í» • ■ í » PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY COURT PAYBOIX OCTOBEB 1W7 Salary Hugh McLain, County Judge 8 166.66 200.00 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff..................... P. W. Culver, Deputy Sheriff 150.00 I Eva Schroeder, Deputy Sher- ! iff ....... -............ . ..............— 85.00 C. G. Caughell, 1st Deputy, I Tax Dept _______ _______ 150.00 Margarita Brodie, 2nd Depu­ ty, Tax Dept.......................— 100.00 Dolores Belloni, Clerk, Tax Dept............ .......... . ......-—— 00,00 Myrtle Minter, Clerk, Tax 85.00 Dept. ...»........ ......... ....... ....... W. n. Kennedy, Personal Tax Coll.................................. ........ L. W. Oddy C bunty C ie ik ?.-.7 J. W. Leneve, Deputy Clerk.. Georgianna Vaughan, Depu­ ty Clerk ...»........... . ............ . 100.00 Julia Myrl Leatherman, Dep­ uty Clerk ......... ----- --------- 00.00 J. P. Beyers, County Assessor 166.66 Anna Rooney, Deputy Asses­ sor ......................................... 100.00 Chas. Stauff, Co. Treasurer.. 150.00 J. N. Gearhart, Co. Surveyer 45.00 Dr. M. Earl Wilson, Health Officer ......... ............. ........... 25.00 Leia Elrod, Health Nurse..... 60.00 Martha E. Mulkey, School Supt. ........ ....... ............ -....... Marian Endicatt, Steog.-SupL Off.................. 76.00 Mae M. Waggoner, Stenog.- Co. Crt........................... ......... 100.00 Carl C. Wilson, Janitor—Old 65.00 Bldg. ___________________ Bert Mead, Jani tor-Jailer..... 75.00 Lottie Miller, Matron A Cook 30.00 R. H. Mast. Probation Officer 120.00 Louis J. Langenberg, Court Reporter ...... . ....... ....... . ..... *4.95 *5-70 Pull non-ekid safety - -• RtE ■ during the winter >/ m 30% MORE MILES ------ — if y _____ 21.60 Peter Michelbrink, use of appear and answer said complaint, Arthur Derbyshire, labor ....... 48.00 Clerk’s Office let Nati. Bank Bldg. team 1___________________ 20.00 or otherwlse'-plead thereto, for want Lawrence Dorland, operating Coquille Valley Sentinel, time thereof, the plaintiff will apply to D. C. Wax Office Euipment Suite 1 House, cushion .......... . ...... Bullard* ferry ..... 133.00 5.00 ——..... 16.50 the Court for the relief prayed for in Treasurer's Off. Theron Loehbaugh, operating Coos Bay Gas Co.^oi for roads 20.80 her complaint, to-wit: For a decree Clara A. Stauff, services ___ _ __ Riverton Ferry ....... 58.00 Howard Cooper Corperetion, - dissolving the bonds of matrimony H ARRY A. SLACK 42.00 OrvR Buel, operating Danies materia ...... ... ....... ............. .. 293.44 now existing between Plaintiff ana John C. Merchant, *ervlces Cr. Ferry .......................... . Coo« Bay Harbor, Redemp ­ J. E. Haseltine A Co., materi­ 83.00 Attorney -at-Law Defendant, granting Plaintiff a di­ tion notices ___ _____ ____ 1.20 George Landrith, operating al ................. C:................. . 130.07 vorce from defendant, and for such First National Bank Building Landrith 'Pv ' labor “7777" 40.00 C. F. Bessee, mileage survey­ Andy Wilkins^ other and further relief a* to the Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash advanced ............. , ... ........ 6.78 ing . ................... . ....... . ....... 77.80 .00 Court shall seem meet and equitable. Assessor's Off. General Rds. Unip36.51. Albert Ray Oderklrk, ’ Jessie Collier, Cook _______ 50 00 Cha*. Thomas, labor ______ _ 90.20 Why .............. ............... ........... 200.00 I SHALL, in compliance with said Executors. C. I» Collier, Farmhand ,___ 60.00 C. T. WRkinson, labor _____ 3600 Oregon State Highway Com., order, on SAT IRDAY, the 4th day of O. C. Sanford, Attorney for Execu­ Grace Miller, Cook’s Helper.. 30.00 C. F. Bessee, labor........ .......... 15.63 Rental, Asphalt Heater .... 33.30 December, A. D., 1937, commencing tors. 4315 Arthur Anderson, Orderly..» 30.00 A. Z. Stokes, labor.... .............. 71.00 Bosworth Motor Co., Chevro­ O. P. Smith, tabor _________ at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said Jim Williamson, Nightwatch­ 72.00 let Pickup ....................... , 450.00 day at the ft >nt door of the Court man .... ................. ......... ....... 15.46 A. M. Middleton, labor........... 18.00 Southwestern Motor Co., Night­ Harold Ziegler, labor..... .... .. 92.60 House in the City of Coquille, and WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Preston Caldwell, Chevrolet Pickup ____ ..... 