July 4th, with Earl F. Downing, of Coquille, preaching at ten o'clock I promptly. No evening services will be held. The camp which will be es­ tablished in time for church services will be held overnight Sunday, with fireworks and all day Monday with I amusements for those who wish to partake. There is plenty of space1 available for all who wish to camp. The gate is near the small bridge on the highway and near the line fence of the Albert Lillie place. Mrs. Roy Mast and daughters, Je-' rene and Ardyce, of Allegany, who have been the guesU of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Evans for the past week, re­ turned to their home Sunday with Mr. Mast, who drove over Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burbank were hosts for a delicious fried chickei) dinner Wednesday night for Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Patty and Arlan. Price Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins and Anne. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Davis, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Helvy and daughters, Ber­ nie, Verna and Shirley, all of Co- luille, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. John Damron and Jack and Anna Lou, of Bandon, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins. Bible study was held Thursday evening at the home of Joel Root; Second Corinthians is being studied Under the ef n-.f-i Wcai STOCK UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS - ■ ■ *.' PRICES FRIDAY & SAT., JULY 2 & 3 >!'■ PICNIC ITEMS Libby’s DEV. MEAT % Can 3 for Ifc Libby’s MEATWICH Med. Can - JQc Libby’s Vienna SAUSAGE 2 Cans J9C Libby’s Sliced BEEF 2>4 az. 2 for 25c Libby’s VEAL LOAF Med. Can Libby’s DEV. HAM % Size jQc - CHICKEN SANDWICH Spread l()c Van Camps HALEY’S MEAT LOAF Can - Ifc lie SWEET PICKLES 12 oz. Jar DILL PICKLES 2»/2 Can - - Salad Dressing TUNA Sandwich Spread 3 Cans 25c Tuna Fish Salad Serve White Star PAPER NAPKINS, PLATES, CUPS, Etc. Package - - JQc Brown Derby Canterbury Tea ’ Case 24 11-oz. Bettles Plus Deposit WALDORF TISSUE -—■ .Ai.'..- À. . — . ""4 . ——■ ■ .. w . -- , -y» - - --------------- Roil - - White King Soap Urge Package 33c '■ ■ - - PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Bars - J7C Crystal White SOAP 10 Bars - IVORY SOAP Urge Bars A I*O£O New Improved Perfect Spread CERTO 2 Bottles - ■ JELL WELL All Flavors 3 Pkg, RINSO Large Pkg. - - - MOTHER’S OATS Lg. Pkg. with premiums Matches CARTON Watermelons Apricots Bananas . Lemons --------------- Klondyks . . For Canning BRIDGE FANCY FRUIT Thin Skinned and Juicy Dozen 18-Lb. Lug Lb. - • • LB. ...... - .... ■> Free Delivery and C. O. D. Service STORE 469 PHONE 122 Mrs. A. O. Hooton and Maude. Na­ dine Ellis, Myrtle and Virginia Beck­ ett, Clyde Puett, Mr. and Mrs. Dunck- ley, Bobby, Viola and Johnny. Paul Bargelt and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bargelt, who are here from Alameda, Calif., for a vacation, and the latter’s mother, Mrs. Emily Mill­ er, of Myrtle Point, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Culver Tuesday evening. Because of illness, Mrs. Paul Bargelt was unable to be STORE 136 Sunday. A program is planned for the afternoon. The church service Sunday morn­ ing, conducted by J. L. Ellis, will be of a patriotic nature, with a special musical number, and the people of the community are cordially invited to attend. - After about six weeks at the Mast hospital in Myrtle Point, C. S. Mur­ phy was able to return last week to his home here. He is slowly regaining his strength. 98c Sc 2Sc