_________ A rago | tpent the •week-end with her sister,! Newly enrolled pupils at Arago for Mrs. Albert Lillie. | A rasa basketball boys pl yed their j this term were 4?at Blondell, third si.de; Peggy Blondell, fifth; Bob second league game at Pou era Frida., Blondell, sixth; and Betty Blondell in Right and lost with a final scoi— of the ninth. Mrs. Sam Root has been 30-29 in favor of Power:. AU the hired to assist Miss Alice Scott In the thrills of a whole game were packed lower grade room. Miss Scott will ’n the first quarter. The game was Eight have charge of the third and fourth fast and furious throughout. grades. In the afternoon Miss Scott fouls were called on each team but in will have entire charge. At the be­ spite of that the game was, ,d?an ginning of the term a decreased en­ fought. The speed of piny was the rollment indicated that two teachers cause of the fouls. Sprague, of Pow­ could take the entire grade school but ers, was tied with Ivan Ilobison, of several families have moved in dur­ Arago;-for individual scoring honors ing the fall term and the increased with twelve points each. An injured number in the low grade room has ankle took Hammack out of play near made it impracticable for one teacher the end of the game or the final re­ sult might have been reversed. Arago to handle it. % Mrs. Frank Burbank was hostess at team consisted of Robison and Ham­ a surprise birthday party in honor of mack, forwards; Fredenberg and Lil­ her husband at their home on Thurs­ lie, guards; Bark'ow, center, and day evening. The evening was spent Doyle, forward. A game Is scheduled in progressive games with prizes go­ with Riverton for Friday night at ing to Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward, Adri­ Riverton. However, Arago is a bit an Halter and Mrs. Marvin Shaw. handicapped with Barklow and Rack- Those enjoying the evening were Mr. leff 1U with flu and Hammack crip­ and Mrs. Adrian Halter, Mr. and Mrs. pled with a bad ankle. The road situation Is becoming Sam Root, Mr. apd Mrs. Tyrrell acute for the Arago schools. Unless Woodward, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Laf­ the weather is very drying no school ferty, Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Mene- buses will be able to run as all roads gat, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw, Mr. leading to Arago are breaking and and Mrs. George Golden and Mr. and vehicles as large as the school trucks Mrs. Frank Burbank. will soon be garaged for the winter. Miss Jessie Palmiter demonstrated However if these roads are becoming the use of a color chart in the home in impassable the problem will become relation to planned color schemes on county anc* due for considera­ Friday at an all day meeting at the tion by other school boards as well as home of Mrs. J. L. Burtis. The ladies No. 3, and the action may have to be enjoyed a dinner of tamale pie, fruit planned by the county superinten­ salad, sandwiches and string beans, dent's office. Several solutions might planned by a lunch committee and be worked out but something will brought by the ladies. The next have to be done as children can not meeting will finish the topic of colors come from a distance. Road repair and will be held at the home of Mrs. is almost out of the question at this S. L. Lafferty with the lunch to be time of year. In eastern Oregon the planned by Mrs. Walter Laird, Mrs. pupils are boarded by the district Tom Garrone and Mrs. Ernest Ham­ near the school and that might be a mack. At the business meeting the possibilitlty. At least we are not resignation of Mrs. Sam Root was ac­ flooded out as they are in the east. cepted and Mrs. Ernest Hammack Neoma and Hazel Miller, Donald was elected to act as chairman for the Messenger, Francis Barklow and Ellis rest of the series. Those present were Rackleff were absent from high Mesdames Ward Evans, Walter Laird, school on account of illness on Tues­ S. L. Lafferty, Tom Garrone, A. H. day. Bender, Lawrence Rackleff, J. L. John Carl is able to be out again Burtis, C. A. Keltner, Tyrrell Wood­ after an attack of