Establishment of an Installment Credit Loan department by the Co- quille Branch of The First National Bank of Portland was, made public this week by E. D. Webb, manager. ,In their first week of operation the new departments are receiving ex­ cellent public response, Mr. Webb. Similar departments have been opened in the 34 other branches of the Portland bank. Through this de­ partment bank credit is made avail­ able qn.n monthly repayment plan to wage earners, salaried men and wom­ en and other individuals having steady incomes and satisfactory credit records. Establishment of this Installment Credit Loan service is joeing announced by The First Na­ tional in an extensive advertising campaign in Coquille and throughout the state. ----- “The need of ready cash to meet !■■■■■- ■ II- COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Volume With Small Profil*” h Our Motto ARMOURS Golden Ripe Fresh Shipment ervice HILLS GOLDEN WEST M. J. B. Lb. CALL 133 IT WAS FILMED IN ORE­ GON AND WASHINGTON E. D. WEBB Manager Coquille Branch First National Bank of Portland “God's Country and the unexpected expenses, financing th* Woman” at Liberty Sunday purchase of an automobile and many other daily financial needs of our With virgin forests of the North­ customers .and other residents of this’ WANTED—Marker and distributor. west as its background and a feud district now may be provided for in : Coquille Laundry Co. It between rival lumber companies as our new Installment Credit Loan de­ USE Crown Dairy Feeds and Poultry its theme, “God’s Country and the partment,” Mr. Webb said. “We are Feed* for-better results. Coos Feed Woman,” Warner Bros.’ picturization pleased to bring to Coquille this in natural colors of the James Oliver added bank service. Banks have & Seed Stores. Curwood novel of the same name, often been considered as limiting comes to the Liberty 1 neatre on Sun­ their lending operations to large bor­ day with George Brent and Beverly rowers. We believe installment fi­ Roberts in the stellar roles. nancing at a reasonable rate of inter­ “God’s Country and the Woman," est is an important service the bank which was screened almost wholly in should extend to individuals.” WANTED TO RENT—Bam, close to the big woods district of Oregon and “Loans made under this plan will Coquille. Inquire at Fitzgerald Ser­ Washington, is said to be the last enable borrowers to have the advan­ vice Station, Coquille Mi* word ih* natural color photography. tage of paying cash for automobilAt The story revolves about the fact and other purchases. Certainly this that Brent - .has a brother, Robert plan will increase the helpfulness of Barrat, who heads a lumber com­ this bank to the great majority of pany and whose hatred is aimed bank customers.” against Bevery Roberts who owns a Supplementing the statewide news­ rival company. He is engineering a paper advertising are billboards, ra­ crooked deal which will make the dio, direct mail and other media. Mr. girl pay unreasonable royalties for Webb attended a meeting in Portland transporting supplies across his terri­ on February 27, when plans for es­ tory—when the younger brother ar­ tablishment of the Installment Credit rives on the scene—and plays hob Loan departments were discussed by branch managers and officers of the FOR SALE—Two Delivery Trucks, with his plans. Brent upsets the deal, denounces bank. one a Ford and the other a Chev. At bargains. Thrift’s Grocery, Co­ his brother, and starts back to the quille. 8tf city. Barrat has him shanghaied and Townsend Club Weekly Meeting brought back to the woods—with the When the Coquille Townsend club FOR SALE — Youngberry Shoots. idea of forcing him to become a lum­ met in regular session Tuesday eve­ Guy E. Mullin, Coquille, Ore., P. O. berman. ning in the W. O. W. hall those at­ Then begins the terrific conflict be­ tending experienced another of the Box 393. 9t3* tween the brothers—and the strange good times the members always have. romance with the beautiful girl of the The Townsend orchestra furnished timberlands. enjoyable music during the evening “God’s Country and the Woman” under the leadership of Clyde Gage. presents many spectacular scenes— During the business session the mem­ among which is the flight of a run­ bers discusesd several plans foi the away log train plunging into a gorge coming months and the first one to and forming a gigantic log jam—and materialize will be the Townsend the dynamiting of the jam to set free cooked food sale to be held tomorrow timber that must be at tidewater by (Saturday) in Nosier’s Grocery, j a certain date. Members are asked to bring their It is said that more than a hun­ contributions as soon after eight dred movie technicians journeyed o’clock as possible. Buy your dessert twelve hundred miles from Holly-' and salads from the cooked food sale wood to a point near xmgview,' and save the bother of making your Washington, to build a railroad of own. their own for the runaway scene. | After the business the members in­ They were forced to lay cable for dulged in singing old time songs. Levi more than a mile to carry electric Bunch proved to be a very efficient current into the forest for the cam­ song leader and all present enjoyed eras and sound equipment. the social hour. One of those who saw a Hollywood FOR SALE—2 dozen Rhode Island It is planned to have entertainment Pullets and Rooster. T, (J. Wilson, preview at “God’s Country and the every meeting. Next Tuesday^ eve­ phone 8R2, Coquille. It. Woman” made the remark that (he ning there will be three out-of-town color is as natural as the tall, and speakers. Each one will give short that the georgeous forest scenes are talks on subjects of his own choosing. the nearest aprpoach possible to a Other plans are being made also snd trip to the Great Northwest." Snow­ members not present will miss a fine capped uivuiitaiius, blue or cioud- meeting. heaped sky—tumbling waterfalls— giant trees in their glory or falling by the woodsmen’s axes—tones of flesh and of costumes—of fire and the debris hurled by dynamite—all appear in the subdued but satisfying beauty as though seen by the natural eye with no other medium. “God’s Country and the Woman” is declared to be not only the most difficult color picture ever filmed but the most beautiful. Prince Albert 1A ç CandyS Bars 3 for or Velvet £ . LARGE SWEET (Continued from Page One) TKe Truly Modern Mortician, THE BEREAVED FRIEND When sorrow descends upon the home the Mortician steps in with welcome, assuaging aid. He is equipped to provide every need of the occasion, and experienced to provide the dependable counsel which the family requires. Our profession is one of service, as near to those who need us, at any hour, as is the nearest telephone SCHROEDER RROS. MORTUARIES, Inc. Coquille 109R Coquille llandon 1083