J - At Pioneer Church Sunday St. James Episcopal Church The Reverend W. S. Smith, local „Urea Presbyterian minister, will occupy the pulpit at eleven o’clock Sunday mornirig in the ' absence of the pastor. Rev. W Raymond Wilder. At the eight o'clock evening service Rev. Robert Waggoner, local preach­ er of the church, will be in the pulpit. The Pioneer church choir will sing ,t both services, and soloists will be featured Mrs. M. O. Hawkins will preside at the organ. The Sunday school meeting at ten o'clock offers a class in Bible study for every age. The Epworth League mseting at seven o'clock presents an hour of study and discussion for all the young people. Everyone is cor­ dially invited to enjoy each or all of these helpful services. Emanuel Baptist Church Fourth and Elliott Sts. A great time is expected at the Baptist church. Dr. C. E. Hedrick and «on, have recently arrived from Portland, where they held a fine nesting. Henry Hedrick, a young nan with a splendid voice, a radio linger, will be here Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights, also Sunday at 11 a. m. Evening services begin at The Revd. George R. Tumey, Vicar Summer Schedule Real Estate Situated In St. Louis 8 00 a. m.—Holy Communion. County. State of IWhsnMsts: The NE ft of the SEft of Sec. 23, T. 9:30 a. m.—Morning Service and 59, N. R. 17, W. 40 a. Sermon. <■ The SE ft of the SE ftof Sec. 23, T. 99, N. R. 17, W. 40 a. The NW ft of the NW ft of Sec. 29, CoquUle Assembly of God T. 59, N. R 17, W. 40 a. Second and Heath The NEft of the NEft of Sec. 26, T. 59, N. R. 17, W. 40 a. Rev. R. D. E. Smith, Pastor Sunday school at 9:49 a. m. Morn­ Real Estate Situated in Cooo County, State of Oregon, in which the Es­ ing worship at eleven. Sermon by tate of Lemuel C. Stanley, deceased, the pastor; topic, “The Christian's Re­ hM an undivided one-half interest lation to This World," answering with the Estate of William P. Bart­ lett, deceased. these questions: "Should a Christian Sft of SEft of Sec. 10, Twp. belong to a labor union’", “What 28, The S. R. 13, W. W. M. 80 a. stand should a Christian take toward The Sft ot SWft of Sec. 11, Twp. amusements, etc.’”, “Where must the 28, S. R. 13, W W. M. 80 a. ~ * The Wft of NEft of Sec. 1, Twp. line of separation between the church 29, S. R. 14. W. W. M. 80 a. and the world be drawn’” Young The NW ft of SEft of Sec. 1, Twp. people meet at 7:00 p. m. and the 29, S. R. 14, W. W. M. 40 a. ’evangelistic service is at 8:00 p. m. The Sft of Sec. 36, Twp. 28, S. R. 14, 320 a. The Sft of Nft of Sec. 36, Twp. Church of God 28, S. 14, W. W. M. 160 a. ' 1 note dated Nov. 6, 1929, C. R. Corner Seventh and Henry Sts. Hoe vet, due 2 years after date, -in­ Church school at 10.00 a. m. terest 5ft %, Int. paid to Nov. 6, Preuching at 11:00 a. m. | 1931, and $100 paid March 10, 1932 ... - $1288.46 Evening services at 7:30 p. m. 1 note dated Nov. 6, 1929, CL R. Everybody welcome at all these Hoevet, due 3 years after date, services. interest 5ft % Int. paid to Nov. 6, Rev. E. E. Watkins. 1931, ... - 1288.46 _______________ ■ 1 note dated Noy. 6, 1929, C. R. TJto Pioneer Me th nd tat Choreh CALL FOR BID8 Notice is hereby given that propos­ als will be received for transportation of pupils of the non-high school dis­ trict from the Fat Elk and Roy dis­ tricts to the Coquille High School. All bids must be in the hands of secretary not later than 5:00 P. M. Sat­ urday, July io. Details of the route, terms of contract, date of opening bids, etc., may be obtained through .the secretary. . The board of education of the non- high school district reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 25tl MARTHA E. MULKEY Secretary Non High School District NOTICE TO CREDITOR8 Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed administratrix of the estate of Sara Helen Robbins, Deceased, and all persons having claims against Block “A” lying west of the tension of Beach Street, and that portion of Prosperity Avenue which wm vacated by the City of Coquille on the 8th day of March, 1918, all of the above described property being in Knowlton Heights Addition to the City of Coquille, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. Said sale being made subject to redemption in the manner provided by law. