ASK US WHY you uer soi mom muxs ron Youx mousy or HAKIMS THS CH ANÍS MOUL ILL' 1 tJOhojSv UP j Q UP J oquille Service Station ROAD SERVICE CALL 133 A Want Ads One Cent a Werd Each Insertion No Adv. less than 25 cents TRAILER HOUSE for sale—23-foot, streamlined, semi-trailer, 7 ft. wide, roomy; in. good condition; cheap. Inquire 35 East Second, Coquille. STEADY WORK, Good Pay—reliable man wanted to call on farmers in N. Coos County. Make up to $12 a day. Write today. FURST A THOMAS, 428 Third St., Oakland. Calif. It* FURNISHED APARTMENT — Suit­ able for couple. Warm, light and cheerful. Garage for your car. Jack Broahears in Sanford Heights, it* FOR SALE-—Coal Stove, price $12. Phone 160L, Coquille. It* TAKE YOUR PICK- TEN SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK AT SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS COQUILLE 1927 Chevrolet Coach - 1927 Oakland Coupe - 1929 Chevrolet Sedan - 1925 Rickenbacker Sedan 1928 Studebaker Sedan - 1929 Durant Sedan - - 1929 Ford Sport Roadster 1929 Ford Sedan ' - - 1929 Reo Truck - - 1928-Ford Coupe1 - - - $47.50 - 37.50 - 57.50 - 57.50 - 57.50 - 57.50 - " 87.50 - 87.50 - 87.50 - 87.50 Choral Club Presented Very Fine Concert (Continued from Page One) the chorus work was unable to sing a note due to a most husky voice. The opera, ’’Martha,’’ with Mrs. June Walker and Rev. W. R. Wilder doing the solo parts, was another outstanding feature of the evening. Mrs. Roy Boober, substituting at the last moment for a solo group when that performer was called out of town, gave an entertaining reading, “To a Wild Rose,” accompanied by Mrs. Hawkins at the piano........ It the Choral club feels like pre­ senting another program in the spring, when weather and other con­ ditions are more favorable, it is cer­ tain that those who were unable to attend Tuesday evening, as well as those who were there, would appre­ ciate having them do it. - Those appearing on the platform that evening were the director, Mrs. Woodyard; the organist, Bobby Bums; the pianist, Mrs. Hawkins; Mrs. C. W. Gano, Miss Margaret Lange, Mrs. L. H. Hazard, Miss Dor­ othy Glaisyer, Mrs. June Walker, Mrs. Roy Boober, Mrs. Chas. Stauff, Mrs. Birdie Skeels, Miss Jennelind Knight, Miss Phyllis Hall, Mrs. Geo: W. Bry­ ant, Mrs. F. G. Leslie, Mrs. Ruth Bey­ ers, Rev. W. R. Wilder, Dick Siver, Ray Brown, C. L. Willey, Aaron Wil- sori, E. D. Webb and F. G. Leslie. Junior Women’s Club WE CARRY a fresh and complete The Junior Women’s club met in line of Field Seeds, Orchard Grass, Rye Grass, Clovers, etc. Get our the Guild Hall Monday evening for prices. Coos Feed & Seed Stores. their regular meeting with Mrs. El­ bert Schroeder, president, presiding. DODGE TRUCK, long wheel base, The'members voted in favor of a local motor recently rebored, new pis­ community chest. They also voted to tons and rings. Has fine stock assist the senior Woman’s Club with rack, 11 ft. by 7 ft., 6 ft. sides. the George Washington Tea. The club Rack alone is worth price we are decided to invite the Myrtle Point, asking for complete truck, $157.50* Powers and Bandon Junior Woman’s has 1937 farmer's license. South­ clubs to their box social and old-fash­ ioned dance February 8th. A most western Motors, Coquille. interesting program was enjoyed with You Receive More Value for Your Mrs. Chas. Haglund as speaker. Her Money when you buy a Guaran­ subject was, ■'Mothercraft.’’ She had teed O. K. Used Car. Compare our the pleasure of visiting the Albertina Kerr home in Portland, so could tell prices with competition. of this interesting phase of her sub­ * * SPECIAL THIS WEEK * * ject. Mrs. Ralph Cochran transferred 1930 Chevrolet Coach, fine condition, only - - $175.00 her membership from Bandon. Mes- dames Chas. Haglund, Ted Homecker 1935 Chevrolet Town Sedan $585.00 and T. T. Denison served refresh­ ments to the following ladies: Mes- 1932 Chevrolet Coupe, new paint ----- 235.00 dames D. G. McEniry, Harold Gould, Geo. • McClellan, Joe Sayre, Elbert 1932 Chevrolet Coach, recondi­ tioned, new paint - 385.00 Schroeder, Alton Clausen, Don Mc­ Cune, A. L. Beck, Ralph Cochran, 1931 Chevrolet Cabriolet, a real Mrs. Marion George, a guest. and sport job, new tires, new top, new paint - - - 285.00 Miss Dorothy Bunch. 1930 Chevrolet Sedan, a bar- gain at •• - 185.00 Band Deserves Support 1930 Chevrolet Sedan with The Coquille Band, which has been trunk, new paint, recondi- practising and struggling to perfect it­ tioned motor - 245.00 self for several months, shows a de­ 1929 Chevrolet Sedan, a good termination which indicates that it buy - . - - 185.00 will continue to function. At every 1929 Chevrolet Coach, new practice there are from a dozen to paint, good tires - 175.00 fifteen present, and it is hoped soon 1928 Chevrolet Coach, your choice from two, both good 97.50 FOR SALE—Two lots, close in, on 1931 Chevrolet Sedan - 295.00 gravel street. Each 50x120 and $100 1936 Ford Deluxe Sedan, radio cash apiece. J no S. Sanders, 541 and heater - 885.00 West Sixth, Coquille. Phone 123L. 1936 Ford Deluxe Coupe, radio, It* low mileage - 645.00 1930 Ford Coupe - - 200.00 USE Crown Silver Sheen Fox Feeds 1929 Ford Sedan - - - 145.00 for better results. Coos Feed A 1929 Pontiac Sedan, a nice car Seed Stores. , priced low - * - 175.00 - 1931 Chrysler Roadster - - 315.00 USE Crown Dairy Feeds and Poultry 1929 Nash Coupe - - - 195.00 Feeds for better results. Coos Feed 1931 Graham Coupe - - 285.00 St Seed Stores. 