rhe Sentinel H. A. YOUNG. Outstanding event« in the history >f Oregon will be portrayed, in the, irt work on the new capitol build­ ing it was announced here this week ■by Francis Keally, New York archi- ect who designed the state house. Keally made the trip across the con­ tinent by airplane to attend the cor­ nerstone laying ceremonies. * In the rotunda of the capitol, Ktally , explained, will be four great paint- ' ings, one depicting Captain Gray landing at the Columbia river, an­ other showing Lewis and Clark at Celilo Falls, a third portraying the first white women to cross the con­ tinent arriving at Fort Vancouver and the fourth showing a typical wagon train of the 1843 period. Flanking either aide ot the main : ’ ■ ■ , one thing you can tell from the very look of Buick—when the man behind this wheel bugles for road-room—room on the road is what he’s going to get! here ’ s , T For here’s the boss car of the bunch this year —and the whole road knows it Under that deep-barreled bonnet is the ablest straight-eight engine in the world—you’ll never have need for all the power this quick and quiet giant can pour forth. Try the wheel. Obedient as your finger. Press the brakes. A toe-touch stops you soft and sure. Check the take-off. You get the jump at every light, nimble as a sprinter breaking fast out of his hole. Yes, this glorious Buick is the kind of car we SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS ¡rwMMTii AyAPA,Rr-MAYN E OREGON