I M. IMI Professional Cards DR. J. W. HARRISON VETERINARIAN Office and residence on Co­ quille - Marshfield Highway, next place west Sanford Heights road. Phone 842 P.O. Box 245 Coquille, Oregon O. C. SANFORD Attorney at Law Probate, Real Estate and Office Practice, Notary Public Room 1« Flrat National Bank Building DR. De La RHUE Eyesight Specialist Laird Bldg.—Reception room jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch Coquille DR. RALPH F. MILNE Dentistry Teeth Straightened 1st Natl. Bank Bldg. Suite 1 HARRY A. SLACK Attorney-at-Law First National Bank Building .Coquilte Oraron PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT PAYROLL FOR NOVEMBER Salary Hugh McLain, County Judge $ 166 66 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff......... 200.00 P. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff 150 00 Eva Schroeder, Deputy Sher­ 85.00 iff . ................... „ C. G. Caugheli, 1st Deputy, 150.00 Tax Depfc •...... . ............ Margarita Brodie, 2nd Depu­ 100.00 ty, Tax Dept. ................... Dolores Belloni, Clerk, Tax i Dept....................... . ................ 00.00 Myrtle Minter, Clerk, Tax I Dent. _______ ___ -............ - •5.00 W. n. Kennedy, Personal Tax 1 Coll.................. -..... —........... 130.00 L. W. Oddy, County Clerk .... 166.66 J. W. Leneve, Deputy Clerk.. 150.00 Georgianna Vaughan,, Depp- 100.00 ty Clerk .. Julia Myrl Leatherman, Dep­ uty Clerk ............................. 90.00 J. P. Beyers, County Assessor 166.66 Anna Rooney, Deputy Assea- | SOT ......................................... 100.00 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treasurer.. 150.00 'J. N. Gearhart, Co. Surveyer 45.00 ¡Dr. M. Earl Wilson, Health Officer ...... ................... ........ ¡Leia Elrod, Health Nurse..... Martha E. Mulkey, School Supt. _______ ____________ 166.66 Marian Endicott, Steog.-Supt. Off................... ............. . ........ 75.00 Mae M. Waggoner, Stenog.- Court 8c Health Dept. ......... 100.00 Carl C. Wilson, Janitor—-Old Bldg............ ............................... 65.00 Bert Mead, Janitor-Jailer__ 75.00 Lottie Miller, Matron A Cook 30.00 R. H. Mast. Probation Officer 120.00 Louis J. Langenberg, Court Reporter ^.......... .................. 175.00 Hugh McLain, mileage 8i at- Coos Bay Harbor, pictures for evidence ---------------- ------ — Health Dept. ' Leia Elrod, mileage exp. „— Barrow Drug Co- drugs Rackleff Pharmacy, drugs .... Hooton Electric Shop, lamps .. Coquille Laundry Co., laundry Carooer*» Off. Dr. Melvin E. Johnson, In­ quiry—Andrew Kaino ------ County Court Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., Cash 48.72 9.50 1540 2.70 .55 6.30 25.00 Kake - Chapman Company, Binder for J P No. I...... ..... Probation Offr. R. H. Mast, mileage exp. ------ Circuit Court Charles Evland, gailiff ........... Coquille Hotel, meals for Jury County Farm F. C. McNelly, Supt. ......... . . Edith McNelly, Matron -------- Jessie Collier, Cook'..... ............ C. L. Collier, Farmhand ....... Grace Millier Cook’s helper .... Preston Cardwell, Night­ watchman ...... 4--------- ---- — Jim Williamson, Nightwatch­ man _____ ;.... ..................... . Arthur Anderson, Orderly, County Farm ....................... Reta Horton, Nurse, County Farm ....................................... Jimmy Gage, labor A truck for Relief ........... — John Humphreys, labor for Relief .......... .............. ............ Coos County Farm, produce used on farm ............. ............ Ideal Bakery, bread ............... Pioneer Grocery Co., Groceries Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs J. A. Lamb Company, ma­ terials .......... —. Hand’s Shoe Store, shoe re­ pairs ...................................... Alpine Coal Co- coal ------ ----- J. W. Harrison, D. V. M- pro- fMoinnsI sar^dem 4.84 21.0« 15.00 9.75 110.00 45.