day for fishing Sunday without a 11 DKUG STORE .. THE yxlZcAl fowl U| w OB W CAMULIt HERE IS TRUE GREATNESS! L Mr. PAUL 1MUNI GAY! SMART! Grand Entertainment Fuhrman's Pharmacy, Inc Senior Class Ball Committees THE LIFE OF EMILE CALE SONDEBCAABD JOSEPH ACHILDKB AUT cuu h - lu . D m U ca. Matinee Trembling with Excitement WED. D E C. 1 MARLENE DIETRICH ROBERT DONAT THEATRE WITHOUT ONLY 2 BIG FEATURES and LIBERTY SEE IT 2 BIG FEATURES AGAIN Women Will Love Its Swift Romance! CLARK GABLE WALLACE BEERY DIVERS Following fxt the..committee as­ Mrs. Harry S. Sage, of Grand signments for the ball: Junction, Colo., left last Sunday for General chairman, Eileen Kendall. San Francisco and southern Califor­ Decoration, Lucille Sherwood, nia after spending six weeks here visiting at the home of her sister, chairman; Bonnie Gage, Richard Walker, Jean Nye, Jack Towne, Mrs. F. G. Leslie. - Charles Rowell. Features, Blaine Gray, chairman; Betty Sproul, La Voile Dale. Invitation, Patricia Peart, chair­ man; Mary Robb, Barbara Leslie, Ralph Thrift. Programs, Beatrice Sanders, chair­ man; Imogene Hickam, Maxine Knight, Faye Sinclair. —Music, Leonard Ensele, chairman; Louise Woodyard, Gloria Vocino, Beverly Norton. . --- • Refreshments, Margaret Stewart, chairman; Audrey Judd, Helen Mar­ tindale. The Marshfield Civic club invites General Committee — Annamae the Coquille Woman’s club to at­ Holverstott, Isobel Unsoeld, Carolyn tend a “Carnival” to be held in the Perrott, Jeannette Alcorn, Lucille W. O. W. Hall Friday, Dec. 3rd, at Riddle, Audry Judd, Bill Snyder, Or­ 2:30 p. m. Admission 15c. There ville Weekly, * Douglas Donated, will be fortunes, raffles, games and Melvin Wheaton, Jim Young. a' food demonstration. Mrs. Rose Clinton arrived here Monday evening from Spokane, where she Di now making her' home. She was summoned because her mother, Mrs. W L. Beach, who lives a mile and a half out on the Myrtle Point road, was to undergo an opera­ tion at the Coquille Hospital. Coquille C. of C. Session Mrs. Nellie Prey, who had spent the week in Portland, returned last Saturday, accompanying Mrs. Guss Tillmann who drove down to take Mr. Tillman back to Portland on Sunday Mrs. Prey is to manage the W. W. Tilghman store on North Coulter street while he^is away. I Emma to spend Mulkey’s will all and Mr., returned Feature No. 2 Spencer Foundation Garments County Jail Arrival« "OVER THE GOAL MATINEE SUNDAY MATINEE SUNDAY 1:30 EITHER WEDNESDAY DEC. 1 THEATRE Wm. Austin was brought to the county jail from North Bend on Saturday, with bail set at »200, on a drunken driving charge. Gordon Lester Cunningham and Albert William Alberson were in­ carcerated Saturday to serve out »100 fines for unlawful fishing. Jas. A. Ambrose, alias Joe Urban, a 23-year old youngster from Penn­ sylvania, was brought to jail here from Marshfield on Sunday. He is charged with burglary not in a dwelling. The sheriffs office states that he broke windows in a garage in an attempt to rob the place, that he robbed a pin ball machine in Marshfield, and also stole a watch from one woman and gave it to an- and Bandeaus individually designed. For appointment call 181J or write Edna Taylor, 540 North Coulter, Co­ quille- • Nov. 18, 38 Chysanthemums for Thanksgiving Are you invited out for Thanks­ giving dinner? Bergen’s have a large»assortment of colors and varieties of chrysan­ themums for your Thanksgiving dinner table. Send your hostess flowers. Prices very reasonable. You can not afford to get along without them. Be a thoughtful dinner guest. Bergen's Florist, across from tele­ phone office or Phone 64. 45t2