1935 Plymouth Sedan. A beauty, looks like new - 585.00 42 ACRES, 4-room house, orchard, 1929 Nash Coupe - - - 135 00 garage, 3 acres bottom; 7 miles from town on Fishtrap road or see 1929 Studebaker Sedan - 145.00 1932 Chevrolet Truck, long Quelle Cafe, opp. P. O. • 45tf wheel base, new paint - 245.00 rar old car accepted In trade— WE CARRY a complete line of Dr. G. M. A. C. low coot finance Heas A Clark Poultry A Stock rem­ SOUTHWESTERN MOTORS edies and tonics. Coos Feed Myrtle 1 Seed Stores. COQUILLE FREE DELIVERY PHONE 166 Volume With Small Profits,” Is Our Motto Pears Oregon Bartlett Large Cans e - - BUY ALL THESE QUAL­ ITY FOOD PRODUCTS for 15c 10 Apricots iii Syrup Large Cans 15c Peas 10c No. 2 Can Peaches String Beans Halves Large Cans ’ 10c No. 2 Can Catsup 1QC Bottle - - - X W V Kraut Preferred Stock No. 2*4 Cans 2 for w * ' 1 0p X Beets No. 2 Can - 27c Corn Tomatoes Whole Kernel No. 2 Cans 2 for No. 2'4 Can j V 10c SEASIDE Sweet Pickles Lima Beans Pint Can Bars vnocoi Eclairs OREGON ROSEBUD Fresh Shipment • 19 Tissue Walnuts Xi, Bacon ' Squares COFFEE M. J. B. LB. 2 LBS. 28c 55c 1 - - - - c 1,000 Sheets Fels Naptha Soap • “ Seasoning Meat for Beans Lb. 17c BAR - - • 5c - Firm BANANAS 10c Lbs. 4 IF • r 4 to have the personnel increased to Mamie Rebekahs Install twenty. Mamie Rebekah Lodge, No. 20, held In the m^ter of finances the or­ their annual installation in the I. O. ganization is handicapped, as no indi­ O. F. hall Wednesday evening. Mrs. vidual can afford to buy a tuba or an Myrtle Benham, district deputy pres­ alto, an instrument which is only used ident, acted as installnig officer and in band assemblages, and there is Mrs. Ethel Leach, installing marshal. need of such instruments. The following officers were installed: The band intends playing at next N. G.—Mrs. E. M. Kay. Friday night’s wrestling card, and ex­ V. G.—Mrs. George Johnson. pects to present concerts in the fu­ Sec —Mrs. R. E. Boober. ture. Warden—Mrs. Myrtle Benham. A live band is a necessity in any i Cond.—Mrs. Ena Harless. community and its support should Chap.—Mrs. Marian Lawrence. come from the general public, not I. G —Mrs. Hester Holverstott. from a few. . O. G.—Mrs.. Pansy Ross. B. P. W. Next Monday A special program will be given for the next meeting of the B. P. W. club, which will be held in its regular meeting place at the residence of Mrs. James Richmond, beginnig at 8:00 p. m. Monday evening. All members are urged to be present. Teachers Meeting Postponed The The Intermediate Intermediate Teachers Teachers will will not' not meet Saturday at Mililngton. The meeting has been postponed because of the sickm less in so many districts. sickness Calling cards, 50 for $1.00. R. S. N. G.—Mrs Ethel Leach. L. S. N G—Harriet Schaq^v R S. V. G — Mrs. Belle Belloni. L. S. V. G.—Mrs Ella Strang. Musician—Mrs. Ruth Beyers After lodge, refreshments served. Calling carda, SO for $1.00. Cotton Blossom Singers More recent information is to the ef­ On Friday night of next week, Feb­ fect that one of the leading characters ruary 5th, the music lovers of Co­ cannot be with them. The group will quille and vicinity will have the priv­ give an evening’s entertainment with ilege of enjoying another musical popular negto melodies, interspersed treat from the Cotton Blossom Sing- with spirituals that only the negroes eis, a group of negro vocalists from can really sing. the Piney Woods Negro School in Snell Favors Cutting Fee Mississippi. They will give an eve­ Announcement comes from Salem ning’s concert in the Pioneer Metho­ dist Church, beginning at seven-! that Earl Snell, Secretary of State, thirty o’clock. Everyone is cordially! favors the elimination of the $1.00 invited to this treat. There will be fee in connection with the renewal no ^dmission-charge, but a free-will; of operators' licenses. He also pro­ offering will be taken to defray the poses having the renewal come only once in three years instead of every singers* expenses. It is deeply regretted that the two years as now provided. group will not be able to give the For sound Fire Insurance, go to play that was previously announced. Ned C. Kelley. Say it with Flowers and be sore they’re Bergens Better Blossoms Flowers always fresh from an acre of greenhouses