• UNDER THE BLEACHERS 22 25 6 11 113 And lows: - 26 number of punts 27 punt average * - fumbles 15 10 • fumbles recovered - 46 points scored the individuals tallied as fol- By Mark Seeley Coos county basketball has always offered a cleancut schedule, but nothing is. ever too perfect for im­ provements. Now the coaches and schoolmen have Mt upon a change Total T. D. p. that seems to be the real stuff. 40 Krantz 6 4 From now on the four county 25 4 1 Bailey quintets in the “A" division—Myrtle 0 18 Richmond - -3 Point, Coquille and the Coos Bay 0 12 - - 2 Smith teams — will meet four times 0 12 - - 2 Arnold throughout the season. Two games 0 6 - - 1 Stacer for each club with Roseburg rounds the »core ot the games: out the schedule, and as the Douglas 0 Marshfield - Coquille - 0 five is included in a state district North Bend - 20 Coquille - 12 with the Coos teams only the Friday Bandon 0 Coquille - 44 night contests will serve as quali­ fiers. Thus throe champitmaMps are MYRTLE POINT possible—county, district and tour­ The Southwestern Oregon Girls’ nament. The addition of Bandon and Riv­ 'League conference will be held De­ erton to the Red Devil list of tilts cember 4 at the Myrtle Union high will mean that Coach Hatton will school, with Mrs. C. L. Schwering, I prepare his charges for fifteen games. dean of women at the Oregon uni­ extra trade - in I have never seen Hatton in the versity, as the main speaker. An in­ allowances ! role of a casaba mentor, so I am in teresting program will be held dur­ no position to hazard anything in ing the day. Officers of the confer­ regards to the coming session. -The ence are Ruth Wallace, Myrtle Point, mentor has spoken in favor of the president; Jeanne Beonmont, Marsh­ new schedules. This, if anything, field, vice president; Lucille Sher­ points to a belief that a team can wood, Coquille, secretary; Effie better iron out mistakes and improve rows, of Bandon, treasurer, and Miss as the season goes on by acttial com­ Fern Boyles, Myrtle Point, adviser. The program will consist of an ad­ petitive combat.. And now that the basketball situa­ dress by the speaker, recreation hour, tion has been aided, the time is also entertainment hour and election of ripe to rearrange the footbal line­ officers for next year. O.W. B.T. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyteri- up. The time has come to balance $ 5.88 8 9-25 the schedule. Each ____________ EUREKA ... team should an j>lay church met Wednesday, .attsc-_________ ■umb*^ or-wa ibof.Mte gn..T 1 :« • the VMuRhOnshft) ofthe SefthflerfcfT With lifts. Theresa Point­ I gridiron. er and Mrs. Amzy Mintonye as hoat- Coo«, county has five high schools 1144.50 Mr. and Mrs. George Guerin, of playing “A” football. The league _______ if _ Reedsport _____ ___ Langlois, were Saturday callers on. « could be increased would.-ba invited to join with North Wftnds heft.' _____ — == Bend, Marshfield, Coquille, Bandon Mre. fcttty Bement and Kini. Ellis and Myrtle Point. B^t jiL.8ny.PP» .WarIier.JWd.^children-Ja4t Thursday — Tax Levies for School iSfSC’tKe’scKe’dule shoud be bal­ for Nyssa in eastern Oregon, where Districts of the County anced. Mrs. Warner will join her husband The teams should meet in five and Mrs. Dement wUl return by (Continued from Page One) league games, meeting each other train after • few days* stay with rel­ SOUTHWESTERN OREGONS GREATEST STORE once. No other system is fair. No atives there. are listed by the assessor as follows: Myrtle Camp met Monday night in other system will increase equal Broadbent, 2.7 mills. 2, Marshfield, Oregon competition. Lundy hall. After a drill practice 3, Arago, 10.6. And this does not mean that was held refreshments. were served. 4, Riverton, 4.8. Marshfield and North Bend and Co­ .The Past Matrons held their reg­ «. Twin Oaks, 0.4. quille and Myrtle Point will have to ular monthly meeting at the home tit 6, Empire, 16.8... IT. E. McCLARY, Mgr. give up their traditional pairs of Mrs. A. C. Chase Tuesday. A dessert i tfoquile, 30.8. “civil war” tilts. But the first game luncheon was served fey the hostess. Phone 209R 315 West First 9, Marshfield, 20.1. _ ' * --r—- r-— ii>w a rn mi nt w snwii M Nwia mi urnwir "iff»'1 r*"*— w only ■ should be considered in the Those present were Mesdames G. !