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 8.87 13.33 30.00 65.00 110.50 60.50 40.00 26.36 202.17 3435 26.31 13.80 25.00 « 50 L C Clark, tabor ... Floyd Dalton, tabor W. N. Williams, tabor Ernest Dalton, labor .. A. G. Trendell, tabor .. Lyle Smith, tabor — Lawrence Mullen, labor Rollin Redifer, tabor ..._ Ed White, tabor ..... C. Vaughan, tabor .. Pat Gorwelí, labor E. E. Newton, tabor Walt Radford, tabor James Robinson, tabor Harry Epperson, tabor Arthur Ditter, tabor George Wagner, labor Herbert Lane, labor .... Fred Johnson, labor .. Albert Thommen, tabor J. A. Deadmond, tabor O. C. Schliff, labor..... J. W. Dye, tabor ...... . J. L. Lea, labor.......... M. C. Miller, labor .... J. K. Baker, labor ..... Tom Lawhorn, tabor Henry Franson, labor Vic Lindstrom, tabor Vic Demerest, tabor Chas. Randall, tabor Mike Boone, tabor Elmer Cluck, labor A. W. Gray, labor M. G. Buel, labor Coll McLean, tabor Jack Muggy, labor .. John Cotton, labor .. C. T. Howell, labor O. P. Smith, labor .... Harold Zeigler, labor »e Davis, labor ------- C. Franklin, labor Chas. Thomas, labor .. A. Z. Stokes, labor .... Arlyn Barklow, labor Raymond Barklow, labor L. E. Barklow, tabor .... Everett Richards, labor Ed Barnikoff, tabor .... Orl Otenn labor 8730 I J. E. Haseltine A Co- materials 155.80 86.80 Isaac R. Tower, New Ford______ ___.1127.00 6530 I Dump Truck 8335 .Art Johnson, tabor. Clearing Slides, Eckley Rd. ..._.------- 60.00 6630 78.00 STATE OF OREGON County of Coos: ss. 145.00 34.00 I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of 5530 Coos County, Oregon, and ex-officio 84.96 i clerk of the County Court of said 55.60 ' ______ _______ _ County __________________ and state do hereby certify that the foregoing is te a statement SZ «2 oi U>e «mount of bills allowed byjthe J®-?® i county court at the regular De­ 90.40 cember, 1937, term thereof, as the 18.00 same appears on the exhibits of 95.35 claims in my office and custody. 50.00 WITNESS my hand and seal oi 14.00 the County Court affixed this 12.60 13th day of December, 1937. 2.00 L. W. Oddy, County Clerk 7.20 (Seal) By J. W. Leneve. Deputy 113.00 113.00 113.00 School District No. 8, Coos County. Oregon 113.00 COQUILLE 113.00 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ADVERTIS! 81.60 11.40 Sealed proposals will be received 94.80 at the office of Keith Leslie, Clerk, 101.40 until 2 o’clock P. M- December 29, 20.00 1937, for the construction of an ad­ 95.00 dition to and ateration of a present 14.00 high school building, including nec­ 54.50 essary equipment. These proposals 88.00 will be publicly opened and read 73.50 aloud at 2 o’clock P. M., at said date 58.00 and place. 17.50 Plans, Specifications, and other 88.00 Contract Documents are on file for 113.00 examination • with the Clerk of the 86.35 Board and at the office of C. N. 18.00 Freeman, Portland, Oregon Copies 89.30 of these documents may be obtained 77.00 upon application to and the deposit 103.80 of Fifteen and No/100 (815.00) Dol­ 35.60 lars per set with said C. N. Freeman. 34.50 The full amount of deposit for one 99.55 set of documents will be returned 8.80 to each actual bidder within a raa- 27 45 enneMn Hm» efter rnreln» nf OtdlkMUW W Er CHARLES R. MYERS; the unknown heirs of J. B. Myers, deceased; JO­ SEPH WAGGONER and ROSINA WAGGONER; the unknown heirs of Joseph Waggoner and Rosina Waggoner, decease; SOPHIE ME- REEN and ELSIE MALLAGH, the only heirs at taw of Charles W. Watkins and Ann E. Watkins, de­ ceased; B. E. NOSLER, the only heir at taw of John H. Nosier, de­ ceased: MARTIN W. MILLER and CHARLOTTE B. MILLER, hus­ band and wife; the unknown heirs of Martin