- The Sentinel Capitol Reconstruction commission and forwarded to Washington for ap­ A £036 HIU la a IHI tih proval by PWA officials. Blds will H. A. TOUNG and M. D. GRIMM be called for as soon as federal of­ ficials have approved the plans and H A. YOUNG, Editor indications now are that actual con­ struction work will be under way well before the deadline which has 9« .Ye«—----- $3.00 been set for February 28. Six Month* ................... ___________ __ 1.00 Three Months............ __................ 60 Oregon’s new lethal gas chamber, No subscription taken unless paid authorized by the last legislature to for in advance. This rule is impera­ supplant the gallows as a means for tive. executing the death penalty, was in- Advertising Rates stallled at the state prison this week. Display advertising ,30 cents per The octagon-shaped metal house is Inch. No advertisement inserted for less than 50 cents. Reading notices eight feet high and seven feet in 10 cent* per line. No reading notice, diameter and is absolutely airtight or advertisement of any kind, insert­ when the single door is shut and ed for les* than 25 cent*. locked. LeRoy McCarthy, con­ Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as demned slayer of a Portland service station attendant who was scheduled Second Class Mail Matter. to die in the new chamber January Office Comer W. First sat Willard St 7 secured a stay of execution this week when be filed notice at appeal A CHRISTMAS THOUGHT FOR to the state supreme court. FRANCES HOLMSTROM Revival of the bitter and bloody Poet Frances, as I read range wars of eastern Oregon was The words within your book I see again the well-loved scenes , predicted by A. R. Hollingshead, Malheur county rancher, if the State On which you’d have us look. Land Board persists in'its purpose Lady Frances, only you to block school lands into large Have seen these thing* so clear grazing areas for lease to the highest That we but dimly can describe. bidder. The small stockman would Your words charm many an ear. not be able to compete with the big operator and woud be compelled to Mother Frances, we know why— fight for grazing right, Hollingshead (Your poems prove it so) w'1 T 4MM) On 11 this week at which he opposed the thrill blocking program. That you in your heart know. «4,013; Hood River, $13,44346; Jo­ sephine, $15,148.18; Lane, $63,786.73; Lincoln, $9,423.54; Linn, $30,139.15; Malheur, $12,682.96; Marion, $77,- 546; Morrow, $5,534.73; Polk, $18,- 679.87; Sherman, $3,81044; Wasco, $16,997.58 Washington, $36,638.99; Yamhill, $27,752.79. Agricultural Economic Outlook Program Planned (Continued from Page One) The reports of previous conferences and all available information re­ garding changes which have occurred will be used in developing this pro­ gram. Four committee* each includ­ ing 15 to 20 member* of Coos county farmer* and home maker* will pre­ pare report* based on this informa­ tion and their knowledge of this phase of agriculture which will be read and discussed at the general conference. William L. Teutsch, assistant coun­ ty agent leader, attended the organ- zation meeting and explained a plan being used generally throughout the state in other counties for handling thi* type of conference. Jessie In­ gram, home demonstration agent, ex­ plained how the conference could as­ sist in bettering home life on the farm, George Jenkins, county agent, traced developments which have oc- Greetings To the Merchants, Business and Professional Men of Coquille, and the general public, who have co-operated with us during the past1 year in making Coquille and this community a better place in which to live, by the construction of many new homes and business buildings and the improvement of older ones. May the New Year be more prosperous is the sincere wish of Carpenters' Local No. 1096|M W. E. FOOTE, Preaident Members of the Land Use commit­ MYRTLE POINT ITEMS tee, which will hold its first meeting The Junior class of the Myrtle Neighbor Frances, may your book Electric consumers of Oregon used at the county agent's office on Tues- . Point high school gave a class party Make all who read to see ’ day, January 4, starting at 10:00 a. 14 per cent more “juice” during 1936 Friday night. The evening was spent The joy and thrill in simple thing* •han they did in 1930, according to m. with A. S. Burrier, head of the playing games, dancing,- and several Farm Managment department at the That it ha* shown to me. a. report compiled by N. G. Wallace, short skits were given by some of Poet Frances, 'as I read, public» utilities commissioner. Data State College, include E. L. Detlef- the student*. Refreshment* of ice sen, Coquille, chairman; J. F. Van available at this time indicates an I know that time will bring cream, cookies and hot chocolate Well-earned reward to her who sees, increase of approximately 10 per cent Leuven, Bandon; Carl Davis, Marsh­ were served to thirty-five students field; R. H. Lawhorn, McKinley; Al­ in the gross revenues of electric util­ And seeing, needs must sing. and teacher*. ities operating fnthia state over the bert H. Powers, Powers; W- E. Cross, Mr. and Mr*. Frank May and chil­ Coquille; Everett Messerle, Catching In printing -th* above the Sentinel revenue^ for 1938 The average dren, of Condon, Oregon, have moved Inlet; Louis Lund, Gaylord; Jesse Is violatlng a rule of all newspaper rates for domestic use in Oregon, the D. Clinton, Myrtle Point; J. E. Ford, to this city: Mr. May is in thia lo­ offices—not to publish communica­ report shows, are among the lowest Coquille; J. J. Geaney, Coquille; R. cality selling horses, wliich he brings tion* unless the authors name is in the United States. L. Clark, Portland; Henry Brownson, in from eastern Oregon. known. But this is a tribute to one The primary classes of the Pres­ With a total of 266,237 boys and Bridge; Stanley Clausen, Coquille; byterian church were entertained at whom all Coquille honors; it* pub­ A. Witt, North Bayside; Glenn Ro- lishing can not harm, and we violate girls enrolled in the public schools sele, Empire; F. B. Rood, Coos River, a Christmas party, Saturday after­ our rule. It would have been very of the state Oregon’s 1936-37 school and R. W. Schaad, Smith-Hughes in- noon. About twenty-five children simple, however, for the one who population set an all-time high, ac- ' enjoyed an afternoon of playing catdliw to IL l , r„U.s... ¿Lite t,trugtQt -»I-Myrtle Point--------- ----- -- " typewrote • the lines to pair • ■ -............................... ’ p,,. I Member* of the Home and Rural games and group singing. name not be used—and it would not intenddnt of public instruction. Put- . Thtf pageant^ -i’WMo.- She 'CmtmeS. name deciare* that this increaseof committee,-whirtr WttTmeet at have been Rang,”'was* presented Sunday night the county agent ’ s office Thursday, heart. The child is happy because 6627 over the previous year's school by members of the Presbyterian enrolllment reflects the general pop-’ December 30, at 10:30 a. m. include: church. The cast was made up' of: of his simple trusting faith. We. have ulation increase in the state due to Mrs. Leia McCue, Coquille, chair­ Holger, . a peasant boy, Delbert lost faith, lost hope. Our hearts are man; Mrs. Edna Middleton, Green closed. Our eyes are blinded. Life's migration from the dust bowl. Larg­ Steele; ■ Steen,- a younger brother, est school population gains are noted Dell; Mr*. Mary Bones, Gaylord; Mr*. Kedheth Strong; Bartel, Barney whirl and the clamour of living has in the Willamette Vallley, southern May re Laird, Myrtle Point; Mr*. Ger­ Walsh; an old woman, Mrs. J. R. engulfed us. He comes but we are Oregon and in the extreme efatem trude deBoer, Myrtle Point; Mr*. Wiby; a rich $nan, Bruce Henry; too busy to see Him and He passes portion of the state around Nyssa Sarah Erikson, Catching Inlet; Mrs. courtier, Amzy Mintonye; children by. And we needed Him, not only Jessie Messerle, Catching Inlet; Mrs. for Christmas but for the year ahead. and Ontario. • Laura Holverstott, McKinley; Mr* gift-bearers, Janice Lafferty, Donna Give much this Christmas. Put feALUAU Minnie King, Power*; Mrs. Esther Mszt, Joan Mintonye. Marshal Bar­ yourself into every gift. The world The proposed — blanket" primary Admitting that he is being strong­ Deadmond, McKinley; Mrs. Minnie nett, Billy Lewellyn and Perry Rop­ can be brightened only with the love ly urged to call the legislature into measure sponsored by Elbert East­ Sasse, Green Dell; Mr*. Grace Rack- er; a rich woman, Mrs. Amzy Min­ your gift carries. Give big gifts, give special session to consider labor leg­ man, of Portland is so loosely drawn leff, Arago; Mr*. William Morgan, tonye; young girl, Marie Clinton; stu­ little gifts. Give gifts that necessi­ islation, Governor Martin has let it that it would never stand up under a Coo* River; Mr». Chas. F. McCul­ dent, Alice Lafferty; the king, Ken­ tate sacrifice. court test in the opinion of Attor ­ be known that he does not propose loch, North Bend; Mrs. Pearl Raping, neth Dietz; pastor, Rev. Hugh Mitch- Every citizen owes one gift to the to yield to the urge—not just now at ney General Van Winkle. The at­ Bandon; Mrs. Maude Nelson, Sum­ elmore; angels, Bernice Gillespie; children of the world today—Peace. torney general in a letter to Secretary least. ner; Mrs. Mary Bird, North Bayside; Martel Roper and Kathryn Henry. World peace can come and will come Friend* of the governor say that of State Snell called attention to Mr*. Beth Culver, Bridge; Mrs. Ger­ A banquet was given Wednesday if you and I will earnestly work for his reluctance to convene the law­ numerous defects in the proposed trude Monson, Myrtle Point; Mrs. evening in honor of this year’s let­ it and teach our chlildren that Christ measure. Among other things the makers is based upon his experience John Devereux, Bandon; and- Mr*. termen by Herman Tedsen, of Nor­ came not only for the children of measure as