■ S «Tw vT®’r' • V ;> .jí.. ■ i< ■; ■ ■ •’. .■ / ■ 1 ■' - 'J;-. ' ;;; -L" .. . ■. 1 .■ ■ -5 ■■ 8fe $ V.' r* v vi",V CM . ...... . ii 'i ,i (OQUILLE HIGH SCHOOL WING SPICIBL SFBIM >4 Let as shew yaw R s e ps Bea«ty...Ceies... C.evseiseee Featswes yee've le«» dastaedl In Montag Modsraiqus and Aristocrat mod­ els ws are showing "that ideal range you have waited for. Here’s beautiful design; attractive, harmonious color in durable glistening, porcelain enamel; and -cooking and baking ability which makes meal-time a toy I There are 17 colors to choose from in each series. You’ll find the very model to make YOUR kitchen the most convenient and colorful room in your home. Select and HAVE the model you like best Todayl RfÄsir-, '113.75 Owa a MONT A«... Ska ravwite te M—y rtMNMNMMW •! WddtDOI HoWldl • • • outstanding faatura which you could y want in a rang* has bean included ■ 1937 Montag models. SEE their _____ j design, and the many construction features which have made them so famous. Let us show you the firebox for either wood or coal; the all porcelain enamel ovens which have cast iron bottoms; the popular Montag two-piece French plate top; built-in condiment sets on each range. The Montag name means outstanding value I FREE! duking our BPICIAL CAMPAIGN ONLY! JTif* esc* Weatag Raage will give a*s«/ute/y FREE, a vafaaMo .. . . 31-PIKCE 1ST OF gtu-ly CalUomlsua DINNERWARE with ia smsms to match i i A GI iiiu . • «sell for water. coak- taila, borrifM. Creamer »nd auger kewl «lro Included guère» I TERMS:' H Gould Furniture Co. Colville ■ Phone 49-M Oregoo NOTICE[ OF1 PROPOSE) ASSESS- NOCTCT OF 8JU^ OF LAND_AC- MENT I > ! i i ■■ > I * r r /..r 1 . QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FOR DELIN­ QUENT TAXES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That ’ under and by virtue of an order of sale made by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Coos, on the 21st day of April, A. D.. 1937, commanding me to sell- the fol­ lowing described lands, to-wit: Minimum Price Ijmd described iu Vol. 92 Page 617, Deed Records, Coos Coun­ ty, Oaegon, less 100x75 feet in Deed Record Vol. 117 Page 463, in Section 36 Township 27 South, Range 13 West of W W. M. - - - - 8300.00 Lot 5 in Block 4 in Town of Coquille City in Coos county, Oregon, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon - 926.78 - I SHALL, in Tbmpliance with said order, on SATURDAY, the 22nd day of May, A. D., 1937, commencing at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. at the front door of the Court House in the City of Coquille, and County of Coo» State of Oregon. Of­ fer |br sale and sell at public auction the above described real property to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand at the time of the sale,-or for not less than twenty per cent (20%) of the purchase price in cash, the Remainder remainder to be paid under writ writ- ­ tenagreement-with the purchaser tn equal instalments over a term not ex­ ceeding ten (10) years from the date of sale, all deferred payments to bear interest from the date of sale at the rate of six per cent (6%) per annum, FORECLOSURE SALE other relief as the Court shall deem NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That equitable. This summons is published pursu­ under and by virtue of an Execution and Order of Sale issudd out of the ant to an order of publication made Circuit Court of, the State of Oregon, by the Hon. Hugh McLain, County for the County of Coos, on the 30th Judge of Coos County, Oregon, and day of March, A. D. 1937, in a certain entered herein on the 1st day o. The date of the first cause in said Court pending wherein April, 1937. Evallne Breen is Plaintiff, and Kath­ publication of summons is April 2. erine V. Dudley, Edward S. Bice, 1937, and the date of the last publica­ George E. Nichols, Trustees in Trust. tion is April 30th, 1937, all as pre­ Clifford A. Maynard and Elsie A. scribed in said order. C. A. Barton, Maynard, and the unknown heirs ol Attorney for Plaintiff, Harlan J. Dudley, deceased, and Residence and Postoffice Address: Margaret B. Dudley, deceased, also 12tS all other persons or parties unknown, Coquille, Oregon. claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the real estate desribed IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND In the complaint herein, are De­ FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS fendants, Case No. 11121 of