66.00 watchman ______________ Cbunty of Oros, State of Oregon, 4.52 Sye Davis, labor........ ......... .. Notice is hereby given that war­ 87.00 Harry G. Barclay, Gravel on 65.00 M. G. Buel, labor ______ ___ 36.00 offer for sale and sell at public auc­ rants. Noe. 139, 225, 238, 379 458,, Reta Horton, Nurse _______ Glenn Creek Rd., and other 228.85 tion the above described real proper­ 459, 461, 462, 463, 465, issued by J. E. Ford A Co., meats ____ 28.01 Jack Muggy, labor ...»............ 80.00 ty to the highest and best bidder, on School District, No. 47, Coos County, E. O. Opperman, wiring, etc. 1835 John Cotton, labor ........ ....... . 20 00 STATE OF OREGON County of Coos: **. *. Lamb Co., material* .... 69.34 C. T. Howell, labor................7 62.00 the following terms and conditions, Oregon, will be | paid upon presenta- J. A. Vic Demerest, labor .......... .. on ---------------------- and after Thur*-' loneer Grocery Co., grocer­ I, L. W. Oddy, County Clerk of 88.20 tion to the clerk — - l’ione to-wit: ies ........ ............................... .. Mike Boone, labor ________ 22.00 Coos County, Oregon, and ex-officio 1. For cash in hand at the time of day, Nov. 18, 1937. Interest on said Elmer Cluck, labor :.___ ____ 77.00 clerk of the County Court of said sale if the purchase price equals less warrants, except the first four listed Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, drugs A. W. Gray, tabor ___ _____ 60.00 County and state do hereby certify than One Hundred (»100.00) Dollars. which have been previously called Farr A Elwood, eggs ______ A. C. Redifer, labor ____ ___ Gunder Gunderson, labor __ 113.00 that the foregoing is a statement 2. For either cash in hand at the for payment, ceases on that date. Tom Lawhorn, abor _______ 113.00 of the amount of bill* allowed by the Adolphus Hayes, Clerk. Standard Oil Co. of Calif., gaa time of sale, or if the purchaser School Dist., «o 47 Coos Countv John 8. Sanders, cement 86 00 county court at the regular Nov­ elects, for not less than twenty per block® ember, 1817, term thereof, m the cent (20%) of th« purchase price In Oregon. Addrees, Gaylord, Ore. 4|t3 rr&P- SANFORD Attorney at Law days from the day of the first publi- ■eatton trf-tht* mot!«. Win be Wrd JiLdTTSa & NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That < the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed by the above entitled Court aa- Administrator- of the ' EVUtr 0T duiy^uaiified^al' such!**^*** ***" 1'43« 1 Allpersons having claim*- against said deceased are hereby notified to present the same, together with roper vouchers therefor to the IIP» at the office of C. A. Bar- uille, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Irvin Watson, Administrator of the Estate at Sarah A. Watson, Deceased. C. A. Barton, Attorney for Administrator. Resi­ dence and P. O. address: Coquille, Oregon. 42t6 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate at John Trigg, Deceased « Notice of Hltag at Final Acemmt Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has filed his Final Acco mt in the matter of the adminlstratior of the Estate of John Trigg, deceased, and the. County Court for Coos Coun­ ty, Oregon, has set Saturday, the 4th day of December, 1937, at the hour of 10 A. M, as the day, and the Coun­ ty Court Room in the County Court House at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, as the place for hearing ob- I jectlons to said Final Account and the settlement of odd «Stale. — Dated this 4th day of November, 1937. Robert 3. Trigg, Administrator of the Estate of John Trigg, Deceased. Harry A. Slack, Attorney for Administrator First National Bank Building CdquiRe, Oregon_______________ 43t5 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Warrant* up to and including No. 1527, drawn against Union High School District No. 3, Riverton, Ore­ gon, will be paid upon presentation to the clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases Thursday, November 18, 1887. Mrs. Lillian Hanly, Clerk V. H. No. 3 ^Bullards Route, Coquille, Oregon WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that war­ rant* up to and including No. 11678 Issued by Coquill* School District, No. 8, will be paid upon presentation to the district clerk, on and after Fri­ day, November 26, 1937. Interest on •aid warrants ceases on tt Keith Lesl School District No. Coos County, Oregon.