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 18th day of June, 1937. Wm. F. Howell, 2315 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT IM­ PROVEMENT LIENS Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a warrant issued by the City Recorder of the City of Coquille,1 Oregon, commanding me so to do un­ der authority of an order of the Com­ mon Council of Mid City passed and made on the 7th day of June, 1937, I will on the 12th day of July, 1937, in the forenoon of said day at the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. at the front door of the City Hall in Co­ quille, Oregon, offer for Mie at public auction for cash in hand the follow­ ing lots and parcels of land situate within Mid City, particularly describ­ ed herein, together with the names of owners, and improvement for which liens were levied; Mid property will be sold for the amount of liens, being unpaid and delinquent, together with 4x per cent interest to date of sale; Mid sales will be made subject to redemption as provided by law. Each lr»f Inf nr nr* rr»* ’ — • m H ... H . Fourth of July ■ —* i ' : . is almost here and the stores will be closed for two days, Sunday and Monday. We offer for your selection FRYERS, HENS, VEAL, PORK, BEEF and LAMB all of No. One Quality Always a large line of Luncheon Meats Phone 20 J. L. STEVENS the provisions of the City Charter and I note dated Nov. 6, 1929, C. R. the general Jaws of the State of Ore­ Hoevet, due 9 years after date, in­ gon, for the purpose of collecting de- ■¡ej­ terest 5ft % Int. paid to Nov. 6, 1931, - - - . 1288.46 lnquent Improvements liens, for the improvement of street; and construc ­ (Above notes secured by mortgage tion of sewers, as particularly ect * -- --------- --------- on Real Estate) forth herein. $39.24; interest to date, $21.06; Lot tance of 1520 feet, more or less, 1 promissory note, F. S. Stanley, ELLIOTT’S ADDITION 3, Blk. 14, North Add.; date of Lien. to a point on the North line of the dated June 15, 1917, on demand, Coulter Street Improvement November 7. 1929; amount of Lien, Roosevelt Coast Highway; thence 9% (Secured by the fol­ interest 5% Owners of property at date of as­ $268 38c balance due on principal, ■long the North line of said high­ lowing collateral, 45 bonds of $1,000 sessment Nora L. Wigant, (Evelyn $268.38; interest to date, $120.79; To­ way in a Southwesterly direction each. In each, in the Central Oregon Irriga- Irriga­ Oerdlng); Lot 3, Block 42, Elliott's tal, $449.43. to a point where the same inter­ tion Co. being Nos. 241 to 285 in­ Addition; date of Lien April I, 1927; COQUILLE HEIGHTS sects the quarter quarter section clusive) (Mid note filed as a claim amount of Lien, $225.00; balance due Avenue B. Imp. line running North and South against the Estate of F. S. Stanley, Owner of property at date of as­ through the NEft of Mid Section deceased, - - - 84540.70 on principal, $135.00; interest to date, $92.65; total, $187.69. sessment: Chas. L. Willey; Lot L 29; thence North along said quar­ Certificate No. 54, 170 shares SL A Knowlton Ave. Paving Blk. B, Coquille Heights; date of ter quarter section line 1670 feet, Deschutes Contract Co., Original Par Beech Owners of property at date of as­ Lien, November 1, 1926; amount of more or leM, to the place of be­ Value $100 per, share (less payments sessment: J. E. A Josie E. Perrott Lien, $39.00; balance due on Princi­ ginning, and containing 12.08 acres, made). ------- ———«—L — K. Leach); W. 60 ft. ot Lot pal, $18.00; interest to date, $7.23; more or less; all in the County of Certificate No. 87, 1 share Rest­ (Minnie 1, Block 59, Elliott’s Addition; date of Coos, and State of Oregon. haven Sanatorium Co., Waukesha, Lien, August 19,. 