The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, April 23, 1937, Page 5, Image 5

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The junior class under the leader­
ship of Clyde Lillie is 'completing
plans for the most elaborate carnival
evsi given by the Arago high school
»1 iday night, April 23. A general ad­
mission of five and ten cents will be
changed for the program which will
be a finished entertainment. Harri­
son Hayes, the talented guitar player
of Gaylord, assisted by Milton Ham­
mack, will furnish the music. A one-
act play presented by the pupils of
Mrs. Ray's room, “The Unexpected
Guest,” with the following cast,
Laura Bernice Lillie, mother; Doro­
thy Stevens, Aunt Jean; Beth and
Ruth, sisters; Mary Jean McAllister
and Anne Watkins; their chums,
Norma and Madge, Peggy Biondell
and Maxine Rackleff. The plot con-
tainr<mystery, robbery and a surprise
ending, agreeable to all. This play
will be given promptly at eight
o'clock. The second play, "A Mock
Wedding,” will include a cast of new
and old stars in this community;
bride, George Hampton; groom, Mary
Watkins; minister, Orvus Miller;
Mother, Father and Sister of the
bride, Annie Deardorff, Leatha Mun­
ford and Clarence Schroeder; Butler,
Herbert Carl; Ringbearer, Charles
Webb; Flower girl, Ernest Hammack;
Guests at the wedding. Poli Negri.
Pearl Hampton, Mutt and Jeff, Law­
rence Rackleff and Jean Watkins.
After the program refreshments may
be bought at the refreshment coun­
ter, booths will be opened for busi-
tary-treasurer, Mrs. David Root. Mrs.
Tyrrell Woodward will be leader on
April 25.
Fifty-two were present at Sunday
school Sunday morning. Mrs. S. C.
McAllister and Mary Jean sang a
special number,
There was no '
preaching either in the morning nor'
the evening due to the flooded con-
dition of the roads. On April 25 Rev. '
W. A. Stephens, of Coquille, will '
preact), weather conditions permit- 1
of Oaylord, visited I
Harold Hayes,
. .. „
his cousin. Milton Hammack, the first
of the week.
Mr. and Mn. John Carl called at J
the C. A. Keltner home Sunday after-1
Mrs. Keltner is improving
rapidly now and is gaining strength.'
She hopes to be up in another week. '
Mn. Winnlfred Ray, who has
taught the upper grades at Arago for
the past five yean, has resigned to
accept the principalship at Broadbent
for next year. Mrs. Ray has been al
popular and efficient teacher and
Arago is sorry to lose her. She has
been the 4-H club sewing leader for>
jeveral different yean and in many.
ways has rendered service to the'
.■ommunity outside of her regular I
school work. Broadbent is to be con- ||
New Peas
New Potatoes
gratulated. ,
Leslie Lett and his guest, Norman
Williams, of Portland, called on Mr.
and Mn. Ed Myen Saturday.
Frank McKean and Bob McNeill I
drove up Saturday night from Curry I
county, where they work, and spent I
Sunday with relatives.
Fresh Ground
in Bulk
AU Flavors
Pkg. - -
The Aristocrat
Golan Dietz, ot Yreka, California,
it «pending thia week at the home'of
Mk parent«, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Dietz.
W. M. Lobdell and family moved
Friday from the Frank Southmayd
farm to the Lundy houae on the hill.
Lester Weever returned to his
home in Myrtle Creek Friday after
spending two weeks in Myrtle Point.
He was accompanied by his sister,
Gwendolyn, who spent the week-end
in Myrtle Creek.
Mrs. Lily Pearson received word
that her son, Arthur, sophomore in
the Linfield College, was among the
22 men and 30 women winning places
on the first semester honor roll.
Grade point average for the honor
students was 2.S47.
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Roberts returned
home from a trip to Medford and
Ashland. While in Ashland they vis­
ited at the the home of his brother,
Swift’s Pearl
Brown Derby
SCOTT Towel Holders 19c
... ..
Prince Albert or Velvet
Shredded Wheat Pkg. |2c
Motor Oil
Pure Pennsylvania
db dNb ■
Fhone izz
»tore No. 13b
returned to
Point after