“Behold. I must be transformed and exalted, »«JJ qm 1 Christ. She proclaimed that the-di- and pain,’ come not through the law lesd in Revela vine Principle of the universe is• ot l-ove, but because ou? lives and our stand at the door, and knock: If any til li resembles more nearly the get rid of my hurt and grief? I have Love; that God, the cause and creator; tl-riking ate out of harmony with the Mui hoar my voice, and open theI Fati.. .-Mother Love which God has been greatly injured and unjustly _ children. I ‘ . If if you iiave some of all being is Love—universal, all-Ik w. The adjustment which needs to I dour, 1 will come in to him, and will ¡for _ - his We recognize that some­ loved one whom you are unconscious­ treated.” sup With him, and he with.me. ” That Inclusive, and omnipotent. It is o hake place is not in the law, but in Entitled time* it seems like a most difficult ly h,. ding in the tightened grasp of same Christ, or true idea of God, can tills law, the law of Love, the under- ; our own attitude toward the law. The Christian Science: thing to unsee hate or unkindms standing of which she grasped and• law of Love, therefore, even though it enter your life if you will but open fear »nd an.aety, place him, like Indeed, they seem very real, and yet The Law of Love Revealed then made practically applicable in ‘..sterns io chastise, is truly loving, if the door and let It in. The Christ in .hose parents, in the care of his Christian Science declares there i, and Demonstrated human affairs, that I shall speak to­ ut of the experk nee comes a happier your consciousness will govern every Fati --Mothai God, and be not difference, as far aa what we se by end better life. AH that is needed is act of your being. It will make you a afraid. You will recall that when Je­ between the evidence of a sick n.an night. Richard J. Davis. C. 8. There are those who, at this point, that we shall cease struggling gainst good man and a successful one, and if sus uised Lazarus tram the dead the or of a hating, unkind man of Chicago, Illinois Neithei Bible says: "He that was dead came Member of the Board of Lectureship may reasonably be questioning: How the law of Love and cone Into unity you accept it fully, it will glorify one is a creation of God, divine Lo,,-. forth, bound hand and foot with jour being. do we know that God is Love? What with its tender action. Then shall we of The Mother Church, The First Each is the victim of a delusion, and In order to find out exactly what gravecloti.es: . «. - Jesus saith unto do we mean by love and can we con­ sec God’s great purpose fulfilled in Church of Christ, Scientist, the man who is being impelled t > ceive of a principle as love? When out lives. The human sense struggles man is like, we turn completely away them, Loose him, and let him go.’ hate, to be unkind or unjust to hi> in Boston, Massachusetts Christian Science shows us that John declared that God is Love he, to work out its own destiny, even Lora the usual human way of think­ sometimes, without our realizing It, brother, is truly in a much more de- Mr. Davis was introduced by Mrs. was certainly not expressing a mere while divine Love waits to fulfill ey- ing. For example: If you ask some­ we are binding some loved one, or plorable mental state than the one one whom he resembles he is very Margaret Stacer, member of First metaphysical abstraction, nor was he ery i »pl; allot sruling toward good. who seems to be sick, and needs th t likely to say, “Oh, people say I’m like someone perhaps who is not loved, JL .US’ UNDERSTANDING OF Church of Christ, Scientist, Coquille: endeavoring to formulate a concept love Which Christ Jesus expressed with graveclothes — graveclothCs of my mother, and my sister Jane is like of Deity based on sentiment or emo­ LOVE when he said of thee» who were cru- The li/r-purpose of Christ Jos us my father;” meaning, of course, that fear, graveclothes of poverty, grave- cifying Friends, I welcome you here this tion. He was stating a spiritual fact. him. “Father, forgive them; clothes of disease. If such is the he and his sister resemble two othci Even from a human standpoint, waB to cv.. ’ ul .od ’ s love for man and evening in the name of First Church for they know not what they do.” case, then, in the words of Jesus, as we view the universe, the to dem. nsti n< the inseparable unity auman beings called their father and of Christ, Scientist, Coquille. WAY OF HEALING of earth and sky, that exi.;.