OOQÜTtïX ORÍXM3N. FRIDAY. JANUARY 88, 1W Club Notea ami Otiwr Social Activities HOM E FOLKS Aas I O M-faahioned? I don’t know wine from whiskey Tlie past Matrons and Patrons met but I do know where my children are at the home of Dr. «nd Mrs. W. V. at night.. I like white bed-spreads best. Gtoisyer last Friday evening. The I don’t like to drive over 45 miles members had a most enjoyable time playing cards, sewing, etc. The com­ per hour I can’t nonchalantly knock ashes mittee, Mrs. Henry Lorenz, Mr. Theo­ dore Clinton and Mrs. Glalsyer, off cigarettes, for I do not smoke I served delicious refreshments to the believe one can exist socially and following members: Mesdames A. J. otherwise without cigarettes. I take cold when I wear a formal Sherwood, C. A. Rietman, E< Lor­ I love old folks, babies, and big enz, George Lorenz, Julius Ruble, Bertha Smith, Mr: and Mrs. Lafe families. I believe eyebrows, as God gave Compton, W. E. Bosserman, Dr. them, strengthen a woman’s charac­ Gtoisyer and Miss Edna Robison. ter and add to her beauty. Person­ A small, informal party was given ally, I’m glad I have mine. I like to go to church. for Mr. A. N. Gould after the second Give me a white handkerchief— siiow at the Liberty Theatre Satur­ day. The following couples went to I’ve seen the new colors; coronation IF YOU are smart—if you seek a handsome Dress the show and then to the home of Mr. i-ed, Havana brown, clipper blue and — AT A BARGAIN PRICE! — Then, come here Yes, and Mrs. Geo. Bryant: Messrs, and fuschia pink. Faddish! MesdamCs W. E. Bosserman, A. N. those adorned with Scotty dogs early and make your selection from these clear­ Gauld and G. W. Bryant. The occa­ Mickey mice! They startle me! ance priced offerings—AH are from our own regu­ I like smoked salmon. sion was Bert’s birthday and a lovely lar stock—Assuring you the BEST of Btyles— I feel positively lonely sitting cake was awaiting him with six ? FASHIONABLE fabrics—FINE workmanship— fore gas and electric heaters. Give candles * DEPENDABLE styles — SMART trims — and me a generous old kitchen stove with Mrs. Bertha Smith and Mrs. George the tea-kettle singing “Home Sweet VALUES that can NOT be duplicated at any other Unsoeld held a reception for Mias Home,” or an open fireplace spread­ sale—At our tow price markings these Dresses Evangeline Philbin. world-wide trav­ ing its comforting glow over my regularly soM from $19.50 to $24.50 and now you eller and speaker, at the home of Mrs. family. That’s happiness! have unrestricted choice at Unsoeld Sunday evening. Two rep- I like to read the Bible. resentaves were invited from each I cannot stand on the street cor­ organization to attend the affair. A ner and stare into my purse dabbing NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That very pleasant time was enjoyed vis­ on complete "make-up” while the Others that sold from $9.85 to $12.95 under and by virtue of an Execution iting, and meeting with Miss Philbin. crowd steres at me. issued out of the Circuit Court of the I enjoy an evening at home. State of Oregon, for the County of The Friday Night Duplicate club Old songs are still my favorites. Coos on the 21st day of December, I love old-fashioned roses. T 1936, in a certain cause in said Court met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred pending wherein George D. Peters, McNelly for a seven-thirty o’clock kind Mother wore and loved. Their Janet N. Miner and John G. Peters dinner last Friday evening. After a rare and lasting perfume hidden are Plaintiffs, and Western White Cedar Company is Defendant, Case delicious dinner, the members spent ’neath their common attire reminds No. 9093, of said Court and command­ a- very pleasant evening at cards. me of plain folks in which I find pure ing me to satisfy the sum of 3541.50, Members and guests present were and lasting worth. with interest at 8 per cent from the Messrs, and Mesdames H. S. Norton, I like to look through old, old al­ 30th day of October, 1930, and costs and disbursements 8229.73, together U. E. McClary, F. C. McNelly and bums. with accruing costs, I WILL ON SAT­ Mesdames R. E. Boober and E. D. I like men to be gentlemen. I be­ URDAY, THE 6th day of February, McCune. Your ch iice of felt, velour and velvet hats in this lieve the man should be the head of 1937, at the hour of 10:00 o’clock in the house. He should also carry . group of off-face and brimmed winter fashions. the forenoon of said day at the front The Past Noble Grands club met home the pay check. door of the County Court House in Black, brown and variety of colors. the City of Coquille, Coos County, at the home of Miss Ida Oerding last I can miss a