..... ...................................... X'- Wil ..1JSL------------- uA Paul W. Walker, who has spent the^ I The W. R. C. will meet at the home past two years in Chicago, came in ot Clara Wheeler, Sixth and Willard last Friday and may decide to remain streets, on April 2lith. AU members in CoquiUe. ' are asked to be present. Come and select your Formal now Rev. and Mrs. Harold Jeffries, of while the new stock is complete. Ex­ Portland, arrived here Monday eve­ quisite styles in Pastels and Prints. ning and were guests at the R. B. Excel Dress Shop. Knife home until yesterday. ¿¿•■fea for Constipation I One birth at the Coquille Hospital . A marriage license was issued in the past week, an • pound daughter, Vancouver, Wash., last Friday to Sharon Rae, born to Mr. and Mrs. ■ Victor Oroahens, 29, and Virginia Ralph Coy, of Ophir. Bakes, 19, both of Coquille. Ward McReynolds, examiner of ap­ Miss Lucille Ice, of Bandon, is for drivers’ licenses, will be spending this week visiting here at plicants | the home of Mrs. L. M. Edmunds < at the CoquiUe city hall again next Tuesday, April 20, from • In the and Mrs. M. L. Todd. morning until four o’clock. Just received new shipment of Dr. De La Rhue’s new book, “Spanish Trails to California.’’ All copies au­ tographed by the author. Get yours now at H. 8. Norton’s Music and Stationery. MOTHS I Ellcay's MOTH FUME CRYSTALS 7Qc After a visiting the past week at tlie home of her parents, Dr. and Mrs plicated, wait. Ei KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN A CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE I SUN.-MON.-TUE , » APRIL 18- CAROLE AND FRED, Loving, Laughing, Fighting, Romancing! Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc CHARLES BUTTERWORTH la Harry, the Hottest Piamplayer in Panama! jw an - - a® he Jungle “Putnamania” DRUGGISTS STATIONERS I I I I I I I I I I James Richmond in Coquille, Miss ville, where she was May queen dur­ Barbara Richmond returned Sunday ing her senior year. to Portland to resume her business Mr. and Mrs. Geo. N. Battey came college studies. in Monday from Chico, Calif., pre­ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Axtell pared to remain here. He has bought Tuesday from Portland a tract from Sam Arnold on the they went last Sunday to take their Marshfield highway and will start at daughter, Marianna, back to Reed once construction of a bungalow type college after she had spent spring va- building fronting on the highway. A cation at home. little later he expects to use the front I Carl Ensele returned Tuesday from end of the building for business pur­ I Salem to which point he went last poses. I I I I I Sunday to confer with the State In- Mrs. Chas. A. Atkinson, of Cottage dustrial Accident Commission in re- Grove, has been visiting here for the Sard to settlement for the injuries he past week, as a guest in the home of eceived at a mill here a few months her nephew, Harry Godard, on Coul­ ter and Tenth streets. Mrs. Atkinson, I Excel Dress Shop invites you to an early day resident of Pawnee City, I ¡visit their new baby department. A Nebr., was a dinner guest Wednesday I complete line of Baby Accessories at evening ofWdr. and Mrs. W. E. Hass­ I prices you will like. Call and look ler, both former residents of the Ne­ braska city. I ’em over BICHABD DIX DOLORES DEL BIO CBESTEB MORRIS Three of the daughters of Dr. and Mrs. C. R. Bloyd, of this city, Zoa and Lucy, of Cornelius, Oregon, and Mrs. C. S. Townsend and husband, of Port­ land, also Irvie Hutchison, of Comel- ius, were week-end guests at the doc­ tor’s home. The son, C. V. Bloyd, of Marshfield, joined the company in Recorder Leslie assessed $2 traffic a very happy re-union. Mr. Town­ violation fines the past week against send is a batallion chief in the Port­ R. L. George, overtime parking; Jack land fire department. White, parking across a sidewalk and Gene Shore parking on the Fourth street fill; D. E. Strong, overtime parking. Novia E^Landreth came over from I From Port Orford comes word that I C. W. Noyes, a former attorney of Co­ quille, later ot North Bend and then Portland, has been elected secretary of the chamber of commerce of Port Orford, where he is engaged in law practice. + Popeye Cartoon + “HO8PITALITY” 10c & 35c + PREVIEW A WALT DISNEY .w Color i Cartoon + . . That Bundle of Blonde Dynamite TORCHY BEANE! Roseburg Sunday to spend a few days visiting old friends and to make a trip down into Curry county with C. A. Gage. Mr. Landreth was jailer at the county jail when the late W. W. Gage was sheriff. z —i MATINEE SUNDAY • 2 P. M. BLONDE«* Mrs. J. A. Thomas took Mr. Thomas to a hospital in Portland last Sunday, to consult a specialist and for treat- i ment. His trouble is the result of that automobile accident a couple of years ago, near Lampa, when he was ' badly crippled. Mrs. Frank Dungey accompanied them. / ®“.s*» The Sentinel did not intend to be­ little the attendane at the Rotary Jamboree a couple of weeks ago when it said there were 120 present. There were 220 Rotarians and guests there and they more than filled the banquet room, twenty or more being served in the lodge hall. You can learn a lot of trio from this bewitching minx got her manJ* Ask for Cow Bell Dairy cream and milk, the only milk and cream made safe by pasteurization. Miss Maxine Johnson, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson, and Miss Betty Brady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James A. Brady, both of Co­ quille, have been pledged to the Alpha Delta Pi sorority at the Uni­ versity of Oregon, where the two young ladies are students. HOLLYWOOD»»} ** An eight pound son was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clouse at the Knife hospital Monday morning. This is their first son and the first grandson of Mr- and Mrs. G. W. McGuffln. The young man has been named James Kenneth. Mr. and Mrs Clouse have two other children, both girls. Admission 1 10c - & 35c ! LIBERTY THEATRE COQUILLE Virginia Miller, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Miller, of McKinley, whose betrothal was announced at a family gathering mentioned in, our Brewster Valley items, is a graduate of Coquille high school. Later she attended Linfield college at McMinn-1 Knife Hospital Dismissals from the hospital the past week were Leslie King, of Pow­ ers, and Mrs. Ray Simpson, last Sat­ urday; Mrs. Blanche Kaino, of Green Acres, on Sunday; Leland Bull, of Coquille, on Monday. Appendicitis operations at the hos­ pital last Saturday were on Jack Clouse, of Coquille, and Harry, sev­ en-year old son of Edgar Wilson, ot the Myrtle Point highway. Tom Hull, oT Riverton, entered the hospital Monday for treatment for pneumonia. Mrs. Dorothy Hachler, of Powers, submitted to a major operation on Tuesday, and Mrs. Arthur Allen, of Coquille, to a major on Wednesday. Twenty members of the Coquille den of Lions went up to Myrtle Point last evening to attend the party staged by the club of that city in honor of the official visit of the dis­ trict govenor, Mark Seale, of Marsh­ field. There were 51 Lions who sat down to the dinner in V. F. W. hall and the evening was enjoyed with talks. singing and the antics of talltwiaters.