1929; amount of Total, $25.23. - FLAT “8” Said Mie is made under execution Wisconsin, original par value $100. N. Outlet Sewer i issued out of the Circuit Court of Certificate No, 58, 13 shares Rest­ Lien, $181.20; balance due on princi­ Owners of Property at date of as- the I State of Oragbn for the County tate are hereby notified, that they are haven Co., original par value $50.00 pal, $90.60; interest to date, $9.13; total, $99.63. W. 60 ft. of Lot 2. sesment. A? L. Nosier (A. E. A Oreta of < Coos to me directed in the case uired to present same duly veri- per share. m); Lot 3. of S. H. Stockhaff vs. Geo. W Reck, vouehers therefor, Certificate No. 14, 99 shares Dav- Block 59, Elliott's Addition; date of Nosier and M. M. Wilson amount of Blk. 1, Plat “S”; date of 1 Lien, Janu- Amy Mae Reck, husband and wife, ed, at the law office unport-Stanley Ranch Co. original Lien, August 19, 1929; Lien, $183.01: balance due on princi ­ arv 23, 1931; amount _ * of Lien, $102.71; and Ivan Coult. in Coquille, Coos par value $100 each. of Harry A. __________, pal, $91.91; interest to date, $21.96; balance due or Dated June 23, 1937. County, Oregon, within six months Certificate No. 20, 398 shares Dav- total, $11347.. Wm. F. Howell, interest to date, from the date of this notice. Wiport-Stanfey Ranch Co., original 2419 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon 1st Add. to NOSLER’S ADDITION Dated this 2nd day of July, 1937. par value $100 each. Hoover St. N. End Paving; N. End 8ewer Dollie R. Smith, Certificate No. 4, 25 shares De­ Owners of Property at date of as­ Administratrix of the Estate of schutes Townsite Co., original par 7th, 8th, 10th and Other Streets Imp. NOTICE TO CREDITORS sessment: Nosier A Walker (A. N. Sara Helen Robbins, Deceased. value $100 per share. ’ N. End Sewer, N. End Paving Notice is hereby given that the un­ Harry A. Slack. Certificate No. 12, 3498 shares Owners of property at date of as­ A Belie R. Gould); Lot 7, Blk. 4, 1st dersigned has been duly appointed Attorney for Administratrix 25t5 Redmond Townsite Co., original par sessment: E. G. A Emily H. Opper­ Add. to Coquille Heights; date of Administrator with the Will An­ value $1.00 per share, and Certificate man; Lot 11, Block 3, Noaler's Add.; Lien, March 3, 1930; amount of Lien, nexed, of the estate of Frank E. $90.00; balance due on principal. STATE OF WISCONSIN. IN COUN for 1 share Redmond Townsite Co. date of Lien, May 1, 1922; amount of $50.00; interest to date, $21.00; Total, Grove, Deceased, and all persons hav­ original par value $1.00 per share. Lien, $99.13; balance due on princi- claims against Mid estate are TY COURT. CHIPPEWA Lot 8, Blk. 4, 1st Add. to ing Stanley-Smith Lumber Company 0$19.89; interest to date, $8.33; $71 00. hereby notified, that they are re­ COUNTY ... Coquille Heights; date of Lien, March bonds Nos. 109 to 109 inclusive, 121 11, Block 3, Nosier’s Add.; date quired to present Mme duly verified, to 153 inclusive, original par value of Lien, September 16, 1939; amount 3, 1930; amount of Lien, $90.00: bal­ with proper vouchers thedefor, to the ance due on principal, $50.00; inter ­ In the Matter of the Estate of LEM­ $1000 each. of Lien, $92.72; balance due on prin­ undersigned, at his law office in Co­ UEL C. STANLEY, Deceased. Stanley-Smith Lumber Company cipal, $83.45; interest to date, $35.07; est to date, $21.00; Total, $71.00. quille, Coos County, Oregon, within At a Regular term of said Hoover St. Imp. Lot 11, Block 8, Nosier ’ s Add . Date Bonds, Nos. 219-221 inclusive, ori­ six months from the date of this no­ Court ter U m year 1987. Owner of property at date of as­ tice. ginal par value $100 each. of Lien, November 7, 1929; amount of The matter of the Mie of the real ee­ Central Oregon Irrigation Co. Lien, $270.45; balance due on princi­ sessment: LeRoy Rice; Lot 4, Blk. Dated this 18th day of June, 1937. state and personal property of said bonds, 76 to 91 inclusive, and 326 to pal, $243.40; interest to date, $04 90; 5, 1st Add. to Coquille Heights; date Harry A. Slack, estate having come on to be heard, 340 inclusive, original par value of total, $485.00. Lot 12, Block 3, Nos- of Lien, March 3, 1930; amount of Administrator with the Will An­ and the administrator, de bonis non. $1000 each. ler's Add.; date of Lien, May 1, 1922; Lien, $50.00; balance due on princi­ nexed of the Estate of Frank E. Elmer .M. Bradford, having appeared An undivided one-half interest in amount of Lien, $289.21; balance due pal, $50.00; interest to date, $21.00; Grove, Deceased. 