-5?> - ■■■ i lit _________ __ _______ U BREWSTER VALLEY Miss Eh.ma Lou Y’atsosi, wl»o had I i>een suffering wi.h a pain in her side for several days, was operated on At Hmmer Church Sunday St. James Episcopal Church Wednesday for appendicitis and is Methodiat Miaatons Around the getting along fine. Mis. Wm. Keller Msy 2- Rogation Sunday World in Pictures,” will be featured took her place in the school room 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. a. the evening service at eight o’clock Wednesday, after which the school 9:43 a. in. Church School. Sunday. The Rev. J. A. McKee, of 11:00 a. m. Holy Communion and was closed until Monday. Mrs. Aliev Walla Walla, Washington, will pre­ Sermon. Guest Pi-eacher, Fr. Hale Lafferty, of Myrtle Point, will hare sent the pictures and speak on Mis­ Eubanks. Celebrant, the Vicar. charge of the school for the next five sions. Special music will be present­ weeks when Miss Watson hopes to be May 6 -Ascension Day 'd in the service. 10:00 a. m. ioly Communion. Pre­ able to resume her work und give At the morning service at eleven, sentation of U. T. O. (Blue Boxes). final examinations. the Rev. T. S. Wheeler, presiding Velma Krewson was able to come Rev. Geo. R. Turney, Vice* elder of the Portland district, will home from the hospital Thuisday preach and conduct thefhtad quar­ evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Krew- Coquille Assembly of God terly conference after tip aetvice. A opn and Mrs. Julius Benhsm went to Mrs. Hazel MacLeod, Minister baptiamal>and reception service will Marshfield that day and brought Vel­ Sunday, 9:43 a. m. Sunday School ue obeervdd at the close of the wor­ ma home as they returned. Mrs. Eva English, Superintendent. ship period. The Myrtle Leaf club met at the 11XX) a. m. Morning worship and home of Mrs. Perley Crowley on The Sunday school at ten o’clock ,'omrr.union service. Dedication of offers an hour of Bible study for ev­ Thursday for an all day meeting with children. ery age group. The Epworth League potluck luncheon at noon. Mrs. 7:00 p. m. Young People’s meeting. for the young people meets at seven Crowley had her butterfy quilt in the 9:00 p. m. Farewell service for Mrs. o’clock. Rev Mr. McKee will be the frames and the ladies spent their Hazel MacLeod. Beautiful baptismal guest speaker for the League. The time quilting as well as chatting. At service. _s--------- public is cordially invited to attend the business meeting each answered Tuesday, 7:43 p. m Prayer meeting. each of these services. roll call by telling a joke. Plana for Friday. 7:43 p. m. Bible study. finishing the work on the rest room and kitchen in the community build­ Church of Christ Firxt Church of Christ, Scientist ing were furthered. The next meet- . E. Fourth at Coulter Coquille. Oregon ¡ng. May 8, will be held in the com­ Earl F. Downing, Minister I Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. munity building — another all day Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Ralph Sunday Service at 11'a. m. meeting with potluck dinner — and &•’- J Harry, Superintendent. Subject for next Sunday, “Ever­ the ladies plan to do that painting Morning worship, 11:00 a. m Mias lasting Punishment.1 |.and fix the curtains for the rest room. Melba Palmer, a daughter of a former Wednesday, evening meeting at 8 Those enjoying the day together were minister and a recruit for missionary o’clock. Mesdames Oscar Durrell, B. C. Rob­ work in Tibet, will speak. Free public Reading Room open in inson, Elmer Wilson, Ivan Laird, J. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Evenins ii M m . »00 M. WNFW Church Building every Tuesday and f .■ «8 C j 1^ ' ' Ml < HI ivö *£- ■ r/ ■ * I to checked Church of God Mess on first and third Sundays at Mr. and Mrs. Minor Mead over the makes and models, Ford V-8 and otherwise! Many • a. m.; second Sunday at 10 a. m. and birth of an eight pound boy. al esst 88 Ad yotete to meet The of the best buys are under the RAG plan— when there are five Sundays, Maia on little fellow was born Monday, April I msmt spsaMtecSIeae. Every R < O expertly renewed, and guaranteed in writing, on Church school at 10.00 a. m. fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. Last Sun- 28. Mrs. Oscar Durrell, grandma for aas to sold wkk a vnEton «nsreeSee a money-back basis. Don’t put up with a worn-out Preaching at 11:00 a. mZ Jay of each month Mass at Myrtle the first time, end Minor Mead, Evening services at 7:30 p. m. car. Enjoy modern motoring pleasure ancTsafety— R«Q saadsam me of matoee. Everybody welcome at all these Point at 8 a. m. and at Powers at W daddy, were with them Monday and and am Mid by Feed Decden enlr. a. m. Tuesday. - service». Father M. G. Hart, Bandon Mr. and Mrs. Julius Benham stayed Rev. E. E. Watkins. B»«y Mneu through Utuvtrnl Credit overnight in Myrtle Point Sunday. 