JW?»'* ______________ _________________ COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Volume With Small Profits,” Is Our Motto Fresh HILLS Coffee Package Lb. UNION STORE Chocolate Eclairs These Savings ' i Dry Pack Shrimp c.n The Popular Brands Candy Bars »<« Krispy or Grahams River 'r........................................................ . SPECIAL OFFER TU LU ¡Sunbeam IRONING SET 1 | Two delightful piano solos, “Hungar­ ian Rhapsody No. 8” and “In a Chin­ ese Temple Garden." were played by Miss Inez Rover. These were en­ thusiastically received. The club was then privileged to hear a splendid talk by P. W. Lane, superintendent of schools. He gave a resume of work accomplished in the three years he has been here. He also £poke of the new graduation project for this year, the prospects for a gymnasium, and a desire to pre­ vent accidents by autos used by boys and girls. Kennett Lawrence, Jc., then played two splendid' accordion solos which were greatly enjoyed by the club. Tea was then served by the following committee: Mesdames K. P. Law­ rence, Frank Martin, Jack LeFevre, Wm. Fortier, Elbert Schroeder. E. D. McCuql, R. A. Wemiph ¿nd Claire | Gray. Mrs. John Paulson and Mrs. J. Loy Stacer poured at a beauti­ fully appointed tea table. A center­ piece of white spires and red tulips interspersed with rose and cream tapers was most effective. The following ladies were present: Mesdames A. L. Beck, P. W. Lane, Roy Fox, W H. Mansell, Guss Till­ mann, Annie Robinson, J. Loy Stacer, Harold McCue, Frank Rover, Clar­ ence Tuttle, M. R. Thomas, R. L. Stewart, C. C. Farr, Clyde Niles, R. E. Boober, G. A. Ulett, L. A. Greene, G. R. Holbrook, F. S. Emery, M M. Newdall, Geo. Taylor, Jr., E. C. Ash­ worth, John Paulson, Birdie Skeels, Frank Leslie, S. M. Nosier, R. A. Jeub„ C. A. Rletman, Geo. Jenkins, C. W. Kline, Harry Slack, A. J. Sher­ wood, Jas. Watson, C. J. Fuhrman, L. E. Phipps, F. R. Hendricks; J. P. Jen­ kin», U. E. McClary, Chas. Stauff. Mildred Tyrrell Geo. Chaney and Bert Folsom. All members desirous of attending the May luncheon, ktxlly let either Mrs. M. Earl Wilson' or Mrs. Geo. Chaney know as soon as possible. Broken Slices Mop Sticks ! ' Florida OUR BEST BULK Lb- -j ;.......................................................................... -u .<• ♦r 1000 fik «t Rolls il/— Corned Beef < Armour’s Can Kitchen Queen FLOUR 49-Lb. Bag Cottage Rolls High Grade Hardwheat FLOUR Mel" 49-Lb, Bag Lb. Golden Ripe Klamath Netted Gem SOCIAL NOTES The American Legion Auxiliary met Monday evening in the Legion hall for its regular meeting, Mrs. E. D. McCune, president, in the chair. After a short business meeting, the auxiliary held a joint meeting with the Legion, at which time, Mrs. Mc­ Cune presented Commander Lee Hand with a plaque declaring con­ servation of our natural resources of forests, waters and soils to be nation­ al defense. This was sent by the na­ tional organization to be presented to the Legion on its 18th birthday. The Legion was also presented with a large birthday cake with eighteen candles. Following the meeting, a social time was enjoyed with re­ freshments. Each ........ — Bunches Solid Heads Bunches No. 1 Quality teenth birthday. A general good time was had playing games during the afternoon, after which lovely re­ freshments were served to the fol­ lowing young folks: Patsy HolverF Stott, " Dorothy Hardenbrook, Mar­ jorie Hardenbrook, Doris Hadsell, Glenda Clinton, Joanne Knight, Jimmie Nicholson and the guest of honor. with snapdragons, anemones and other colorful spring flowers. About thirty-four ladies enjoyed this lovely affair. The afternoon was pleasantly spent in knitting, sewing and chat­ ting. entertained the home on the Tuesday eve- was pleasantly Goiter removed without knife or drug*. Guaranteed. Dr. C. R. Bloyd, Coquille, Oreg. 1SH* 37C