W. Miller and Charlotte B. Miller, deceased; THE CITY OF COQUILLE, a municipal corpora­ tion; also all other heirs or per­ sons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or in­ terest in the real estate described in the complaint, herein, Defendants. Suit ta Equity to Qalat Tttte SUMMONS To Charles R. Myers; the unknown heirs of J. B. Myers, deceased; Jo­ seph Waggoner and Rosina Waggon­ er; the unknown heirs of Joseph Waggoner and Rosina Waggoner, de­ ceased; Sophie Mereen and Elsie Mallagh, the only heirs at taw of Charles W. Watkins and Ann E. Wat­ kins, deceased; B. E. Nosier, the only heir at taw of John H. Nosier, de­ ceased; Martin W. Milter and Char­ lotte B. Miller, husband and wife; the unknown heirs of Martin W. Miller and Charlotte B. Miller, de­ ceased; The City mu­ ity of Coquille, a mu- nicipal corporation; ation; also all other heirs or persons or parties unknown. claiming any right, "title,estate, lien or interest in the real estate describ­ ed In fhn 48.00 upon the return in good condition of Henry Weathers, labor . IN THE NAME OF THE STATE 11.00 all such Plans, Specifications, and OF OREGON You are hereby no­ Robert Thompson labor DENTIST 48.50 other Contract Documents within 30 tified that you are required to ap­ Frank Heller, labor ...... 1.00 days after the date of the Lester Wayne, labor ..... pear and answer the complaint filed X-RAY Service 47.10 of bids, except that Jive an H. B. Howe, labor ........ you in tiie above entitled Laird Bldg. First Street 48.00 (85.00) Dollars of each Albert Christensen, labor per court and cause on or before the 48.50 aet will be retained to cover Elwin Alford, labor ____ Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. a the cost 7th day of January, 1938, the same 87.45 of production C. J. MarteH, labor...... , being the last date for answering • — labor ........ 46.00 ~ flw amount of money estimated to or appearing personally prescribed Earl • Marion, ^ J. ARTHUR BÍKG 32.00 be available for the construction in the order of publication, and if you Lawrence Knight, labor Leo Schnur, labor ......... 1640 contract herein advertised is $36,- fall so to appear or answer on or be­ Attorney at Law 12.60 628.00. Thoe. Luttrell, labor ..... fore said date, the plaintiff will ap­ •Wm. Josephson, labor .. 58.00 No proposal will be considered un- ply to the Court for the relief prayed ÍM, Lawrence Barkdoll, labor 84.60 2 mot- tyPe* ss it is submitted upon a form of for in its complaint, a succinct l writer rent _____________ Phone 37 6130 proposal furnished by said C. N. statement or which is as follows: F. J. McKean, labor Burroughs Adding Machine Coquille, Oregon 730 Freeman. Attention is called to the F. L. Rema, labor ............ That all defendants in this suit be Co- maintenance of equip­ Gene Adams, labor ........... 7.20 prequalification requirement of ordered, to produce any claim they ment 18.25 Bob Zeigler, labor .......... 46.80 Chapter 225, Laws of Oregon, 1931. may have or claim to have upon the 1 Clerk’s Off. J. A. RICHMOND James Kroc, labor __ .___ 40.00 Bidder’s proposal must be accom­ premises or any part of the follow­ L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, H. W. Sanford, labor •. ....... 38.25 panied by a bidder’s bond in an ing premises: PHY8ICIAN and SURGEON I exp. attending Clerks’ Conv. 18.05 Elmer Wicks, labor _____ 1.80 amount equal to 5% of total amount Lota 7, 8 and 9 in Block 14 North Treasurer’s Off. Richmond-Barker Building Lincoln Miller, labor ...... 16.00 of the base bid as a guarantee for Addition to the Town of Co­ Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash Henry Marlloux. labor .... 