The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 25, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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    g &B'l
Pioneer Methodist Church
Howard L. Graybeal, Pastor
Sunday School at 10 a. m. Orville
Newton, Supt.
Morning church service at 11.
Sermon, “God’s Labor Union.”
Evening church service at 7:30 p.
Sermon, “Samson, a Popular
Epworth League at 6:30 p. m. La-
Veil e Dale, president.
St James’ Episcopal Church
Car. 3rd and Elitett Streets'
Rcvd. George R. Turney, Vicar
First Sunday in Advent—Nov. 38
8:00 a. m. Holy Communion.
9:45 a. m. Church School.
1100 a. m. Morning prayer and ser-
Emanuel Baptist Church
Fourth and Elliott Sta.
Where the Fall Gespei la Free shed
Bible school, 9:45 a. m. A class for
everyone. Trained teachers.
Preaching service, 11:00 a. m.
Subject: “God’s Demand for Man’s
Best.” Text: Lev. 22: 21. “It shall
be perfect to be accepted.
Young people’s meeting, 6:30 p. m.
Evening service 7:30 p. m.
Prayer service Thursday 7:30 p. m.
A church where you will feel at
W. A. Stephen«, Pastor
Coquille Tabernacle
Wednesday—Meeting of St. James’
Guild Pa. >sh House 2:00 p. m. All
women are invited.
KLAMATH U. S. No. ?•
Church of Christ
East Fourth St at Coulter
Earl F. Downing, Minister
Bible School, 9:45 a. m.
Morning service, 11:00 a. m. Ser­
mon topic, “Money and Salvation.”
Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m.
Evening evangelistic service, 7:30
p. m. Sermon topic, “Over the Hill to
the Poorhouse and Back.”
Midweek service Thur. 7 JO p. m.
Second and Heath Streets
First Church of Christ, Scientist
Rev. R. D. E. Smith, minister
Coquille, Oregon
Sunday School at 9:45 a. m.
Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. _
Morning Worship at 11:00 a. m.
Sunday Service at 11 a m.
Christ's Ambassadors at 6:30 p. m.
Subject ter next Sunday. “Ancient
EvanvelisHr Sendee n*. t-we-w
•’ MaRf
merism and Hypnotism, Denounced."
7:30 p. m.
Wednesday evening meeting at t
Bible Study Friday night at 7:30.
________ .<....... ......... -------- ------- -
Free public Reeding Room open in
Methodist Episcopal Church
Church Building every Tuesday and
Friday aftenmona except holidays —
Evening preaching 7:30 p, m. ,
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:80 p. . from two to five o’clock.
The public is cordially invited to
Reading Room.
Holy Name Catholic Church
Phone 122
Phone 81
iHe, Ore.
Friday & Sat.
Nov. 26 & 27
2 '* <21*
—<8 Box Jw JL
Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m.;
FreshGround........... ........
Corner Seventh and Henry Sts.
2nd and 3rd Syndax, 540 a. xn.--------
----------------L.ENeai; Pastor
Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a.
m; 4th Sunday, 5:30 a. m.
Sunday school, 10 a. m.
Preaching at 11:00 ja. m._ and 7:45 , Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. md 3rd
Sunday, 10:30 a. m.
p. m.
Powers, 4th Sunday, 10:30 a. m-
Prayer meeting Thursday evening,
. .
Rev. J. M. Sheridau Jr’astor
7:45 p. m.
...... ti-ll.-L----- '-g
church following at 2:00 p. m. Ev-
eryone is cordtally invited to attend
Mr. and Mrs.' Geo. Zinzerling, of
both the dinner and the dedication
■ Coau Hi c.
dinn e r - VTUEram 'fn'^ffie aTternoon.
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw.
There will be no Ladies’ Aid_this.
