EM “.- r U- *•... . I I ■ I V -'-X»;' Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash PROCEEDINGS OF ad”. Claisyer for cards ___ Cap,t. I City Bindery, Post No. 6..... .... . ..... COUNTY COURT Ltr.Jer, JP Circuit Court City of Myrtle Point --- --------- E. O. Sempert ....—-—v— E. E. Howes Store ...'_.... —----- J. G. Warren .... —............ ....... Ryan Grocery ..... ------ --------- - Paulson’s Grocery ........ ........... Nosier’s CAsh Store................... Safeway Stores. Inc. No. 435 .. Millington Grocery ...----- ------- Schwartz Market--- ------- -------- Coquille Hospital .......... . . ...... Mast Hospital .... ............. ........ E. E. Howe Store ................ . Ryan Grocery .........-............... Thrift Grocery .................. ... Pacific Drug Co. ............. -..... Haga A Church ...... ......... ...... J. T. Ross .....---- —................. Central Grocery ....... . Safeway Stores, Inc., No. 435.. Schlag A Reese .............-------- J. C. Penney Co. ...................— Dr. C. W. Endicott ---------------- Drs. Peacock A Simpkin ------- The Hub ................. st-S'T......... Thrift Grocery, M. Point ------ Geo. Erdman ..... .. ........ . Farr A Elwood . ................ ....... Dr. R. M. McKeown ------- Consumers Wholesale Market J. C. Warren ....... ;........... ....... Dr. Arthur Gale .............. ........ J, C. Penney Co. — ......i........ Marshfield Fuel A Supply Co. Myers A Myers .... ....... ......... - Campbell Funeral Home ....... Millington Grocery ................... R. W. Bullard Estate ...„....... ... J. C. Penney Co................. — Weber Cash Store .—............. John Thomson. Indemnity for Cattle Condemned —...... ...... 2.00 1.50 3.50 20.50 6.00 2 00 Chas. Evland, Court Bailiff .... 57.50 Coquille Laundry, laudrying Hugh McLain, Salary, County 34.50 Jury blankets_____ __ ____ „ Judge ................ 166.66 4.00 Hotel, meals for ju­ Wm. F. IioweU, Salary, Sheriff 2UO.OO Coquille 2.00 rors -------' .................. P. W. Culver, Salary, Deputy Joe Kohler, 6 mos. janitor ser- 30.50 140.00 vice ........ 11.25 24.00 Eva Schroeder, Salary, Deputy 3.50 Sheriff (office) .......... . ......... 80.00 J. K. GUI Company, swivel - ': 6.00 chair for Judge _____ _____ 105.25 C. G. Caughell, Salary, Deputy 16 50 City of Marshfield, rent of gational meeting tor the purpose of ...., 'I! St. James Episcopal Church Sheriff. Tax Dept. 140.00 room for Dec. ................... 0.25 30.00 Will Addram the Margarita Brodie, Salary, voting on calling the minister for an­ 19.50 8:00 a. m. Holy Communion. Coquille Tribune, printing .... 26.75 Deputy Sheriff, Tax Dept. .. 00.00 Concluding a series of special Sun­ other year. 5.00 Juvenile Court ’ 9:45 a. m. Church School. Katherine Jane Hassler, Sal­ 2.00 day morning messages to special Lieut. WiUard D. Barr, Wit­ Christian Endeavor, 6:30 p. m. 11:00 a. m. No Service. ary, Cleric Tax Dept.___ .... 00.00 ney, D. Hardesty case ..... ... 65.75 groups, Rev. W. Raymond WUder, 4.00 Evening service, 7:30 p. m. Ser­ Delores Belloni, Salary, Clerk 7:30 p. m. Evening Service. This is 3.50 pastor of the Pioneer Methodist F. C. McNelly, taking Hardes ­ Tax Dept. ____ ___ _______ 80.00 a candlelight service and the address mon topic, “The Wages of Sin.” Spec­ ty to Portland ...................... 18.00 47.79 W. H. Kennedy, Salary, Per­ 1.25 Church, will address a message es­ is "The Sacred Flame,” a story of how ial music will be a duet sung by Eva R. H. Mast, mileage Probation sonal Tax Collector...... ....... 120.00 Offc................. . ......... . ......... . 9.00 pecially to the members of the church a light was carried from Jerusalem to Alexander and Verene Bailey and an 44.18 L. W. Oddy, Salary, County 85.27 Sunday morning when he speaks County Surveyor anthem by the choir. Clerk .............. ........... .. .......... 