23t5 in person, and by Frawley & Stoltz a certain Oil and Gas lease, bearing on Principal, $57.85; interest to date, Total, $71.00. (W. H. Frawley), his attorneys, and date May 21st, A D 1936, made with $24.29; Lot 12, Block 3, Noaler's Add ; Lewis English, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE City Marshal, the Mid William H. Stanley, having the Coast Oil Company of Coquille. date of Lien, September 16, 1929; . City of Coquille. STATE OF OREGON IN AND appeared by Wm. H. Frawley Jr., his Oregon, on the following described amount of Lien, $94.85; Balance due 22t5 attorney, and the residuary legatees, premises, situated in Coos County, on Principal, $85.36; interest to date, FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Cornelius Stanley, Wilbur Stanley, State of Oregon, to-wit: $35.84; Lot 12, Block 3, Nosier’s Add ; NOTICE OF STREET IMPROVE­ CORA B. DUTTON, Plaintiff, ■and Mildred Cave, having appeared by The Sft of the SEft of Section 10; date of Lien, November 7, 1929; Knowles A Doolittle, their attorneys, the Sft of the SWft of Section 11, amount of Lien, $751.46; balance due MENT AND CHANGE OF GRADE CHARLES R. DUTTON, Defendant, Notice is hereby given that the and the administrator de bonis non, Township 28, South Range 13, Wil­ on principal, $676.31; interest to date, Common Council of the City _ of Co- Case No. 11220 with the will annexed, Elmer M. lamette Meridian. $263 77; Total, $1143.42. quille, did by resolution duly ‘ adopl ' >ted To Charles R. Dutton, the above Bradford, having been duly sworn in Dated at Chippewa Falls, Wiscon­ N. End Sewer; N. End Paving _ named defendant: open court, and having been ex ex- ­ sin, this 13th day of May, 1937. Owners of property at time of as­ st a meeting of Mid Council held on the 21st day of June, 1937, and which IN THE NAME OF THE STATE amined by the respective parties, and By the Court, ■esatn ent, Viola J. Easter A J. E. ths sessment, testified on direct and cross exam- exam­ ■■■^■^^^■Dayton E. Cook, (Ji Easter (James Watson); Lot 7, Block resolution is on file in the office of OF OREGON, You are hereby re­ ination in response to the examina­ COUNTY JUDGE. 6. Noaler's Add ’ date of Lien, Sep­ th. City Recorder in the record of the quired to appear and answer the _ Jes, and the Court hav hav- ­ tion of all parties, tember 16, 1929; amount of Uen, proceedings of Mid Council, reference complaint filed against you in the !ore made an order direct- ing heretofore direct­ $89.32; balance due on Principal. to which is hereby made and by such above entitled suit, on or before Sat­ ing that Mid administrator, de bonis IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE $89 32; interest to date, $49.55; Lot reference the Mme is hereby made a urday. the 24th day of July. 1937, STATE OF OREGON IN AND non, aforesaid, visit said property 7, Block 6. Noaler’s Add.; date of part of this notice, duly declare its Mid date being after the expiration FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS and examine the same, and Mid ex­ Lien, November 7, 1929; amount of intention and purpose to improve El­ ot four weeks from the date of the In the Matter of the Estate of iMbelle amination having included the result Lien, $278.99; balance due on prin­ liott Street from the South line of first publication of this Summons, Standafer, Deceased of his Investigation as to all of the cipal, $278.99; interest to date, Second Street, South 423 feet to the and if you fail so to appear and an­ Notice of Final Account pavement; and for the improvement swer Mid complaint, or otherwise property so far as the respective $125.37; Total, $539.23. Case No. 3090 of First Street from the end of the plead thereto, for want thereof, the parties desired it, and the court hav­ N. End Paving NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ing