4 When they returned Monday morn­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un- ing they brought Mrs. Jessie Laird idersigned have been duly appointed with them. * by the County Court for Cooa Coun­ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keller, Mavis, ty, Oregon, Executors of the last will » and testament of Albert Henry Oder- and Wallace went to Coquille Satur­ t y / * kirk, deceased, and all persons hav­ day and were overnight guests at the O. C. SANFORD ing claims against said estate are Ray Brown home. Attorney at Law hereby notified that they are required Ernest Krewson had the misfortune FORECLOSURE SALE boundary of. Upper Bear Creek to be quieted against said defendants to present same, duly verified, with Prebate, Real Estate, an« Office NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Riverton School and against each of them; that said to fall while working in the timber proper vouchers therefor, to the un ­ Practice. Notary Public under and by virtue of an Execution To be considered, equipment must defendants and each of them be for­ dersigned, at the law office of O. C. Wednesday and hurt hi» back, He and Order of Sale issued out of the meet the following specifications: 1. ever barred, enjoined and restrained Ream U Sanford, in Coquille, Cooa County, hasn't been able to work since. Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, steel top; 2. shatter-proof glass; from setting up any claim, right, Oregon, within six months front the First National Bank for the County of Coos, on the 30th 3. four-wheel brakes; 4. 35-passen- title, or interest in or to the above -date of the first publication of this day of March, A. D. 1937, in a certain ger capacity; 5. meet the require­ described real estate or any portion BRIDGE notice. cause in said Court pending wherein ments to be set up under Senate Bill thereof; and for such other relief as Dated and published first time Mrs. John Huff, who underwent a Evaline Breen to Plaintiff, and Kath­ the Court may seem meet and April 9. 1937. 352 of the 1937 session of the Oregon to equitable. William Melvin Oderkirk, Isac major operation at the Mast Hospi­ erine V. Dudley, Edward S. Bice, State Legislature. George E. Nichols, Trustees in Trust. This summons is published by or­ Vurner Oderkirk, Albert Ray tal in Myrtle Point Saturday night, is Clifford A. Maynard and Elsie A. Bids must be tn the hands of the der of the Honorable Hugh McLain, Oderkirk. recovering nicely. Maynard, and the unknown heirs of Clerk not later than 1 P. M. on May Judge of the County Court of the Joint Executors of the Estate of Nadine Ellis, Virginia Beckett, Lou Hanan J. Dudley, deceased, and 4, 1937. Stat« of Oregon in and for the Coun­ Albert Henry Oderkirk, deceased. The boards reserve the right to ac­ ty of Coos, and made and entered on 13t5 and Maude Hooton and Glenn Hut­ Margaret B Dudley, deceased, also the 23rd day of April, 1937. ton, accompanied from Myrtle Point all other persons or parties unknown, cept or to reject any or all bids. claiming any right, title, estate, lien Harry A. Slack, Mrs. Lillian Hanly, Clerk, by Mae Hatcher, attended the busi­ or interest in the real estate desribed No. 3317 Attorney for Plaintiffs Bullards Star Route, Coquille, Ore­ IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ness meeting of Myrtle Christian En­ in the complaint herein, are De­ First National Bank Building, Co­ gon. Tyarq 1512 STATE OF OREGON. IN AND quille, Oregon. deavor Union which was held Sun­ fendants, Case No. 11121 of said FOB THE COUNTY OF COO8 Court, and commanding me to sell the IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Date of first publication, April 23, In the Matter of the Estate of C. H. day afternoon at the Church of hereinafter described real property to 1937. STATE OF OREGON IN AND Christ in Coquille. Hodgdon, deceased. satisfy the sum of $20.020.80, with in­ Date of last publication, May 21. FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 Notice of Final Settlement The Hilburn Gumm family moved terest at 5 per cent from the 16th 1937. 1313 Notice is hereby given that Mildred last week from the LaBranch place day of March, 1937, and costs and dis­ E. L. Hand and Drue Cunningham. Hodgdon, Administratrix of the M. Hodgdon, ----------- bursements $49.45 with interest at HARRY A. SLACK NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Estate of C. H. Hodgdon, deceased, on Rock creek to the Hermann place six per cent from the 30th day of Plaintiffs, vs. has baa duly filed her final « account in across the McMullen bridge from the March, 1937, together with accruing Alterney-at-Law On the 22nd day of May A. D., Maxine Kerrigan Spitznass and the matter of the administration highway. costs. I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE Clarence Spitznass, her husband. 