106.66 J. E. Axtell, 39.00 upon the subject, “The Greatest Need Florence. bond for County Midweek Service, Thursday 7:30 p. J. W. Leneve, Salary, Deputy jfeu Rev. Geo. R. Tumey, Vicar 13.00 Surveyor .... ........ ............... . 25.00 County Clerk A Bookkeeper 137.50 m. 2.50 of the Church.” The choir will render County Farm Emanuel Baptist Church Ceorgianna Vaughan, Salary, 1.75 an appropriate anthem, and Richard Earl F. Downing, minister F. C. McNelly, Superinl « _g|| 100.00 ------- Superintendent — - IXputy County Clerk and 23.50 Siven will be the soloist for the ser- Bible School, 9:45 a. m. Edith McNelly, Matron ........... V < Bookkeeper.......... .............. 90.00 Mae Shore, Cook....................... 40.32 14.50 ***** Preaching, 11:00 a. m. First Church of Christ, Scientist Willa Elliott, Salary, Record­ 1.25 Sadie Pyburn, Cook’s Helper 33.88 Rev. H. A. Minter, former pastor of At the evening service the pastor is ing Clerk . ........ . ....... ............ 80.00 Jean McNelly, Cook’s Helper » 4.98 Coquille, Oregon 5.80 J. P. Beyers, Salary, County 3.00 concluding the subject begun last the Baptist church, will speak Sun­ Carl Shore, Farmhand .... . .... 31.80 Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Assessor.... .................. ........... 166.66 Pfeseton Moy, Farmhand___ day morning. Rev. W. A. Stephans, 294 Sunday evening, “The Country Be­ 8..40 • Anna Rooney, Salary, Deputy i 8.00 yond,” speaking upon the theme, pastor, will hold services in Broad­ Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Martin Pinkston, Orderly ........ 12.58 County Assessor ...... 90.00 Perry Long, Orderly ........ Subject for nett Sunday, “Truth." 9.00 < 17.42 bent Sunday at 11 a. m. ‘ Heaven. ” The choir and a vocal Chas. Stauff, Salary, County 3.00 Alice Pinkston, Nurse ...... ...... 85.00 Wednesday evening meeting at 8 Treasurer ......\______ _____ 150.00 Coos County Farm, produce We thank God for the wonderful 1.96 duet will be featured in the services. o ’ clock. Martha E. Mulkey, Salary, 14.50 Pioneer Church offers a graded Sun­ way in which His blessings is upon us. used on farm......................... 61.70 Free public Reading Room open in County School Supt.............. 166.66 Western States Grocery Co., Mr. Stephens will speak hers at day school for all ages at nine forty- Beneva Volkmar, Salary, Church Building every Tuesday and 7.50 groceries ...................... 16.30 five with capable instruction by con­ 7:30 p. m. Stenographer-School Supt. Friday afternoons except holidays ROADS Offc............. . ...... ZTT. 71.33 Pioneer Grocery Company, A lively group of young people hold secrated teachers. The Epworth groceries .......... 225.05 Special Rd. No, 18 from two to five o’clock. R. H. Mast, Salary, Probation J. E. Ford A Co., meats........... 235.86 Mike Boone, labor....... —;----- - 18.00 League meeting at six-thirty in the | services at 6:30 p. m. The public is cordialtytnvfred to Officer ..... ........ ..... ............. .. 120.00 Farr A Elwood, groceries ....... 19.50 W. S. Farrin, labor ................. 9.00 evening affords an inspirational Prayer meeting Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Dr. M. Earl Wilson. Salary attend our services and to visit the Swift A Co., butter.......... ........ 14.06 Special Rd. N«. 14 A church with a cordial welcome. worship and discussion service for all . > Health Officer .......... . .......... Reading Room. Ideal Bakery, bread ................ 21.27 M. G. Miller, labor................... 84.36 W. A. Stephens, J*astor. Leia Elrod, County Nurse Nasburg Insurance Agency, R. B. Howe, labor....... ........... 