* » -ski —------ - —' ï ■ "t v :'r-‘ A i * NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND At - QUIRED RY COOS COUNTY. OREGON, FOB DELIN­ QUENT TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That - ■ under and by virtue of an order of .15 •099 sale made by the County Court of the 4 25 Stale of Oregon, for the County of 72.00 Coos, on the 21st day of April, A. D.. A Long 150 25 1937, commanding me to sell the fol­ 10.10, [M^f^ 16.67 lowing described lands, to-wit: * B. K O. B.'— >. , 1100 — „ Minimum Price 5.00 13.00 1.00 Land described io Vol. 92 Page Mountain States Power Co...... 6.27 Dairy land Creamery ......... .. 617, Deed Records, Coos Coun­ ty, Oregon,' less 100x75 feet in F. C; True'.... :....................... —• 38.99 Deed Record Vol. 117 Page 463, Safeway Stores, Inc. No. 435 .. 45.00 7 A Printing In Section 36 Township 27 8.75 Texley Grocery....... .................. 18.98 South, Range 13 West of W. W. Perkins Grocery ........ ......... -- 77.50 rep killed by M. - - - - $300.00 .......... 10.00 3.00 Busy Comer Grocery 2.95 Hub Clothing A Shoe (Co....... Lot 5 in Block 4 in Town of goats killed 2.50 Coquille City in Coos county, 48.00 Mansell Dray Co......... -......... . 6.94 Oregon, according to the plat Samuel Brower------- ------------- sheep Hitad 6.16 thereof on file and of record in 106.00 Rose Hill Dairy . ........ ........... . 4.00 Anna Deene-------- - ---- the office of the County Clerk a$y Jail 10.00 of Coos County, Oregon - 926.7« pad . ............... 1040 Mrs. Eva Barnard.......... .. ........ 8.00 I SHALL, in compliance with said Annie Wolcott ..................... — 2.50 Williams Cash Grocery........... order, on SATURDAY, the 22nd day Farr A Elwood —....... —----- of May, A. D., 1937, commencing at 2.50 the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. of said lair A Elwood ...—------ -------- 2.00 Shepherd ’ s Grocery ...... . ........ day at the front door of the Court 948 446 House in the City of Coquille, and D— ungum Ranch----------------- 3.00 County of Coos, State of Oregon, of­ 7.00 Gen’s Clothing Co. t.----------- 5.00 W. W. TUghman ................. fer for sale and sell at public auction 1345 the above described reel property to 8443 J. C. Penney Co....... ........... ... the highest and best bidder for cash The Hub ..................... .. ......... - 6545 12.00 in hand at the time of the sale, or 101.41 Marshfield Fuel Co.................. Roes Grocery .... . ............... * for not less than twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase urice in cash, 5.60 Hudsons Drug Store ------------ 1.V Browns Rad Cross Drugs the remainder to be paid under writ­ General Road Fund ten agreement with the purchaser in 7.71 Southern Oregon Company, equal Instalments over a term not ex­ right of way for Road ...... 10.00 ceeding ten (10) years from the date 1640 Capos Motor Company, auto of sale, all deferred payments to bear. 1.45 supplies, General Roads .... interest from the .date of sale at the 140 uto Company, rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, P. J. 5.00 General Roads auto payable annually. otor Co., auto No sale shall be made of any of the Coos Bay Times, publishing 16.10 supplies. General Roads ..... above parcels of real property for a Crt. proceedings .... ............. 143.20 Tltornton Service Station, tire, lesser amount than the minimum Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub- 9.00 General Roads 55.00 price shown thereon. Crt. proceedings —.......... McGcorge Gravel Co., gravel, Dated at Coquille, Coos County, Various Offtees 123.00 General Roads ...... . ..... ........ Oregon, th!