drawn would restrict with the last session which ran riot way. Those present were: Eugene James Deveredx, Gaylord. America, but for the children of for 57 days without accomplishing voting the primary election to the Laird, Edgar Rickard, Martin Members of the dairy, livestock, Japan, Germany, China and Africa any worth while legislation. A spe­ two major political parties. poultry and fur farming committee Schmidt, L- P. Linn. W. E. Gurney, Christmas has not failed. We have cial session at this time, they point Eugene Bartlett, Donald Schmidt,' Oregon’s huge fleet of state-owned which will meet at the county'agent’s Sam Dement, Alvin Sprague, Bob failed. God’s plan is perfect. God out, would be composed of the same office on Friday, January 7, at 1:30 sent Christ because we needed Him. membership as was the regular ses­ automobiles and trucks will consume p. m. with P. M. Brandt, head of the Hagedorn, Vance Freeman. Charles May we at this beautiful season open sion, many of whom are pledged to approximately 3,600,000 gallons of division of Animal Industries at the Hendershott, Donald Wicks, Vernon our hearts to receive Him. He Comes! during 1938 at an estimated gasoline labor and who could be depended State College, include George Hand­ Trigg, Roy Cook, Bill ^owker, Gene Joyfully, Elizabeth Gormley upon to oppose any attempt to regu­ Cost of $578,000, according to Dan J. ton, Arago, chairman; Ellis Dement, Boniksen, Ben Nichols, Lyle Woods, Fry, state purchasing agent. Bids late labor organizations Myrtle Point; £. M. Hartwell, Riv­ Douglas Danville, Elmer Brown, and Chamber of Commerce The governor, it is known, feels submitted by nlhe gasoline distri­ erton; J. A. Larson, Marshfield; Har­ the. host, Herman Tedsen. « . Committees Named keenly hi* inability to deal effec­ butors fpr supplying the state with old Potts, Eastside; J. N. Jacobsen, Miss Wanda Thomas, home econ­ tively with the labor controversy in its motor vehicle fuel during 1938 Coquille; Ben Monson, Lakeside; Dr. omics teacher, gave a Christmas par­ (Continued from Page One) Portand and other sections of the were identical, Fry said. J. H. Bennett, Marshfield; Dr. J. W. ty for the advanced home ec. class at her home Monday evening. The state which ha* paralyzed the lumber Pianos may be musical instrument* Harrison, Coquille; Joe Nilsen, Riv­ girls enjoying the everting were: Vel­ Barrow, F. W. Martin, R. T. Slater, industry for the past four month* erton; George Landrith, Coos River; to most people but the Board of Con­ Drue Cunningham. While he has promised police protec­ Chas. McHaffy, Coos River; Joe Deis­ ma Krewson, Dorothy Bender, Helen Fish and game—J. D. Gillespie, A.’ tion to worker* who return to their trol discovered that they could also men, Catching Inlet; Floyd Peterson, Barklow, Thelma Robison, Alice Bel- w t Ardis baby will be similar action by a Bible lay. should the commission find it neces­ 1937 1937 allocation I saw Him in a home, where chil­ sary to reduce payments In order to Multnomah county received $452,- dren tucked in bed. a tired mother and nothing Would bring the Japs protect the fund it now possesses full 672.17 or more than one-third the with love-lit eyes sat dressing a doll. authority to curtail benefits and total. The smallest check, for $2,942 1 to their senses more quickly than for A father eagerly carving a toy. 1 the boycott to be general throughout shorten the time for which payments went to Wheeler county. Allocations I walked into the still, still night, are made without additional legisla­ tozother counties include: Benton, the United States. • f . the star* spoke His love, Hi* beauty, $22,095.39; Clackamas, $52,276.74; tion. I __ , 29? Hi* security for me. Columbia, $19,764.62; Coos, $32,574.- HUDSON'S DRUG STORE- Plans for the new state library building have been approved by the 70; Deschutes, $18,35645; Gillism, tf He comes, dear friends, do not lose Funeral Home Phone 100 Coquille, Ore. Ambulance Service 6£ mittee chairman, and the Mt States Power Co. which gratuitously hung and hooked up the six star* for the loliday season, for their efforts in making Coquille the most attractive it has ever been at the holiday sea­ son.. W. L. Teutach, assistant county agent leader for the state was a guest at the luncheon. * ' There will be no Chamber of Com­ merce meeting next Tuesday, th* dining room at the hotel being closed for several day* while alteration* and decorating are taking place. A Safe Holiday Resort After considering various cozy place* in which to spend Christmas, Walt Smith decided that the quarter* in the basement of the city hall of­ fered the best service. Recorder Les­ lie fined him $10 on Tuesday to serve out which will require until Sunday. Other* fined by the re­ corder this week were Arch Martin and Carmel Sanders, each $5 on Monday. Spencer Foundation Garments and Bandeaus individually designed. For appointment call 191J or write Taylor, 540 North Coulter, Co- • Nov. 18, 38