57.15 young people. The public is cordially Methodist Episcopal Church (part salary) ...... i________ 5.40 invited to either, or all, of these ser ­ insurance—County Farm_ 414.22 Frank Heller, labor................... Mae M. Waggoner, Salary, 3.60 Evening preaching 7:30 p. m. Nasburg Insurance Agency— J. E. Abbott, labor ........... — vices. Coquille Assembly of God Stenographer-County Court 95.00 2.70 insurance on canned goods .. 50.00 Lincoln Miller, labor ........ — Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p.’ Louis J. Langenberg, , Salary Mrs. Hazel MacLeod, Minister Hudson’s Drug Store, drugs .... 37.78 Spec. Rd. Ns. «5 m. Court Reporter ..... . ............. 175.00 The Hub, clothing..................... 166.63 J. A. Deadmond, labor —...... 3.00 The Pioneer Methodist Church Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Sunday School. Scriptural, spiritual preaching. Ev­ J. N. Gearhart, Salary, Deputy J. A. Lamb Company, supplies Dist. Maint. Roads 7.27 Richard Danielson, superintendent. W. Raymond Wilder, Minister County Surveyor ................. 43.37 Pioneer Hardware Co., dishes 16.75 G. Gunderson, labor ...... ........ 108.00 eryone welcome. 11:00 a. m. Morning Worship, Mrs. Carl C. Wilson, Salary, Janitor Mid-week service, Wednesday, 7:30 Coos Bay A North Bend Mat­ C. Carlson, labor —....... 4------- 82.80 G. A. Gray, Pastor Court House .... ......... ......... MacLead speaking. 60.00 3.60 p. m. tress Co.. 12x16 tarp ........ . 17.50 J. Sistrom, labor.............. . 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore. Stewart Whitsett, Salary, Jan­ Mansell Dray A Delivery Co., G. L. Horton, labor .......... . ....... 99.00 6:30 p. m. Young people ’ s meeting. Sunday services: Sunday School itor & Jailer ........................... 75.00 100 cords wood ...n___ ___ _ 150.00 F. Smith, labor ..........------------ 92.40 ~7:30 p. m. Evangelistic service. Belle Whitarit, Salary, Matron Alpine Coal Co., coal............... 36.00 L. H. Howe, labor ................ 100.80 9:45 a. m. Morning Worship 11:00 a. Tuesday, 7:30 p. m. Prayer meeting. The Holy Name Catholic Church A Cook-County Jail______ 35.00 Schroeder Bros. Mortuary, Epworth Leagues 6:30 p. m. J. L. Lea, labor ------- - --- ------- 89.65 m. Mass on first and third Sundays at Hugh McLain, County Judge, funeral—Mrs. Laurence An­ Vic Lindstrom, labor ------------ 96.60 Evangelistic service 7:30 p. m. mileage, Dec............. . ....... .. 47.88 92.40 8 a. m.; second Sunday at 10 a. m. and derson .............. ....... 30.00 Victor Demarest, labor ........ Church of Christ R. H. Lawhorn, Salary A mile­ Georgia Amend, labor at Can­ D. M. Fox, labor............... ........ 36.00 when there are five Sundays, Mass on age, County Commissioner .. 125.00 1.80 Seventh Day Adventist Church nery ......................................... 27.50 Earnest Franson, labor ........ .. E. Fourth at Coulter fourth Sunday at JO a. m. Last Sun­ Charles Doane, Salary A mile­ 3.60 Grace Rivers, labor at Cannery 26.50 O. P. Smith, labor 8«c«nd and Collier Stroots Bible* school, 9:45 a. m. day of each jnonth Mass at Myrtle age, County Commissioner ...t 80.20 Martin Pinkston, labor at Can­ Thos. Lawhome, labor ........... 101.25 Lloyd Lackey, Indemnity for Sabbath School (Saturday) 9:45 Morning Service, 11:00 a. m. Ser- Point at 8 a. m. and at Powers at 10 nery .......... ....... ....... . ......... . 29.50 Ed. White, labor ................... 58.95 • cattle condemned ................. 7.50 Howard Moy, labor at Can­ Walter Ludtke, labor---------- - 114.80 , a. m. mon topic, “The Lord's Supper.” Af- a. m. Floyd Parrish, removing 5 nery ........... . ..... . .............. .... 2.00 Jack Arnold, labor -------------- 79.29 Preaching service 11:00 a. m. ter the service there will, bg a congre­ Father M.JG. Hart, Bandon dead cattle from Coquille Jack McCarthy, labor........ .... 96.80 Western Union, telegraph ser­ River .... ......... ........................ 28.00 vice .......................... ....... . ..... .47 J«vi Wilson, labor .................. . 