match to Stigai. Referee Elliott Knocked Out The other two match?* were as hot in Wild Melee Last Friday as exploding firecrackers. That dy­ RINSO Urs' 19c Its rich, crear.y suds MV* »crubbltj. LIFEBUOY3 HEALTH SOAP Ends "B.O." (Body Oder) Above prices will be in effect Saturday until Tues- day, January 23-26 inclusive, at Myrtle Point Coquille L Dr. C. G. Stem, chiropractic phy»i- 1 clan, foot correctionist, electric thera- . piat, 292 Moulton St., phone 8ftJ- tf Insure your car with Ned C. Kelley in a reliable Oregon stock company. In tin* wildest night ever seen at the Community Building last Friday, Jack Lipscomb, the Indiana beast, won a fall from Don Sugai, knocked Referee Elliott down, then cruelly Jumped on his back, and was nearly mobbed by enraged fans. It was an evening of whopping free-for-alls with each match rougher and tougher than the one before. Lipscomb annexed the first fall in eleven minutes with his split crab hold after battering Sugai from pillar to post. Lipscomb swung his fists 2004 Hasan, g- --0 0 0 0 Hill, g - - - -0 0.0 0 Shriver, g---1002 Richardson, g - - 0 0 0 0 With Philco Automatic Tuning,you twirl the dial just once i .. easier than dialing an automatic tel­ ephone! Instantly you are listening to the American station of your choice, tuned perfectly, with elec­ trical precision! FREE DEMONSTRATION s$£$$$exclusive Philco features, too—such as the Philco Foreign which enables you to tune —r— Phlleo USXDeLuxe $210 Complete—nothl.ig else to buy Total - Coquille (17) Bailey, f - Fuhrman, f. McClellan, c R. Walker, c Smith, g Goodman, g B. Walker, g Oderkirk, g Hurrell, g Kilowatt YOUR ELECTRICAL SERVANT foreign stations by name. Hear them ... see them . . .' FREE. Come to our store for a complete PhUco demonstration. No obligation, of course. SOUTHWESTERN OREGON'S GREATEST Marshfield, Oregon COQUILLE BRANCH 315 West Fii Phone 209R Total Soil Resources Conference to BENHAM’S TRANSFER Be Held Here January ANYWHERE FOR HIRE (Continued from Page One) line the basis for which benefit pay­ ment will be made this year. It is expected that many farmers in the county will be interested in this dis­ cussion since with the addition of the range program, most farmers will be eligible for benefits on some phase of their operations in 1937, Jenkins stated. Following the lunch hour and start­ ing at 1:15 p. m. the use of limestone, ground shell and commercial fertili­ zers including a discussion on soil testing and other related subjects, will will be discussed by Dr. Stephen­ sen or Dr. Powers and the subject of irrigation will be handled during the afternoon by Mr. King. Following the discussion given by the specialist on each subject time will be provided for a general discus­ sion and while the (he meetings are not arranged especially for new set­ tlers, the program should be of special value to them and all farmers of the county are urged .to be. present at one of the meetings and present their soil management problems as the subjects are discussed. REDDY KILOWATT . . . your Electrical Servant ... a Genius of Ac­ complishment He numbers millions—billions even—but he'i always the same capable, infinitely willing infinitely powerful He gets things done, does Reddy Kilowatt the home, office, hospital operating room , industry ... in kitchen and living room, library and formal banquet hall Multitudes rely on him. He is at home everywhere, is Reddy Kilowatt. . . all know and welcome him for his versatility ... for his many-sided personality of Light—Heat—Power and their numberless applications. His wants are modest, his wage is low. Sleep is a stranger to him, clock and calendar alike are meaningless. He lives in his work, appears only when summoned, departs instantly when dismissed. Reddy Kilowatt is YOUR servant, proved — established You've met him before, but perhaps only as a casual acquaintance. Welcome him as a constant friend ... for none will serve you os faithfully. WOOD and COAL Licensed Carrier •* Marriage Licenses Jan. 15—Adolf Dufort, of Sixes, and Mary Orman, of Kansas City, Kans. They were married last Fri­ day by Justice E. A. Dodge at Myrtle Point. For sound Fire Insurance, go to Ned C. Kelley. IN TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Evaline Breen, Plaintiff, vs. Katherine V. Dudley, Edward S. Bice, George E. Nichols. Trustees in Trust, Clifford A. Maynard and Elsie A. Maynard, and the unknown heirs of Harlan J. Dudley, deceased and Mar­ garet B. Dudley, deceased, also all other persons or parties unknown, claiming any right, title, estate, lien or interest in the reel estate described in the complaint herein, Defendants. No. 11129 Publication of Summons To Katherine V. Dudley, Edward S Bice, George E: Nichols, Trustees in Co-Workers Club Trust, Clifford A. Maynard and The Co-workers club met at the Elsie A. Maynard, and the unknown heirs of Harlan J. Dudley, de­ home of Mrs. Susie Weddle earlier ceased and Margaret B. Dud’ey, de­ this month, the following being pres­ ceased, also all other persons or ent: Mesdames Nora Dondono, Lu­ parties unknown. clairrtng any right, title, estate, lien or interest1 cille Detwiler, Jewell Swain, Lizzie in the real estate d-scrib d in the Smith, Dora Hultin, Ella Sheehan, complaint herein, Defe^dmts I^na McNair, Eleanor Morrot, Susie TN THE NAME OF THE STATF Weddle, Agnes Schroeder, Gene OF OREGON’ You are hereby re­ quired to appear and answer the com- Chase, Mary Schroeder, Leia Avery, zLLn. plaint filed against you in the above I Lillian Gant. L. __________________ Mra. Lucille Detwiler entmed suit on or before the expira- was appointed secretary and treasur­ i tion of 4 weeks from the date of first this Summons, that be- I er. Everyone had g very nice day. I publication . of ____________ ______ ordm The club will meet next at the | ing the time prescribed in In the ord-r home of Mrs. Detwiler, at the Collier for publication thereof, said date he- ing the 22nd day of January. 1937, Apta., No. 4. and if you fail to so app-ar and ar- swer for want thereof, the plaintif' ‘ will apnly to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint, a succinct statement of which is as follows, to- wit: a—For a judgment against the de­ fendant Katherine V. Dudley for the sum of $15,500.00 plus interest there­ on at the rate of five per cefit per annum from May 16, 1931, until paid, and for her costs and disbursement* incurred in this suit. b—For a judgment and decree that plaintiff’s mortgage is a first, prior valid and subsisting lien upon the real property described in the com- , plaint on file herein. c—For a judgment and decree that1 j 1 Coquille plaintiff's mortgage upon the real property described in the complaint on file herein, be foreclosed and that the defendants, and each of them, be barred and foreclosed of all right, title, interest, claim of demand in and to said real property or any part thereof, save and excepting the right of redemption. d—For a judgment and decree that the real property described in the complaint on file herein, together with all its appurtenances, rights, privileges and easements be sold by the sheriff of Coos County, Oregon, as on execution. This summons is published by or­ der of the Honorable J. T. Brand, Judge of the Circuit Court of Coos County, Oregon, made and entered the 21st. day of January, 1937. Harry A. Slack, Attorney for Plaintiff First National Bank Building, Co­ quille. Oregon. 2t5 T*IE SETTING SUN Life, when you stop to think of it, is a good d?al like the pasisng of 1 day. The sun rises, it reaches its high noon, and descends to its set­ ting. It is our privilege and our duty to make the setting of one’s 'ife restful and peaceful, as we hope our own will be. SCHROEDER RROS MORTUARIES, Inc Coquille 109R Bandon 1083