T I A. Saunders and children, Margaret, Billy and Hany, of Chicago. Ill., and « Mrs. A. L. Shaw, of Portland. Mrs. N. J. Bonewitz and son, Brice, 8«. Rev. J. A. Washington, young people’s work for the west Conference, will preach for the next two Sundays. You will enjoy Mr. McKee’s m e ss ages. MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Sunday school at the usual hour, Mrs. Ernest Luthy and 10:00 a. aa. Jren, Ernestine,- George Young People’s meeting at 7:00 p. mond, and Jean Danville m. with LaVelle Dele and Grant >unduy morning for a hop Hartwell in charge. You will enjoy Salem. Mr. Luthy took them out and the young people’s meetings. . ■etumed home Monday. Dorothy Hester will play at the T, D. Guerin and C. V. Guerin went morning service and Bobby Bums E. Fourth at cornier o Portland Saturday with a load o< will be at the console at 7:45 with a Earl F. Downing, Minister cattle from the Eckley country. Mrs. fifteen-minute organ concert and will A coining event that you will want C. V. Guerin and son, Tom, Mrs. Lor- also play for the evening service. to attend will be the evangelistic n Guerin and son, Harry, drove up Hear Rev. J. A. McKee at Pioneer meeting which will begin Sunday, and all returned home together Tues- Methodist Church Sunday. September 5th. Brother and Sister day. Walter Fiscus, former ministers here,' Mr. and Mrs. Herman Eckmeyer, of The Holy Name Catholic Church will lead the meeting. ; Berkeley, California, arrived Sunday Services for Sunday, August 2#, are and on Tuesday they, with P. W. Coquille: 1st Sunday, 10:30 a. m.; Laird and daughter. Marguerite, took as follows: 2nd and 3rd Sunday, 8:30 a. m. Miss Vernita Laird to Portland, bible School, 8:45 a. m. Myrtle Point: 2nd Sunday, 10:30 a. Morning service, 11:00 a. m. Ser­ where she left for New York and on m; 4th Sunday, 8:30 a. m. Bandon: 1st Sunday, 8:30 a. m.; 3rd mon subject, “What Price Church?" Sept. 10 will sail for Germany for a Evening service, 8:00 p. m. Ser­ several months’ stay. Sunday, 10:30 a. m. mon subject, “Did Christ Command Mrs. Agnes Kenyon spent the Powers, 4th Sunday. 10:30 a. m. week-end in Port Orford. Rev. J. M. Sheridan, Pastor Immersion?" Midweek service, Thur*. 7:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Haberiy have as Brother Walter Fiscus in charge. their guest this week her sister, Miss Wilson, of Lakin, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wood and Firut Church of Christ, Scientist of Cleveland. ¿und./ School 0:45 am. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Epworth Leagues 0:30 p. m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Methodist Episcopal Church Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­ eryone welcome. O. A. Gray, Pastor FAIRVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kenyon and E. Allard, all of San Diego, left last Monday morning after visiting rela­ tives hare the past two weeks. Vem Kenison planned to leave on Thursday morning of this week for Los Angeles to purchase a school bus. Mr. and Mrs. James Meaning and Mr. and Mrs. Frits Menning and the letter’s father, all of Loe Angeles, have been visiting the past week at the home of Mrs Vem Kenison Clyde Kenyon, who has been em- Mrs. Mary Miller and Mrs. Henry Knight. Mrs. E. O. Carter has gone to Col­ orado and Kansas, where she will spend a month visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and JMr«. Joo Shook, of Okla­ homa, are visiting at the home’of Mrs. Shook’s sister, Mrs. William Ar­ nold. • The Misses Paula, Eleanor and Hel­ en Breuer returned home from a week’s stay at Tahkenitch Lake. Miss Eda Smith substituted for Miss Elea­ nor ia the Dr-mint & Laird office during her absence. Mrs. Anna Nelson returned to het home at Ix>s Angeles after spending several months at the home of her daughter, Mrs, R. E. Hayes. Mr. and Mrs. K. H. Hansen and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Rosslow returned home from a three weeks’ trip to Yel­ lowstone, Grand Canyon and other points of interest. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins have as their guests this week Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Whalley and sons, Rob­ ert and Richai d, of San Jose, Califor­ nia. H. A. Schroeder and son, Elton, spent the week-end in Portland on a a. TO BUY YOUR CAR 9 ■: W Thirds PAY CASH FOR ITI You provid« one-third the price in cash or in trade-in value...we , lend you the balance to enable you to make a cash deal both for the car and insurance. Moderate - int*rest, no ewtro ehnrne« t z .