115.20 < •S Grant Harry, Service Jury American Can Company, cans James L. Child, labor............... 92.40 is high score man with Alan Bailey Bailiff ________ __________ 15.06 A tops ............................... ..... 111.52 K. Lane, labor........ .......... ....... 85.80 Moore Mill A Lumber Co., 85.03 County School Notes lumber---- ------ ------ ----- ------- and Don McClellan second. Milton Church, Indemnity for -84.00 Cleo D. Pachalke, Dependent Tan Chapman, labor 2.88 From Mrs. Mulkey’s Office Cattle condemned .... ....... ..... 22.50 Mothers* Fund .......... .... 10.00 Allen McGlamery, labor------- 37.80 C. F. Bessee, mileage------------ Geo. E. Dix, Indemnity for 4.00 Northwestern Mutual Fire W. W. Rhule, labor.......... . ...... Growell A Keizer, insanity Buy one Knit Dress at one-half Assn., inaurane on shop ..... 62.40 — 4-H Leaders to Hear Speakers Cattle condemned . ......... , 7.50 86.62 hearing—P. O’Reilly ........... 5.00 J. K. Baker, labor .............. . Mutual Fire price and receive free a 32.98 felt Tom Porter, Indemnity for Coos County Farm, groceries . 112.61 Phil Williams, labor...... .......... 45.00 Northwestern H. C. Seymour, state 4-H club lead ­ Assn., insurance on storage Cattle condemned _________ 7.50 hat to match. Yours for picking it Arlyn Barklow, labor......... .... 101.20 Cmmty Jail bldg............. . 1540 er, and Miss Jessie Palmiter, home Ed Byrkit, Indemnity, for Cat­ 132.50 Busy Corner Grocery, groceries 16.80 J. W. Dye, labor--- ------------- out, at the Excel Dress Shop. 3.50 Geo. Landrith, work on ferry demonstration agent, will lead dis ­ tle condemned .... . 7.50 Geo. Lorenz, milk................ «... 20.24 Geo. Wagner, labor 3.60 ... General Roods Dr. Edward Thorstenberg, cussions for 4-H meeting. Other in­ Bond’s Meat Market, meats.... 36.19 Sam Carter, labor--- ------------- 81.00 .C. F. Bessee, NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AC­ labor ---------- 34.00 Services for Health Officer, 82.80 Ted Petterson, laundry _____ 6.62 Russell Parrish, labor.............. QUIRED BY COOS COUNTY, 7.00 teresting features are being planned C. P. Morgan, labor ............ at Powers ........ ...................... 40.00 Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, con­ Bridge Fund for the evening. Refreshments will OREGON, FOR DELIN­ Coos County, rent of equip- Rackieff Pharmacy, Drugs veying prisoners-to pen . '11.50 Walt Newton, labor —......... — 96.00.- QUENT TAXES 2633.00 be served by the cotnmittee. health office and jail ........... 10.55 83.604--»«>* ■« A. C. Redifer, labor ......... —... Court House A Jail NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Bridge Fund State ~ Industrial Accident The meeting will begin at 8:00 p. m. Frank Crafton, labor ------------ West Coast Telephone Co., under and by virtue of an order of Commission—Ins. Peace Of­ 13.20 Coos County, rent of equip­ phone service.... .......... ..... 92.45 Harold Niedel, labor ......... ..... ment __ __ ---------- ;—......... — 85.00 and will be held in the Valley View sale made by the County Court of ficers .............. ....... . .............. 72.72 City of Coquille, water...... .... 19.25 Dist Maint. Rowls school house. Mrs. Gertrude Monson the State of Oregon, for the County Dtei. Maia«. Roods Pacific Motor Transport Co., Herbert Lane, labor...... .......— 92.40 Mountain States Power Co., of Coos, bn the 20th day of January, Freight on Cans....... ............. 9.32 116.00 H. A. Steward, labor ............... 44.00 will preside. lights ...... 3.......... 115.01 Tom Evans, labor..... ........ . 44.00 Coos Bay Times, Publishing All leaders and others interested in A. D., 1937, commanding me to sell C. P. McAllister, labor —— 103.60 H. A. Steward, labor .......... . Western States Grocery Co., the following described lands, fo­ Gen. Ronda ‘Co. Court proceedings A No- paper towels _________ ___ ____ 13.60 Jack Bailey, labor ----- ---------- 92.40 4-H work are requested to be present. wl t: tices .............. . ........... ...... 