« 21rt dwv of A-nrit • r» L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, Coos Bay Dredging Co., gravel MR MM OB6» 86RDJ6R.AB 13.62 Wm. F. Howell, street; thence northeasterly to a point 15t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. supplies .......... ........................ 13.70 fuse, GdMMtul Roftds ...... . in the west line of Lot 6 of Block 7746 Coos Bay Stationery Co., trac- Coquille Log A Lumber Co., 4 of said Original Town of Coquille, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE COUNTY OF COOS, 8TATE lug cloth .... ... ....................... which point is 50 feet northeasterly lumber --------------------------- —- M.62 3.40 OF OREGON Coquille Shingle Mill Co., Smith Wood Products Inc., from the southwest comer of said shingles for machine shed ... 62.41 lumber .................. ........... Lot 6; thence southeasterly and 50 In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph 43.70 Moore Mill A Lumber Co. Golders Auto Parts Co., ma­ feet parallel with the north line of Beusmans, Deceased lumber Front street to a point in the west terial, General Rds......... ....... 00.70 Citation 3.05 Harrison’s Garage, grease . .... Chris Richert, piling, etc. line of Lot 1 of said Block 4; thence Case No. 3377 northeasterly along the west line of To Joseph Beusmans, Bridge Fund ..................._... 235.00 McNair Hardware Co., rope 35.00 Josephine A oar locks ............... ............. 5.28 Lot 1 and along the west line of Lot Loienz, material — ....... x_.. 1329 Beusmans, Rev. L. A. LeMiller, - Schroeder A Hildenbrand, rope 7.00 12 of said Block 4, a distance of 100 1.67 Lawrence Dorland, Operating Father Dionel Buote, Sisters of St. feet; thence northwesterly and 50 feet Bullards Fy........... ....... ........ 136.00 Pacific Iron A Marine Works, Benedict, Orphan’s Home, Roman cait ir on soool ... ... 4.50 southerly and parallel with the south Catholic Diocese, Remi S. Key- 82.50 H. D. Gilbert, operating Dan­ line of First street a distance 270 iels Creek Fy. . .................... 65.00 Coquille Machine 8hop, labor zes, as Trustee, Henry Overberg, as A material ............. — feet; thence northeasterly and par ­ 26.00 Thoron I sohbsmgh, opsratitig Trustee, St. Jerome’s Catholic Bandon Garage, repair on truck 66.00 allel with the east line of Willard Riverton Fy. Fy. ........ .......... Church, Monsignor Remi S. Key- Robertson Heavy Hardware, street a distance of 160 feet; thence 35.00 Ralph Harry, Salary, Clerk, zer and Pastor in charge of St. Co. OH Carbon steel.... ...... 1.7« southeasterly and 50 feet northerly General Rds...... —...... . ........ 120.00 Brigida’s Paris and to all other < 5.00'F. A. Robb, Roadmaster......... 200.00 John A. Roeblings Sons Co. and parallel with the North line of devisees and heirs unknown, of Cal., material...... ...... ...... 17.52 First street a distance of 270 feet; GENERAL ROADS GREETING: 115.20 Taylors Battery A Service thence northeasterly and 50 feet 5.00 C. P. McAllister, tabor In the Names of State of Oregon. 72.05! Sta., auto supplies ....... ..... westerly and parallel with the west You are hereby cited and required to !C. B. Young, taf 89.50 Davis A Kull berg, material .... 28.35 line of Taylor street io a point In the appear in the. County Court of the 53.10 Ralph Hurlbut, Bouth line of Second street; thence State of Oregon, for the County of 83.60 Jacobs Machine A Welding K. Lane, tabor . 96.801 Works, bolt threading ma- northeasterly to a point in the south Coos at the Court Room thereof, at 35.16 J. L. Child, tabor 88.00 chine 27.00 line of Lot 7 of Block 6 of said Elliott Coquille in the County of Coos, 5.60 Walter Ludtke, tabor 118.80' Coquitt» I Service _____________ _ auto ■ Addition; which point is 50 feet west within ten days from the date of the Station, 2.00 I. Chapman, tabor .. 