Mrs. Ralph Weaver, of Myrtle Creak, came in Wednesday morning to be with him. Mr. and Mrs. D Case, of Gold Beach, spent the week-end at the home of Mrs. Case’s parents, Mr. and spending several day» visiting at tne Mrs. Louis Furman Watkins home She arrived Friday. Mts. Sarah Williams and son, Nor­ Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow, man, left Monday for Klamath Falls, who have been living at Bandon this where they will spend several days winter, arrived Friday. They left for visiting relatives. Portland on Sunday morning with Thomas Lakey was operated on at Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward for a the Mast hospital Saturday for ap­ business conference. They are ex­ pendicitis. pected home again the last of the The Myrtle Point senior banquet week. has been set for Friday, April 30. The Mr. and Mrs. George King, of Ala­ speaking program will include talks meda, California, arrived Saturday to by all officers of the class. spend the week-end with Mrs. King's Wallace B. Dement, president of parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Lafferty. the Chamber of Commerce, has ap­ They left again Monday, taking with pointed the 1937 committees as fol­ them Mrs. Everett Lafferty and chil­ lows: program and attendance. Wil­ dren, Mayne Lee and Allen, for a two liam Gurney, chairman; H. E. Whit­ weeks* Visit. aker, R. W. Schaad Elton Schroeder, Mrs. Frank Burbank, who has been assistants; community chest commit­ down with the mumps for the past tee, Jess Clinton, chairman, Henry two weeks, is able to be up and about Schroeder, Graydon Crews and Bert again. Her friends welcome her Pearson, assistants; Boy Scout com­ mittee, William E. Gurney, chairman, speedy recovery. Tile home demonstration meeting Elwin Eades, Çiton Schroeder and was conducted by Miss Jessie Palmi­ Floyd E Summers, assistants; mem- ter last Friday at the home of Mrs oerahip, Eugene Laird, chairman, Ernest Hammack. Those present at Graydon Crews, H. A. Schroeder and the meeting besides the leader and E. C. Roberts, assistants; roads com­ the hostess were Mrs. J. L. Burtis, mittee, L. H Pearce, chairman, John Mrs. Ward Evans, Mrs. John Carl, Belloni, F. L. Moon and Jess D. Clin­ Mrs. Albert Lillie, Mrs. Lawrence ton, assistants; legislation committee, Rackleff, and Mrs. Jess Robison. This J. H. McCloskey, chairman, T. P. meeting was the last of a series of Haberty and Ralph Kring, assistants; meetings that Miss Palmiter has con­ schools committee, Paul E. Breuer, chairsnan, E. C. Barker, L..P. Linn, ducted here this past winter. ! AIRWAY COFFEE f The blend Hia* 70% ef the nation prefer* — mild, mellow, pure Bra­ silian — the fameua Airway Coffee. POUND PKG. QUANTITIES REASON­ ABLY LIMITED Tucker, chairman. Burr Monrad, El­ ton Schroeder and Howard Whitaker, . usistants; Coos County Fair commit- ee, George Hampton, chairman, R. Q. Arnold, H. A. Schroeder and How- ard Whitaker, assistants; industrial W MAY Sind. ’ committee, C. L. Church, chairman, Jess D. Clinton, M. J. Morrison, A. M. . Sunstrup and Otha Ray, assistants; X , farming, dairying and livestock com- ,U mittee, A. J. Radabaugh, chairman, E. *V" L.. Clausen, E. S. Dement and Andy . CRACKERS ET Rolled Oats . Newhouse, assistants; recreation com- * , mittee, Harry Dement, chairman, El- ton Schroeder, W. E. Lundy and R. H. Mast assistants; budget committee, iris Wm E’ Gurney, chairman, Fred True, Harry Christy and R. C. Bowers, as- sistante. j" The senior class play, “Cappy . NewI®Pror