The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, June 25, 1937, Image 47

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    Coos Feed &. Seed Stores
PhoM 231
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capital of the MMC
and buildia< up of coil.
World’s Best Money Making Machines
CROWN DAIRY and Poultry Feeds are producing satis­
factory results for thousands of users in the Pacific North­
CROWN GRAIN BASE DAIRY nations are manufactured
from w<holeeome grains and oil meate, and contain sufficient
minerals for best results. Your cows need a ration with
balanced proteins, high fat content, and high digestibility.
For your convenience we carry in stock at our three stores
over 400 different items for use on the farm.
You are always assured of a friendly welcome at our stores.
Come in and see us.
THE dairy cow is not only our greatest producer of wealth,
but De Laval Separators and Milkers are the best money
making machines any milk or cream producer can own.
It is not unusual for A De Laval Separator or "Milker to
earn its own payments and pay for itself in its first year of
use; that’s equal to 100% return on the investment. And
these machines will continue to earn at such a rate for many
years. Thousands of De Laval Separators in use today have
iven 20 to 30 and even more years of service; and De Laval
ilkers, first placed on the market 19 years ago, are still in use.
Why not put a De Laval to work on your farm? You can
get one on s ich easy terms it will soon pay for itself. Call on us.
makes for a better matching of supply and demand,
and brings about a higher level of prices.
Swift & Company also handles meats of all
May 25, 1937
kinds along with butter, cheese, eggs and poultry.
All of these products are perishable and handled in
Dairying in Southwestern Oregon has been
much the same way. They may be transported in
fundamentaly important over a period of years as
the same refrigerated cars and trucks. A retailer
an industry and source of producer income. We are
usually handles all of these products in one store.
.happy to have been identified with the growth and
development of this industry.
Consequently, our salesmen may call on retailers and
take orders for all of these products, rather than
Swift & Company indicated its confidence in the
many salesmen call on the same retailers and
future of Southwestern Oregon as a dairying section
orders for only one or two of these prod­
by acquiring, in 1928, a plant at Coquille equipped
for Cheese and Butter manufacture, and a cheese
factory at Norway. Experience has substantiated
A real saving results from being able to deliver
this belief, and since 1928 facilities have been ex­ • meats and dairy and poultry products to retailers
panded, equipment modernized, and additional
with one truck, rather than having several trucks
cheese plants established at Sixes, Myrtle Point,
each handling one or two of these products.
Cushman and Reedsport.
We feel certain that as a result of our years of
experience in preparing and handling of foods, that
Swift & Company is in a position to be of a dis­
we can be of continued helpfulness to Southwestern
tinct benefit to both the producer of raw products
Oregon dairymen.
and the consumer of finished food products, due to
its efficiency of operation and distribution. Swift &
You are always welcome at any Swift & Com­
Company is in daily touch with the demands of con-
pany plant, and we shall be glad to have you visit
• sumers for dairy products in every city, town, and
with our people and see how your products are
hatnlet in the United States.
The movement of butter, cheese, poultry and
eggs to communities having a surplus of these prod­
By: C. T. Selbig, Manager
ucts is avoided by keeping in daily touch with mar­
kets. These products are placed where they afe
needed, and can be consumed advantageously. This
Norway Sixes Myrtle Point Cushman Reedsport