PS? Coquille Gas & Power Co Discount on All FRFFI Ful1 non'tk*d Mfety fcfe • during the winter ¿/ m ■ ators 30% MORE MILES Ironers Professional Cards until December 31st. O. C. SANFORD Alterner al Law DK. RALPÎf F. MILNE HARRY A. SLACK Altomey-al-Law Fimi Natiâüàl Bank Building Oregon DK. J. R. BUNCH UENTtST X-KAY Service Ijiird Bldg. Telephnne S4-L Firat Street CoqnUlè, Ore. J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at La* Koomi lit K«rmer« A Merchant* Bank Bldg Phon« 37 Coquille. Oregon J. A. RICHMOND Pill SHI AN and SURGEON Richmond-Barker Building Coquille, Ore. Phone«: Office ¿2M. Rea. MR indents, MILLW