■ .aa* > .«aw - aa f* RM X db dd M sea mu » sassner ««■ sas «ns trgess and daughters, insurance placed where you ugfiter, Ciayl, of Medford, spent Sunday Service at 11 a. m. the week-end at the L. L. Powers Bernice and Mary June, spent Thurs­ wish, established bank credit. Subject for next Sunday, “Christ day with the L. B. Jennings family of home. Jesus.’ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Redell have as Riverton. Wednesday evening meeting at I Como in and get full infor­ Mrs. Rose Garrett and daughter, their guest, Miss Helen Krigbaum, of o’clock. Margaret, Mrs. D. Hillis and daugh­ Burbank, California. mation ... at no obligation. Free public Reading Room open in L. H. Pearce spent the week-end ter, Bernice, left Wednesday morn­ Church Building every Tuesday and ing for California. Mrs. Hillis and tn Portland on a business, and pleas­ Friday afternoons except holidays daughter have spent the summer here ure trip. from two to five o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Metzel and son and are returning to their home at The public is cordially Invited to .•eturned to their home at Crescent Auburn, California. Mrs. Garrett and attend our services and to visit the City, after a short visit In Myrtle Margaret will visit Mrs. Neva Guerin Wearing Room. in San Jose. Point. Mr. and Mrs. T. M Stover retumetfj Miss Christina Roww, of Portland, ployed at San Diego, since last win­ home the last of the week from a arrived ’ ~ Tuesday and will spent some OF PORTLAND ter, returned to the home of his par­ business and pleasure trip to Port­ lime at the home of her sister, Mrs. •fitti NA MON Al SANK ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Kenyon, of land. Lorin Guerin. WW7 OF THt tOCKIff Fairview. John Lamb, of Salem, is spending Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Jackson, of San «utili risiiti oirosir iniumhci COItOt AtlOH Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daniels, Bill and Jose, California, spent several days two weeks with friends and relatives Bebe, of San Diego, are visiting at last week visiting friends in Myrtle in Myrtle Point, Coquille and Arago. raise teaching salaries, and meet the the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Ken­ Point. increased cost of higher prices due to yon. Phyllis Belloni and Alice Bellshaw Riverton Schools Are Mrs. Harold Henagin is visiting in spent the week-end in Powers at the he improved economic conditions in Ready for Fall Opening he country as a whole and still keep Eugene. home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carey. below the six per cent limitation. The Several Fairview ladies attended a Wm. Lundy is spending this week (Continued from Page One) board members are: Grade School— shower for Mrs. Sam Root at her in San Francisco visiting relatives. heme in Arago last Friday. Those Mr». Dale Druliner entered the Mrs. the, n1e various types of school rooms, Mrs. Clara Jeffrey, chairman; Joe Nilsen and Randall Johnson, with going were Mesdames T. H. Benham, Mast Hospital the last of the we?k for y^e two upstairs front rooms are re­ Mrs. Lillian Hanly, clerk. High nted in colors which absorb less school—J. F. Van Leuven, chairman, *W!hf than the previous shades. The Joe Nilsen, Conrad Borgard, Mrs. D. old paint absorbed 58 per cent of the P. Jenkins, Mrs. Flora Carlson with light that should have been reflected Mrs. Lillian Hanly, cleric. from the walls. The new shades of The Riverton high school is pleased tan fpr the walnscoating and casings to welcome into its faculty two new and light cream for the ceiling absorb teachers—Miss Gail Hufford and Miss only about 18 to 20 per cent of the Elda Gilman. Both young ladies were light. This allows more adequate graduated in June from the Univer­ lighting with less use of artificial sity of Oregon and are graduates of light. The work of reconditioning the the Coquille high school. Miss Huf­ floors, which was started last year, ford will teach the new domestic ALL CARS regularly assigned _ I our was continued and made them much science department and will handle trains to California are air-condi- air. MS PaaMa Balldla«. Portland. Or.goa tionaries are being added to the li­ Many changes in adoption of text­ brary, as well as about thirty new books are being made