Œ MYRTLE POINT ITEMS ie First National Bank of Portland, Oregon Condensed Statement of Head Office and 35 Branches As of March SI, 1987 RESOURCES Cash on Hand and Due from Banks. .$27,315,713.82 24,479,617.82 151,795,331.64 United States Bonds................... ....................... 19,077(612.09 Municipal and Other Bonds... ....................... 26,064,608.78 Loans and Discounts................. 150,000.00 Stock in Federal Reserve Bank...................................... 2,170,095.12 Bank Premises, Furniture and Fixtures........... 106,739.27 Other Real Estate 98,018.02 Real Estate Sold Under Contract.................................. Customers’ Liability—Acceptances • 86,942.58 and Foreign Bills• ♦ 468,786.18 Interest Earned 83,257.89 Other Resources >100,046^17 TOTAL LIABILITIES Capital • •«••••••••••••••«••••••••■ $2,500,000.00 .................................................... 2,500,000.00 vided Profita •••,••••••••••••• 999^9688^ $ 5,999,968.84 Reserves for Contingencies, Interest 1,328,093.77 es« e-e eereeeeeee e.-¿» e* a • Mr*. Agnes Kenyon, of Port Orford, spent Sunday at the home of her par­ ent*. Mr. and Mr*. W. W. Deyoe A district meeting of the Eastern Slur was held Wednesday evening with about 75 members in attendance Mrs. Myrtle Peterson, of Ontaria, grand matron of Oregon; Mrs. Alber­ ta McMurphy, of Eugene, past worthy grand matron; Mrs. Helen Roberts, of Cottage Grove, grand organist, and Mrs. Hallie Huntington, of Eugene, a member of the credentials committee, were the distinguished guests of the evening. A 6:30 o'clock dinner was served in Floyd’s Cafe. At the close the evening’s meeting, refresh­ ments were served. Members and friends of the Myrtle int Townsend club enjoyed a pro­ gram given Sunday. Several instru­ mental and vocal numbers were ren­ dered. The speakers of the day were W. T. Barry, an official state O. A. R. P. speaker, and Ilo Heaton, of Che­ halis, Washington. Mrs. G. L. Morgan returned home the last of the week from a week’s stay in Portland, where she visited relatives and friends. Mrs. Lowell Rackleff and two sons, Charles and Edward, of Klamath Falls, are spending a few weeks at the home of her mother, Mrs. R. C. Craven. Wayne Ray has gone to Fresno, Calif- where he will spend a few weeks at the home of hi* sister, Mr*. Bills* •••••*•••••••••••« Other Liabilities Deposits •**«■••* <’• •••»•••••••••••••••• TOTAL • ». • • • 92,331,524.34 ; . $106,046,885A7 MAIN BRANCH. . . . FIFTH, SIXTH AND STARK UPTOWN BRANCH . . . SIXTH AND M0RBI80N Other Portland Branches ' ROSE OTT BRANCH UNION AND RUSSELL BRANCH BAST PORTLAND BRANCH SOUTHEAST PORTLAND BRANCH MONTA VILLA BRANCH LIVESTOCK KENTON BRANCH Branches Outside of Portland SALEM LAKEVIEW FO88IL ALBANY STAYTON MEDFORD GEANT* PASS ASHLAND THE DALLES NEWBERG GRESHAM ASTORIA TILLAMOOK NORTH BEND HEPPNER BEND UNION NT86A - CONDON HILLSBORO WOODBURN OREGON CITY HOOD RIVER COQUILLE PENDLETON LAGRANDE ENTERPRISE MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION W. C. T. U. Had Enjoyable Meeting Last Friday home in Yakima, Washington, after a several days’ visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Sempert. Mr*. W. R. McCargar and son, Richard, Jeft Thursday for their home in Long Beach, California. Mrs. T. V. Johnson accompanied them a* far a* San Francisco, where she visited until the first of the week when she ■ eturned home. Mis* Imogene Burges* and Mr*. Eileen Smith returned home the first of the week from a several days' stay n Bandon. Elton Button, of Salem, arrived the last of the week and will spend sev­ eral weeks at the home of his mother, Mrs. Myrtle Button. Clarence Wood returned to hl* home in Portland after a short visit at the home of hi* friend, Cecil Bar­ ker. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jarvis and son, Norman, left the first of the week for Tucson, Arizona, where they plan to remain the next two year* and where Mr. Jarvis hopes to resin his h-alth FAT ELK DRAINAGE DISTRICT MEETING Notice is hereby given that there will be a meeting of the owner* of land in the Fat Elk Drainage District held at the City hall in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon of Wednesday, the 38th day of April, 1937, for the purpose of electing one Supervisor for said Drainage District who shall hold his office for a period of three year* and until his successor is elect­ ed and qualified; and for the transac­ tion of such other business as may lawfully come before the meeting. Dated this 18th day of April, 1937. W. E. Cross, ^M S. H. Stock h off. E. L. Detlefsen, Trustees. Edna A. Robison, Sec’y. 2 Ne. „17 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS . In the Matter of the Estate of C. H. Hodgdon. deceased. Notice of Final Settlement Notice is hereby given that Mildred M. Hodgdon. Administratrix of the Estate of C. H. Hodgdon, deceased, ha* duly filed her final account in the matter of the administration thereof in the County Court for Coos County, Oregon, on April 10, 1937, londay, the and said Court has set Monday, 17th day of May, r, 1937. at the County Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as the time and See for hearing objec- tions to said_______ al account and the settlement of said Estate. Dated April 10, 1937. Mildred M. Hodgdon. Administra­ trix. O. C. Sanford, Attorney for Adminis­ tratrix^_____________________ 14t5* WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that all warrants drawn against the General Fund of the City of Coquille, Oregon, and endorsed prior to January 1, 1937, are hereby called for payment upon presentation at my office. In­ terest on such warrant* will cease as of April 16, 1937. ____ W. S. SICKELS, Treasurer. 14t3 City of Coquille, Oregon. WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that war­ rants up to and including No. 11,563, issued by Coquille School District, No. 8, will be paid upon presentation to the district clerk, on and after Satur­ day, April 17, 1937. Interest on said warrants ceases on that date. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Keith Leslie, Clerk. School District No 8. Coquille. Notice is hereby given that the un­ Coos County, Oregon. 14t3 dersigned have been duly appointed by the County Court for Coos Coun­ ty, Oregon, Executor* of the last will WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given that war­ and testament of Albert Henry Oder- kirk, deceased, and all persons hav­ rants Noe. 307 to 340 inclusive. ing claim* against said estate are Issued by Valley View school district hereby notified that they are required No. 63, will be paid upon presenta­ to present same, duly verified, with tion at Coquille Branch First Nat’l proper vouchers therefor to the un­ Bank of Portland, on and after April dersigned, at the law office of O. C. 16, 1937. Interest ceases on that date. Jas. N. Jacobsen, Clerk. Sanford, in Coquille. Coos County, Oregon, within six months from tba _ School District, No. 63, Coquille, date of the first publication of this The W. C. T. U. met at the Home of Mr: and Mrs. Richard Arnold re­ Mrs. W. R. Wilder last Friday after­ tamed home the first of the week noon with eighteen ladies being pres­ from * several days’ stay in Portland. ent. Mr*. H. L. Johnson had change Reuben Roupp was rushed to the of the devotions. Three new mem­ Mast Hospital Thursday morning bers joined the organization. Work where an emergency operation was is progressing on the Nat. Temper­ performed for appendicitis. He is ance Education fund with each mem­ reported getting along satisfactorily. ber feeling her personal responsibility Clement Gilkison returned home in raising the quota. A committee, Monday from Santa Apa, California, representing the various churches, has where he spent the winter at the been appointed to direct the work. home of G. W. Doe*. Mis* Edna Doss They are: Mesdames Georgia Rich­ and her brother, George, returned mond, Ella Nelson. Ernest Purvance, with him and will spend several Harry Roe* and G. R. Swinney. Mr*. weeks visiting relstives and friends. Geo. A. Gray read an interesting pa­ Mr. and Mr*. Verne Lundy motored per on the work of Frances Willard to Roseburg and Canyonville Sunday. and her effort* and success in enroll-*r- Mr. and Mr*. Ellis Warner accom­ ing 4,000,000 men and women in tem­ panied by Mr. and Mr*. Allan King, perance work with foreign countries. i of Powers, were business callers at As a result of her success, the world’s Reedsport Monday. convention is being held in Washlng- T. D. Guerin was a business