3.60 the execution of the contract and quille City, now the City of Co­ Coquille, Oro. 1 adv................... .............. ...... . Bruce Wicks, labor _____ 8.40 .730 the furnishing of the required bonds quille. Coos County. Oregon, ac­ Chas. Shauff, exp. attending Phonos: Office 62M, Res. 93R 4.00 in, case the contract is awarded to B. H. Barkdoll, labor____ cording to the map and plat Treas. Conv. .... .......... .... . 10.50 4.00 the bidder. C. T. Wilkinson, labor ...^.. thereof on file and of record in Clara A. Stauff, services ....... 74.00 Grant Weathers, labor ..... 14.00 The Board of Directors further re- the. County Clark.at------ Sheriff’s Office -Glenn Horton, labor ...ww.un.ii. 10.60 serves the right sald County and State. _ to reject arty and/or Edwin Peterson, Salary Dep- Sam Frnnsón,'tabor .............. -, 8.80 all proposals, to waive informalities, EXECUTRIX’S SALE OF REAL That said claims be declared in­ 4.00 Jqhn ' ............. B. Sullivan, ................... labor .... ................... and to accept such proposals as are valid and quieted. . /PROPERTY.. 30.63 to the beet interests of the School C. F. Bessee, labor....... .. That Defendants be enjoined from, NOTICE is hereby given by the Deputy Sheriff ..................... 24.00 .94 DBYfOftDER 6F School District No. thereafter making any claim in or C. P. Morgan, lSbor ......... undersigned executrix, that in pur­ Billie Browne, services m >-T« x ----- ■ — tTA. RiceTlabdr KW suance of an order of the Cbunty to said property adverse to said Z:33.00 4.00 8, Coos County, Oregon. hone service ------- 105.91 R J. Steinlechner, labor Oregc plaintiff. That plaintiff be adjudged Court for Linn County, Oregon. Southwestern Motor Co., re- 3.60 Co.. wood.----------- 3.50. . Aacob Steinlechner, labor the owner in fee simple of said prem­ By Dr. J. R. Bunch, HI — 5.40 Company, soap, etc. 10.95 Junior Munson, labor ______ in pos: Chairman ises and rightfully Wat. Atty. Ochii» I the National Hospital Assn., Hos- J. Arthur Berg, Insurance ..... 60.00 thereof. *-. is authorised and directed to sell That it have such Attest Keith Leslie, ‘ S~... 132.00 Ben C. Flaxel, Insurance —75.00 -xpital dues, General ‘ Rds. . real property belonging to said _ Ben C. Flaxel, Dist. Atty, •■W mt er _ relief ___ as to _ the _ . Clerk mileage exp. A part Stenog. 53.32 Kaufman & Co., Insurance .... 225.00 Coos. Securities, Inc., Incur ay seem meet and a___________ tate located in Cooe County, Ore­ may equitable. First publication Dec. 9, 1937 Ben C. Flaxel, telephone ex­ anpe ----- ---- -------------------- 49 02 Second publication Dec. 16, 1937 Cooe County Farm, groceries Service of this summons is made gon, described as follows, to-wit: pense — 17.50 by publication for Jail 78.57 ’ F. 4k Bobb, expense trip to The West half of the East half of ilication pursuant to an order Last publication Dec. 23, 1937 Wm' E. Walsh, 2 days Deputy 15.00 Safeway Market No. 136, of the Honors!______ ___ Portland ....... ... 12.80 the Northeast quarter of the — Honorable J. T. ______ Brand, , Judge Health Dept. Northwest quarter of Section 36, t meats for Jail —____ -___ 2031 . Fred Johnson, use of team .... 14.00 of the Circuit Court of Coos Coun­ Coquille Laundry Co., laundry .55 Busy Corner Grocery, gro­ in Township 28 South, Range Fuhrtnans Pharmacy, Inc., ty, Oregon, which order was signed NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT Kilham Stationery A Printing 3.85 15 West of the Willamette Meri­ ceries for Jail ....x............ _... 23.92 ! Supplies ..._____ _________ December 8th, 1937, directing pub­ Co., supplies ...... ■ 0.68 Ideal Bakery, bread for Jail dian, in Cooe ’ County, Oregon, 23.36 I Mountain States Power Co- Notice is hereby given that pursu­ lication to be made in th^.. Coquille City of Marshfield, rent of coni itaining 10 aerea. Ralph F. Milne, tooth extrac­ .. 