*H===-■===-’---- L-l _ ■ 10, Cunningham, 2,9. . bunting race. The others could still i L. McRay, Raleigh Greene, John 11,. Parkersburg, 1.7. Presbyterian church in -Portland on City Police Court Cases be played for fun and profit. Arnold, Ralph Kring, R. H. Lemon, "" a 12, Catching Inlet, 14.4 . Sunclay, Nov. 14. They returned ' N. G. W. Perkins, Henry Ross- The following cases have appeared 13, North Bend, 21.3. home on Monday and will make Mabel Dement anu and vzi^ the I1UÖIWB, hostess, ,____ My Coquille iitziiuiiauuiio nominations ivi for any low, » ’-**••***-* ■in, city pnljna nourt -toepsst week: - - 17, Kentuck Inlet, 0.8 „,w aU-coubty rieam- in tow - league are' -Mrar-^ase- FöTOWmg^"^rieT'EüsL’ u^*C' Harry Slater, from Bums, was 18, .FlagatetL- 9#’ P. W. Laird and daughter, Miss Jim Richmond, Ralph Thrift and Dee ness session contract bridge was given a $10 fine last Thursday for 19, Fat Elk, 1.4. Marguerite, are visiting in Berke­ Krantz, with sturdy, little Align played, with Mrs. McRay holding being drunk .on the streets. 21, Randolph, none. • ley, California,, for a few days. _____ Bailey in there some place if fight high, Mrs Greene second and Mrs. Russell Dimmick forfeited a $5 22, .Riverside, 1.4. Mrs. R. Lee Brown is quite ill at and determination mean anything. Perkins consolation. The Christmas cash bail last Friday for the same of­ 23, Lee, 1.7. the home of her parents, Mr. and Dee Krantz has plenty of competi­ party will be held at the home of fense and Carmel Sanders began 24, Pleasant Point, none. Mrs. R. H. Lemon. . tion from Danville and Zeigler, Mrs. McRay, with Mrs. Greene also serving out a $10 fine on Friday. 25, Fairview, 8. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Davis moved plunging fullbacks on the Myrtle a hostess, on December 21. Thos. Gamblin. and Wilbur X" 26, Haynes Inlet, 8.1. Thursday, to the Adams house recent­ “ ■ Point and North Bend teams re ­ The junior play, "The Patsy," giv ­ Brackenbrough got into trouble at 27, McKinley, 2.3. ly vacated by the Perry Roper fam­ spectively. But Dee, only a sopho­ en at the union high school Friday the dance in the Community Build­ 28, Gravel Ford; 2.7. ' ily. more, has done his share of plung ­ night, was a success financially and ing last Saturday night and went 29, Two Mile, 5.1 Mrs. Mabel Dement is visiting in ing on his own. He may be edged the large crowd which attended outside to settle their troubles. They 30, Sumner, 3.8. Eugene with her daughter, Elizabeth, out, but votes for the big fellow will showed their appreciation by ap­ were pinched for fighting. Both put 31, Powers, 22.5. who is a nurse there. be many. plause. After the play the cast and up $5 for their appearance. Gamblin Dora, 1.0. 32, Elgin Chapter held a short busi­ Richmond and Thrift should gain a few guests were entertained by forfeited his but Brackenbrough ap­ 33, Bald HUI, none. ness session Thursday night. A so­ places. Jim is the ideal blocking their director, Miss Grace Mary peared and was fined the amount 34, Catching Creek, 9.8. cial game of bridge with refresh­ j# had jujJtar. hail------- back, a fine pass receiver and a tough Linn, at the home of Mrs. T. G. 35, Seaside, none. ments followed.- The next 'meeting' —-*■ defensive man.~ Then, too, his.quar­ Siimpru»rlir>_ . Clyde Battey forfeited a $5 cash 36, Coos River, 84.. on December 2 will be the regular terbacking \as been up in the top. . Mr. and Mrs. Schrag, of Dead­ bail as did Butch Stewart, who was 38, Templeton, 2.1. electfbn Of officers. “Sandy” Thrift really spent more wood, South Dakota, are visiting arrested in the basement of the city 39, Floras Creek, 12.9. time in the opposition’s backfields their son, Stanley Schrag, this week. hall Sunday morning at l:20.*-' He 41, Myrtle Point 17.2. Marriage Licenses than any place else. Possibly his Mr. Schrag is a brick mason and was charged with violation of the 43, Norway, 4.4. offensive could have been improved, while here has installed a flreplace Nov. 18 — Richard Lawrence “after hours” ordinance. 