Continued from Page One) part* of a Skeleton----------------- —— ». notified the county Ing daughter of a well-to-do family, icovery. who captured the shy youth, failed in t, 5f Myrtle Point no particular whether as a cleaning conduct an invest!- < maid or as queen of the ball. Schroeder and L. L. Dorothy Glaisyer, Hollywood nediat.'ly dispatched ambitions, told very forcibly the an­ guish which failure to make the »ton found a few screen brings, and her lover, George Gaylord ranch, this Kloster, was as typical a Bowery bad t that of a redskin boy as one could wish. n Wars, but instead Frank Biasca, father of the shy one, a more or less re- whom he could not compel to fall for to the fact that the the girl of pater’s choice, was a a intact, the teeth are scheming ol|l rascal who finally gave d quite a few of the bi gracefully. ■11 preserved.—M. P. Georgia Sherwood was the pretty choice of dad but she finally suc- _ —— cum bed to the charms of Alfred Ten­ nyson Murgatoyd, played by Robert Knife Hospital McGilvery, whose poem to a goat on Dismissals from the hospital the a mountain was a gem of purest ray past week were Mr. and Mrs. Jack serene. Robert, put into his playing ! Clouse and infant daughter on Tues­ all the eccentricities of the slightly , day; Tom Hull and Henry Wilson on cracked poet. ' Monday. Ellen Bloomquist, the “cullud wash i /. Andrew Spurgeon, of Coaledo, un­ ady," could not be induced to become • derwent a major operation on Mon­ * lady’s maid-and Kenneth Waggon- day. The same day Mrs., Frances r was the suitor and winner of the Ellen««McKenzie, of Powers, under­ shy one’aunt. ..«,. went an operation for appendicitis.. After a performance of comedy and Mrs. Wrcthea Rickman, of Coquille, submitted to a major operation on fun the curtain descended with three jouples waiting only the words of a Tuesday.'. . 1 i. marry ing parson to make them happy Andrew Cotton and Chas. Philpott for life. entered the hospital on Tuesday for Between the first two acts, Kennett treatment. awrence, Jr., entertained the large Mrs. W. H. Fortier underwent a ■•wdWne* with «•«•ctlerw or hi« • home after a four months' illness, during which she had submitted to an operation but without beneficial results. She was born in Coquille, March 1, 192S, and is survived by her parents, two sisters, Leona Belle and Velma May, and one brother, Or­ ville B. Funeral services were conducted at two p. m. on Wednesday at the Gano Funeral Home by Mrs. Hazel Mac­ Leod, of the Coquille Assembly of God. Interment was in the Masonic cemetery. -liutai 3-M0 VING-PARTS ROLLATOR* MECHANISM THE ROLLATOR I5 AS SIMPLE A5 THI5 PICTURE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COO8 I AS SHAFT TURN5 , , A BLADE MOVES ,A ROLLER ROLLS E. L. Hand and Drue Cunningham, Plaintiffs, vs. Maxine, Kerrigan Spitznass and Clarence Spitznass,- her husband, Nellie B. Wilson and John Doe Wil­ son, her husband, Roy B, Kerrigan, sometimes known as James R. Kerri- gan and Jane Doe Kerrigan, his wife, Thomas M. Kerrigan and Jane Doe Kerrigan, his wife, John Nelson Ker­ rigan and Jane Doe Kerrigan, his wife, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, es­ tate, lien or interest in the real es­ tate described in complaint herein, Defendants. Publication of Summons To Maxine Kerrigan Spitznass and Clarence Spitznass, her husband, and Nellie B. Wilson and John Doe Wilson, her husband, Roy B. Ker­ rigan, sometimes known as James M.M necessity is at stake. problem be solved? How will the Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co COAL, FUEL OIL and MILL WOOD poum Brought to County Jail Weaver, both of Allegany. They were married on Tuesday by Rev. Oliver J. Gill at his home in Marsh­ field. ■ . April 17—Henry Winfield and Syl- via Leneve, both of Bandon. April 19—Oscar Min tony e, of Co­ quille, and Pauline Dathem Puckett of Marshfield. April 21—Clifford Peck and Ora Dell Gaggett, both of Allegany. April 22—Karl t Lloyd Knutson, of Marshfield, and Nadine Bickett, of i North Bend. April 22—J. A. Newton and Ma- belle Hughes, both of Coquille. and Jane Doe Kerrigan, his wife, John Nelson Kerrigan and Jane Doe Kemgan, his wife, also all other persons or parties unknown claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate de­ scribed in complaint herein. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before the expiration of four (4) weeks from the date-of first publication of this summons, that being the time pre­ Orville Thompson, who lives be- .wecn Coaledo and Delmar, was XHind over to the grand jury in jus- ice court at Marshfield last Satur­ day and his bonds set at $2,000. He is charged with' selling mortgaged chickens, his claim being that 500 birds were stolen from his place. Dewey Woolma, of Powers, was brought here Tuesday to serve a 30- day sentence for being drunk in a public place. Fred Lee, of Marshfield, given 15 days by Justice Bolt at Marshfield, for being drunk on the highway, wu brought to the county jail on Wed-' of which nesday. ’ ( “ * Three charged with vagrancy in J. ing at the Southeast comer court at Marshfield are serving out Ion 38 in Township 27 South, .heir fines in the county jail. Helen 13 West of Willamette iesh and Rose Nelson were each dven 60 days and fined $100 on the ■ag change on Monday, and Eric lor.ner Ostbon was given 30 days yesterday. «1 Lawrence Puckett, 22, was brought o jail here yesterday, with bail set •,t $2000 after being bound over to the ¡rand jury by Justice Bolt for con- ributing to the delinquency of a ninor. Lola Guilliams, 17, was >rought over by the probation offi- :er and is b e ing h ol d as a w i tne ss'. SOUTHWESTERN OREGONS GREATEST STORE Marshfield, Oregon COQUILLE BRANCH Phone 209R U. E. McCLARY, Mgr. 315 West First Probate Court Items «ted John E. Cook was last Monday ap- jointed administrator of the estate of ■is late father, Geo. E. Cook, who lied at Marshfield March 18. Ap- iraisers of the $23,000 estate are Geo 1 Huggins, Joe. Williams and Oscar lulovsen • ” + Robert Marsden, Jr., was on Mon­ lay appointed administrator of the $88,200 estate left by H C. Noble vho died at Marshfield last Sunday. FOR YOUR OLD KITCHEN RANGE IN TRADE M,r«n.™EAM °’ COOS ,CE CREAM CO. COQUILLE, OREGON