hmh ■■■■■■Mi MMMM HMMHHHIMNMHMMM a* • * VwawM Vlce-Pree.-Gen’l —Courtesy American Lumberman wood sales, and is manager of the remanufacturing plant in that city. . Smith Wood-Products, Inc., also operates a warehouse and treating plant at Kansas City, for preparation of battery separator stock. The Chi­ cago office of the Ralph L. Smith Lumber Co. is un­ der the direction of John T. McGinn. In their manufacturing department, not only do .the Smith interests have diversified plant facilities —with sawmill plants,' plywood plant including hot-plate process, battery separator plant, treating plant and Venetian blind factory—but it also has a source of supply for the principal West Coast species, including Port Orford cedar, Douglas fir, West Coast hemlock and Sitka spruce. With characteristic energy, the head of this business, Ralph L. Smith, as well as GeO. A. Ulett, vice president - manager of the Smith Wood- Products, Inc., makes frequent trips to Europe in connection with the export department of his business. Through these European contracts, this company has been able to build up a targe ex­ port business for Pacific Coast lumber, as well as Venetian Blind and Battery Separator Ptant of Smith Wood for specialty products of Smith Wood-Products, Products, Inc. Inc., particularly Port Orford cedar and battery —Courtesy American Lumberman separators. Port Orford cedar has long been recognized as New Fir 8awmill Is Fully Modern ® the hot-plate, resin-bonded, water-resistant product. the premier material for the production of battery The new fir sawmill has a capacity of 150,000 In T" the **“ cold ~J** glue department —*—-“•** there u is - a 500-ton separators. This valuable wood is also accepted as feet an 8-hour shift. This is a completely electri­ hydraulic press, 50 by 120 inches. For the resin- the most suitable material for the production of fied, fully modern, sawmill plant, its equipment bonded plywood, the company has a ten-opening Venetian blinds. throughout being most modem. hot-plate press, having plates 50x100 inches in size. The American Lumberman emphasizes that the Kiln drying facilities have also been increased, Smith lumber and products groups have become an important factor in the production and distribution with the addition of new cross-circulation kilns, |'Fit hin’g' Regulation a “For “ 1937 making a total of fourteen that provide a capacity of West Coast lumber products for both export and of approximately half a million feet. Kiln drying domestic markets. for a plant with such a wide variety of products to It was back in 1828 that the Smith interests in truth a science. There Port Orford cedar battery first acquired holdings at Coquille, purchasing a Fishing regulations for 1837, recently promul­ veneers are dried. Port Orford cedar Venetian gated by the state game commission include the small Port Orford cedar and battery separator plant. blind stock is reduced to a uniform moisture con­ Here the cedar end of the business was developed “no length" ” “ on trout, the establishment of limit tent of four or five per cent. Wide Port Orford with the building of the cedar sawmill plant, Vene­ the bullfrog as „ „ a “ _ game _ fish ______ ” and _____________ the announce- tian blind stock factory and enlarged separator and cedar boat lumber, Douglas fir clears and common ment that no angler is entitled to more than 20 dimension are seasoned according to requirements. veneer plant. fish in a single day. Certain lake areas restrict the Many different kiln schedules are therefore neces­ Starting on Its enlarged program of expansion angler to 15 fish. The six-inch limit was restored early in 1836, the work was prosecuted with all ’.r sary. in 17 counties. New Plywood Plant Is Up-to-Dste speed possible until today, Coquille can boast of The regulations follow: The last unit to be completed is the new Doug­ one of the largest lumber manufacturing plants in The open season for angling e for trout is from las fir plywood plant. This unit is 800 feet long, 80 April 15, 1837, to October the entire northwest, covering 22acres front­ tober 31, 1837, both dates in­ feet wide at one end, and 360 feet wide at the other ing on the Coquille river. The Port Orford cedar elusive, except in streams and lakes which are end. This is the first fir plywood installation in sawmill cuts 100.000 feet in two shifts a day. A hereinafter shown to have a different open season, this section, and the last word In modem plywood large percentage of the Port Orford cedar produced The bag limit for such trout, except for certain manufacturing facilities. It is equipped with the in this sawmill is utilized in the company’s factory. waters are hereinafter set forth, is 15 pounds and largest lathe on the Pacific coast, with 110-inch The Venetian blind stock factory is said to produce one fish, but not to exce* d 20 fish in any one day, swing and 135-inch knife. Between lathe and or 30 pounds and one fish, but not to exceed 40 more Port Orford cedar Venetian blind materials clipper is a five-line belt conveyor 200 feet long. fish in any seven consecutive days, and it is un­ than any other in the country. The clipper is a 130-inch automatic, and the drier lawful to possess more than 30 pounds and one fish Although Coquille is in the heart of the Oregon is a five-decker, 14 feet 6 inches wide by 83 feet coast area that contains most of the world’s supply or more than 40 fish at any one time. long. Provisions have been made for later install­ of Port Orford cedar, its timber supply is by no Provided, however, that the bag limit for trout ing a second drier when needed. Hydraulic lifts means confined to this species, and it is a heavy in lakes, except for certain lakes as hereinafter set are used for quick handling of material around the producer of high grade fir as well Smith Wood- forth, is 15 pounds and one fish, but not to exceed saws, presses, etc. Products, Inc., having developed first its cedar pro­ 15 fish in any one day. or 30 pounds and one fish, This plant is equipped to produce both the con­ ducing plant, has with the adidtion of the new fir but not to exceed 30 fish in any seven consecutive ventional cold glue Douglas fir plywood, and also units rounded out its Coquille operation. days. Wood-Products, Inc., to unsurpassed hi —Courtesy American Lumberman