Roadside Parks Dot Oregon Coast Highway The Oregon Coast highway is dotted with road­ side parks from the California state line to Astoria, and along the route the traveler lhay see almost any sort of scenery the coast section affords. There are places with marine gardens, see lion rocks, high points where ocean and interior views may be seen, camping places in many of them, and sightly eminences which command the surrounding country. The list of these, which is below, include all, and people who travel should retain this article and know their location and points when enroute. This extensive system of parks has been fi­ nanced by the Oregon State Highway commission, which has bought, and in highway commission parks there are at intervals, government park es­ tablishments in forest reserves, where the camper will find everything to his liking, and convenient, with wood, water and fireplaces. The places are listed herewith: Golden and Silver Falls Ten miles east of Allegany, yet unimproved, owing to only recent acceptance by the commission. Bhedsdimdrsn Park In Douglas county. Rhododendron park has been preserved for the remarkable growth of rho­ dodendrons on the entire 80 acres. To see the mass of blooms in the early spring is a never-to-be-for­ gotten experience. Cape Arago Park Coos county. A high outstanding promontory that _______ projects into the sea one-half mile, here where ______ ,______________ you you ran pniov excellent sea