HOSPITAL ¿ U.... a * Private Hospital with 3 Doctors’ Offices in Building TWO AND ONE-HALF YEARS OLD AIR - CONDITIONED SOUND - PROOFED vt * * '■ I '* r' ■' ' ■ f / TRAINED PERSONNEL Phone 71 DIAGNOSTIC EQUIPMENT Including Latest Type Fever Cabinet COQUILLE. OREGON The Beautiful Coquille Valley la left eegrounS to the of the Coquille Yellow Lantern Cafe George & Hazel Roosevelt Super Service Station - Guss H. Tillmann, Prop. Steaks Our Specialty Sea Foods in Season Fountain Service Just a Good Place to Eat From the Horse-Drawn Vehicle Days to the Present Method of Auto Trucking Mansell Drayage and Delivery Co. Promptly Serving the People of the Coquille Sector for Nearly 40 Years with GENERAL and LONG DISTANCE HAULING FUEL OIL and FUEL WOOD Phones: 224L - 101J . Shell Service Complete Gas — Oils — Tires — Etc. Also Modem Furnished Apartments Coquille, Oregon Phone 114