68.95 Mansell Dray A Del. Co., wood 128.25 Geo. Wagner, labor —........ ... 80.00 Mountain States Power Co., Intermediate Teachers to Meet Minimum Price lights A power --------------- £. 38.94 State Industrial - Accident Alpine Coal Co., coal ............... 12.00 Bridge Fund Lot 1 - 35.00 Mountain States Power Co., The executive committee of Inter­ Commlftion, Ins. Co. Farm P. L. Johnson’s Plumbing Ed Patterson, labor.----- ---------- Lot 4 1.20 mediate Teachers association met last lights. North Bend garage .. Employees ......... . ....... .......... 46.83 Shop, labor A material...... 180.77 Dist. Maint. Roads Ix>t 5 Part NW of highway 3.75 Northern School Supply Co., Wayne Goodman, labor ..... . 110.40 City of Coquille, water--------- Coart Hoose Saturday in the circuit court room of Lot 6 Part NW or highway Supplies S. D. No. 39........... 46.06 Pacific Typewriter Co., repair C. B. Young, labor ___ ...-------- 99.00 Peoples Water 8c Gas Co., the court house at Coquille. This Lot 7 Part .. NW .. T________ of highway 2.88 water ...................................... Chandler Hotel, Room, etc., B. 4.40 of typewriter ...».................... 3.50 Frank Carfton, labor .......____ Lot 8 Part NW of highway O. King ................................... 2.75 Burroughs Adding Machine 13.20 F. A. Robb, mileage on car..... 21.30 committee arranged for the next A. C. Redifer, labor ................ All lying and being in Block 18 West Coast Telephone Co., Sheriff's Off. meeting of the association to be held Co. mechanical services ..... 44.45 E. R. Strain, operating River­ in Town of Coaledo, Coos County, phone service .....----- ——— 19.95 at the Millington school on Saturday Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, mile­ ton Ferry ------- .........-------- 45.00 Burroughs Adding Machine Oregon, according to the plat State Ind. Acc. Comm., indus­ age expense ...................... 63.48 H. D. Gilbert, operating Dan­ Co., mechanical services, thereof on file and of record in trial insurance------------- ----- 455.00 morning, January 30. The program Wm. F. Howell, Sheriff, exp. sheriff's offc............. ...... <....... 24.65 iels Creek Ferry --------------- 85.00 the office of the County Clerk of Greone 8c Jensen, auto sup- will feature music. Those taking part in Portland after pris.......... 7.85 Coquille Valley Sentinel, pub. Geo. Landrith, operating Lan­ Coos County, Oregon. 4.63 are as follows: plies .................. ................. . Bert Mead, Salary, Deputy Miss Helen Glenn Court proceedings, etc. drith Ferry ............................ 20.00 33.05 I SHALL, in compliance with ____ said Jones Auto Service, auto sup­ Sheriff .............. ...................... 50.00 F. C. True, registering voters.. and Miss Ida Oerding, music and I Hi _______________________ .50 Lawrence Dorland, operating order, on SATURDAY, the 20th day 1.15 plies ...---------------------- —------ Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash Bullards Ferry ...............'.__ 135.00 Various Offices gamos; Miss Grace Cox, presentation of February, A. D., 1937, commencing Koontz Machine Shop 8c Gar­ advanced Sheriffs Off.......... 355.20 Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, supplies Dist. Maint. Roods 5.89 of pupils in singing; Mrs. Thora Wat-,** «>e hour erf 10 o’clock A. M., of age, labor 8c material ------- Western Union, telegraph ...... 3.93 L. W. Oddy, County Clerk, Raymond Barklow, labor ....... 10.80 son. teaching music festival songs; said -a d day at the front door of the tlu' Bay Motors, battery service .... 2.65 10.80 L. H. Pearce, auto supplies_ postage A express____ ........ 