'iffV X- s * ifei' ■ I 1 ¿ PAGB FOUI __________ estimates that only »5,000,000 will be available for new highway work in Oregon next year including fed­ eral aid projects. The Sentinel MOO A FAHR IS A GSSO TOWS H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMM PaMto here H. A. YOUNG, Miter _ •B union ^*13K1>-" | Sabscripttea Rate* One Year---------------------------------------W.OO Six Months---------------------------- ------ Three Months----------- -•---------- ——• No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. This rule is impera­ tive. ‘____ ■ Advertising Rates Display advertising 30 cents per inch. No advertisement inserted for less than 50 cents. Reading notice* in cen ts p ar li ne —Na read i n gJHiLtce. or advertisement of any kind, insert­ ed for Jess than 25 cents._________ - /- Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as Second Class Mail Matter. Office Corner W. First end WUtard 8L FINANCIAL HOCUS-POCUS (from the New York Times) During the first four months of the current fisoal year the govern­ ment of the United States has col­ lected »215,000,000 in social security taxes. If anybody imagines that this money has been set aside under lock and key, in a special reserve fund which will accumulate interest over a period of years and enable the Government ultimately to pay the benefits whieh the Social Security Act requires, his faith, taj-based upon a misconception of facts.. The »215 000 “r I ■’ XL,.. event the carriers refuse to obey the ujilitity commftsioner’s order, be has often expressed the opinion that all men should be protected in their right to work and that he stood ready to throw the entire forces of the state back of any attempt to preserve lf»w «nH -.Me- Mps to help build Grand Coulee dam, perhaps to finance WPA projects in stn^t-paving, perhaps to pay' the salaries of officers in the navy—no one knows precisely, since the dol- i - ia rs tiiat e w.n e i i rtu thy Treasury not so earmarked that they can be identified when they go out again. — -ite tor-the^reserw fund"’Atflti!“!» supposed to supply the money need­ ed in future years for the payment of benefits under the Social Security Act: it consists at present only of Government I. ’ . U.’s._____________ “Certain-concl sions are inescap- able. One is the fact that what the government has actually done hqs -L > been to invent a new kind of cor­ • I poration tax and a new kind of per- sonal income. tax, applied in the ,£—•-raw Of * TTidTvIffuals 'Jv’en 'Io* the lifts its ban as applied to delivery of freight a fight to the finish between the state as Represented by its duly elected and appointed officials and organized labor is predicted. der over paid ii(M its terms all Oregon residents the age of 85 years would be annuities up to a rj a montf all of which must be expended. Th» annuity or pension would be financed by a,two per cent transactions tax. Any surplus after paying the annuities would go into the Irreducible. School fund. A Hudson sedan owned by H. L. smallest incomes. Equally clear is the fact that this system is a con­ McCabe, of Portland, will bear li­ stant beguiling temptation to gov- cense No. 1 during 1»38, McCabe.*». eim»et >ua e kw»— wim "- annual drawing for low numbers conducted in the automobile regis- PRESS COMMENTS ON IT Other "T» The Black-donnery Wage- and ir.it Ion department Friday. 'Oregon motorists to draw low num­ Hour Bill, passed by the senate dur­ bers include the following: Frank H ing the last session of congress,* and Smith, Corvallis. 7; Merrill -M. and to be taken up by. the house during Mai B. Oveson, Moro, 8; Reuben the special session,’ has drawn the Scouton, Oregon, City, 10; M. J. Ab­ following editorial comment t fronj, bott, Forest Grove, 11; C. R. Sprague, __ th® nation’s press: . - .J ' “The possibilities of abuse in this Marshfield, 14; Elfrede O. Zutz, The Dalles, 24; Cora M. Row, Marshfield, scheme are plain. It provide* a 27; Mrs. G. F. Anderson, Marsh­ precedent for wage fixing by gov­ field, 57; O. L. Wellman, Mount An­ ernment which can be used to force gel, 81; Margaret V. Miller,. Hood them up. It invites wage determin­ River, 02.. ation for political ends, with resul­ r-.-.x I ; tant Interruption of industrial oper­ The State Forestry board has ap­ ations and discouragement to enter­ proved plans for the purchase of prise.”—The Chicago Daily Tribune. fivfe acres of land near the state "It is the kind of thing that will highway shops, just east of Salem not stand close and continued study.” and the construction of a building for use as headquarters for the for­ —The Kansas City Times. estry department. The building, a "The problem is a practical one WPA project, will cost »30,100 with, pf economics^ not an emotional one the forestry department supplying of Fascism versus democracy.” — the materials and WPA the labor. I» 4 The Cincinnati Enquirer. Because of curtailment of federal JTtcreates, in short, a system ot grgntg to the states, Oregon** 1838 reginicrrtritlBfi’ for Atncrican ■ indus­ highway- program will of necessity try, creates a new and burdensome be materially reduced below that of bureaucratic load for the taxpayers the «urrent year, according to R. H. and creates ’a board which would Baldock, state highway engineer. hold autocratic power over every Much federal match’ money will also type of business in every section of be lost to Oregon because of lack the land.” — The Atlanta Constitu­ of state funds available for new con­ tion. . struction, Baldock said. Bafdock -i— 1 s- ...... l- Sportsmanlike Driving—Use Hand Signals t Single Position Hand Signal k> r Triple Position Hand Signals ■45 ) •z Left Turn Right Turn Stop or Stow Hand signals are one of .5 the ____ ___ _ ________ reqairements for most important F a lews — S- between - * - - ■■ •• .. safe motoring. State laws vary — as extending the arm horizontally to signal all changes' in th* movement of the ear and «Efferent signals for right tarns, left tarn* and stopping. Shown •bore is the single signal required in some state* and the three signals required in others. By all means, learn to give the nrnnw signal. It is Sportemanlike ¿riving. ’ prOp* Ä AXA. SAFBTY FKATURM I !