said Court, and commanding me to sell the in the Matter of the Estate of Ira Philander Chase, Deceased. hereinafter described real property to Notice et Final Settlement satisfy the sum of 820,020.60, with in­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ terest at 5 per cent from the 16th day of March, 1937, ar.d costs and dis­ dersigned has filed her Final 'Ac­ bursements $49.45 with interest at count in the matter of the adminis­ six per cent from the 30th day of tration of the Estate of Ira Philander March, 1937, together with accruing Chase, Deceased, and the County coats, I WILL ON SATURDAY, THE Court for Coos County, has set Sat­ 1st DAY OF MAY, 1937, at the hour urday, the 24th day of April, 1937, of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of said as the day, the hour of 10:00 A. M day at the front door of the County as the time, and the County Court Court House in the City of Coquille, Room in the County Court House at Coos County, Oregon, offer fas sale Coquille, in Coos County, Oregon, as ■“ -place for hearing objactions to and s ’ll at public auction, Account and the settle- highest and best bidder Tor of said estate. hand, all the right, title and this 26th day of March, of the said Defendants in and to following described real property Administratrix at ^tte^Kstate of wit; — ------- ------- - ------ - ----------------- r An undivided one-half (là) in- Ira Philander Chase,' Deceased. - jjgj terest in the East ............. half (E%) of -th» __ East half (E%) of Section Twenty- Harry A. Slack, Attorney uta* four (24) Township Twenty-five for said Administratrix (25) South, Range eleven (11) No. 2955 West of the Willamette Meridian, IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE Oregon; the North half (N%) of 8TATE OF OREGON, IN AND the Northeast quarter (NE*4) the FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Southeast quarter (SEMi) of North­ In the Matter of the Estate of Ada C. east quarter (NE%) and the North­ Drane, deceased. east quarter (NE%) of the South­ Notice ef Final Settlement east quarter (SEVi) of Section Notice ia hereby given that O. C. Twenty-five (25) Township Twen­ Sanford, administrator with the will ty-five (25) South. Range eleven annexed of the estate of Ada C. (11) West of the Willamette Meri Drane. deceased, has duly filed his dian, Oregon; and the Southeast final account in the matter of the ad­ quarter (SE>4) and Lots Four (4), ministration thereof in the County Nine (9), Ten (10) and Eleven (11) Court for Coos County, Oregon, on in Section Thirty (30) Township April 7, 1937, and said Court has set Twenty-five (25) South. Range Monday, the 10th day of May, 1937, Ten (10) West of the Willamette at 10:00 o’clock A. M., at the County Meridian, Oregon, all of said lands Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as being situate in the County of Coos the time and place for hearing ob­ and State of Oregon. jections to said final account and the Said sale being made subject tn settlement of said estate, Dated demption in the manner provided tty April t 1931. law. [ O. O xSanford, Administrator with Dated at Coquille. Oregon, this 2nd the will annexed. 13t5 day of April, A. D. 1937. WM. F. HOWELL, NOTICI TO CREDITORS 12t5 Sherif of Coos County, Oregon OF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF COQUILLE WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Warrants Nos. 1330 to 1415 inclu­ THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK sive, drawn against Union High OF COQUILLE (OREGON), located School District No. 3, Riverton, Ore­ at Coquille, in the State ot Oregon, is gon, will be paid upon presentation dosing its affairs. All noteholders to the clerk. and other creditors ot the association Interest on said warrants ceases are therefore hereby notified to pre­ April 16, 1937. sent the notes and other claims far payment. Mrs. Lillian Hanly, L. H. HAZARD, President Clerk U. H. No 3 9tu 14t3 Bullards Route, Coquille, Oregon March 9th, 1937. For Improvement of Ornamental Street Lights Notice is hereby given that upon the 16th day of April 1037, there was filed in the office of the City Re­ corder and by said ■ Recorder and the Committee on Lights of the Common Council of the City of Coquille, Coes County, Oregon, a proposed assessment of the cost and expenses of the improvement of or­ namental Street Lights for the City of Coquille on Second street from Hall to