The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 25, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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The Sentinel
Outstanding events in the history
»f Oregon will be portrayed in the
irt wont on the new capltol bullJ-
ng it was announced liere this week
by Francis Really, New York archl- i
ect who designed the state house. I •
Really made the trip across the con- ■
* inent by airplane to attend the cor- i
nerstone laying ceremonies.
' In the rotunda of the capltol, Really j
explained, will be four great paint- >
ings, one depicting Captain Gray
landing at the Columbia flyer, an­
other showing Lewis and Clark at
CeHlo Falls, a third portraying the
first white women to cross the con­
tinent arriving at Fort Vancouver
and the fourth showing a typical
wagon train of the 1843 period.
■ -
Flanking either side of the
one thing you can tell from the
Very look of Buick—when the man behind
this wheel bugles for road-room—room on the
road is what he’s going to getl
here ’ s ,
For here’s the boss car of the bunch this year
—and the whole road knows it
Under that deep-barreled bonnet is the ablest
straight-eight engine in the world—you’ll
never have need for all the power this quick
and quiet giant can pour forth.
Try the wheel. Obedient as your finger. Press
the brakes. A toe-touch stops you soft and
sure. Check the take-off. You get the jump at
every light, nimble as a sprinter breaking fast
out of his hole.
Yes, this glorious Buick is the kind of car we
H- way /
of personal ignorance or disregard of
symptoms considered to be unworthy
of professional attention.
‘Indeed, much of the cancer and
heart disease that now kills thousands
of Oregonians annually, if recognised
sufficiently early could be treated
successfully, thus prolonging valuable
lives. The insidious approach so at-
ten as^ciated with cancer, and some
forms al heart impairment is the se­
cret of the slaying power. Frequent­
ly only a physician is in a position
to discover their existence in the
early stages, as It is at. that time that
medicine is most able to overcome
the damage which, if left to itself un­
til the patient becomes aware of it,
prematurely shortens so many lives.
“It is right here that yearly look­
ing over by your family doctor is so
effective. It is a habit that should
be formed and rigidly adhered to by
all persons of middle age or older.
The human mechanism deserves as
much care as a valuable automobile.
The careful owner demands that this
A<« with Health
machine have its regular inspections
(Oregon State Board of Health)
To make the grade the human body
“Oregon has made real progress in needs such intelligent care and hand­
ling. Certainly, if one has the time
and desire to live, he should take time
to discover by the way of annual
inspection what is his actual condi­
tion. Many a life has been prolonged
In this manner.
And conversely
many a life has been lost too soon
because the pfhtection offered by an
annual professional inquiry was not
More people in this
state have now reached the age of
sixty than ever before due in part to
better care of their bodies. Enjoy
your aduanced years with health and
happiness by giving your body the
intelligent care that it deserves.”
H ealth
. ¿y ADA R. MAYN E
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