Buzz Holmstrom Tells Thrills of Trip LAST-MINUTE GIFT BUYERS FIND HAVEN (Continued from Page One) Ample Variety of Gifts Affords Quick Selection At Rexall Drug Store Only two days left until Christmas and many people are making a last-minute surge to obtain gifts. Many are making use of the evening hours to fill out their lists at Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, the Rexall Store. Here you can find a large va­ riety of reasonable priced gifts for women, men or children. Cara Nome or Adrienne Christ­ mas Toilet Sets, Stag or Gentle­ men’s Sets for the men. Lord Baltimore, Symphony or Cascade Stationery, Christmas Greeting Cards Brush Sets, Razors, Flash lights, Cigars, Cigarettes. Freeh Gales Candy in beautiful pack- ages. Special Christmas Candy Novelties for the children, Elec- thex Ylousehold Needs to please mother, Colorado that Oregon will always be home to her; that she enjoys “the beautiful winter, with some snow, warm days and cold nights." Pageant by Primary Groups A lovely Christmas pageant given by the primary department of the Pioneer Methodist church, under the leadership of Mrs. Esta Ellis, was' held in Pioneer Hall Tuesday eve­ ning. The hall looked beautiful with green trees and blue and silver dec­ orations on the stage and around the hall. The music was in.charge of Mrs. Ross Woodcock and Miss Mar­ garet Purvance. was 1,000 mile* on the Colorado river* and 108 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc Don’t Forget Christmas Dances at Highway Pavilion Daneo M «f Man(1 Christmas night, Dec. 24 and 25. Gentlemen 50 cent», ladle* free Mrs Sanford’s Christmas Parties Coquille Residents Not Exempt HERE'S REAL HOLIDAY HAPPINESS! E«ch Yuletide Season w€ wk to bring yOu a program of Joy and Happiness for the whole family . . . . and this year we sincerely believe that we have found the GRANDEST of all our Holiday Shows ROXY Thur., Fri., Sat., ' A man who tear* up a traffic ticket and tells the cop who handed it to him for double parking at the busiest intersection in the city, when there was parking space just around the corner, that he won’t respond io the summons, is courting trouble and could expect nothing else than to be summarily marched to the. recorder's office. He was lucky to escape with a dollar fine. . ____ It is nothing but courtesy to be lenient with' outside car drivers and show them their presence in Coquille is appreciated, but local residents who know the city’s parking law* are being enforced, should co-ooper- ate and if they won’t there Is only one thing to do. TWO DELIGHTFUL Merry Christmas To All “GIT ALONG LITTLE DOGIES” with THE MAPLE CITY FOUR The Inspiration of Another Happy Holiday Season with its good will and fellowship, prompts u* to send a message of hearty greetings to you, whose friendship we appreciate and enjoy. We extend our warmest wishes for your continued good health, - happiness and increasing prosperity. Your* very truly, V. R. WILSON The pioneer Jeweler Dance at Highway Pavilion, south of Bandon, Christmas eiA and Christmas night, Dec. 24 and 25. Gentlemen 50 cents, ladies free. Carl Hoff MICKEY MOUSE Color Cartoon “HAWAIIAN HOLIDAY” * Duke Ellington * Eddy Duchin AL PEARCE AND HIS GANG Dr. C. G. Stem, chiropractic physi­ cian, foot correctionist, electric ther­ apist, 292 Moulton St., phone 86J. tf A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille Complete stock of wiring supplies. TYRONE POWER Rebekahs Have Christmas Party After the regular meeting nesday night, a Christmas party was held with a tree n’everything. All sort* of games were played and then old Santa came bounding in with gift* for everyone. Delicious re­ freshment* were served in the ban­ quet hall. The tables were decorated in a most artistic manner with small Christmas trees, red candle* and last but not least, mistletoe. The sing­ ing of Christmas carols wound up a perfect evening. Those present were: Messrs, and Mesdames T. S. Stevens, George Johnson, E. M. Kay, C. V. Carmichael, Harry Ross, R. E. Boo be r, Fred Schaer, J. P. Beyers, E. L. Benham, Mesdames K. P. Lawrence, L. A. Greene, Geo. Hol­ brook, Hester Holverstott, Annie Robinson, A. J. Nussel, Birdie Skccls, Kenneth Stockhoff, Marjorie Row­ land, Bates and Misses Ida Oerding and Patsy Holverstott. Catholic Church Christmas Services Service« on Christmas day will be held at 6 a. m. in Powers, at 8:30 a. m.. in Coquille, and at 10 a. m. in Bandon. FRED ASTAIRE YOUNG GRACIE ALLEN GEORGE BURNS ject from/ “SECOND FEATURE NO. 2 CLAIRE TREVOR MATINEE* SUNDAY 1:30 Wednesday A Thrilling 8aga of High Adventure and Red Romance South Seas! "Wallaby Jim of The Islands" MATINEE SUNDAY 1:30 Dec. 29 ■ U H America's Oldest, Largest and Most Widely Read News Magazine ove1rl,ook,„n.° important event . . . misses no Cr/Ply ’ * ‘ ’»«■‘•m.tically . . . right to »¿Ji s you everything that goes on . .. giving you both the plain facts and entertaining sidelights, all . I verified and nterpreted. PATHFINDER, fresh from today’s ■ center of world interest, is the choice of more than a million Ul subscriber» every week. PATH- FINDER S nineteen illustrated departments are sure to inform and entertain you too. ■ 9 hl ™lnt * * BE IN EITHER THEATRE A NEW THRILL SENSATION! Murder! Mystery! Reaaaiice! . . . set to the tempo of • swing band! "NIGHT CLUB SCANDAL" J«ha Burymor. • Lynn. Ov.rman * Chari«. ÇIFE BEGINS WITH LOVE" » i of -- Mamie Rebekah-Lodge, No. 20, Wed­ Jon’t Forget Christmas Dances at Highway Pavilion HIT NO. TWO Mrs. O. C. Sanford entertained with a couple of Christmas parties for the younger folks at her home last Wednesday and Thursday af­ ternoons. Wednesday the younger of the two groups was entertained with games of all kinds, followed by grand refreshment*. Thursday, Ken­ nett Lawrence, Jr., brought along hi* movie camera and displayed pic­ tures of interest to all of his audi­ ence. This was a real treat as there were many familiar faces and scenes. Those invited fpr these parties were: Harold and. Willis English, Walter and Leon Isler, Billy and Delores An­ derson, Kee Briggs, Don and Iris Fox, Loretta and Elwin Anderson, Robert Thompson, Joe Nye, Dorothy Hughe*. Kennett , and Gordon Law-., rence, Joy, Beverly Jean and Patsy Norton, Mavis and Milton Tyrell, Doris Ann Wood, Betty Emery, Har­ riet and Merrill Tozier, Gerald Ulett, Sterling Gruenewald. Marilyn Sage and Annabel Martindale.. Other weekly news magazines sell at $4 to 85 ?Jeari. ^rfPINDER sell, for 81 . yesr, but for a limited time we offer you a greatly re- dticed combination bargain price for • L Th!« Newspaper and PATHFINDER 1 Both X* Only $ 2.50 Coquille Valley Sentinel