COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Is Our Motto MOUNT VERNON Large Cans ■Bit KELLOGGS Com Flakes 2 WELLMAN’S Grahams or Krispy Crackers ervice ziabox Bines t u»« XOC Sweet Pickles OCr Large Jara . - - - The new Butter Cracker Mra. Ralph A number Dill Pickles Cookies I-b- - Large Cans • Fancy English Variety lb Fig Bars ERNIE FIELOS for Lunches Lb. - - IOC Armour’s Deviled Meat SWING Best Food Mustard »««.jar Our Best Bulk Coquille Community Bldg. Coffee JULY 8 Admission 65 and 35 cents Eagles Auxiliary Makes Fine Showing at Astoria The ladies ritualistic team put on its work in a most creditable manner and came through with flying colon to win second place over all other competing ritualistic teams of the state. The Coquille team was nosed out by the Marshfield team because three points were deducted from their score on account of wrist watches be­ ing worn, something the state presi­ dent had failed to warn them about. Several others $50.00 up Also Used tagging equipment The Coquille Aerie also made a splendid showing, they came through with their colon flying, winning first place over all other ritualistic teams In the state for Class B. As a result and a reminder of this victory and achievement. Coquille Aerie has in its possession a beautiful loving cup suitably engraved. Other members of the Aerie during the convention were accorded membership on differ­ ent committees. Klamath Falls was selected as the convention ¡city for the | summer of 193« A complete list of 1 all the 50 or more delegates who at- , tended from . Coquille was given in 1 the Sentinel last week. Everyone ] says this: “Yes, It was a grant con- 1 vention.* Lettuce Oranges Local Fancy Solid Heads first place to Salem by a very small margin and second place to Coquille. In View of the stiff competition from all sections of Oregon, these ladies and their drill captain have certainly made a record of which they and all other members may be proud. As special recognition, this ladies drill team was accorded the honor of es­ corting the installing officer in the installation ceremonies, and also of escorting the honorary teams to their positions. $95- Lug Watermelon Tel. 91B (Continued fr»m Page One) 1999 CHEV. COUPE for Canning Friday Only Imperial Stripe For Berinners <1 flC-M ... “ Bananas DUNNING SYSTEM OF MUSIC 1929 (’KEV SEDAN— 4-Doer . >103 r Apricots MRS. ROY FOX Piano Niles Motor 1 Crowder’s Fancy A mistake was made in advertising Lot 1, block 14. in North Addition to Coquille. This lot was sold and deed­ ed by Myrtie Dow to another party. May 27. 1931. It* 241 8. Heath c 9 t DOZEN Medium Size Coquille Hotel BARBER SHOP Photo Finishing i' Portraiture Picture Framing Commercial Photography Le Mille Studio Laird Bldg., Second St ? Coquille