96.66 supplies ...... ............... ........ 88.55 from the southeast comer of said Lot service of this Citation on you, if 12.70 Floyd Smith, tabor 7; thence north 50 feet; thence east serveo within Coos County, Oregon; 92.00 Stevens Cash Hardware, ma Wm. Benham, tabor 1.98 to place of beginning. 7448 Urial Ed F or, within twenty days if served NOW THEREFORE, all persons in­ within any other County in this 10140 Southwestern Motor Co., auto 148 JMr 101401 suppliee , . ... ................ 8.12 terested will take notice that said State; or, if served by publication, Jack 145.00 Iaadg'R. Tower, auto supplies 30.20 ed assessment has been appor- within twenty-eight days from the 3.00 Tom Evans, and is now on file in the office date of the first publication of this 115.20 Pearces Garage, auto supplies 20.05 L. H. Howe, tabor City Recorder and subject to Citation; then and there to show 115120, Wentworth A Irwin, Inc., auto 211.68 Jack Bailey, labor 123 20 1 supplies ................................... examination, and any and all objec­ cause, if any there exist, why an or­ 1041 Vance Weekly, tabor tions to such apportionment that may der of sale should not be made and . 75 60 “ Western Union, ' telegraph ‘ ' ser­ 233.00 Robert Fish, tabor vice ...... .......... .................... . 2.17 be made in writing to the Council license granted to Rev. L. A. Le­ 18.00 Barney Erickson, labor and filed within fifteen days from the Miller, as Administrator with the Howard Cooper Corporation, 25.03 Harold Riddle, tabor rental of compressor, etc...... 716.53 day of the first publication of this Will annexed, of said estate, for the W. W. Rhule, tabor .... notice, Will be heard and determined sale of the following described real Pure Iron Culvert A Mfg. Co., 166.00 Walt Newton, labor .... culvert pipe, etc. . ................. 269.44 by the Common Council before the property, as prayed for in his peti­ 81.40 Frank Crafton, labor „ passage of any ordinance assessing tion, to-wit: 92.401 Oregon Timber Operators, la­ 7.00 A. C. Redefer, tabor ... bor with bulldozer ........... . 38.10 the cost of said improvement, and Wayne Goodman, labor 7040 Commencing at*the Northwest cor­ 740 said matter will come up for hearing ner of Lot 6 of Block 5 of the Town 9346 E. Daggett, use of team ____ 129.64 D. V. Yeoman, tabor ... 3.50 before the Common Council at a of South Marshfield, in Coos County, Henry Franson, tabor 86.80 Russell Parrish, use of team .. 2.93 meeting to be held at the City Hall Oregon, according to the plat on file . Hanson, use of 740 A. Barrows, royalty on gravel 25.00 J. Hogan, tabor tince of 66% feet; thence North to a WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE 2.93 Wm. Shrock, royalty on rock 18.16 point on the North boundary line of R. J. Hanson, tabor Warrants Nos. 1330 to 1415 inclu­ said Lot 6 which is distant 66% feet 88.00 Chas. Enegren, royalty on rock 25.00 Andy Wilkins, tabor 80.40 P- Fish, royalty on gravel. 14.85 sive, drawn against Union High East from the Northwest comer of O. P. Smith, tabor ... 84.80' Woodbury Company, RR spikes 6.40 UflMt District No. 3, _______ Riverton, _ Ore- said Lot 6; thence West to the place Raymond Bark low, tabor 106.00 Davis Hardware Co., material 7.44 gon, will be paid upon presentation of beginning. J. W. Dye, tabor............. 88 20 Mill B Builders Supply Co., to the clerk. tabor . ...„. ____ Witness, the Hon. Hugh McLain, 1.00 Elmer Ross, labor 8.65 105.601 lumber ------- ............................. Interest on said warrants ceases Judge of County Court of the State Arlyn owkavw Barklow, , .«uvi* tabor .. 12.00 ***»Z»* of Oregon for the County of Coos 148 Vic Lindstrom, labor ... 100.80 Coos Bay Lumber Co., lumber 8441 April 16, 1937. 