The Coquille Townsend club held its regular meeting Tuesday in the W. O. W. hall with President Steve Dey in the chair. This proved to be one of the most enjoyable meetings held this year. A large crowd as­ sembled to take part in the business session and hear the fine program given. During the business period the club decided to conduct a cooked food sole on Saturday, March 13. The sale Will be conducted at Nosler’s Grocery and members or any other oerson desiring to do so are asked to have their contribution at the store as soon after eight o’clock a. m. as they can. A pillow was presented to the club by Grandma Swinney and told for the benefit of the treasury. Following the business hour a pro­ gram was given, the equal of which has seldom been heard by those pres­ ent. The program presented was given by the pupils of Miss Muriel Dae and under her direct supervi­ sion. Those taking part in the violin •'nsemble were LaVelle Dale, Lyndell Southstone, Jane Ferbrache, Dorothy Glaisyer, Ann Hawkins and Leonard Ensele. The ensemble was accom­ panied at the piano by Geraldine En­ sele. The two numbers played by the group were “Country Garden” and “Pizzicato Polka.” The youthful pupils playing in ths “Cnmiill» Tlinlnr Orehe»»-»” “home "in North Bend Oerding, Donna Rankin, Maurice Wil­ liams, Ben Barton, Neil Haga, Eugene Mead, James Gaffey, Adeline An­ derson, and Dale Tweed. The two numbers played by the orchestra were “Barcarolle," and "The Happy Farmer.” . , The generous applause given each number was definite proof to the young musicians arid their gifted in­ structor that the audience enjoyed and appreciated the program they gave. Members of the Townsend club who do not attend the regular meet­ ings are missing a most enjoyable time as well as falling to help pro­ mote the great cause of the “Genehd Welfare Act” now before the United States congress. Feb. 27—Willard Clarence Jones and Betty Young, both of Marshfield. They were married Saturday by L. C. Sunkier at his home in Marshfield. Feb. 27—Russell W. Wilson, of Co­ quille, and Jane Coffman, of Astoria- Mar. 1—Howard R. Cox and Lois Rosenblad, both of Bandon. Mar. 2—Chas. A. Breeding, of Bul­ lards, and Vlplet McBean.'of Tacoma, Wash., f Mar. 4—John Daniel and Alice City Council Session Monday Adams, both of Coquille. Considers Many Matters (Continued from Page One) COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Volume With Small Profits" Is Our Motto EXTRAS - FRESH r 4 n in 1 Li 322.17; received from the city of Coquille, Woman’s Club, Legion Auxiliary, book sale, book rentals and fines, >1123.82. Disbursements for librarian salary, new books and magazines, books re­ paired, janitor’s services, suppliedJhd incidentals, >1324.71. Want Ads WANTED TO RENT—Bam, close to Coquille. Inquire at Fitzgerald Ser­ vice Station, Coquille. 6t3* The Hour of Need Jr. Hi B. B. Tournament The Coos county junior high school basketball tournament will be held at the Coquille Community Building. The preliminary rounds will be held Saturday. March 13, starting at 9:00 a. m. and the finals on Monday, March 22, at 7:00 p. m. Ten teams are to be entered in the preliminary contest. The finals for the championship and the consolation championship will be played March 22. \ The first rounds of the preliminary will be as follows: ■ Coos River vs. Riverton, 9:00 a. m. Myrtle Point vs. Bunker Hill, 9:50 a. m. Bandon vs. Powers, 10:40 a. m. North Bend vs. Coquille, 11:30 a. m. Bridge vs. Broadbent, 12:20 p. m. WE CARRY a complete line of Dr. Hess & Claris Poultry & Stock rem­ edies and tonics. Coos Feed & Seed Stores. We carry all the Best Sellers on our Rental Library shelves. Take home a good book! H. S. Norton, Music A Stationery. ATTENTION CAR SALESMEN! We have an opening for two experi­ enced car salesmen. We furnish demonstrator and stand all demon­ stration expense. Address your reply to box 487, Coquille, stating age, experience and references. Coquille 109R Say it with Flowers Maud Skaggs Woodyard Coquille Myrtle Point 257 Sa Taylor CoqaUle