Taylor; First street from Hall to Willard; Front street from Hall to Taylor street from Front to Willard; Tayl Second; _______ Second; lfl| Hall street ___ from Front to .. Second; under the provisions of Arti­ cle XVI. adopted by the Legal voters of the City of Coquille on the 27th day of April 1038, and declaring an emergency: The whole cost of said improve­ ment and of said proposed assessment is the sum of 87777.00, and the boundaries of the district proposed to be assessed are as follows: Beginning at the northwest comer Of Lot 8 Of Block 20 ofBUiott’s Ad­ dition to the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon; running thence East 50 feet; thence south and 50 feet par- - allel with the oast line of Hall street to a point in the south line of Lot 5 of Block 18 of said Elliott’s Addition; thence West 50 feet to the southwest corner of said lol 5; Whence westerly to a point in the west line of Hall street, which point is south 50 feet from the south line of Front street; thence northwesterly and 50 feet south and parallel with the south line of Front street to a point in the west payable annually. line of Lot 1 of Block 1 No sale shall be made ' of ' any of the of Original Town of Coquille; above parcels of real propel srty for a thence northwesterly to a point lesser amount than the i minimum in the north line of Front price shown thereon. street, which point is 50 feet westerly Dated at Coquille, Coos County, from the intersection of the west line Oregon, this 21st day of April, A. D. of Willard street with the north line 1037. of Front street, thence north 50 feet; Wm. F. Howell, thence east to the west line of Willard 15t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon. fo. street; thence northeasterly to a point in the west line of Lot 8 of Block IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE 4 of said Original Town of Coquille, COUNTY OF COOS. STATE which point is 50 feet northeasterly OF OREGON from the southwest comer of said In the Matter of the Estate of Joseph Lot 6; 8; thence southeasterly and 50 Beusmans, Deceased. f feet —‘ parallel with - the north - - line of Citation Front street to a point in the west Case No. 3377 line of Lot 1 of i said Block 4; thence To Joseph Beusmans, Josephine northeasterly along the west line of Beusmans, Rev. L. A. LeMiller, Lot 1 and ale along the west line of Lot Father Dtonel Buote, Sisters of St. 1» 12 w of said uiuvk Block i, 4, a utaianee distance or of 1U0 100 Benedict, Orphan’s Home. Roman feet; thence northwesterly and 50 feet Catholic Diocese, Remi S. Key­ southerly and parallel with the south ser, as Trustee. Henry Overberg, as line of First street a distance 270 Trustee, St. Jerome’s Catholic feet; thence northeasterly and par­ Church, Monsignor Remi S. Key­ allel with the east line of Willard ser and Pastor in charge of St. street a distance of 160 feet; thence Brigida’s Paris and to all other southeasterly and 50 feet northerly devi devisees and heirs unknown, and parallel with the North line of GREETING: First street a distance of 270 feet; In the Names of State ef Orogen. thence northeasterly and 50 feet You are hereby cited and required to westerly and parallel with the west appear in the County Court of the line of Taylor street to a point in the State of Oregon, for the County of south Une of Second street; thence Coos kt the Court Room thereof, at northeasterly to a point in the south Coquille in the County of Coos, line of Lot 7 of Block 8 of said Elliott within ten days from the date of the Addition; which point is 50 feet west service of this Citation on you, , if from the southeast comer of said Lot served within Coos County, Oreg, [on; , 1; thence north 50 feet; thence east or, within twenty days if served IN THE CIRCUIT COUBT~OF THE NOTICE TO CREDITORS to place of beginning. within any other County in this Notice Is hereby given that the un­ STATE OF OREGON. IN AND NOW THEREFORE, all persons in­ State; or, if served by publication, dersigned has been duly appointed by FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS terested will take notice that said within twenty-eight days from the S. H. Stockhoff, Plaintiff * the County Court of Coos County, proposed assessment has been appor­ date of the first publication of this Oregon, Administrator of the Estate vs. tioned and is now on file in the office Citation; then and there to show Geo W. Reck and Amy Mae