Ladies Aid .met WttiMadajL after, week oH'account of the Thanksgiv­
noon at the home of Mrs. Marvin ing service to be held Thursday at
Shaw with the following attendance: 11 o’clock, with a basket dinner fol­
Meedomes J. L. Burtls, J. D. Cart, J. lowing, in the old gym.
D Root, C. S. Webb, H. E. Watkins,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gulstrom and
• O. H. Aasen Albert Lillie, Albert Mrs. Albert Lillie spent Friday at
Gulstrom, Alden Butler, Sam Hoot. the home of Mrs. Ora Robison, help­
Edith Woodward, Earl Edgmon, Reg­ ing pick turkeys for market.
inald Menegat, Nile Miller, Verne
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Haberly, Billie
Garoutte, Leonard Garoutte, Walter Bob and David, of Myrtle Point, and
Farrier, Everett Lafferty, Earl Balch, Mrs. O. H. Aasen, of Hall’s creek,
Ernest Hammack, S. C. McAllister, were Sunday visitors at the home of
and the hosteas. The ladies have Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister.
their work almost completed and
Mr. and Mrs. Bert DeMoes were
have set the date of their bazaar Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs.
for December„ 3. .
Sam Rook
Bible study was held at the home 1
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mast and daugh-
. of Mrs. Ward Evans Wednesday eve­ ' ten, Jerene and Ardis, of Allegany,
ning with Dave Root leading the dis­ were week-end guests of Mr. and
cussion which was on the last chap­ Mrs. Ward Evans.
ter of Colossiana. The next meeting :
Mr. and Mri. J, ' D. Carl left for
The dates for the bazaar sponsored
will be held at the Joel Root home ' Corvallis Saturday morning. They by the Fairview Ladies Aid have
Thursday at eight p. m, at which ‘ were dinner guests of
i Mr. and Mrs. been set for Saturday, December 4,
> . time they will take up the book of Clarence Schroeder. In the after- and Monday, December 6, and will
Those attending were noon they attended the football game be held at the Siver Variety store in
as follows- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Root : between O. S. C. and Washington Coquille. The display will consist
and John Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Sam State, after which their son, Wal­ of animals made by the club and will
Root, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. McAllister, lace, accompanied them on to Port­ make lovely Christmas gifts as or­ .
Mrs. Tyrrei Woodward apd Mrs. land and they spent the night at’the naments or toys. The proceeds from
Ward Evans.
... home of Mr. Carl's brother, I. W. the bazaar will be ased to help finish
-------- The book review club met at the Carl, of that city. Sunday they mo­ the interior of the new church build­
home of Mrs. Reginald Menegat tored to McMinnville and were din­ ing. Remember the dates!
Thursday afternoon with the follow­ ner guests at the home of their son, — Rev. G. A. Gray, of Coquille, con­
ing ladies attending: Mrs. H. E. Wat­ Kenneth Carl, returning home Sun- ducted morning church services last
kins, Mrs. O. H. Aasen, Mrs. Mar­ ' day evening.
Sunday tn the new Fairview church,
vin Shaw, Miss Jean Watkins and the
Phyllis Miller, small daughter of building.
The secretary’s report
hostess, Mrs. Menegat.
Mr. and Mrs. Orvls Miller, ,has been showed a total of 66 persons present
Mrs. H. E. Watkins and Jean were 1 seriously ill with pneumonia the past for Sunday school classes while
, Bandon visitors Tuesday, being din­ week.
others arriving later raised the num­
ner gyests of Mrs. John Damron and
Miss Ida Summerlin, of Norway, ber much higher.
visiting at the H. E. Boak and J. K. was a guest at the Frank Miller home
A community Thanksgiving sup­
Baker homes in the afternoon.
last week.
per, was held at the Riverside school
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Freezing
Mrs. Francis Barklow, of Reeds­ last Friday evening at seven o’clock
and small son, Danny, and Mr. and port, was a week-end visitor at the with. thirty-four persona present.