19.69 Sid Slenner, labor .............. . Court House in the City of Coquille, Lou Blanc, Inc., battery rental 1.50 Coos Bay Stationery Co., sup­ 3.60 P. J. Rooney Auto Co., gas 8c E. Hammack, labor .......... . .... Miss Anna Jo Flemming, music ap ­ and County of Coos, State of Oregon, 10.34 oil _v____________________ Clerk’s Off. 40 •——•••••—..... -.... —— 6.30 ltoy Parrish, labor *._________ 32 32.40 plies ...... ................... . ............ 653 preciation; Miss Mabel Chapman, offer for sale and sell at public auc­ l'an I Isaac R. Tower, auto supplies.. Kaufman A Co., Clerk’s Bond 50.00 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, supplies 11.90 Calvin Bigelow, labor ____ __ tion the above described real property 1.61 gleanings from meeting of O. S. T. A. 62 10 I A. O. Snyder, gas and oil------ Capital City Bindery, Deed A Dr. V. L. Hamilton, profession­ Brooks Pointer, labor..... .. to the highest and best bidder for 105 6« Coquille Service Station, auto Mortgage record ..... ........... .. 60.00 al services ......................... .... 59.00 , Elmer Roes, labor_____ _ ___ cash in hand at the time of the sale, H. S. Norton, supplies ........... 3.05 Coos County Highway Dept, Vance Weekley, labor__ _____ 106 40 i supplies .................... ...... ...... 171.90 Frank Branch Riley will speak at or for not less than twenty per cent MOO A. Barrows, royalty on «ravel 10.10 Treasurer Off. Ralph Hurlbutt, labor ..... — __ gas A oil—various officers 281.68 Coos County Teachers* Institute on (20%) of the purchase price In cash, Clara A Stauff. clerical work 88.00 Coquille Hospital, professional Ralph Harry, labor__ ............ lOS'oo Ballou A Wright, material — 42.60 February 28. Mr. Riley is from Port- the remainder to be paid under writ­ Howard Cooper Corporation, Chas. Stauff, Co. Treas., cash 200.00 F. A. Robb, labor ____ ______ services ........................ . 55.50 machinery A material ......... 993.59 *and but is well known all over the ten agreement with the purchaser in adv. Treas. Office________ 3.50 Coos Bay Harbor, supplies 8.00 I«wrenci Mullen, labor ....... . equal installments over a term not Henry Tymer Co , Inc., 2 doz. Various Offices ..................... 30.50 Emil Schroeder, labor ..... ....... 12.60 Earl Littrell Supply Co., ma­ United States wherever he has spok­ exceeding ten (10) years from the 7.35 terial ........ —....... —____ pencils ...... . ............................ 3.14 Catholic Charities, glasses for Kenneth Noble, labor ________ 5.40 en. Mr. Riley adds much to his ad­ date of sgle, all deferred payments to Assessor’s Office 5.40 Wentworth 8t Irwin, Inc., ma­ Eileen Hanson .... .... . ...... 4.00 T«e Jordon, labor____ ______ bear interest from the date of sale at terial ———..—..... 33.88 dresses because of his wit and fun. National Surety Bond, Bond .. 55.50 Mercy Hospital, care of F. T«on.ird Carlson, labor........... 8.10 the rate of six per cent per annum, J. P Beyers, postage adv. to Districts Petition tor District 10.80 Coos Bay A North Bend Mat- Dfeu A Mrs. G. Dieu ........... 64.00 D. H. Benson, labor .......... . .... pavable annually. 6.00 5.00 Mery Hospital, care Frank W. tress Co„ curtains................. office .................... .... Harold Benson, labor___ ____ 12.60 The district boundary board on _________________ __ No sale shall be made of _______ th« above r H. C. Getz, Draftsman ............. 117.00 Corson ....... -............. 8.00 D. H. Benson, labor....... ....... . 10.80 Chas. Stauff, Co. Trees., cash Monday. January 18. received peti- parcel of real property for a Teaser J’ssl«» T.awhome. Clerk...... _... 68.75 Mast A Wilson Hospital, care adv. Treat. Off......... . .......... 5.87 A. D. Lee, labor..... . ..... ...... .... 16.00 Mons from Bridge and Powers dis- "jnotint than the minimum price Warren Clerk ...... ........ 