Reck, of Mrs. S. G. Maiden (also known as of the City Recorder and subject to cause, if any there exist, why an or­ husband and wife, and Ivan Coult, Sylvia G. Maiden), deceased, and all examination, and any and aU objec­ der of sale should not be made and ersons having claims against said Defendants tions to such apportionment that may license granted to Rev. L. A. Le­ tate are hereby required to present Na. 11165 be made in writing to the Council Miller, as Administrator with the the same, duly verified with proper and filed within fifteen days from the Will annexed, of said estate, for the vouchers attached, to the under­ To Geo. W. Reck and Amy Mae day of the first publication of this sale of the following described real Reck husband and wife, and Ivan signed. at the law office of O. C. San­ notice, will be heard and determined property, as prayed for in his peti­ Coult, the above named Defendants' ford. in Coquille, Oregon, within six by the Common Council before the tion, to-wit: In the Name ef the State of Oregon. I months from the date of this notice. I passage of any ordinance assessing Commencing at the Northwest t cor- You, and each of you are hereby re- I Dated and published first time the cost of said improvement, and ner of Lot 6 of Block 5 of Ute Town April 23, 1937. > 7___ said matter will come up for hearing of South Marshfield, in Coos County, I quired to appear and answer the 15t5 Wm. C. Ulett, Administrator complaint filed against you in the S before the Common Council at a Oregon, according to the plat .on file within entitled suit, on or before the meeting to be held at the City Hall and of record in the County Clerk’s 1st day of May, 1937, said date being FAT ELK DRAINAGE DISTRICT MEETING in said City of Coquille at eight office of said County, and running after the expiration of four weeks Notice is hereby given that there o'clock P. M. on Monday, the 17th thence South along the East boundary ,thtdat* the first publication will be a meeting of the owners of day of May, 1037 line of 7th Street approximately 95 of this Summons and if you fail to land in the Fat Elk Drainage District Date of First publication of this feet to the Southwest corner of Lot 5 appear and answer, the Plaintiff will notice is April 28, 1937. of said Block 5; thence East along the apply to the Court for the relief de­ held at the City hall in Coquille, Coos ■ f. O. Leslie, South boundary of said Lot 5 a dis- manded in his complaint on file County, Oregon, at the hour of ten isa City Recorder. tince of 66% feet; thence North to a herein, a succinct statement of which O’clock in the forenoon of Wednesday, the 28th day of April, 1937, for the point on the North boundary lfoe of is as follows' said Lot 6 which is distant 66% feet . That the Plaintiff have and recover purpose of electing one Supervisor WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE East from the Northwest comer of for said Drainage District who shall judgment against the defendants in Notice is hereby given that war­ said Lot 6; thence West to the place the stun of 8227.90 and the further hold his office for a period of three years and until his successor is elect­ rants numbered 248 to 257 both in­ of beginning. sum «< 875.00 attorney’s fees and the ed and qualified; and for the transac­ clusive, issued by Beaver Slough Witness, the Hon. Hugh McLain, costs of this suit. That Plaintiff's tion of such other business as may Drainage District of Coos County, Judge of County Court of the State mortgage be declared to be a first « Oregon, will be paid upon presenta­ of Oregon for the County of Coos l«n upon the real property describwl lawfully come before the meeting. Dated this 16th day of April, 1937. tion on and after Friday. April 23, with the seal of said Court, affixed ‘n the complaint on file herein; that W. E. Cross, 1037. Interest ceases on that date. this 19th day of April, 1937. **‘ be foreclosed and the mort- 8. H. StoCkhoff. Edna A. Robison, Secretary, Attest: gaged premises be sold as provided E. L. Detlefsen, Beaver Slough Drainage District, (Seal) L. W. Oddy, Cleric. by law; that plaintiff may become a Trustees. Coos County, Oregon. 