Mrs. Comie Freezing, all of At­ home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. The school pupils, under the direction
water, California, were Tuesday and Frank Miller.
of their teacher, Miss Iris Fitch, pre­
Wednesday guests of Mr. and Mfs.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Harry, of sented a very enjoyable program.
B. B. Watkins.
Coquille, visited at the Nile Miller The remainder of the evening was
Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Barklow were home Saturday.
spent playing various games. An­
Wednesday evening dinner guests ot
Singing class met at the home of other evening of this type is being
Mrs. Barklow's sister, Mrs. Clifford Mr. and Mrs. Sam Root with Mrs. planned for the Christmas season.
Summerlin, of Norway.
Woodyard directing.
They will
Ralph Southstone, local mail car­
Miss Flora Barkley, of Portland, meet agaiuoext Friday at 7:45 p. m. rier, could not get through with the
was a house guest of Miss Esther and every one who is intending to mail last Saturday. -
Davidson, at the Reginald Menegat sing at the dedication program is
home last week.
requested to be present as this is to
Rev. W. S. Smith, of Coquille, and be the last practice.
The high school play, “A Million
Rev. H. L. Graybeal, the new minis­
Plans are under way for a com­
ter of the Pioneer Methodist church Dollar Joke,” which was presented munity Christmas program again this
in Coquille, visited at many of the last week was well attended and Mil­ year, the plan having worked so suc­
ton Hammack as the bashful, stut­ cessfully last year.
Arago homes Thursday afternoon.
C. E. Ellison,
Due to the high water, there was tering heir to a million dollars, was principal of the school, is general
no church sei vice Sunday morning. certainly enjoyed by all present. chairman. The Orange, at their Fri­
Sunday school attendance was 60, Music was furnished by Harold Hays day evening meeting discussed the
with David Root acting as super­ and-Milton Hammack, between acts. project and appointed Blanche Le­
intendent in the absence of the reg­ After the play a group of the young clerc, Beth Culver and Irene Hat­
uar superintendent, Melden Carl. folks gathered at the home of Mrs. field to represent their organization
Grace Root was leader of the Chris­ Rooella Cline and were entertained Maud Hooton, Nadine Ellis and Jun­
tian Endeavor hour. There will be with music furnished by Harold ior Bartlett have been appointed to
no church service next Sunday Hays. T hey also made candy and represent the Bible school and Chris­
morning and Sunday school will be a very enjoyable time was had by tian Endeavor. The Woman’s Civic
club will take action on the matter
at ten a. m. instead of eleven o’clock. all.
at their meeting Friday. These vari-
A potluck dinner will be held
49 lb. $1.59
r 1
sbsim L-.
• r.
promptly at 12 o’clock in the old
gym, with tM dedication st the pew
2 ID.
lb 19‘
By the Piece
Ä 0
ing the Christmas program, decorat­
ing for it, providing Christmas treats
for al the children in the commun­
ity, and sending remembrances to
the shut-ing,
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver and
children were dinner guests Sunday
at the home of Mrs. Culver’s sister.
Mrs. .Dan Cribbins, in Myrtle Point.
There was a .good attendance at
the Grange meeting Friday evening
in spite of the deluge. Thomas and
Genevieve Luttrell and Austin Bry­
ant were elected to membership;
Vern Magill gave a talk on current
legislation. A poem, “Life’s Clock,”
was read by the Lecturer, and a new
Grange closing song was introduced
by Banche Leclerc and Marjorie Ma­
gill. Plans were made for a day of
work on the hall Doc. 1. The men
will meet and do the carpenter work
and the ladies will serve them a
chicken dinner.
About 15 members of the Woman’s
Civic club met Wednesday at the
home of Mrs. Amanda Ehrig and
spent the day working on articles for
their bazaar.
Dwight Culver was a Coquille
visitor Monday.