this year both volumes chosen from the Oregon state in the grade school and in the high of successful teaching experience in library list. The library will also be school. The grade texts are furnished Wallowa county from whence he furnished with six current magazines by the district. The high school texts comes to Riverton. He and Mrs. and two newsapers—a Portland daily at Riverton may be purchased Leonard and his dauhter, Hilma, the paper and a local weekly. through the student body book ex­ latter a high school senior, will live The domestic science department change at a fifteen per cent discount at Bandon. Mr. »Leonard will drive which for several years has been on new books. the Bullards bus run to Rivtrton. The dreamed about at Riverton will at All students who expect to enroll other three teachers who are return­ last be a reality. The plumbing, are urged to be at school the first ing to the Riverton community this cabinets, and electric stove, installed day. All work missed must be made year are Miss Opal Robison, Arago, below cost by the Mountain States up before credit can be given in the fifth and sixth grades; Mrs. Joyce Power Company, are in the northeast courses signed up for. Some late Owen- Springfield, third and fourth comer room upstairs. The small entrants last year found the double krades, and Miss Ann Allard, equipment has been ordered and load of current work and make-up charlest°n, first and second grades, everything will be ready for the new work impossible for them to carry. . Wayne Robinson is the principal. course in home-making, which has In keeping with the spirit of prog-1.. the The milk which is such an important sum- proved so popular in other schools of ress at Riverton, the grade »chool ta *7' ^P^ed Phyrica) condition, of mer food may also be a health menace the state. “Home-making” involves pace with the improvements a study of cooking, sewing, interior | keeping in the high school. The new buses 8taf ’ the RJyerton ,''hook unless it is kept at an even, low tempera­ decorating, etiquette, family relation-1 which were purchased are jointly "hOUld “pe7n<* '7 cducaUofial ships, child care, and other phases of ture. That's why it is doubly important owned and operated by both the * 1M7‘ a girl’s life in her home as a girl and i Union High school and Grade school |1 for every, family with children to have an as a grown woman. 1 districts. The floors in the lower ' The Smith-Hughes recitation room automatic refrigerator. There is no food has been moved to the southwest cor­ story of the school building, which is ner room and a door has been cut occupied by the Grade school, are be- keeping problem in the home that has an through the wall so that the science ing b,eached and refinished, two electric refrigerator. And summer menu laboratory is connected with the ’rooms are being rekalaomined, Smith-Hughes room. This arrange­ . the toilets are being enlarged. Local '& Long Distance problems are a thing of the past, with the ment will allow better use of the grades are being provided with a new set of Compton ’ s Encyclopedias and refrigerator always ready to turn out science equipment both for the sci­ ence courses and the agriculture several new volumes of library books. ' tempting frozen desserts and salads. Best course. Several additions are to be A new gelatin duplicator ia being Moving a Specialty of all, there is no food wasted, which is | made to the science equipment which purchased to cut down the expense of printing small quantities of tests will materially add to the effective­ real economy ness of the general science and bi­ and other duplicated material. There is only one change this year ology instruction, as well as to meet in the grade school teaching staff. the state requirements. The Riverton school boards deserve James H. Leonard, front near La commendation for being able to han­ Grande,. Oregon, will replace Wayne Phone 178-L dle the financial affairs of the district Smith, who was elected to the Junior in such a way as to improve the High school teaching staff in Coquille. Insured Carrier school building and equipment, buy Mr. Leonard comes very highly rec­ three new buses, build bus sheds, ommended. He has had several yean GUARD £a£|| and ★ COQUILLE BRANCH * T he FIRST NÁTIONAL BANK <3 CALIFORNIA that MILK! Southern Pacific with the ! even, constant cold1 of an ELECTRIC Refrigerator H. E. HUDDLE HAULING coal