2.40 with the seal of said Court, affixed 10.00 Victor Demerest, labor 10040 J. N. Gearhart, mileage --------- Mrs Lillian Hanly, 8.00 Floyd Noble, labor 11.70 State Ind. Acc. Comm., acci­ Clerk U. H. No. 3 this 19th day of April, 1937. dent insurance .... __________ 637.41 14t3 Bullards Route, Coquille, Oregon Mike Boone, labor Attest: 2540 (Seal) L. W. Oddy, Clerk 446 Roy Parrish, labor __ 740 West Coast Telephone Co., phone lervice 35.74 Russell Parrish, labor 3.60 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE !5t5 By Gcorgianna Vaughan, Deputy Standard Oil Co. of Calif., 198 Chas Enegren, labor 14.40 ■TATE OF OREGON, IN AND No. 2955 gaa A oil--------------------- - --- 1561.02 _____________ 88.90 C. F. Besaee, labor 28.13 FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Bridffe Fd. 66 25 W. Browning, labor 8 H. Stockhaff, Plaintiff W. P. Fuller " a "3 o ., paints A STATE OF OREGON, IN ANO P. Michel bring, labor vs. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS oil. ------------- ------ --------------- 4244 T. Porter, labor .... Geo. W. Reck and Amy Mae R Holser. Co. bridge ma­ B aida l Rd. Na. 16 Notice is hereby given that O. C. terial ------- r.------ ---- ---------- ' 443.50 E. G. Leddy, labor ..... „ Sanford, administrator with the will To Geo. W. Reck and Amy Mae Huling Lundy A Sons, material I 7.35 Reck, husband and wife, and Ivan annexed of the estate of Ada C. Ralph Pederson, labor ...... Pacific Motor Transport Co., Coult, the above named Defendants: Drane, deceased, has duly filed his freight ...... —---- --------- 16.42 Ernest Pederson, labor ....... In the Name of the State of Oregon, final account in the matter of the ad­ Coos Bay Logging Co., lumber 20.23 You, and each of you are hereby re­ ministration thereof in the County * Bridge Fund Consolidated Freight Lines,, O. O. Bunch, labor .......... ...... quired to appear and answer the Court for Coos County, Oregon, on freight ......... .............. . .......... 6.60 complaint filed against you in the April 7, 1937, and said Court has set GENERAL ROADS GENERAL ROAD8 Chas. De Shazer, labor........... within entitled suit, on or before the Monday, the 10th day of May, 1937, J. E. Haseltine A Co., material 23042 1st day of May, 1937, said date being at 10:00 o’clock A. M„ at the County John Abbott, labor ________ W. Sh Pioneer Hardware Co., ma- I after the expiration of four weeks Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as E. C. 71.70 from the date of the first publication the time and place for hearing ob­ terial........................ ......... . E. W. Gregg, material----------- 24.55 of this Summons and if you fail to jections to said final account and the Coll McLean, la ________ Dated J. A. Lamb Co., material .— 8844 appear and answer, the Plaintiff will settlement of said estate. Fred Thurman, labor ..„........... 4748 H. Drollinger, labor ...... ....... ~ A. B. Daly A Co., material .... 358.M apply to the Court for the relief de­ April 7, 1937. 94.50 Martin Grill, tabor_________ O. C. Sanford, Administrator with manded in his complaint on file STATE OF OREGON 33 00 James Monson, tabor ._............ 13t5 herein, a succinct statement of which the will annexed. County of Coos: as. 22.56 Tom Monson, tabor .............. ... is as follows: WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE „ 1, L W. Oddy, County Clerk of 144 Ed Newell, tabor ______ __ That the Plaintiff have and recover Notice is hereby given that war­ Coos County, Oregon, and ex-officio 33.00 Lester Kyle, tabor ..... ........ ...... Judgment against the defendants in rants Nos. 507 to 540 inclusive, clerk of the County Court of said 29.50 J. N. Gearhart, tabor............... County and State do hereby certify the sum of 3227.90 and the further issued by Valley View school district M.OO Pau! Cramer, tabor ................... sum of $75.00 attorney ’ s fees and the No. 63, will be paid upon presenta­ that the foregoing is a statement of 1.50 A. M. Middleton, tabor_____ the amount of bills allowed by the costs of this suit.■ That Plaintiff’s tion at Coquille Branch First Nat*l 2.36 W. W. Middleton, tabor_____ mortgage be declared id be a iirst Bank of Portland, on and after April County Court at the regular April 7.50 C. L. Middleton, labor ...... ...... 1937, term thereof, as the same ap­ I lien upon the real property described 16, 1937. Interest ceases on that date. fl 00 J. E. Milton, tabor__. in th« complaint on file herein; that Jas. N. Jacobsen, Clerk, pears on the exhibits of claims tn my the same be foreclosed and the mort­ 1.68 A. B. Hanson, tabor.... ....... .... School District, No. 63, Coquille, 9.88 r U,b?r viewin< roads 5.00 office and custody. gaged premises be sold as provided Or*___________________ 1413 WITNESS my hand and seal of 6.26 E A. Wimer, tabor viewing roads 5.00 by law; that plaintiff may become a the County Court affixed this purchaser 31.00 Chas. Newman, tabor___ at said sale, and for such .. 3.60 19th day of April, 1937. . NOTICE TO CREDITORS 34.00 Vic Saline, labor ......... other relief as the Court shall deem 3.60 Notice is hereby given that the un­ L. W. Oddy, County Clerk equitable. 24 00 Brooks Pointer, tabor .. 31.50 (Beal) dersigned has been duly appointed by By J. W. Leneve, Deputy 10.00 Mike Fairchild, tabor This summons is published pursu­ the County Court of Coos County. .. 14.40 11 00 Sam Franson, tabor .. ...... ant to an order of publication made Oregon, Administrator of the Estate .. 3.60 E. Martin, labor.... ....... by the Hon. Hugh McLain, County of Mrs. S. G. Maiden (also known as 3.48 8.00 C. W GUes, tabor______ 3.48 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Judge of Coos County, Oregon, and Sylvia O. Maiden), deceased, and aU 400 Harry Pearce, tabor ___ Notice is hereby given that war­ entered herein on the 1st day of persons having claims against said 645 17.00 L. D. Bellue, labor .......... The date of the first Estate are hereby required to present .. 360 rants numbered 248 to 257 both in­ April, 1937. 4« 00 Herbert Lane, tabor.... •„ . 16.00 clusive. issued by Beaver Slough publication of summons is April 2, the same, duly verified with proper 71.13 Arthur Derbyshire, tabor .. 10000 Drainage District of Coos County, 1937, and the date of the last publica­ vouchers attached, to the under­ 10.00 Sye Davis, labor ... - 86.40 Oregon, will be paid upon presenta­ tion is April 30th. 1937, all as pre­ signed. at the law office of O. C. San­ 6.00 Willis Simpson, tabor----- ford, in Coquille, Oregon, within six 3.60 tion on and after Friday, April 23. scribed in said order. 148 c. MccunsT’taiS- C. A. Barton, 3.60 1687. Interest ceases on that date. months from the date of this notice. T. E. Abbott, tabor_____ Attorney for Plaintiff, Edna A. Robison. Secretary, Dated and published first time 140 C.T. Howell, tabor_____ Residence and Postoffice Address: April 23, 1937. Beaver Slough Drainage District, .. 35 20 Sam Carter, tabor_____ 1215 15t5 1543 Coquille, Oregon. Wm. C. Utatt, Administrator. . 730 Coos County, Oregon. * NOTICE OF PROPOSED ASSESS­ MENT ital Fag Isa* roveaaeat of Oi Street Lights 61 atlca it hereby given Uiat upon Grey, lacor 16th d ty of April 1937, there was Frank McAdams, labor I in Vw office oi the City Re­ 10.80 Earl Sawdev, Sawdey, 4a ------- ar end by said Recorder 16.20 Lincoln Miller. 1 the Committee on Lights 28.80 Of____ tabor .......... le Con.mon Council of the __ _ _______ . ________ City of labor 1.35 Coquille. “ ~ a Coos County, Oregon, ...... 