The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 30, 1937, Page 3, Image 3

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    should include a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, brought
to your table with the care necessary to insure their freshness.
New Pea«
You'can rely on THE BUSY CORNER for the best of good
things to eat at the first moment they are to be obtained in the
markets; also highest quality staple and fancy groceries.
White Linone for Cool Summer Comfort!
lusy Corner Grocery
Latest Style»!
These Summer
Maud Skaggs Woodyard
Bachelor of Music
Accredited teacher of
Piano and Voice
332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon
ly picture. A social time was »pent, a potluck dinner Wednesday eve-
Club Notea and Other
after which the guests served refresh- ning for the Rebekahs and their fain- 1
Social Activities menu. The following friends 'en- ilies in honor of the 119th anniver-
Mrs. Charles Haglund and Mrs
Henry McCue gave a lovely party
Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs.
Haglund. This was in the fprm of a
seven-thirty o’clock dessert bridge.
The color scheme’ was pink and
white, the tables and rooms being at­
tractively decorated with apple blos­
soms. Mrs. Elbert Schroeder won
high score at contract bridge, Mrs.
John Hawkins, second, and Miss Jen-
nelind McKnight received the conso­
lation prize. The following ladies
enjoyed this lovely party: Mesdames
J. H. Mills. Harold Gould. Everett
Strain, D. G. McEniry, Geo. McClel­
lan, Ralph Cochran, A. L. Beck, Ted
Homecker, Misses Dorothy Bunch
and Jennelind McKnight and out-of-
town guests: Mesdames Eric Tucker,
John Hawkins and Miss Eunice
Gremsgaard. of Marshfield, and Mes­
dames Elton Schroeder and Wayne
Carver of Myrtle Point.
joyed this happy occasion: Messrs
3nd Mesdames Ralph Harry, Levi
Wilson, Kenneth Graham, Aaron Wil-
non, Gordon Epps. Misses Katherine
Estey and Gladys Culbertson and
Messrs. Elwyn Nosier and Henry
George and the guests of honor.
nary of Odd Fellowship.
thirty-five and forty enjoyed this OC-
casion. Mrs. Class Bosserman and
Mrs. Hester Holvmtott were chosen
delegates to the Rebekah Assembly
to be held in Portland May 19 to May
22 inclusive. The Past Noble Grands
Miss Colleen Ireland celebrated her,
thirteenth birthday with n lovely I
party at her home on East Second St. I Jack Axtell celebrated his tenth
Saturday afternoon. The party was birthday last Friday evening. The
held out of doors, refreshments being young folks went to the Liberty and
served in the garden under the pear then to the ‘Tip Top” for refredi-
trees. All sorts of games were en­ menU. Those invited for this happy
joyed by the young folks, Mrs. Jack occasion were Gwendolyn Elrod.
Hultin assisting Mrs. Ireland. Col- Phyllis May Litzenberger, Jackie
leeen received many nice gifts in Jean and Claire Gray, Jr.
honor of her birthday. -The following
young people enjoyed this happy oc­
casion: Margie Bumgartner, Vera
Selmen, Marianne Rackleff, Leona
Cole. Betty Jo Thorpe, Ethel Vaughn,
Buster Whereat, Howard Taylor.
Emric Hultin, Jo Don Estes. Marion
Clauster, Harvey Cole, Earl Haynes,
Dick Viaton, Donald Ireland. Bobby
Martin, Elizabeth Williams, Louis
Charneski and the guest of honor.
Prubate Coart Items
We carry a complete line
of SILEX Coffee Maker*
and ail parts
Hooton Electric