flu. ward, John Carl, Ernest Hamamck, S. Sixty people gathered at the school C. McAllister, C. S. Webb. There will house Sunday morning and attended be three more demonstrations. Sunday School, W. E. Stephens, of Miss Esther Davidson attended the Coquille, who had been expected, was basketball game in Powers Friday not able to come. On Sunday, Janu­ night and remained there overnight ary 31, Rev. James L. Gibson, of Myr­ as guest of Miss Phyllis Spilbrink, a tle Point, will preach in the morning. seventh grade teacher at Powers, Mrs. David Root will lead Christian whose home is also tn Forest Grove. Endeavor with the topic, “What do I Both young ladies were graduates of you know of our Church?" the 1938 class from Pacific University. Mrs. George Hampton became ill Mias Davidson returned Saturday af­ with the flu last Thursday night but ternoon. the crisis has passed and she is better Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Damron spent now. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Lafferty Friday and Saturday visiting and stayed at the Hampton home so Mrs. transacting business in Bandon. Lafferty could care for Mrs. Hampton Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow, of and on Sunday Everett Lafferty and Bandon, spent Saturday night and son. Allen, become ill. Allen is not Sunday visiting his mother, Mrs. so seriously affected but Everett has Sarah Barklow. contracted pneumonia and is very ill. Mrs. R. C. Parker is confined to her Mrs. Lafferty and his brother, Fred, bed with a severe cold. are running the mail route for him. Charles Webb was delightfully sur­ Albert Tomlinson, Ezra Messenger prised Saturday evening when a and Frank McKean visited the county group of his friends waded through court on Monday to protest the very the mud to bring birthday greetings, muddy condition of the upper Hall's games and Ice cream to him. His Creek road, which has become so bad mother had baked two huge birthday that the school bus cannot make the cakes in anticipation of the occasion last mile of the route and nine chil­ and a very jolly evening was spent dren are forced to walk more than by Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Webb, Miss Es­ two miles through mud that is almost ther Davidson, Mary, Jean and Anne beyond traveling. What can be done Watkins, Annie Deardorff, Leaths is a question as the cause is the Munford, Maxine Rackleff, Gerald weather, combined with the fact that Woodward, Stephen Aasen, Clyde too heavy hauling was done over the Lillie, Herbert Carl and Mamie Jones road at the time it was gravelled early of Myrtle Point. this month. The freezing weather Milton Hammack visited with combined with the snow and rein has friends in Powers and vicinity after made the entire road very difficult to the basketball game Friday night, re­ travel. Due to the recent low bud­ turning to Arago Sunday. gets the road has not been kept up Mr. and Mrs Jess Robison, Ten­ properly as has been the case of many nessee, Ivan and Mary drove to Pow­ country side roads. Heavy summer ers at noon on Friday and were din­ travel has ground the surface fine and ner guests of Mr. Rdbison’s sister. the road bed can not stand the strain. Albert Gulstrom was called to Port­ Nevertheless the condition is almost land for medical treatment on Satur­ impossible for the children, some of day. Mr». Gulstrom and the boys whom are in the beginners class. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stallard. Charlene Stallard and Mrs. Elbert Hull, of Powers, were Thursday din­ ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dam­ son. Mrs. Oluf Aasen, who is suffering from peritonitis in the Coquille Hos­ pital. Is getting along as well as can be expected, although she is in great pain.. Ellis Rackleff was taken to the Co- ( quille Hospital on Sunday for treat­ ment of acute bronchitis and throat infection. <£&epinnlnyjr BREWSTER VALLEY ON A NAME 7 ¿fmiu/anceJervict telephone ioo - coqui tie The Myrtle Leaf club met at the home of Mrs. W A. Nickason last Thursday. As this was the first* meeting in the new year eacl? one present was asked to give a new year's resolution in answer to roll call. Officers were elected for the year. They were: Mrs. W. A. Keller, president; Mrs. Perley Crowley, vice president; Mrs. W. A. Nickason, sec.