2.00 rr ____________ proi'osed assessment of the ___ cost ,si® i 28.80 exp’ nses of the improvement of or­ w. Oren, ta a 25.20 namental Street w. J. Leaton, tabor •vet Lights for tho City of 73.50 Coquille on Second street from Hall D. M. Fox, tabor.............. 28.35 to Taylor; First street from Hall to W L. Stemerman, labor . 57.50 Willard; Front street from Hall to Ed White, tabor ...»......;.... 120.80 Levi Wilson, labor ......... Willard; Taylor street from Front to 79.80 R. B. Howe, tabor ......... Second; Hal! street from Front to 108.00 M. C. Miller, tabor .......... Second; under the provisions of Arti­ 103.50 cle XVI, adopted by the Legal voters J. K. Baker, tabor ----- 108.00 of the City of Coquille on the 27th Gunder Gunderson, tabor 86.40 day of April 1936, and declaring an Ernest Franson, labor ... 57.20 emergenqr: A. D. Lee, tabor .............. 4.50 John Menegat, tabor ...... The whole cost of said improve­ 4.06 ment and of said proposed assessment Lee Jordan, tabor............ 18.00 is the sum of $7777.00, and the Ed Abernathy, tabor ...... 58.00 boundaries of the district proposed to Phil Williams, tabor.... . 105.60 be a swaged are as follows: J. L. Lea, tabor............. 108.00 Tom Lawhorn, tabor ...... Beginning at the northwest corner 88.20 of Lot 6 of Block 30 of Elliott’s Ad­ K. F. Ireland, tabor........ I16.00 dition , to iitt Mike McCarthy, tabor..... the City of Coquille, _ ____ Coos H. A. Steward, tabor 81*0 t Ji " I | County, Oregon; running thence East Jim Miller, labor ............ ®?lu 50 fe**l thence south and 50 feet par- Ole Newton, labor .... . x.. 105.60 guei ^th the east line of Hall street 110.40 to a point in the south line of Lot 5 Roy Wheeler, labor ......... 92.40 of Block 18 of said Elliott's Addition; P. Yarbrough, tabor . 96.00 thence West 50 feet to the southwest D. J. Conlogue, tabor ..... Bridge Fund corner of said lot 5; thence westerly Pat Gorwell, labor . ................. 52.80 to a point in the west line of Hall GENERAL ROADS street, which point is south 50 feet Chailes Sneddon, tabor.......... . 30.60 from the south line of Front street; Coos County, rent of equip­ thence northwesterly and 50 feet ment ..ZZL:...-....-.... .......... 3995.00 south and parallel with the south line Geo. Landrith, operating Lan- of Front street to a point i* the west drith Ferry ..................... 20.00 line of Lot 1 of Block 1 City of Coquille, water, Gen. of Original Town of Coquille; Roads ......... »—........ —......... 2.75 I hence northwesterly to a point People Water 8c Gas Co., wa In the north line of Front ter,—North Bend shop ..... 2.88 street, which point is 50 feet westerly Mountain States Power Co., from the intersection oC the west line lights, No. Bend Shop ....... 1.00 of Willard street with the north line of jr+rf*'!>-» u». UL-fssl«. Mountain States Power Co O. Johnson, A Rahnas io, Ed Càrter, U Dick Miller 159.00 100.00 M.OO , County 100.00 16647 100.00 0 s 0 •5.00 Fss ; Probation ____ „__ _ 130.00 176.00 76.00 6.34 5145 30.00 2.60 > 35.00 68.54 18.02 64.86 MRL—_ - „Ja II z ___ ------ i >• Ei. ■ 40.00 18.00 2.50 27.00 Robt. Van Fossen ________ 50.30 oembecker Memorial Hospi­ tal. care of Aileen Paulson 701.26 ■sss 1.M OMMtaVwMr ’ F. C. McNel "elly. Salary Supt. . Edith McN< Felly, salary Matron Mae __ Shore, ----- ; Salary, Cook ___ Carl Shore, Salary Farm hand Sadie Pybum, Salary, Cook’s t helper __________________ 30.00 G. A. Horton, Salary Orderly 40.00 Beta Horton, Salary, Nurse x 65.00 Weldon Gage, delivery of canned goods --------------------- 11040 Coos County Farm, produce used on farm------------------... 63.60 Pioneer Grocery Co., groceries 14146 Ideal Bakerv bread 2599M >!S 17.66 3140 t 13.70 58 0040 1 r 35.00 96.73 3960 54.94 IS te k il r- I