1937, at the hour of 10 A. M. at the First National Bank Building thereof in the County Court for Coos Mrs. Ed Heydenburk and children, 1st DAY OT MAY, 1937, at the hour Nellie B. Wilson and John Doe Wil­ front door of the Court House in the County, Oregon, on April 10, 1937, of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said son, her husband, Roy B. Kerrigan, City of Coquille, Coos County, Ore­ and said Court iias set Monday, ths Philip and Eleanor, and Miss Doro­ Ir^n\w°Oii»°I tJ’er'CoUi?ity 1 *° melimes Known CeqaiUe sometimes known as James it. R. Kerri- gon, I will sell at public auction to 17th day of May, 1937, at the County thy Hooton, of Grants Pass, visited at his wife, the highest bidder for cash the fol­ Court room In Coquille, Oregon, as Hooton’» Haven from Thursday af­ lowing described property located in the time and place for hearing objec­ ternoon until Saturday forenoon of and sell at public auction, to the Thomas M. Kerrigan and Jane Doe Coos County, Oregon, to-wit: DR. J. R. BUNCH Kerrigan, his wife, John Nelson Ker­ tions to said final account and the highest and best bidder for cash in rigan and Jane Doe Kerrigan, his All of Sections 26 and 36, and the settlement of said Estate Dated ast week. DENTIST hand, all the right, title and interest South-east quarter of Section 35 all Viola Dunckley and Arthur Hilla- of the said Defendants in and to the wife, also all other persons or parties i in Township 28 South, Range 10 West April 10, 1937. X-RAY Service Mildred M. Hodgdon, Administra­ bold are both confined to their homes following described real property to- unknown claiming any right, title, es­ I of the Willamette Meridian; tate, lien or interest in the reel es­ trix. Laird Bldg. First Street wit: The West half of the North-sast with chicken pox. tate described in complaint herein, O. C. Sanford, Attorney for Adminis­ An undivided one-half (Mi) In ­ quarter, the North-west quarter, and Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ore. Defendants Mrs. Necla Buck, state president of tratrix 14t8* ‘............. the South-west quarter of Section 1 (EH) of the . ,, .. —a,.»— m,.— ■■ ....... .. the Woman’s Christian Temberance terest in the East half (2 Publication of Summons — East half (EH) of Section _____ don Twenty- and all of Section 2 in Township 27 WAERANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Union, gave a very interesting and four (24) Township Twenty-five. To Maxine Kerrigan Spitznass and South. Range 10 West of the Wil­ Clarence Spitznass, her husband, GRANT CORBY Notice is hereby given that all instructive talk to the school on (23) South, Range eleven (11) and Nellie B. Wilson and John Doe lamette Meridian; warrants drawn against the General The North-west quarter of Section" Attorney at Law Wilson, her husband. Roy B. Ker­ Wednesday afternoon of last week, West of the Willamette Meridian, !| Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, Oregon; the North half (N’i)of rigan, sometimes known as James 32 in Township 25 South, Range 10 Richmond-Barker Bldg. *^^<*** to January 1. it leveral adults were also present to the Northeast quarter the and endorsed prior R. Kerrigan and Jane Doe Kerri­ West of the Willamette Meridian; ' 1937, are hereby called for payment hear her. Southeast quarter (SEV<) of North­ Lots 6, 7 and 8 being about 12 > Phone 157 CoqaiUo, Ore. gan, his wife, Thomas M. Kerrigan ! upon presentation at my office. In- east quarter (NEMi) and the North ­ “How I Propose to Make My Voca­ and Jane Doe Kerrigan, his wife,, acres in the South-east quarter of Residence Phone 24-M I terest on such warrants will cease as tion Christian” is the topic for dis- east quarter (NEW) of the South­ ¡a Jane Section 25 in Township 25 South, John Nelson Kerrigan and 18, 1037.______ I 'ofApril —« A__41 1« east quarter (SEV-i) of Section 11 West of the Willamette; Doe Kerrigan, his wife, also all1 B»nge . w’ S. SICKELS. Treasurer. cussion at Christian Endeavor Sun­ Twenty-five (25) Township Twen­ J. ARTHUR BERG other persons or parties unknown an“r _ . City of Coquille, Oregon. day evening. Miss Lou Hooton will ty-five (25) South. Range eleven 14t3 The South-east quarter ft?» of Section “ *.<& “! Attorney at Law conduct the meeting, which will be (11) West of the Willamette Meri­ i I a and the ^ortt North half of the South half Room« 14 2 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE followed by a sermon by J. L. EUis. dian, Oregon; and the Southeast scribed in complaint herein. ™V!* quarter (SEMO and Lots Four (4), Farmers A Merchants Bank Bldg “ /8; aU of Section 30 and the I Notice is hereby given that w- IN THE NAME OF THE STATE ™ =*5 “ °" Mrs Albert Reed and son, Gerald, Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (U) OF OREGON: You are hereby re- " North Phene «7 i rants up to and including No. 11,582, “rth half of the South-west quarter have returned to their home in Myr­ in Section Thirty (30) Township quired. to appear and answer the of Section 31 and the South-west Coquille, Oregon issued by Coquille School District, No. [uarter of the South-west quarter of 8, will be paid upon presentation to tle Point after spending a week or so Twenty-five (23) South, Range complaint filed against you in the 2^,7 arxxve entitled suit »uit on or before the 28 the district clerk, on and after Satur­ here with Mrs. Reed's mother, Mrs. Ten (10) West of the Willamette above J. A. RICHMOND Meridian, Oregon, all of said lands expiration of four (4) weeks from B’nge 9 West of the Willamette Meri- day, April 17, 1937. Interest on W. A. Lett. being situate in the County of Coos the date of first publical publication of this . , . . . PHY8JCIAN end 8URGEON said warranto ceases on that date. Mrs. Anna Carls, intermediate and State of Oregon. *• ’’’•?« un