^ bet ween Mind and its idea, mother. Yet all the teaching in the Christian Science urges, “Loose him, In Science and Health with Key to wonders Christian Science sh^p s us that the and let him go. ” Bible is constantly endeavoring to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, we are obliged to concede a between ,bd and man. But ti c love UPLIFTING HUMAN ‘ RELATION­ way of deliverance, from both disease she writes these words (Page 113), certain evidence of law and order, reflected b, the Master was ,.y- no point out to tis that God alone is our and hate, is the way of perfect, exact, SHIP Father, and that He created man ex- and it is encouraging that in the last means an expression of sentimentali ­ “The letter of Science plentifully and spiritual thinking. This was the You will find in the study of Chris ­ reaches humanity today, but its Spirit few months two eminent physical sci­ ty. lie perceived fully the" nature of -ctly Mke Hlrsslf, like Mind, like tian Science that spiritual under­ way Jesus taught, and Mrs. Eddy lias Love, like Spirit, and this implies entists, Sir James Jeans of Cambridge evil and sin, and recognized that love comes only in small degrees. The vi­ standing greatly changes our concept written in her textbook (Science and tal part, the heart and soul of Chris­ University, England, and Professor docs not always consist in being easy ^mething quite different from what of what love really is or should be. Health, p. 476): “Jesus beheld in Sci­ we have ordinarily supposed. Indeed Arthur Compton of the University of ■ or gentie. The man who took a whip tian Science, is Love, ’ Without this, For example, it removes a false sense ence the perfect- man, Who appeared Jesus said, “ Call no man your father Chicago, have declared that their in ­ to the money-changers in the temple the letter is but the dead body of uf personal responsibility for other to him where ginning mortal man Science,—pulseless, cold, inanimate.” vestigations aje leading inevitably to and scathingly .denounced the hypoc­ upon the earth: for one is your Fath- ’iH-ople’s’ problems. It is not always appears to mortals. In this perfect ;i which is in heaven. ” And again, the conclusion that'the universe is risies" of the scribes and Pharisees Jesus gave a most potent invitation loving to work out another’s salva­ man the Savior saw God’s own like­ to humanity to learn of this doctrine the result and expression of orderly was no weakling. He understood “lie that loveth father pr mother tion; indeed in the last analysis one ness, and this correct view of man more than me is not worthy of me. ” thought. Pope said many years ago clearly the kind of wicked thinking of Love when he said, “Come unto me never can. It is not love to make a healed the sick. Thus Jesus taught that “ Order is heaven's first law," Now this did not mean to imply with which has was dealing and used all ye that are weary and heavy laden "leaner” out of our fellowman. Who that the kingdom of God is intact, and there is plenty erf evidence, if we that we are to desert or ignore our the only method which that type of and I will give you rest. Take my universal, and that man is pure and yoke upon you and learn of me, for look for it to-day, that a divine Prin­ mentality could understand. If his mothers or fathers or our families, really wants to be a “leaner,”’ to go holy." through life on another ’ s efforts? To ciple or law governs the entire uni ­ but it plainly indicates that sooner or rebuke had been gentle, his enemies. I am meek and lowly in heart and ye When a mah declares, “I want to be verse in uninterrupted harmony. The ■vo;:!J iiave laughed at him, but evi laier we are a!) called upoa to give do this is only to weaken one’s own shall find rest unto your souls. For nrr —nr,— rt* in r »w r—MlnfLJ lM*^e*r&ectiS I un- t so out the problem, will a child learn to is both good and evil would inevita­ cqvc.-cd error and then cast it out. much of bondage and suffering, und apply the principle of mathematics of divine Love,” and what higher aim not mine but His that sent me.” can anyone have than this! Keeping No doubt you have come here this bly ultimate in the self-destruction of I Jesus did the kindest thing he could to learn to establish our true individ­ himself? A correct understanding of this ideal in mind, he begins to ex­ the universe. If that Principle is any ­ ' have done, under the circumstances.. uality as children, or ideas of God. Love uncovers misdirected efforts to evening to learn how to lay down press those qualities in thought and your burdens. I assure you, my thing less than intelligent Love arc f le sternly compelled sin to be self- One of the most appealing aspects of be kind, based on sentiment instead character which are eventually man­ we not doomed to chaos and obli ­ Christian Science, is its teaching of of reason, and enables philanthrophy . ?