In Our DELICATESSEN A complete assortment of Lunch Meats and Picnic Supplies • PAPER PLATES, SPOONS, FORKS, NAPKINS & CUPS Salads Our Special Virginia Style Baked Ham Dairy Department We feature Raw and Pasteurized Milk, Cottage Cheese, Butter, Eggs. Milk Shakes —• Ice Cream and Fountain Service - Meat Department We have the most choice assortment of Prime Beef, Milk Fed Veal, Grain Fed Pork and Genuine Spring Lamb Ccw B ell D airy Delicatessen sag V- 1 Understanding Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight x Specialist Eyes Examined Glasses Fitted Reception Room Jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch Laird Building Phone 82-J SOUTHWESTERN OREGON» GREATEST STORE Marshfield, Oregon COQUILLE BRANCH Phone 209R U.E. McCLARY, Mgr. 315 West First Coquille H. E HUDDLE This Paper For Ona Tsar and ' PATHFINDER Moving a Specialty More than a million readers throughout the C counter read PATHFINDER regularly for a ▼ $9 CA complete, timely and unvarnished digest of the news. Are you overlooking something T Today, economic and political affairs are at their topsy*turviest Insured Carrier Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co MILL WOOD