7 . P. L. Johnson Greene Plumbing, Heating, Sheet Metal AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES CENTURY OIL BURNERS — RADIOS We handle Crane, Kohler, Standard and BICYCLES SPORTING GOODS Briggs Sanitary Plumbing Fixtures Phone 210L Jensen CoquiUe Hotel Bldg. Coquille Coquille - u A j Pittsburgh Paint Products SUNPROOF HOUSE PAINTS Waterspar Enamel Wallhide Interior Paint STEVENS CASH HARDWARE 335 W. First St. Coquille Taylor’s Battery and Service Station DENTIST • * ’ > Coquille On the Highway Second and Taylor -Dr. J. R. BUNCH Laird Bldg. Telephone 82-L Coquille ’ COW BELL DAILY Dr. T. De La RHUE PURE MILK and CRÈAM EYESIGHT SPECIALIST DAIRY PRODUCTS .Reception Room Jointly With Dr. J. R. Bunch Phone 125J Coquille - • Laird Building Coquille Coos County Abstract Co Coquille, Oregon ABSTRACTS — LOANS — INSURANCE B. J. Smith, Mgr. LeMille Studio ■ - PHOTOGRAPHS Laird Building Coquille •