15t8 15t5 By Georgianna Vaughan, Deputy purchaser at said tale, and for such Edna A. Robison, Sec’y. | 1412 4 •M SB» Coquille Hl Vodvll. May f ia students of Coquille high sc’..x*l are planning an evening of liiuievilie stunts iot May 5, at the hi :li school auditorium. An admis­ sion fee of twenty-five cento will be chq ged and the public is cordially inv.ted. Proceeds from the evening’s err-. rtainment will go into the gen­ eral student body fund. There will be musical numbers, skits, a one-act play, and several tap dancing num­ bers. All the talent of Coquille high school will combine to make the eve­ ning worth the admission charged. Miss Phyllis Hall is In charge of the affair. Students Awarded Pina Leonard Farr, Audrey Judd and Margaret Smith have earned pins for successfully passing a ten-minute typing test at a speed of forty-five words a minute with five or less er­ rors. These bronze pins are awarded by the Twentieth Century Publishing Company. Speaking Contests Monday High school students from Marsh­ field, North Bend, Bandon, Myrtle Point, and Coquille will compete, this evening at the high school auditorium at eight o'clock in the interpretative reading and extemporaneous speak­ ing contests. Dr. E. C. Wells, of the Department of Speech at Oregon State College, Corvallis, will act as judge. Coquille entries will be Mary Lou Nosier' in the dramatic reading contest and Marcus Shelley for the extemporaneous speaking. Mrs. ____ -L----- L-H----- L- 1 presentation of the senior cane by Bill Walker, senior class president, to Lowell Waggoner, junior class presi­ dent. The senior cane of myrtlewood was originally presented to ti^p high school by the Oerding Brothers, and the colors of each senior class since 1914 appear thereon. Coquille High Honor Roll The following is the Coquille High School honor roll for the period end­ ing April 16: | Straight l’s—Leonard Farr, Soph.; Dorothy Glaisyer, Sr.; Arden Harrah. Fr.; Marion Hess, Jr.; Jack Martin, Soph.; Beverly Norton, Jr.; Wilda Mae Van Meter, Jr.; Nancy Sonne- land, Fr. Straight 2*» —Frank Biases, Sr ; Kathleen Brady, Sr.; Louis Char- neski, Fr.; Gretchen Clinton. Fr.,' Vir­ ginia De Hart, Fr.; Edith Drake, Fr.; Thompson Drake, Sr.; Vesta Duncan- son, Fr.; Elaine Gray, Jr.; Charles Hawkins, Fr.; Henry Hess, Fr.; Imo­ gene Hickam, Jr.; Annamae Holyer- stott, Jr.; Eunice Howe, Fr.; Helen Johnson, P. G.; Videlle Kelley, Soph ; George Kloster, Sr.; Maxine Knight, Jr.; Donald Landaker, Fr.; Robert McGilvcry, Sr,; Hazel Morris, Sr.; Harold Neal, Sr.; Eileen Percy, Sr.; Georgia Sherwood, Sr.; Violet Sutton, Fr.; Ralph Thrift, Jr.; Elizabeth Var­ ney, Sr.; Gloria Vocino, Jr.; Fred Watson, Soph.; Ruth Young, Fr. Two Average. No Grade below a 3 —Gelene Brown, Sr.; Norma Buell, Jr.; Orville Clinton, Jr.; Rolph Fuhr­ man, Soph.; Ann Hawkins, Soph.; ÄgBdRuiWJBlia. kirk, Sr.; Chester Price, Soph.; James tend this contest and support the lo­ Richmond, Jr.; Betty Savage, Sr.; Carol Shore, Jr.; Kenneth Waggoner, cal entrants. Sr.; Jim Young, Jr. Senior Ball May 14 The'senior class will give their Calling caMs, 50 for 81.00. formal dance oq May 14, this year. Mr. Fuller will be the teacher in charge. Bill Walker, class president, has not yet appointed the committees but the directorate met for their first discussion.^’ Junior-Senior Banquet Thia evening at 6:30 the juniors will entertain the seniors at a formal dinner at the Pioneer Church. »The We are ready to help yon with color scheme will be a combination your building problems of the colors of the two classes: green and white for the seniors, and green Concrete & Cabinet Work and gold for the juniors. One of the events of the program will be the' 681 No. Coulter Phone 191R " —1 . .......... « í ? Godard & Co. • Contractors & BuiJta S££ THE NEW NORGE /■kcto-/ru¿£t lÁ/a^/ve^. TODAY »ul ■x Vs*Vtct*TllES « scientific wringer pre»* sure for all types of garments. This ia but one of many vital differences that make the new 1937 Norge Washer outstanding. « Autoiudt means just what it says | —built like an automobile for long life. Thia washer not only washes better but is quieter, ■ more durable and more economi- H cal to use. Saves its price pays its way -many times in its long life. Make us prove these vital differences. Come in today! /y |||ag 9 « Norge Loads la Vital Values A- Protauro-Indicator Wringer A SOO to I Super-Safe Release A Norge Autobuilt Trant- miteion it Steam-Sealed Porcelain Tit b ★ Feather- Weight Agitator. 1 V . ‘ ' NOV $5.00 !r __________________________ SOUTHWESTERN OREGON'S GREATEST STORE .-.Jjfc- Marshfield, Oregon i COQUILLE BRANCH IT __ U. B E. M^IADV McCLARY, M Mgr Phone 209R 3 i K . / Í® . MfeM