• IN THE WAKE OF FLOOD MIK K •W- % 1 1 » J ÍF W George Dunaford, 09, for 23 yean superintendent of the state capital building and grounds, died Satur­ day night following a major opera­ tion. As the man largely responsi­ ble for the creature comforts at state officials and employees Dunaford had an extensive personal acquain­ tance with past and present public officials in all sections of the state. 1 M 1»* ' f à L K ! vT * /'MSI ■ -Â M| J ft Inmates of all state institutions will fare well this Thanksgiving. Special dinners will be served at most of the institutions. More than two tons of turkfy alone, exclusive of other megte, will lx- required to feed the inmates and employees of the ten institutions. A ton of can­ dies and nuts and 50 crates of oranges wll also be servbd. THE AUTOBUILT MECHANISM OF THE rate scene was Masted many times In rsfugss centers established by ths Red Cross during the Ohio-Mississippi Valley Rood. Inevitably floods bring the danger of disease as drinking courses become contaminated and large groups of people I WASHER Oregon's new capitol will be ready chitects in charge of the construction. The main building is now entirely enclosed and work is progressing rapidly on the tower and the interi­ or finishing. _ Admitting that the jury system as The latest in old age pension pro­ ■« Eastman, practiced in this country is ineffli- posals comes from Elbert la sp^isorlM' •mrwaif»W;TfflrSrnat; aa- ------- a measure designated as the “ Citi­ zens’ Retirement Annuity Bill.” tin­ « Fears that the opposition of east­ ern congressmen might deprive Ore­ gon of many of its CCC camps are entertained by J. W. Ferguson, state forester. Eastern congressmen, Ferguson explained, object to send­ ing boys from their state into the west. There are now approximaely 1800 CCC boys in CCC camp» under state supervision in Oregon, many of the units coming from eastern and southern states. ar­ S - Common carriers operating in Ore­ gon must serve union and non-union patrons alike, Utilities Commissioner N. G. Wallace ruled in an order this week requiring two truck line* to deliver freight to a Salem restaurant which was being picketed by the Culinary Worker* union. Driver* for the truck lines had re- fused to pass the picket line* of the affiliate union. Commissioner Wal­ lace declared that the carrier* had no right to recognize picket line* where no strike or riot conditions existed and the safety of the driver had not been menaced. The order of the utilities commis­ sioner is expected to have far- reaching results and probably to re­ sult in a “showdown’ as between the forces of organized tabor and constituted authority in Oregon. While Governor Martin refused to comment on the older or to indicate what his attitude might be in»the ‘ ♦ sociate justice of the state supreme court, told the Salem chamber of commerce this week that these de­ fects were only a part of the price that must be pald for. the m a int an- ance of democratic institutions. For the most part. Justice Lusk declared, juries are honest and fairly intelli­ gent, and purchased verdicts -are very rare. QTyarvia •Ivina. egeAafe e-___ i ------ _i--------- Oregon Voter Comment • You can turn a Norge Autobuilt Washer upside —=■ (Continued from Page One) all its modernity and orderly effi­ ciency, taveata an operation of out­ standing proportions, comparable with the largest of Portland’s indus­ tries._______ ’____ _ "Who Is right in “the” controversy between A. F. of L. and C. L O. is a subject of bitter contention between the partisans al the two lumber fac­ down ... and its sealed-in-oil the workers Inta A. F. of L. and then got sp many oi them to desert A. F. of r. and go e I Or The bltteineas between these leaders and the rank qpd flu rj th.umrlr.iw whttX«ol dW were misled is a bitterness that spells trouble, in or out of employ­ ment. The community of Coquille and the working workers are so con­ cerned over the situation that they are-baokingthe-AP tr ■pruRCl'tptMn,' which in effect means that the C. I. O. leaders (ex A. F. of L.) will have to leave Coquille to find employ­ mechanism works perfectly. TheTubricant^cun’t In every way—and particu- see, but depend on for unin-' terrupted service—the Norge Washer is better engineered for quicker, cleaner washings and.years .of -carefree. npu tion. See the Norge today and have its many fea- tures demonstrated ment. This is a tough sentence, but tions. Among the majority of the the "sentiment of the community-is DOWN- workers apd _ the. fommunUy^. the rtrSrly ’ that WK"’G»aêfs * have Unfor­ Secretary of ¡State Earl Snell has really paramount issue is that of brought it on themselves. trying to protect the employment it­ tunately they have a considerable a new horse, but he can’t ride it. self