, ■■ HXB TALL . -J ' aext two years and report back to the next, session with recommendations .or raising additional revenue, a part A UNO WM M * AMD TOWS >f which will go toward relieving the H. A. YOUNG ami M. D. GRIMES counties of tbelr tax load. The Sentinel H. A. YOUNG. Editor gambling bill has bi ought a storm criticism down about the govern« head. The governor’s action, it pointed out, throws the bill open tol the referendum which would sus­ pend its operation for anotlier two years. Oswald West, former govern­ or and staunch supporter of the ad­ ministration, openly charged the gov­ ernor with lying to friends of the measure in that he had assured them he would sign the bill. Reports that Charles H. Carey, Itate corporation commissioner, and Frank Wire, state game supervisor, are to be replaced have been denied jy Governor Martin. The governor jxplained that he had made no change in the corporation department md that the game supervisor was un- Of a total of 925 bills introduced Advertising Ratos ler the game commisison of whose into the legislative hopper during the Display advertising 30 cents pel ■. 57 days of the session just closed, 468 inch. No advertisement inserted for Tians he knew nothing. made the circuit of the house and less than 50 cents. Reading notices 10 cents per line- .No reading notice, One of the wildest scenes staged at senate and reached the governor's of- or advertisement of any kind, insert­ .he currant legislative session—or at flee, Up to Tuesday night the gov- ed for less than 25 cents. any session in recent years for that emor had signed 308 of these and Entered at the Coquille Poetoffice as natter—was enacted in the house filed two without his signature, Second Class Mail Matter. ate Saturday afternoon over the te­ Eight bills had fallen under the ex- nie of adjournment. The senate had ecutive veto, three of this number Of flee Cerner W. First and WUlard 8t sent over a resolution calling for sine being repassed over the executive i . die adjournment at 5:00 p. m. Mon­ veto. EDITORIAL COMMENTS ON day. This was promptly tabled by Legislative appropriations SUPREME COURT PROPOSAL .he house. A motion was then made prove^by the recent session together "For 150 years under a written •o adjourn until 10:00 a. m., Monday. Constitution the American people This was promptly amended to read with millage levies financed withia the six per cent constitutional limita­ have worshipped at the altar of .5:00 p. m. Tuesday, and the amend­ tion amount to the grand total of • sportsmanship. They have accepted ment again amended to read 10:01 a. $14,676,659. This is $433,488 in ex­ the doctrine that it is fundamentally m. Monday. Then the amendments : unethical to refuse to respect an ad- were withdrawn and the same pro­ cess of estimated revenues within the X decision. " Traditionally the cedure repeated again. ' This . horse­ six per ¿ent limit for the current bi­ ennium. ■ • • • of America has been that if play continued for more than an hour you do not like the rules of thé .game, until the members, exhausted by change the rules—but don’t soak the their own parliamentary maneuver­ Tima for Filing Work ing, were content to knock off work umpire. Sheets Is Extended “The Judicial Department of the for the week-end and come back : government ia the umpire. The Su­ Monday morning. Bad road conditions hs many sec­ preme Court for generations has been tions