1 - .-‘-A‘VZ- ’’ A: • . ■ ir «‘•W»?. f I ___________ —- Club Notes and Other Sodal Activittas • H Mrs. Frank/firift entertained her Monday Night dub this week for des­ sert bridge. Mrs. U. E. McClary won high score as' well as the travelling prize and Mrs. F. C. McNelly, second. The following members were present: Mesdames F. C. McNelly, A. B. Col­ lier, U. E. McClary, H. S. Norton, E. M. Kay, George Johnson, a guest, Mrs. E. C. Ashworth, and the hostess. il ' ' ■ ■ I I' f M K The Busy Corner Grocery has maintained its record for Fair Dealing, Business-like Methods, Quality Merchandise and Cour­ tesy to the Customer. You can buy food supplies at our store with confidence that you will ret full value for your money for we stand back of our roods with a guarantee of your satisfaction. » Tillmann on Willard St. last Friday afternoon. The ladies spent a moot pleasant afternoon sew­ ing, knitting and chatting. Delicious refreshments were served by the host­ ess later in the afternoon to the fol­ lowing members and guests: Mes­ dames Fred Kunz, Grant Wilcox, H. E. Huddle, John Jayes, C. W. Gano, H. G. Prey, O. E. Mattoon, Loe Hand, Roy Willoughby, Sherwood and Mrs. Isom Clinton, of Marshfield. 5 I i — L i ' , ■ WfeS See our window display for this and other special prices for Friday, Saturday and Monday. mm.« ■ -------- —- ’ •. ■ C«««1U« ■ 5' • S" - general* good time. The following members were present: Mesdames C. Sixteen members of the Pythian J. Fuhrman, H* A. Young, F. L. Home club met at the home of Mrs. Greenough, L. H. Hazard, Hal W. Pierce, E. E. Johnson, O. C. Sanford, Frank Pook Tuesday fo R. A. Wemich, A. J. Sherwood, M. luncheon. The ladies spent O. Hawkins, Bert Folsom. J. L. Smith noon sewing for the Pythian Home. and the hostess. The club will meet The Needleworkers met at the in two weeks with Mrs. Wemich. home of Mrs. George Gilman on So. The Pioneer Missionary society met Coulter street for dessert luncheon Thursday. Sewing, knitting and con­ in the church parlors Thursday af­ versation were the diversions of the ternoon ter their business meeting. afternoon. The following ladies were Mrs. Jas. Richmond, president, was present: Mesdames Frank Pook, Josh in the chair. Mrs. Ernest Purvance Thiiteen of the Ruble, E, C. Cross, Jack Arnold, E. led the devotions C. Yarbrough, C. J. Elwood, of Marsh­ ladies were present on Tueeday for field, O. A. Wallmark, sister of Mrs. an all-day session to study the book, Gilman from Olympia, Wash., and ‘Congo Creeses,” bringing a “sack the hostess. The dub will meet with lunch” for refreshments. The ladies planned a social evening for the men Mrs. Cross in two weeks. and women Friday evening, March After the business meeting a The Justamere club ladies met at 12. the home of Mrs. J. A. Lamb Thurs­ personality game was played. A so­ day for one o'clock luncheon. The cial hour was enjoyed, followed by ladies sewed and chatted and had a refreshments and a birthday cake for those having birthdays in December and January The following folks were honored: Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Wilder, Mrs. B. C. Minard, Mrs. E. Purvance and Mrs. R. E. Boobar. The following ladies were present: Mes­ dames Irville Newton, C L. Gormley, Clyde Minard, W. A. Ireland. Louis Fugelson, Walter Oerding, Wm. Peart, D. W. Siver, Henry Ellis, D. D. Eyes Examined Dale, Jas. Richmond, Warren Davis, Earl Carlisle, Henry Belloni, Birdie Glasses Fitted Skeels, Ray Brown. Lloyd Oddy, B. Reception Room Jointly C. Minard, R. E. Boober, E. Purvance and Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Wilder. witn Dr. J. R. Bunch Social Note» ‘T ?