- treas., and Mrs. Oscar Durrell, as­ sistant sec.-treas Plans were made to give Mrs. Minor Mead a shower on Thursday, Jan. 28 The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Oscar Durrell's on Feb. 24. Delicious re­ freshments of fruit salad, cookies, tea and coffee were served to the fol­ lowing: Mesdames J. D. Laird, Jess Hicks, Ivan Laird, Elmer Wilsoq, FRIDAY Stock Up to MONDAY SAVINGS! If yoa are rally aerioua about saving money, you'll not miu thia gale — •a V««r UM Thbagh Safeway values are al way» exceptional, thia great Can­ 29 to Feb. 1st ned OgMrte Saha, to deatinod to make money-earing his­ tory. Stock ap> whether your supplies are low or net. You can always tiso canned goods. bu0rou can’t always save as much money. inclusive ì 2 Cans CORN 25c PEAS 19c RAYMAL Whole Kernel No. 2 Can Doz. $1.43 Shrimp PINEAPPLE 3 Cans 39« Broken Slice No. 2Vi Can r Dozen $1.09 TOMATOES 14 No. 2‘/2 Solid Pack Can Dozen $1.53 * 2 2 Cans Oysters GRAPE FRUIT Cans KISTSWEET No. 300 size 25c 6 Cans 69c GREEN BEÄNS 2 Cans GREEN BEANS 29c Del Monte No. 2 Can Raycroft No. 2 Can F Doz. 3 Cans 1.05 - - 35c 6 Cans 99c 2 Cans SUN LADEN No. 2 Can 2 Cans CAT ATIbi ALASKA PINK 6 Cans 85c 18c lOc CAN No. 1 Tail Can 1.15 Hills Bros. Coffee CTD. . . X7c 4Q Lb FLOUR 1.35 ——, " ■ Br* .. _ PRIDE OF WEST Sack Motor Oil Beans Red Mexican PEN RAD Pure Penn. 10 lb O Gal. 65c ¿Can - - - . Edwards Dependable COFFEE $1 .29 1 & 1 2 It Bread Julia Lee Wright Freah Daily . 85« 1 ^Loif ■ 14« . 49« 1 Uaf . IOC A1FW3V COFFEE 3CCC GROUND FRESH AS YOU BUY IT PORK AND BEANS Van Camps 3 Cans 25c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables LIPTON TEA Yellow Label GRAHAM CRACKERS Honey Maid 2-lb box 29c ApplesGraveMtein SANKA COFFEE Lb. Can - - WHITE KING SOAP Medium Size Pkg. • 21c PALMOLIVE SOAP 3 Bars - • - - 17c Parsnips Onions sr JELL WELL 3 Pkgs. Asst. Flavors 14c Bananas Store No. 136 Phone BOX 5 LB. IQ LBS 19c 29c 83c LOG CABIN SYRUP Medium Can - - 43c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP 10 Bars ... 33c LIBBY’S SALMON Alaska Red No. 1 Can 23c SAFEWAY 5T0RE5 Carrie Nickason, Perley Crowley, W. A. Keller, Leslie Groat, Mertie Bryan and the hostess. Muri and Lila Mae Laird are suf­ fering from a condition which re­ quires sun treatments at the hospital in Myrtle Point every other day. There were twenty-six at prayer meeting held at the Keller home Fri­ day. The next meeting will be.held at the Nickason home. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Robinson and daughter, Norma Linda, drove in late lb Saturday evening, bringing their se­ Friday to spend the week-end with dan, a truck and trailer load of house­ her daughter. hold goods. They left Azusa, Calif., Mrs. Albert Carver went to Myrtle the Wednesday before. They stayed at Point Thursday and back Friday. the Durrell home Saturday and Sun­ Mr. and Mrs. Julius Benham and day, while getting their new home Mrs. Ernest Krewson went to Port­ ready to live in. land Tuesday on a combined business Mrs Oscar Durrell and Mrs Her- and pleasure trip. They returned the man Gray finished papering the for- following Sunday. The Benhamc mer’s daughter’s new home Friday , found the new linoleum and paper and Mr. and Mrs. Minor Mead moved they had just put on their house prac- in Saturday. >< i tically ruined due to ■ a bursted pipe Mrs. Mertie Bryan went to Bandon and water had sprayed things most STORE 469 Phone of the time they were gone. Another chicken dinner wail enjoy­ ed Saturday evening at the Nicka- son’s home. Those gathering for an evening of fun were Mr. and Mrs. El­ mer Wilson and children, Carrie Nickason, Emma Lou Watson, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Keller, Mavis and Wal­ lace, Homer Sieck and the Nickaxon family. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mullen from Myrtle Point came to the Durrell home Friday to spend the wk d ;