visitor Jon, D. C., in June and will have such in Molalla the last of the week. prominent world leaders in attend­ Mrs. Fred Schofield Is spending this ance a* Mrs. Ella Boole, world presi­ week visiting friends in Portland. dent: Mr*. Ida B. Wise Smith, first Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schmidt were vice president; Mrs. Evelyn Strong, host* at a demonstration dinner of Australia, the second vice presi­ Tuesday evening. Guests were Mr. dent, and Mis* Dagmar Prior, of Den­ and Mrs. Tom Detlefsen, Mr. and mark, the third vice president; also Mrs. Duke Davenport and Mr. and Miss Rosamond Duff, of Canada, head Mr*. Jesse Laird. of the young women's branch; Mrs. ' Mr*. Ida Mathew* is being treated Emily Moffatt Clow, of Ireland, head at the Mast Hospital for influenza. of the anti-gambling dept.; Mrs Ann Mrs. Winifred Ray, who has taught Brattstrom, of Sweden, evangelistic in the Arago school for several years, dept.; Mrs. Maskew-Miller, of So. has resigned and will be principal in Africa, protection of native races; the Broadbent school next year. Miss Christine Tingling, of England, Mr. and Mrs. Elton Schmidt and supt scientific temperance Instruc­ Mis* Lila Davenport spent the week­ tion; Mis* Agnes E. Slack, of England, end with Mis* Mary Davenport at honorary secretary, World’s W. C. T. Fortuna, Calif. U.; Mr*. Mary L. Brown, of Canada, The home of Mr. and Mrs. Rowley also honorary secretary of World’s W. Spencer on the Roseburg highway in C. T. U.; besides Mr*, /rances Willard Myrtle Point was completely destroy­ Wang Lin, of China, pres. fr. C. T. U.; ed by fire Friday morning. A radio Mr*. Forrester-Patton, of Scotland, a and a little bedding was all that was president; Mrs. Storey Barker, of saved. The house was owned by Mr. England, a president, and Mis* Ast- Faust, of Roseburg. wood, of Beimuda, president. Mrs. A surprise birthday party was Neia Bunch, of Oregon, is also plan­ given Mrs. Clifford Wilson Monday ning to aatend. afternoon at the home of her mother, Refreshments were served by the Mrs. Katie Arnold. Delicious refresh­ hostess committee: Mesdames W R ments were served the following: Wilder, Henry Ellis and J. S. Houck. Mesdames E. Luthey, W. W Deyoe. The W. C. T. U.’s next meeting will Reuben Roupp, Wilder, E. Freeman,1 be with Mr*. B. A. Davis at the home Fitzsimmons, Katie Arnold, R. Pow­ of Mrs. Frank Schram May 14 with rie, Walch and Charlie Rackleff. Mrs. G. A. Gray, Ella Nelson and Inez Lester Weaver, of Myrtle Creek, is Pinkston as hostesses. spending this week in Myrtle Point. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Zeller and two The “Friedly Dozen” club met at sons, from Montana, arrived Wednes­ the home of Mra Earl Carlisle Wed­ day and plan to make this their home nesday afternoon for their regular Mrs. Zeller is a daughter of Mr*. meeting. The ladies spent the after­ Jack Mulkey. noon hours sewing and knitting. Re­ freshments were served later in the afternoon to the following member* and guests Mesdames Jack Hultin, Sam Arnold. George Matney, Fred Wheaton. Fred Nosier, H. W. Kelley. Aaron Wilson, C. V. Smith and Ella Black. St. J At Pioneer Church Sunday Episcopal Church 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. 9:45 a. m. Church School. 11:00 a. m. Morning service and sermon. Job’s Daughters will attend as a body. Rev. Geo. R. Turney, Vice» The Sunday School begins the day’s activities, meeting at ten o’clock, and offering classes in Bible instruction to alt ages. At eleven o’clock the morning worship service will find the pastor, Rev. W. Raymond Wilder, speaking upon the subject, “A Mur­ derer’s Prayer.” At seven o’clock the young people will meet in the .Ep­ worth League. The evening evangel­ istic service at eight o'clock will find the pastor preaching upon the theme, “The Saints’ Secret.” The Pioneer Church choir will sing for each of the worship services. The mid-week ser­ vice on Wednesday evening at seven­ thirty offer* a helpful hour of Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. The public is cordially invited to all of thes£ services. Emanuel Baptist Church Fourth and Elliott Sts. A big surprise for everyone Sunday morning. The third of a series of sermons on “Be Ye Holy.” The morning theme. “When Does the Holy Spirit Come into the Heart?” These services are of vital importance and are drawing a large attendance. Come early to get a seat. Our Sunday school has grown 300 per cent in six months. If you are not happy in your Chris­ tian life, there is a reason. Come and learn of the path which leads to • *• • peace. I- ■ W. A. Stephens, Pastor Church • of Christ r,- , . E. Fourth at Coulter Earl Fr Downing, Minister Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Morning service, 11:00 am. Elwyn Coquille Assembly of God Nosier will preach. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Mrs. Hazel Macl^od, Minister Evening service, 8:00 p. m. The Sunday, 9:43 a. m. Sunday School. message of the evening will be given Mrs. Eva English, Superintendent. by the means of a mock trial present­ 11:00 a. m. Morning worship. ed by the Cornerstone class. This 6:30 p. m. Young people's meeting message is called “We The Jury 7:30 p. m. Evening service. Find—.” Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. prance. Friday, 7:30 p. m. Bible study. The public is always welcome to attend any service. Flint Church of Christ, Scientist The Pioneer Methodist Church Coquille. Oregon W. Raymond Wilder, Minister Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Subject for next Sunday, “Doctrine of Atonement.” Wednesday evening meeting at 8 o’clock. Free public Reading Room open in Church Building every Tuesday and Friday afternoons except holidays from two to five o’clock. The public is cordially invited to attend our services and to visit the Reading Room. Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30 p. m. Sunday services: Sunday Schoo) 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. m. Epworth Leagues 6:30 P- m. Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. Church of God Church school at 10.00 a. m. Preaching at 11:00 a. m. Evening services at 7:30 p. m. Everybody welcome at all these services. Rev. E. E. Watkins. The Holy Name Catholic Church Mass on first and third Sundays at 8 a. m.; second Sunday at 10 a. m. and when there are five Sundays, Mass on Evening pjeaching 8:00 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. fourth Sunday at 10 a. m. Last Sun­ day of each month Mass at Myrtle m. . Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­ Point at 8 a. m. and at Powers at 10 a. m. eryone welcome. Father M. O. Hart, Bandon . O. A. Gray, Pastor Methodist Episcopal Church student* are expected to be enrolled. Frederick Beck at Junction City Frederick Beck, former superin­ Dr. C. O. Stem, chiropractic physi­ tendent of the Riverton schools, was cian. foot correctionist, electric thera­ this week elected to the principalship of the new Junction City Union high pist, 393 Moulton St., phone 86J. school. Mr. Beck has been principal of the Mohawk Union high school at Marcola, Oregon, for the past three years. He will assume his new duties July 1, in preparing the new 8100,- 000.00 building for the opening of high school in the fall. Fifteen dis­ tricts have combined to form one of the wealthiest districts in the state, and somewhat over two hundred WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Warrant* Nos. 1330 to 1415 inclu­ sive, drawn against Union High School District No. 3, Riverton, Ore­ gon, will be paid upon presentation to the clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases April 16, 1937. Mr*. Lillian Hanly, Clerk U. H. No. 3 14t3 Bullards Route, Coquille, Oregon INSTINCTIVELY From the moment we are sum­ moned, to the time we depart, our Funeral Direction impresses with its ability to sense the right thing to do. In the period of deepest grief and family unsettlement, our Service comes as a welcomed, friendly aid. Our understanding of the right thing to do—and what not to do—1» recognized and ap­ preciated. PIONEER METHODISJ “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Proverbs 14:13. The Church la the Only Orgaaisa- I ttea Offering the Way ef Salvation C hurc H Coquille 109R Bandon 1083 VITAMINS Do you know that Nutcak6(Domestic)Coconut Meal . . . Therefore is a valuable supplement to a diet made up of bulky feed* that contain few if any of these growth promoting substances ... V. I r YOUR FEED DEALER HAS A FRESH SUPPLY Durkee Famous Fo