FRIDAY, MARCH 3, IMI. Fir Plant at Smith Wood Products to Operate Two Shifts DOG HOLIDAY ENDS MAR. 15 NEW GOLF CLUB IS ASSURED The Coquille high school will hold amateur boxing and wrestling bouts in the Coquille Community building next Wednesday night, March 10, starting at 7:30 o'clock. The participants in these matches, with two exceptions, are Coquille high school boys. Those entering the boxing bouts are: Zoe Sinclair, 120 lbs., vs. Ole Chard, US lbs. Ted Schaer, 114 vs. Phillip Stock. 114 Ms. John Leatherwood, 131 lbs., vs. Don Landaker, 137 lbs. Arlie Knife, 133 lbsM vs. James Allen, IM »«. John Williams, 141 lbs., vs. Russell Konrad, 141 lbs. ■verett Smith, IM lbs., vs. Bud (Continued on Page Nine) Morri« Williams, ages furnish the music for Ronald is an advanced