8.35 Nettie Murphy........... . ......... 44.00 M. McCarthy, labor.............. . 105.0(1 Coquille Machine Co., labor A ¿ct with regard, to Eden district - “KLl.TSquille, Coo. Count^ 17.50 15.13 material ----- — ---------- -------- Nellie Prey, Clerk ---------------- D. J. Conlogue. labor...... . ...... 66.00 Mast A Wilson Hospital, care n. E. Elder, insp. logging A 68.00 North Bend Iron Works, labor Geraldine Knight ................. 42.00 ¡P. Yarbrough, labor ............ . now»rs asked that all or a portion of Oregon, this 20th day of January A 16.00 Fuhrman's Pharmacy, supplies A material ......... . ............ 27.10 Eden be placed in their district. D., 1937. mileage ................................ 1 D j Conloque. labor............... 24.00 McGeorge Gravel Co., gravel Marchant Calculating Machine 30.80 for Planning Board 7.90 Pat Gorwell, labor .............. . .¿.J1*?',?- H°wf,h 8c culvert pipe ........................ 87.3C Bridge asked for the twenty sections ... Co., rental of machine for James Miller, labor .............. . U S. Dept, of Labor, Contri­ 20.00 on the north. SheriW 01 COOt Count>. Oregon I Austin-Western Road Machin­ Dec. .... ............... ....... . ...... ..... 25.00 bution .................................... 35.001 Bridge Fund ery Co., engine A material .. 593.85 Supt Office A. M. Peterson, ambulance for R. K. Krausse, labor___ ____ 60.00 The district boundary board has REDEMPTION NOTICE Martha E. Mulkey, mileage 2.50 James Miller, labor .............. .. 60.00 Empire Lumber Co., lumber .... 16.00 set time of hearing for February 23 WARRANT Fdwin Albui ...... . ................ Notice is hereby given that all 39.58 Peterson Funeral Home, burial exp......... ........-....... -.... -..... . « Pat Gorwell, labor ................... 61 60 Farr 8c Elwood, powder and warrants drawn against the General fuse.......................................... 55 43 it 11:00 a. m. in the court house, Co­ Martha E. Mulkey, expense of unknown person .......... . ...... 35.00 A. D. Lee, labor ................ .... 8.00 Fund of the City erf Coquille. Oregon, Institute.................... -............ 75.00 Peterson Funeral Home, burial Ralph Hurlbut, labor....... ....... 32 00 Wm. Schrock, royalty on rock 1580 quille. and the notices which are be­ and endorsed prior to September 1, The J. K. Gill Company, 2 Newton, labor ........... unknown person .................. 35.00 ■z. 60.00 Coos Bay Dredging Co., gravel ing posted in each district propose 6.06 Pacific Drug Co., drugs for 8c sand ........................ ........... 235.80 that the fifteen most northern sec­ 1936, are hereby called for payment portfolios, etc............... — Harold Riedel, labor ...... ..... 4.40 upon presentation at my office. In­ Slater*. Variety Store, envel- Edwin Albue .... ................ 3.50 Fred Grush, labor ................... 100.80 Coos Bay Logging Co., lumber 27.42 .00 E W. Grege. Sanitary Unit .... 25.00 Harold Riedel, labor ..... ......... 63.80 Cooa Bay Dreding Co., gravel 67.40 tions be placed in Bridge and the re­ tereat on such warrants will cease as ooes ......................----------- ---- mainder of the district which is not in of January 22, 1937. ’’d'jcational Test Bureau, Unit A. D. Lee, labor ____ __ ____ 48.00 Mertle Bryon, use of bus for John C. Merchant, clerical WPA men ___ ___ ____ ____ 34.00 the forest reserve be placed in Pow­ Scales of Attainment ............ 60.94 wo-k Treas. Off. ..... «... 38.00 Ralph Huhlbut, labor __ ____ 4.00 W. 8. SICKELS, Treasurer. 2t3 Russell’s Insurance Agency, Tim Miller, labor.... .......... . . Frank Van Leuven, cows for City of Coquille, Oregon 4.00 Lakeside Mercantile Co., cart­ ers district. age on lumber___________ . 4.50 Bond for School Supt.------- 30.00 canning ........ ......... . .............. 527.59 Roy Wheeler, labor ................ 