Ed. Lorenz returned Sunday eve­ ning from Medford and intends re­ maining hare. Mrs. Lorenz will come over later. He says that their son, Randolph, is improving splendidly at the state sanitarium in Salem and Miss Mabel IliU arrived here Tues­ gained ten pounds his first six weeks day for a visit at home, coming up there. from Loe Angeles with Mr. and Mrs. See “Spike" Leslie about the best E. E. Underwood, who were called here by the death of Mrs. Under­ fire insurance at lower rates. wood’s sister, Mrs. Fred St. Clair. Geo. Dufek, who has been an em­ Over 200 fire insurance companies do business in Oregon. Two com­ panies represented by Huggins In­ surance Agency. Marshfield, rank first and second. * . 8tf We take County Warrants in trade. ployee at one of the mills here for V. R. Wilson, The Jeweler. «tf the past two years, left Wednesday evening for his old home at Norfolk, John Unsoeld is again on duty at Nebraska. His father was selling the the Unsoeld store in Coquille. Mr. farm in which he had an interest and Unsoeld last week sold his store In he went east for business reasons. Gold Beach, which John had been It is probable he will return. managing, to Wm. Treheame, of Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley Crescent City. in a reliable Oregon stock company. Semi - indirect kitchen fixtures, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Oerding left with chrome holders, $2.25 and $2.50 at Hooton Electric Shop. These are yesterday afternoon on a business the latest thing in lighting for the trip to San Francisco, expecting to return Monday. They were accom­ kitchen. panied by J. H. Oerding. Mrs. Lewis W. H. Mansell underwent a major Baker, and Mrs. Felix Miller, who operation at the Knife Hospital • on will visit a daughter and sister, Wednesday, which wag performed By Mrs. Howard Warner, at Sonoma, Dr. Jas. Richmond. While he was Calif., until the Geo. Oerdings start resting fairly easy yesterday it will for home. - ' . be a day or two yet before it is known whether the crisis is passed. • State Land Board farms and ranches for sale, low prices and easy Do you understand your insurance terms. Apply at the office of James policy? Or do you just “renew" Watson, Attorney for the State Land your insurance? Choose your insur­ Board. The First National Bank ance man as you would your physi­ Building, Coquille, Oregon. tf cian or your lawyer. Ask his advice. Huggins Insurance Agency, Marsh­ A. L. Hooton, electrical contractor field, -will gladly advise you on insur- and dealer, 274 Second St., Coquille. SAFE FLOTATF ‘-Briton TOOTH PASTI Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. ’¡reran KEEP THIS PROGRAM IN A CONVENIENT PLACE FOR READY REFERENCE | SUN.-MON.-TUE. SAT MARCH .7-8-9 | GAYEST, GRANDEST COMEDY SINCE MR. DEEDS WENT TO TOWN! Glorious entertainment.. ■ with Irene Dunne deli­ ciously delightful as the madcap Theodora who ehocked a nation to land a stubborn male I RORIS KARLOFF MELVYN DOUGLAS i 4- Plus -f- Walt Disney Color Cartoon “COCK OF THE WALK” CARTOON & LATEST NEWS 10c & 35c ON THE STAGE GLADYS SWARTBODT and FRED M ac MURRAY Chadwick Ledge Na. 18 12 Hour of VAUDEVILLE Comedy, Singing, Dancing Electric Steel Guitar Other Act« '¿Admission Children - -10c Adults • • • 35c Attention Car Salesmen! Coquille We have an opening for two ex­ perienced car salesmen. We fur­ nish the demonatrator and stand all demonstration expense. Address your reply to box 487. Coquille, stating age, experience and references