26.20 ant to the provisions of Ordinance Valley Sentinel, once a week for court room ___________ _ >t ________ said sale . shall be _______ at private 20.00 That ______ tion, Jail ...................... 1.00 I City of Coquille, water ............ 2.88 No. 393 passed by the Common four consecutive weeks. Date of Juvenile Court sale, to the highest bidder for cash, The Hub, 18 blankets_______ 53.64 i West Coast Telephone Co. Council of the City of Coquille, Cooe fiftt publication December 9th, 1937. West Coast Telephone Co ­ on and after Saturday, the 25th day Ted Pettersen Laundry, laun­ telephone service ________ 22.15 County, Oregon, on the 6th day of Date of last publication January telephone service ...... . ........ of December, 1937, all bids to be pre­ 1.00 I .Kilhgm Stationery A Ptg. Co- dry, Jail ................................ 13.49 December, 1937, and entitled, “An 6th, 1938. County Farm sented to the office of her attorney, Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, Con­ trwting cloth ...... . ........ ....... 22.44 Ordinance levying and declaring an J. ARTHUR BERG, Edward E. Sox, 209 First National Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc- veying prisoners to pen__ 21.00 i Ballou A Wright, supplies — 16.46 assessment against the lots, parts of Attorney for Plaintiff supplies ...... L.... ........... . 26.77 Coquille Vallley Bank Building, in Albany, Oregon. Sentinel, Consolidated Freight Lines, Residence and P.O. Address lots and parcels of lands benefitted Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gas W. A. Hewitt, freight ____ ____________ 48t5 Publishing Co. Crt. pro­ Coquille, Oregon. by the improvement of Elliott Street and oil ___ ____________ __ 35.55 Executrix of the estate of H. H. ceedings ............ *___ ___ 27.00 i Isaac R. Tower, fender ___ from the South line of Second Nasburg Insurance Agency, Hewitt, Deceased. Coos Bay Times, Publishing John A. Roeblings Sons Co. Street, thence South to pavement a Insurance .......................... 133.37 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Edward E. Sox, steel rope . ............ . ............ Crt. Proceedings and Bud- distance of 423 feet; of First Street Indlgente 209 First National Bank Building, 166.60 L. H. Pearce, auto supplies . 18.70 from the end of the pavement 100 Notice is hereby given that the un­ Nosier ’ s . Grocery, groceries Albany, Oregon, - • Bushong A Co., Transfer cases 16.45 R. J. Steinlechner, use of truck 12.00 feet West of the West line of Elliott dersigned has been duly appointed for Miller A Pack ...... 10.00 Roy Jarman, Refund on taxes ATTORNEY FOR EXECUTRIX. 46t5 Lawrence Knight, use of truck 28.50 Street, thence East 399 feet to a by the County Court for Coos Coun­ Hollis L. Carey, M. D- care of paid .............................. .......... 67.14 A. Barrows, royalty on gravel 730 point 23.5 feet West of the Center ty, Oregon, as administrator of the Allen family ............ ............ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 52.00 U. S. Dept, of Labor, Contri­ Chas. Enegren, royalty on rock 30.70 line of Henry Street, in the City at estate of Anna M. Wilcox, deceastei. Court House STATE OF OREGON, IN AND bution ........ *45.00 F. O. Reed, royalty on gravel 4.10 Coos County, Oregon, ac- and all persons having claims P. L. Johnson Plumbing Shop, FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS P. J. Rooney Auto Co- repair 24.60 F. D. Fish, royalty on rock_ to the apportionment of ben­ against said estate are hereby re- 1 materials A labor________ _ 5.55 brakes on Studebaker -..... 2.50 C. C. Randall, royalty on to present them efits adopted and filed on the 17th quired - ----- „ to — me — with ---- Coquille Wood Co., ayood .... 