•’ *? : Dr. De La Rhue Eyesight Specialist Laird Building \ Phone 82-J * Coquille, O' * I ■■ J Use canne Canned Soups ;■ I k IT JMprl rm mm I The L. L. Duplicate club met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. McNeil y last Friday evening for dinner. Af­ ter a delicious repast, duplicate bridge Was enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. McNelly won high score, The fol* lowing members were present: Messrs, and Mesdames H. S. Norton, U. E. McClary, R. E. Boober, and the hosts. - Quality m canned goods assures you of an appe­ LlAlllg .•'T lées labor II When yo« buy satisfaction, you buy economically .< Pfoae — Job's Daughters met for a special session Monday evening in Masonic Hall -as Mrs. Cora Young, grand guardian of Oregon, made her official visit and tour of inspection. There was a targe group of dads, mothers and friends present to welcome Mrs. Young. Among those present was Mr. Ernest Purvance, associate vice grand guardian of Oregon, and the Honored Queen of Marshfield, Miss Evelyn Bentley, with four members from the Marshfield Bethel. Mrs. Young was presented with flowers and a gift from the local Bethel. Miss Clarabel Watson was initiated into the order. At the close of the meet­ ing, Mrs. Young gave a splendid and inspiring talk tp the girls. The “Ducky Daughters” had charge of the banquet hall decorations, which were most artistic in their “ducky” dis­ play. Refreshments In keeping with the occasion were served after the session. a. Canned Vegetables Canned Fruits K&L. «vs 'VZ- Mrs. Frank Schram entertained with a lovely dinner party Sunday for her son, Frank, the occasion being his birthday. ,, The room and table looked most festive with cut flowers. The following friends enjoyed thia happy occasion: Miss Kay Miller, of Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Craig Perrott, Mr. and Mrs. Denton Ellingsen and Russell Wilson. The guest of honor received many lovely gifts. Gould Furniture Co. • •4* of Mrs. G um 23 in. x 56 in. Belgium Oriental Rug Bissel Carpet Sweeper . &• «3 >x ew“torf I •if .• f S .. ;i. B41 I f Twenty-One Years The Episcopal Quild ladles met In the Parish House Wednesday for their regular meeting. After a burl­ iness'meeting, the ladiee spent the af­ ternoon sewing and chatting. Re­ ll freshments were served by Mesdames 11 A. J. Sherwood and W. H. Mansell to the following: Mesdames C. T. Sei­ big, Jas. Watson, C. J. Fuhrman, Bert Folsom, R. K. Krausae, Chas. Stauff, Annie Robiflson, L. H. Hazard, Louis I Chameski, E. L. Vinton, Ida Owen, A. R. Dimick, and Rev. G. R. Tumey. I; F W —-P í V i ï ■. FOR MORE THAN The “Friendly Seven” sewing club met at the home of Mrs K P. Law­ rence an South Henry street Tuesday for dessert puncheon Sewing, knit­ ting and chatting were the diversion of the afternoon. The following la­ dies were present: Mesdames G. A. Ulett, Ernest Purvance, F. S. Emery, R. E. Boober, Wm. Ulett and the host- ■ua ■ . 'i’',-*', - ñ ' , ■ Î.vKSl 69 • * s Busy Corner Groceiy Delivery •. THE MAKE - IT - RIGHT STORE I A * * ' t / piano solos played by Miss Leah Rover, “Turkey in the Straw" and “Will You Remember;” accordion solos, “Blaze Away March” and "A Chapel in the Moonlight,” by Kennett Lawrence, Jr, and two solos, “Sing Me to Sleep,” and “Wl*n Irish Eyes Are Smiling,” sung by Miss Phyllis Hall, accompanied by Miss Inez Rover. After the program, a social hour was enjoyed, which included games and sewing. Birthday honors were conferred upon Mrs. Inez Chase, Mrs. Ida Owen, Miss Gertrude McCoy and Miss Bessie Payne. Refreshments were served by the following com­ mittee: Mrs. Leona Bryant, Mrs. Viola Newton. Mrs. Salma Caughell and Miss Katherine Jane Hassler to the following members and guests: Mes­ dames Georgia Richmond, Margarita Brodie, Inez Chase, Ida Owen, Gladys, ____ _ ___________ Gano, Jennie Price, ________________ Naomi Robison, _ ; Amie Robinson, Bertha Smith and J ____« ••_____ ~—«-.-a- Misses LaVeme Knife. Gertrude Mc­ Coy, Helen Abel, Inez Rover, Phyllis Hall, Bessie Payne, Geneva Agostino, Lena Williams and Lottie Williams. 