Mrs. Ira Smith and son, Wollcott,
and daughter, Dorothy, have return­
ed from their trip to Colorado and
ate now settled in the Sam Ochel-
tree house, on Salmon creek. The
Ocheltrees have moved to Medford
for the winter.
Mrs. Hattie Hatcher, of Myrtle
Point, visited Friday
her mother, Mrs. M.
Brownson has been ill
her strength very slowly.« *
In spite of the downpour of rain
Monday morning there were 15 pres­
ent, besides the pupils and teachers,
to hear the fine talk given by Bishop
Dagwell in the school auditorium.
His talk, appropriate to the Thanks­
giving season, was much enjoyed by
those who heard him.
program on the work of the Ameri­
can Mission to lepers.
The E. F. Davidson family of Co­
quille visited Sunday at the Chas.
Fanner home.
The Christian Endeavor gave a
very enjoyable, “Red and White”
party at the phurch Monday evCnini.
Following the singing of some “wel­
come” choruses, a number of games
and contests were enjoyed. Pump­
kin pie was served and the evening
came to a close with a candlelight
song service. Present were Mr. and
Mrs. Orlin Lett and little daughter,
Joan; Myrtle and Virginia Beckett;
Cherie Mae Hartwell, Eleanor Men­
egat, Lou and Maude Hooton, Viola
Dunckley, Virginia and Vivienne
Lake, Nadine Ellis, Ruth Walker,
Pauline Fanner, Ruby and Florence
Johnson, Robert Dunckley, Billy
Huff, Evin Oestrich, Junior Bart-
ett, Clyde Puett, E. J. Walker and
Robert Ocheltree.
„ 18*e
NOTICE is hereby given by the
undersigned executrix, that in pur­
suance of an order of the County
Court for Linn County, Oregon,
made and entered on the 22nd day
of November, 1937, said executrix
is authorized and directed to sell the
real propeity
property belongii
belonging to said es
tate. located te
in jjoos
Coos County. Ofc
»•>, wcsviiucu
1UUOWS, to-wit:
describee! u
as follows,
The West half of the East half of
the Northeast quarter of the
Northwest quarter of Section 36,
in Township 28 South, Range
15 West of the Willamette Meri­
dian, in Coos County, Oregon,
*-•-*- -, jo acrei.
That -------
be a at __
* “ “--- sale
ci-a. shall
a s _(^
sale, to the highest bidder for
avi vmBll,
on and
------- after
iturday. the 25th day
of December, 1937,
oias to be
oe pre
37, au
all bids
pre- ­
sented to the office of her attorney,
Edward E. Sox, 209 First National
Bank Building in Albany, Oregon.
Executrix of the estate^ of H. H.
Hewitt, Deceased.
Edward E. Sox,
209 First National Bank Building,
Albany, Oregon,
At Christian Science Churches
“Soul and Body” was the subject
of the Lesson-Sermon in all Church-
es of Christ, Scientist, on Sunday,
November 21.
The Golden Text was, “My soul,
wait thou only upon God for my ex­
pectation is from him (Ps. 62:5).
Among the citations which com­
prised the Lesson-Sermon was the
following from the Bible: “For we
walk by faith, not by sight. We are
confident, I say, and willing rather
to be absent from the body, and to be
prebent with the Lord.” (II Cor. 5:
T, 8).
The Lesson-Sermon also included
the following correlative passages
from the Christian Science textbook,
“Science and Health with Key to the
Scripture." by Mary Baker Eddy
"Indentity is the reflection of Spirit,
the reflection in multifarious forms
’of the living Principle, Love. Soul is
Mrs. M. O. Hooton will have charge the substance. Life, and inteligence
of the Christian Endeavor meeting of man, which is individualised, but
Sunday evening. Her topic is, “Sup­ not in matter.” (P.. 477).
pose There Had Been No Mission-
•riss." This will ba teltowM by «
Huddle Transfer
Local & Long Distance
Moving a Specialty
Phon« 178-L
Insured Carrier