7.00 Farmers Auto Inter - Ins. gravel ..... .................... ........... 28 65 day of November, 1937, by the City proper vouchers attached and dul; duly Mansell Dray A Delivery Oo- Exch- Insurance ...... .......... Recorder and Committee on Streets, verified the office office of of O. O. C. C. Sanford, Sanford 31.70 State Ind. Acc Comm., indus­ ----------- at at the 6 cords wood .... ......... . ....... 18.00 ...................... Various Offte» trial insurance _ __ ______ 520.00 directing the City Recorder to enter attorney, in. Coquille, Oregon, with­ Jail Western Union, telegraph ser­ Mill ‘B’ Builders Supply Co- a statement thereof in the docket of in six months from the date of this Ted Petterson Laundry laun­ vice ____ ____ ____________ lumber .......... . ... ........ ......... 64.00 City Liens and declaring an emer­ notice. .85 dry .... ...... ................ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that 15.45 Koke - Chapman Company, L. E. Barklow, use of truck ... 102.30 gency" an assessment was levied Dated and published first time De­ the undersigned has filed in the Ideal Bakery, bread...... ........ 10.12 Stapler A rubber stamps .... 7.69 Central Transfer Co- freight 4.16 and declared against the lots, parts cember 23, 1937. County Court of Coos County, Ore­ Economy Cash Market, meats 24.37 Myrtle Point Herald, printing 31.46 Feenaughty Machinery Co., • Grant E. Wilcox, of lots and parcels of land benefitted gon, his final report and account as Busy Corner Grocery, gro­ L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, Timken rods ....... — 26.71 by the improvement of such portions Administrator of the Estate of ceries ........ ............. . ....... Executor of the estate of Elzada Jane 12.62 Postage A Express... .... ....... 6.40 J. A. Lamb Company, supplies 38.12 of said streets, ail within the bound­ Anna M. Wilcox, deceased. County Court Davis, deceased, and that the Court Coquille Hospital, Profession­ McGeorge Gravel Co., culvert O. C. Sanford, Attorney for Ad­ aries of the assessment district cre­ has set Friday, December 31, 1937, Coquille Service Station, aufo 85.80 ated for the purpose of said im­ ministrator. al Services .......... 30.00 SeK*,- A Hildenbrand, sotj suppitea ..._.................... ........ at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of 4.82 First Natl Bank Coos Bay, provement, which assessment district said day, at the County Court room State Ind. Acc Comm., Insur- Public Assistance for Nov. 455.13 materials ___________ ____ 16.47 and the boundaries thereof are de­ a nee ..... ......... in Coquille, Oregon, as the time and ; . 50,58 Jimmie Gage, Hauling Relief WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE W. P. Fuller A Co., materials scribed as follows VarioM Offices place for hearing objections to such Notice is hereby, given that war­ Supplies, Nov____ ________ for Bullards Fy.-------- ------- 17.75 60.50 Beginning at the Southwest cor­ final account and the settlement at Fuhrman's Pharmacy, supplies 3.49 O. C. Sanford, For Aid to De­ 2.55 ner of Lot 12 of Block 18 of Elliott's rants Nos. 465, 479, 480, 482, 483. .Lou Blanc, Inc., auto supplies said estate. „ Treo*. Off, 484. 485 486 and 487, issued bj> pendent Children .......... . Bridge FA 440.54 Addition to the City of Coquille, Coos Coquille Machine Shop, brace Harry Oerding, School District No. 47, Coos County, R. LeRoy Stewart, Indigent Godard A Co., sharpen 3 County, Oregon; running thence stool leg ............ ........... .... Executor. .75 Soldiers’ Allowance ........... 