heard the attorneys for all of Owners of property at date of as­ pavement 100 West of the West line plaintiff will apply to the Court for Mid parties, and being duly advised the undersigned has filed in the sessment: Viola J. Easter A J. E. of Elliott Street, thence East 399 feet the relief prayed for in her complaint, County Court of Coos County, Ore ­ in the premises, Easter (Jas. Watson); Lot 8, Block 6, to a point 23.9 feet west of the center to-wit: For a decree dissolving the THE COURT FINDS, that it is gon, his finsl report and account as Noaler’s Add.; date of Uen, Novem­ line of Henry Street, and to change marriage and marriage contract now necesMry and proper in order to pay Administrator of the Estate of IM­ ber 7, 1929; amount nt of Uen, Lien, $180.00; the grades of said Streets in the above and heretofore existing between plaintiff and defendant, and for such the expenses of the administration Of belle Standafer, deceased, and that balance due on ] principal, $180.00; portions Said improvement and change of other and further relief as to the ■aid estate, and the debts and dis­ the said Court has set Tuesday, July interest to date, $81.w, 1.00; Total. $261.00. 6th, 1937, at the hour of ten o ’ clock grade will be made in accordance bursements incident thereto, and to Court may seem just and equitable. NORTH ADDITION' _ and specifications of The grounds upon which mid re­ carry out a provision of said will that A. M., at the County Court room in 7th, 8th, 9th A 18th Sta. Imp.. N. End with the plans Coquille, Oregon, as the time and the City Engineer, filed in the office Ineer, lief is based in Mid complaint is de­ said real estate and personal property Paving: N. End Sewer, N. of the City Recorder on the 21st day sertion. and all the assets of Mid estate be place for hearing objections to such Outlet Sewer final account ana the settlement of of June, 1937, and the estimate of the This Summons is served upon you Owners of property at date of as­ probable cost of Mid improvement by publication thereof in the Coquille *°IT_IS THEREFORE ADJUDGED said Estate. sessment: J. O. A Myrtle B. Dow Charles E Schroeder, , and change of grade is the sum of Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of AND ORDERED, that said real estate Administrator of the Estate of IM­ (Bennett Swanton, Trustee); Lot 1, $2746.48 reference to which is hereby the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge of and personal property be sold by El­ Block 14, North Add.; date of Lien. made and by such reference made a the above entitled Court, made, dated mer M. Bradford, as administrator belle Standafer, Deceased. May 1, 1932; amount of Uen, $137.26;! part of this notice. J. Arthur Berg, ■nd entered on the 18th day of June, do bonis non with the will annexed of balance due on principal, $35.70; in ­ Attorney for Administrator Said improvement and change of 1937, which order requires that the Mid estate, and that Mid administra­ terest to date, $20.60; Lot 1, Block 14, | Coquille, Oregon grade will be made at the expense of date of the first publication of Mid tor is hereby ordered and directed to 21t5 dat*,oi ¥'!*’, Sep«T^r|the property benefited thereby as Summons shall be on the 25th day of sell said real estate and personal 16, 1929; amount of Lien, $82. 9;l,uted ln Mtd re^iution and all of June, 1937, the date of the last pub­ property to the highest and best bid­ FORECLOSURE SALE balance due on principal, $82.15; 1Dch lmprovCTnent will be made in lication thereof being Friday, the der or btdders therefor, for cash, at 14 N o ’A^ Add^dttf o? L^, N ®em- Xme™t~d\rt*rict.inC1U«'«•««. h due ,,. ™ on principal, »«to $339.80; sn- make . ' and . file ... with the .. City — - Recorder Residence and P. O. Address, Co­ Wisconsin, on the 19th. day of July, interest to date, $192.93; Lot 1, Block written remonstrance against Mid quille, Oregon. for the County of Coos on the 15th 2415 1937, at ten o’clock in the forenoon day of June A. D„ 1937, in a certain 14, North Add.; date of Lien, Janu­ erty he,ebJ directed to be so your Ideal Mealing Place.