44, Roy, 0.6. but his inspired defensive work easi­ in the T. M. Stover home. Daugherty and Dorothea Naydene Arch Martin paid a fine of $5 46, New Lake, 6. ly made him the league's hardest Phyllis Bellohi, who has been suf­ . Cooper, both of Coquille. Tuesday and $7 for a fine which had 47, Etalka, 5. Nov. 18—J. F. Hammerly and been asssessed against him many working bear in the line. He might fering with an attack of appendicitis, 48, Shiloh, none. easily be voted the “most valuable is improving. • Frances Jones, both of Crescent City. months ago. 49, Eastside-Cooston, 2S.1. . " man to his team.” Thrift’s inspira­ Robert Lundy, who has been vis­ They were married here by Earl F. 50, ' Remote, 2.S. tional leading seldom failed. Thursday. „ < iting in Hoxie, Kans., for the past ;.Do.'yninA 51, Delmar, 18.4. New Cases in Circuit Court Allan Bailey was always a msriftd ■Nov. 20 — Warren Albertson and moMib, writes His mother, Met. Verne 52, Bancroft, 2,4.. i Hazel Morris, both of Bandon. Nov. 18—J. J. Hennnessey and O. man - The opposing doiclAs remem ­ Lundy, that he is enjoying himself 53, Hauser,'4.3. bered too weR Ms great play in 1936 very much and will probably stay Nov. 22—Edward Brown and Eve­ C. Kinney et al vs. Percy M. Mad­ 54, Bandon, 17.4.. den, C. C. Copeland et al. < w|pi he literally ran wild time and another month. lyn Barkow, both of Coquille. S3, Willanch, none. Nov. 18—Ophor Purdue vs. Bie- Nov. 22—Clayton McCullah, of -- again. But despite the watching the Miss Frances Booth, who under­ 80, Prosper, none. mia Purdue. Suit for divorce.” elusive Bailey was subject to, he still Riddle, Ore., and Opal Beach, of Mc ­ went a very serious operaUon at 81, Beech View, none. Nov. 22 — Gwymede Allen vs. gained and passed, and kicked when Portland on Nov. 5, has made such Kinley. They were married at the 62, Bear Creek, 4.4. Mark Allen. Suit for divorce. Baptist parsonage here Monday by necessary ' He didn ’ t hesitate in fine progress since that she was able 63, Valley View, 10.8. Nov. 22------ f. E. Paulson vs. Jack making fierce tackes. The little fel­ to be taken back to the tuberculosis Rev. W. A. Stephens. 64, Four Mile, 14. low had another good season despite hospital at Salem on Sunday. Her Nov. 22—Edward C. Wade, of Lefevre. 6g Sitkum, none. a mediocre line to support him. mother; Mrs R. F. Booth, spent the Myrtle Point, and Edith E. Manes, 66, Lakeside, 18.1. of Portland. week-end with her. 68, Larson Inlet, 4.3. This column is still uninformed of Nov. 22—Alf Stone and Grace Edward Rustroid, formerly of 69, Leneve, 2.3. any. new development concerning the Watertown, S. D., has purchased the Cunningham, both of Marshfield. 71, Alder Crest, 2. lighting of the Athletic park. As I bowling alley from Bill Osborne. Nov. 22—Robert Henry Willis and 72, Coaledo, 11.4.- write meetings are being planned Lynn Hoover took Mrs. R. F. Frances Marie C. HUI, both of 74, Pleasant Hill, none. and the project is gaining in popu­ Booth and daughters, Clair and Jen­ Marshfield. 75, Locust Grove, 54. larity. Nov. 23—Clifford Edwards and nie, to Salem on Saturday to visit 77, Bridge, 18. Kathryn Quilhaugh, both of Powers. Miss Frances Booth. I have been, however, convinced 79, South Sough, 12. that the left field location for the i Miss Eleanor Breuer and Ben Dan­ They were married Tuesday by Earl 81, Laurel Lake, none. football stands is okay. The fans iels spent the week-end in Corvallis, F. Downing at his home here. 83, Lakeview, 4.4. must be protected from the rain and ,where they attended the game and 85, Bunker Hill, 14. the south winds, and with the stands Miss Breuer visited with her sister, Foiled Grave Robbers 88, Upper Two Mlle, 7.1. When the Pharaohs were original in left field this will be feasible. Miss Paula Breuer, who is attend­ 87, West Allegany, 9.5. ly entombed, the Egyptians cannily The boundaries of the park are to ing college. 