from utter destruction in the group of C. I. O. followers who are The new acquisition to his souvenir bitterness of labor warfare. The - women, collection is a miniature cow pony, dread that- patoadee - -the* euipluyes ~ who hate to give up what they re­ MARSHFIELD, OREGON and the community is that the plant gard as their right to^choose their hacks more carved out of ponderoaa may have to b* shut..down. in full. own bargaining agency. These fol­ ■ —COQUILLE* BRANCH pine by William 'Waters, old-tiape’ ♦ven-as is the lumber industry of U. E. MeCLARY, Mgr. lowers will have to abandon their resident of the Fossil section Portland .While to all appearances Phone 249R 315 West link leaders if they obtain employment this «tire prospect seemed unlikely, at the great mill, for under the closed Arrests and convictions of drunken in view of the kind of business done Names Oddities at O. S. C. shop contract only the workers may drivers is on the increase throughout in specialties and the markets that The annual search for mosj com­ be employed who are members of A. Oregon. October set a new high had been developed, yet the success F. of L. The verdict is cruel; it mon and peculiar names nmong the record for this activity with 177 op­ of the A. F. of L. boycott of C. I. O. abases and degrades those who feel 4068 students at Oregon State col­ erators’ licenses revoked or sus­ lumber from Portland is a success they have to submit to it in order to lege has revealed that the Johnsons pended for reckless or drunken driv- that has been well advertised locally feed their families, but it is a logi­ nosed out the Smith this year 47 to in Coquille and is a source of real cal, probably inevitable, result of the 46, while the Jones’ with only, 12 worry lest A. F. of L. can carry into Wagner act. trailed the Browns with lfi^for third Contract for the lethal gas cham­ effect a simitar boycott of C. I. O. honors. Budding journalists. found Amend Wasner Act ber which is to replace the gallows specialty stock. The conflict with its train of mis­ in the new student directory plenty at the state prison, has been let to Locally in Coquille there is little understanding, dispute, bitterness of material for puns with such names a Denver firm. Construction of the sympathy with the C. I. O. adher­ and conflict, and its threat to dis­ to work with as Smart, Savage, new death chamber, which was au­ ents, who now are in a minority. At thorized by the last legislature will I Lovin, Sly, Joy, Bold, order and destruction of employ­ Darling, the time the A. F. of L. plylock local ment and industry, emphasizes the Strong and Fretwell. cost approximately »1800. voted to change to C. I. O., the ma­ necessity for amendment of thé jority, or a large number, of the em­ Wagner act. No emergency con­ Ask Ned C. Kelley for rate« on S. P. the Third Largest ployes supported the C. I. O. pro­ fronts congress that is more press­ Fire Insurance. posal. v It was upon more mature A full page water color painting ing. The method of administration of an Oregon lumbering scene and 1 consideration to what might happen of the act is consistent with the to their employment under an A. F. ■Marge painting of a farm scene in spirit of the act, and probably can­ the Willamette valley are included of L. boycott, and because of mis­ not be reformed under this admin­ in the illustrations used with a story trust of the C. I. O leaders who are istration unless the act 4 itself is on the Southern Pacific Company the same leader* who formerly got amended. One amendment needed them Into A. F. of Lu that th* m*J which is the feature article in the to one which will prohibit unfair jori(y ofethe employes decided that it November issue of Fortune* maga­ labor practices by employes and zine. The story was written by F°^d ** iaF WUer l° itay WUh unions as -well as by employers.. The THOXINE SOOTHES ALL members of the Fortune staff and A. F. of L. primarily has been guilty THE WAY DOWN... then act » the paintings were made by Mitchell nant of bitteX^ V^peTte ? FROM within . Get relief from'Sore Jamison, a young artist from Wash­ in Coquille as they are In Portland,1 Also th “ fon°wed example, Throat and Coughs due to colds— ington, D. C, who spent several although in Coquille they now are' ^h“>d £ ' provlsion and get it quick. With the very first weeks in Oregon during the summer Sw^lloyr, THOXINE, Ue mtrrnat throat a small minority. They feel that .u — °f >Ct- while on a picture-making tour of they have th. right with them under n^rty nt"diant. soothes soreness, helps loosen C^J itnC0?P?t‘W« wlth Southern Pacific lines from New phlegm and ease hard swallowing. the Wagner Act, in that they exer-’ Wonderfully effective because, unlike Orleans to Portland. cised their own ’choice in an orderly1 ^"7" *** °r *W gargles that reach only about the The story reveals the fact that the manner and selected C. I. O. as their “n,eM ** or ,he "upper j” of irritation, THOXINE also Southern Pacific Company is the «¡«ns up as a members of a union acts reap in the throat and through the bargaining agency. They ascribe the third largest industrial corporation system da well. Pure, reliable—best for with which an employer has a closed in the nation, exceeded only by the weaning away of their original sup­ •hop contract. Children, too. 1CO% satisfaction or drug- re’ii. ns your money. Get TncxiNR A. T. & T. and the Pennsylvania posed majority to unfair tactics of 'xlay! A'cert no substitute. 35f, G