COQUILLE PHONE 166 Fb/ume ASK US WHY you orr sol Man muss TOO YOU* MOUSY 9Y MMflUS THS CHAMStHMt. With Small Profits” Is Our Motto KRISPY or GRAHAM CRAC HILL’S RED rvice Want Ads Gould Furniture Co. Continued from Page One) SILK STEADY WORK, Good Pay—reliable man wanted to call on farmers in N. Coos County. Make up to *12 a day. Write today FURST & THOMAS. 42« Third St.. Oakland. Calif. — It* ter St., or Phone 149-M. It* HORSE FOR SALE — G.x>d pack- saddle horse, priced reasonable. One mile down from North bank road. A. J. Marsh ranch. It* OLIVES BUILD YOUR OWN HOME For Sale—Choice home sites. Small down payment and easy terms. See Clarence Barton. 1M4 USE Crown Silver Sheen Fox Feeds for better results. Coos Feed & Seed Stores. PIG SHOATS for sale. Fox Bridge. M. W. Gant, 14t3* WE CARRY a fresh and complete line of Field Seeds, Orchard Grass, Rye Grass, Clovers, etc. Get our prices. Coos Feed St Seed Stores. SILVER SPANGLED Hamburg Eggs, from thoroughbred stock, »1.00 for setting 15 Harry I. Aber. Fishtrap road. 14tf FOB SALE — « nearly level lots, house, bam, garage; close in. Cheap for quick sale. Bert Seal. lOtOt* ALBERS FLAPJACK • Pancake Flour DINN ET Vegetables SALAD tn For Seasoning FOR SALE — Two-family residence on 11th St , Coquille. Will sacrifice for quick sale. Phone Martha E. Mulkey, tl-M. lltl*tf — USE Crown Dairy Feeds and Poultry Feeds for better results. Coos Feed A Seed Stores. FOR SAliE—Two Delivery Trucks, one a Ford and the other a Chev. At bargains. Thrift’s Grocery, Co­ quille. «tf Chadwick Lodge No. W A. F. & JL M. Special Communication Tuesday, 8:30 p. m. May 4 Work in M. M. Without Extra Cost ___________ Fresh H Pineapple h ............... ------------- 777------------- 777------------ 100 per cent Union Store • e '■ ■