101.20 John Lamm, Predatory Ani­ F D. Fish, rovnVy on gravel .... 47.55 W. F. Bowrqp,-use of teams_ * 9.00 6.60 D-nn F. Crowell, inquiry— COQUILLE HIGH SCHOOL mal Hunter... ............. .......... 100.00 Ted Brown lumber _______ _ 373.80 Burtis Mercantile Co., gasoline 5.00 Halvor Larson —......--------- Lawrene Knight, shakes ..... .. Antone Outinen, 9 sheep killed 4.00 STATE OF OREGON Monday of this week marked the County of Coos: sa. Ennis Keizer, Halvor Larson bv do<»s ..... .... . ..... ................ 27.00 J. H. Culver Lumber Co., lum­ 5.00 Effie F. Miller, 28 sheep killed I. L. W Oddy, County Clerk at opening of the new semester at Co­ ber .......... ....... ....... ....... d-ath ...................................... • 81.98 r'no» County. Ex-officio Clerk of quille high school. Drs Keizer & Crowell, tele­ New students by dogs .................... .... ........ 84.00 Cc >s Bav Lumber Co., thread­ 1 90 grams—C. P Krohn death. ing bolts ............................ ...... 10.00 'he County Court of said County and who have registered are: Ralph Tndirent Assistance Mata, do hereby certify that the Txiuis J. I^ngenberg, tran­ 6.50 Bert Why ................................ 48.00 Joe Gabrio, filing saws.... ...... foreiroing is a true and correct state­ Thrift, from Bandon, and Chester Local and Long Distance scribing testimony .......... — 12.20 Consumers Wholesale Market. 42.88 Ocean Dock Terminal A Sup­ Dr. Ennis Keizer, inquiry— ply Co., cement__ ______ _ 47X16 ment of the amount of bills allowed Price, Coquille. Pacific Drug Co........... 1.50 5,00 J«la Elrod. Part Sal on the various funds of the County Wm. Franklin Ray —••• —• The Liberty Theatre gave a special Smith Wood-Products, Inc., Ennis Keizer, inquiry—C. W. lumber ................... ..... .. ........ 15.48 as audited by the County Court of matinee showing of “A Midsummer County Nurse „ 80.00 5.0b said County at the regular January, McPherson ............. -..........— Indlzent Coos Bay Stationery Co*., Night’s Dream" for school students on District Attoraey drawing paper ...................... Mrs F Noeninger 4.25 1937, term thereof, as the same ap­ All English R. K. Krausse, mileage ........... Ben C. Flaxel, Expens«......... 74.44 Paulson’s Grocery 6 9« pear« on the exhibits of claims and Wednesday afternoon. Bxn C. Flaxel, telephone------- 13.35 W. U. Douglas __ A. B Daly A Co., material ..... 25.75 warrants in my office and custody. classes in the high school devoted one WITNESS my hand and seal of class period to a study of the play and 77.44 1 Myers A Mvers 1.96 Grant E. Wilcox, lumber____ Health Off. the County Court sfflxed this 3.56 Huling, Lundy A Sons, ma­ ' eta Elrod, mileage exp. ...—— 38.76 C. S. Murohy ........ its presentation as a motion picture. terial ___ _______________ _ 83.11 12th day of January, 1937. Peoples Water A Gas Co I «la Elrod, expense taking Coach Hatton has inaugurated an L. W. Oddy, County Clerk 10.00 Go'ders Auto Parts Co., oxy- Farr A Elwood ... 4.10 children ........ —.......— By J. W. Leneve, Deputy individual scoring record for basket­ 80.00 J. _ IT^tamitine gen, etc............. ...... ...... 71.55 (Seal) Coquille Hospital A .......... Co., material "uhrman 8t Shindler, drugs .. 2.09 V._ __ __ ___ L___ ,__ .__' 165.73 .75 : Dairyland Creamery ball members which shows the rating Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, drugs .. I Mrs. C. R. Ritz......... 21.30 John A. Roeblings Sons Co. of Pacific Drug Company, insulin for each boy on the squad computed 155.96 2.66 — — 2 66 Schwartz Market for Ray Flick - —— from attempted baskets and baskets 4. 0C 163.13 I Perkins Drug Store W. V. Glaisyer, cattle tested ON SUNDAY Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co HAUUNG COAL, FUEL OJL and MILL WOOD I_____ 35.50 Carl Jacobaon . 15.50 16.34 completed. At present Rolf Fuhrman