< n and then destroyed. That was friends, you will not leave this lec­ vion? Love. ‘ the motherhood of God. Clearly, in­ to be the expression of divine Prin­ ifest as spiritual power. ture disappointed. In Christian Science we see that The Anglo-Saxon term for God is i We are all more or less children in finite Love, the creator of the uni­ ciple, the law of Love. It is a pleasure to introduce Rich­ everyone is entitled to immediate and good, and if the sublime cause or law verse, can be no less ' be'kUng that discipline, whether Mother than Then there is the other side to this ard J. Davis, C. S. of Chicago, Illinbis, effective release from bondage. Love of creation be good, then must It not Father and includes in from within ar without, is not partic- perfection all question of personal relationship. It a member of the Board of Lecture­ knows no postponement, no delay. ship of The Mother Church, The First be exact, right, perfect, orderly, all- u ally pleasant. We resist and object the qualities ascribed by us to the sometimes happens that one is called Docs it take time to make four times harmonious, capable of producing highest concept of I to what the Bible calls "instruction in motherhood. upon to assume the care of someone Church of Christ, Scientist, in Boston, four equal sixteen? No, the result is Mass., who wiH address you on the only a beneficent result? Rightness, i righteousness," and. yet, whether it be Speaking llate evil7 K a munomtr. fort, and investigation toward the one of us were to break a -traffic or tu«* of ? t the Christ, or real man, when and it wis simply that they had let go u orry, and grief, afflicting though | Is infinite, omnipresent good sharing realm of Spirit, toward the under­ speed law with our car, and were to j he sa|d. '• “Heaven and earth shall completely in their own thought of ‘A! th<; r?Ot1 causes for di’-'that Bfesence with other power, de- standing of spiritual law? be arrested, fined, and punished. pass away, but my words [my their possessive and fearful sense of ■^e’,tkn there * but one way to g*’- structive in nature? If so, there is DIVINE PRINCIPLE AS GOD Could we very logically blame our thoughts ] shall not pass away.” ownership. They had given up their then? -reP’Bce »«n with right no Infinite, no omnipresence. The Mary Baker Eddy, the Discoverer trouble on the law or on the judge . The more one knows ot God, the belief of »parenthood, of being per­ mxing thoughts of love, forbear-. allness and oneness of God precludes and Founder of Christian Science, did who fined us? Does the law itself more he knows of the real man. We sonal creators, and, like Abraham,' ance and forgiveness. Mrs Eddy has i the existence of anything unlike turn from matter, and with that com­ know anything about the infraction can only discern man, the real and had placed their child on the altar of SST r,I ““ «-aa passionate impulse expressed in the or violation? Not at all. Both the spiritual man, as our understanding God. With fear and the false sense Health with Key to the Scriptures,” Love has no consciousness of any­ verse which I have just quoted from judge and the law are quite impartial of God gro -v The Christ, or spiri­ of personal responsibility removed, the textbook of Christian Science: thing unlike or outside its own har­ Isaiah, earnestly sought the remedy Then where does our difficulty come tual idea oi God, influenced and di­ the law of Love naturally asserted it­ “Human hate has no legitimate man­ for human ills In the realm of Spirit from? Solely from our ignorance or rected every motive and act of the self and restored that boy to his nor­ date and no kingdom. Love is en­ monious being. Would you be afraid, Her search resulted in the discovery our willful disobedience or lack of human Jesus. As a man he was per­ mal and legitimate status as a child throned. That evil or matter has could you be afraid, if you really knew that God is Love, right here and of what she termed Christian Science, conformity to the law. Is it not clear, petually responsive to the call of the of God. neither intelligence nor power, is the everywhere, and that you cannot get —the Science of Truth,—the demon­ then, that in the same way what Christ, Truth. Describing this call of Christian Science points out that doctrine of absolute Christian Sci­ strable understanding of God and His to us punishment, suffering. Christ at the door of consciousness we the love we have for those near us ence. and this is the great truth which out of His all-encircling presence? Could you be afraid if you knew that Christian Science POOR PRINT » * i