25.00 handsaws ...... ..................... .. North to the Northwest comer of Lot Oregon, have been called for pay­ S. D. Pulford, Ctemty Crt. Leone W. Meyer, Refund taxes ___ Coos Bay Times, notice for 2.20 12 of Block 19 of said Elliott’s Ad­ ment and interest on them has Attorney for Executor, Coos Bay Harbor, 6 receipt LABOR—GENERAL ROADS 4.25 dition; thence East to Northeast cor­ ceased. Cooe City Bridge --------- books ........ ............ ........ Coquille, Oregon. 47t5 F. A. Robb, Salary Roadmaster 198.00 Adolphus Hayes, ner of Lot 1 of Block 30 of said El­ General Rspds First Natl Bank of Coos Bay, Ralph Harry, Salary Cler. Clerk S. D. No. 47, 2.75 liott’s Addition; thence South 250 City of Coquille, water ...... .. Public Assist, for Dec. ........ 1249.76 General Rds. ...».................. 118.00 Southwestern Motor Co., auto Gaylord, Ore. feet; thence East 119 feet; thence 50t3 Marie Dye, 1 days’ work, Lawrence Dorland, Salary op­ 88.40 South 180 feet; thence West 399 feet supplies ----- ----------- --------- County Court ..... ...... ........... 4.50 erating Bullards Fy. ...-....... 133.00 Coquille Service Station, auto to place of beginning. WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Pacific Drug Co., drugs Theron Loshbaugh, operating A statement of said assessment was 14731 Notice is hereby given that all supplies ................. x... bought by Hugh Strong A. F. & A. M. 8.60 Riverton Fy. ......................... .... 58.00 Golders Auto Parts Co. ., auto entered in the Docket of City Liens warranta drawn against the General Various Offices Orville Buel, oper. Daniels Cr. • 70.28 on the 6th day of December, 1937, Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, Stated Communication supplies .... ....... .................... Coos Bay Stationery Co- sup­ Ferry .......... . ....... .......... 83.00 Dick Bourns Service Station, and the same and said Ordinance and endorsed prior to April 1, __ >. plies ............ .......................... 8.35 George Landrith, oper. Lan Tuesday, Jan. 11, 7:30 p. m. 1.00 with said assessment thereto * at­ 1987, are hereby called for payment Kepair ........................ .*.... Repair lire tire_ John C. Merchant, Services .. 44.00 drith Ferry .............. 40.00 Coquille tached containing the names of the upon presentation at my office. In­ loquille Machine Machir Shop, riv­ H. C. Getz., ‘Draftsman ____ 125.00 owners, description of property as­ terest on such warrants will cease as Labor General Roads ets, etc etc. --------- ------------- —-■ : Aaaeaaar'a Off. sessed and amount of assessment of December 16, 1937. Andry Wilkins, labor Fred Schaer A Son, materials Billie Browne, Services ........ . 27.00 Levi Wilson, labor __ ............. 82.00 Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies against each lot, part of lot and par­ W sæKELS. Treasurer. Jessie Lawhome, Services .. 12*00 Ian Chapman, labor ... .......... — 104.20 Western Union, telegram------ cel of land is on file with the City 49t3 ... 44.00 City of CoquilM, Oregon. B. K. Werner, repair of 2 Recorder and subject to inspection Roy Wheeler, labor __ Coquille Valley Sentinel. Dis­ _ 96.13 typewriters ............ .......... .. 14.50 Ed Patterson, labor.... tribution Sheets ---------------- 14.50 by all persons interested and are _ 11130 Barrow Drug Company, 2 doz. hereby made a part of this notice by WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Mike McCarthy, tabor ... Smith Wood Products Co­ ... 106.65 pencils _____ _____________ 1,10 Wayne Goodman, labor 10.41 reference. Notice is hereby given that war- lumber ---------- ---- ------------- ... 9400 Supt. Off. _ The whole cost of said improvement ranUJuP Tom Evans, labor............ Motor Transport, and including No. 11,707 ... 148.00 Pacific is the sum of $3200 »5 Martha E. Mulkey, mileage 5.00 Powel Yarbrough, labor freight ...... ....... —....— a ”i^ibiLC