en- electric drill. His bail was set at ing, and the tree on the comice of
and Ann Sheeley.
$1000 in justice court at North Bend. the Gano Funeral Home truly ex­
Bobbie Bums was a guest at the
A couple giving their names as G. presses the Christmas season.
The Missionary Society of the
It is worth anyone’s time to drive
1083 Church of God of Coquille met with luncheon.
R. Durham and Jessie Durham were
Next week’s meeting, while the
brought to jail here from North Bend, around Coquille this holiday season
hotel dining room is closed for re-
-«— ---------------- -------- - -
having been sentenced to 30 days and note the beauty of so very large
pairs, win be held in the Yellow
a number of Christmas tree and
each on a vagrancy charge.
Lantern banquet room.
................. ■ -
----- --
A charge of obtaining money un­ other holiday displays.
The J. E. Paulson home on Coulter
der false pretenses appears opposite
Don’t Forget Christinas
the name of Frederick Hartilia on street and the pool at the W. H. For­
Dances at Highway Pavilion the blotter in the sheriff’s office. He tier home on Heath last evening were
Dance nt Highway Pavilion, south was arrested by state police after he lighted for the Christmas display and
of Bandon, Christmas eve and had cashed one or more no-good both are very attractive with their
Christmas night, Dec. 24 and 25. checks at the Bay on Tuesday. Jus­ vari-colored lights.
The judges, whoae identity will
tice Bolt set his bail at <1500. He
Gentlemen 50 cents, ladies free.
remain secret, will make their in­
gave Eugene as his hdme.
spection this evening but may requite
Keys made for all locks. Stevens
a second visit, on Friday evening, be­
Cash Hardware, Coquille, Ore.
Office Phone 36R
fore being ready to announce their
383 S. Taylor
Calling cards, 50 tor $1.00.
Great for Chest
and Throat Colds
Benham’s Transfer
Anywhere For Hire