88, Base Hill, 5.5. took great pains to foil grave rob­ be brought in. This will be done by Mr. and Mrs. Norman Hartley and 90, Mulkey, 2.2. bers. Every tomb had at least two means of the new stands and fences children, Leia Ray and Wayne, have chambers. In one was a dummy of 91, Charleston, 17.8. in center and right Reids. moved to Fort Jones, Calif., for the the king. The real mummy was SECOND TO NONE Joint 2, North Lake, 3.5. Everyone is gaining interest in this benefit of Mrs. Hartley’s health. • ‘ concealed in a secret, sealed cham- is our standing among the fun­ project. It isn’t a business man’s.or The Ladies Aid of the Methodist D€F. Probate Court Items eral directors of the country. This • group movement alone, but one church was entertained at the home Alice Bemhart was last Saturday that concerns ladies, sawmill work­ of Mrs. Marlin Evans on Wednesday. enviable reputation has been Champagne Cider named as administratrix of the $2000 ers, loggers, clerks, merchants and The ladies are preparing for their Because of "something" In the gained, first of all, by giving the estate left by Francis Chew, who everyone. annual bazaar. apples of Devonshire, England, it •very best and most efficient ser- died in Portland, July 12, 1934. The Word has been received from Innis is possible to make from them a vice possible. Fair and courteous cider which seems to embody many appraisers are Ray Kaufman, John Thanks to Don Baley, I have some Rote at the Veterans Hospital in of the qualities of champagne? It i»» treatment of all and moderate Cook and D. J. Grant, Jr. figures on the Coquilfe Red Devils’ Roseburg that he is improving sat­ manufactured extensively and sold Joe Milani was on Monday appoint­ 1937 season. Here they are: charges. isfactorily and will be able to return as champagne cider. It is made ed administrator of the estate of his Coquille home in a few weeks. Opr>on en the way champagne is made. daughter, Anita, who has received 943 yds. .from scrimmage 714 Mrs. Rouw, of Riderwood, Wash­ settlement for the injuries she re­ 199 yds. from passings ington, who has been a guest at the 218 New Orleans Museum Building ceived in that wreck in Bandon last 1142 total yards home of her daughter, Mrs Lorin 932 The Cabildo in New Orleans is one winter. 43 first downs Guerin, returned to her home on 42 of the museum buildings. It was Coquille Sunday. 34 pass attempts Bandon 39 built in 1795 and dedicated to mu 13 passes completed Miss Waunits Stepanek and Earl 109R seum purposes in 1908. It conta ns 19 1083 78 yds. lost Wood of this city were married at a history and art collections. • . 138 On Our Celebration of THE PHILCO HUDSON'S DRUG STORE FALL TRAVEL at its GREYHOUND —'S J Ji J > Thor Jensen Returns to (Continued from Page One) His condition is always impeccable as the work on his 80-acre tract near Elkton always keeps him in the top of condition. Thor’s type of grappling is not always appreciated by fan» seeing it for the first time, but those who have seen the lanky Swede in action several times know him for the clever grappler that he U. - The Mexican, El Zopilote, is one hooded wrestler, who has kept his identity an absolute secret. No one has yet guessed bis identity and hate * a man undoubtedly new to this ter­ ritory. In _ the 45-minute semi-final Al Szasz, from Hungary, will lock horns with the bizarre Baron von Hoff­ man. This battle between two cen­ tral Europeans should be enough to siart another world war because it is aWell known fact that the hunkies do not like the dutcMes and vice vena. His Excellency, the Baron von Hoffman affects a monocle and has never been known to drop it, which is some feat in itself. An especially attractive bout is the 30-minute preliminary between popular Tommy Ward, of Atlanta, Ga., and Rod Fenton, of Canada. Fenton the last time in Coquille disposed of Bobby Bums in two straight falls and expects to sail through the Georgian without any trouble. The referee, in whose hands all decisions will be left, will be none other than Frank “Mad” Murdock. Murdock as one of the most colorful wrestlers ever to appear here is ----- also an efficient official. Promoter Harry announces that the next match following Friday’s will feature Jack Lipscomb, of In­ diana, against an opponent, yet to be named. Say it gracefully with BERGEN’S BETTER BLOSSOMS. Located just across from the telephone office. Phone 64. 30t4 E. G. Opperman Wiring for Electric Lights and Motors Coq aille NAZOSCOPE SINUS TROUBLE, HEADCOLDS, HAY LEVER, CATARRH, CATARRHAL DEAFNESS For Sale at HUDSON’S DRUG STORE COQUILLE BRANCH DEPUTATION SCHROEDER BROS. MORTUARIES, Inc.