7- A lovely surprise birthday party was held for Mrs. Kenneth Simmons at her home on North Henry street last Friday evening. Mrs. Simmons received many lovely gifts. The eve­ ning was spent in knitting and chat­ ting. The guests furnished delicious refreshments later in the evening. The following ladies were present: Mesdames W. R. Pook, D. G. Ireland, Howard Taylor, Adolph Malthou, Jack Hultin, Harold Simmons, Wm. Sullivan, Lee Mannelin and the guest of honor. < ■ Mrs. Lae Mannelin entertained with a lovely birthday party for her daughter, Anne Lee, Saturday after- noon. The occasion was her eighth' birthday. The afternoon was pleas-1 antlv antly snent spent nlavina playing all all kinds kinds of ' 1 games. An amateur contest was in-I dulged in. Dorothy Jean Hughes win- I ning the first prize and Laura Emily Ruble the second. Delicious refresh­ ment were served by Mrs. Mannelin to the following young folks: Laura Emily Ruble, Maxine Briner, John Leslie, Donald, Ireland, Dorothy Jean Hughes, Harold McGrew, Mary Anne Walker, Jerry Toole, Careen and Donald Malthou, Maurice Williams, Patsy Norton, Donna Gormley and the guest of honor. > M. »-L ■ J ■ I il « The Past Noble Grands club mot at Mrs. Cyril McCurdy and Mrs. Le­ land Peterson entertained with a the home of Mrs. W. E. Bosserman party for Mrs. Henry Hartley at the last Friday evening for their monthly home of Mrs. Peterson last Thursday meeting. After a short business ses­ sion, sewing, knititng and chatting Bed Lamps, adjustable, in an as­ afternoon. The afternoon was pleas­ helped to pass away a pleasant eve­ sortment of colors, for $1.80, at antly spent sewing, knitting and chat­ ning. Delicious refreshments were ting. Mrs. Hartley received many Hooton Electric Shop. Can be lovely gifts. Delicious refreshments sefved later by the hostess to the fol­ clamped on any piece of furniture. were served later In the afternoon by lowing members: Mesdames Estelle the hostesses. The following ladies Dunne, A. N. Gould, Jack Leach, J. Calling carda. 50 for $1.00. The J. G. W. club met at the hotel were invited: Mesdames R. T. Stater, P. Beyers, L. A. Greene, E. L. Ben­ Louis Donaldson, Geo. Taylor, Jr, ham, Fred Schaer, B. C. Minard, last Friday for a one o’clock lunch­ Floyd Peterson, Harry Godard, J. D. Birdie Skeels. Inez Chase, Jennie eon, with Mesdames A. N. Gould,1 The George Lorenz and Birdie Skeels as | ;Gillespie, J. G. Toole, Leland Peart,, Price and Hester Hoiverstott. club will meet with Mrs. Price on hostesses. The table looked very at- [ Orville Newton, D. D. Dale, Rose tractive with colored pussy willows. . Peterson, Verne Oderkirk, J. J. Knowlton Heights March 12. After luncheon, the dub members Geaney and Henry Hartley, | - ■— The Eagles Auxiliary of Coquille' h*d • mo*t enjoyable time sewing . .. to North Bend Wednesday to 1 The N. O. M. A. club met at the motored „ an<1 chatting. The following mem-. home of Mrs. Ruth Clayton for an the home of Mrs. Elliott for a no-hoet bers were P«*eent: Mesdames Bert The afternoon T *p o <***>m, U o T' M. M.' O. °_' Hawkins, Lloyd Rosa, , 8:30 o'clock supper Tuesday evening, dinner and shower. Lamb, J. L. Smith, E. E. John- The hours were pleasantly spent in am« nleasantlv spent in knitting, J- Fuhrman, Henry Lorenz, sewing, knitting and chatting. Mrs. sewing and chatting. The foiloaring **n- Bernice Ireland received the lucky drawing. The following members were present: Mesdames Lucille El­ lison, Ruth Dey, LaVeme MUag—. Alice Morris. Ferryl DeJarnett, Olive Kuhn, Bernice Ireland, Yvonne Carl, Eleanor Miller, Lorraine Per­ rott and the hostess. The ,B. & P. w. club met at the home of the president, Mrs. Jas. Rich­ mond. Monday evening. After a short business meeting, the following pro­ gram «ras enjoyed by the members: . duets, "The Barcarolle” and the i "Cradle Song." sung by Misses Helen I Abel and Gertrude McCogr; two r Free l' V Niles Motor Co. ___________________ *