movie. A few of the better hats regular price $4.95 - $5.00 Oregon, offer for sale and sell at Friday evening. Owing to sickness, I love to sit in-« rocking- chair on ’: auction, to the highest and best there was not as large a crowd as the front porch (if there are any r for cash in hand, all the right, usual but the members present thor­ rocking chairs and front porches left) title and interest of the said Defend ­ ants in and to the following described oughly enjoyed themselves After a and fall across to the neighbors, or real property, to-wit: short business meeting, several games listen to the music of children’s voices Lots 1, 2, 5 and 6 and the West Were played. Mrs. Pansy Ross won playing down the street, or listen to half of the Southeast quarter, and the prize for a contest game Sewing the tree-toad "hollering" for rain. I Lots 7 and 12. being the East half of the Southwest quarter; all in and knitting also filled In the pleasant love to watch the silver stars appear Section 18, Township 30 South on sale hours. Delicious refreshemnts were in the soft evening sky, I love the of Range 10 West of the Willam­ served by the hostess. quiet of life. Am I old-fashioned? ette Meridian, Coos County, Ore- Good-bye, Elizabeth Gormley £?d sale being made subject to re­ • Mrs. J. G. Toole entertained with a demption in the manner provided by lovely party last Friday afternoon. Apostrophe to a Mule tow. Strictly tailored blouses of soft crepes, with un Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 8th The ladies were invited for sewing, Author Unknown usual tucked and button detail. knitting and a general good time. De­ day of January 1937. Over the hill trailed a man behind Wm. F. Howell, licious refreshments were served later 'Sheriff .of Coos County, Oregon. in the afternoon by the hostess. The a mule drawing a plow. Said the man 52t5 By Eva Schroeder, Deputy to the mule: “Bill, you are a mule, following ladies were invited: Mes­ the son of a jackass, and I am a man IN THECOl NTY COURT OF THE dames Paul Simpson, Kenneth Gra­ made in the Image of God. Yet here ham, Wm. Peart, Leland Peart, Le­ STATE Ol OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS land Peterson, G. R. Holbrook, K. P. we work, hitched up together year Oregon Coquille In the Matter of the Estate of Chas. Lawrence, Julius Ruble, Cyril Mc­ after year. I often wonder if you Webb. Deceased. work for me or I work for you. Curdy, J. J. Geaney, E. C. Ashworth, Notice of Final Acooant Verily I think it a partnership be­ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That Geo. Taylor, Jr, F. C. Hudson, Harry the undersigned has filed In the Godard, R. E. Boober, R. T. Slater, tween s mule and a fool, for surely WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE NOTICE OF BOND SALE County Court of Coes County, Ore­ Verne Oderklrk, Muri Pettit, Ronald I work as hard as you, if not hardei Sealed bids shall be received by the All Coos County General Fund gon, her final Account as Executrix Plowing or cultivating we cover the undersigned, until the hour of seven­ Warrants endorsed prior to April 1, of the Estate of Chas. Webb, deceased, Ward and Miss Robelie Oderkirk. same distance, but you do it on four thirty o’clock P. M. on Tuesday, Feb­ and that the said Court has set Tues­ 1932, called for payment at the of­ and immediately fice of the Coos County Treasurer, legs and I on two, I, therefore, do ruary 2. 1937, day, January 26th, 1937, at the hour The Tauk-an-so club met at the thereafter opened by the School Coquille, Oregon, January 25, 1937. of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the County twice as much work ss you do. Board of School District, No. Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as home of Mrs. Wm Ortman Friday Coquille, Oregon, Jan. 21, 1937. “Soon we will be preparing for a 8. Coos . County, Oregon, at the time and place for hearing ob­ evening for their regular meeting. A Chas. Stauff, com crop. When the crop is har ­ the High School building in Co­ 2tl jections to such final account and the very lovely time was had by the la­ Coos County Treasurer vested I give one-third to the land­ quille?Coos County, Oregon, for the settlement of said estate. dies in sewing, knitting and chatting. Anna M. Rooney, lord for being so kind as let me use purchase of Twenty-two thouaand. five hundred dollars (822,500.00) of Mrs. Ernie Johnson assisted Mrs. Ort­ Executrix. a small speck of God’s earth. One- negotiable coupon bonds of said dis- WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE All Coos County Bridge Fund War­ J. Arthur Berg, man with the refreshments. The fol­ Attorney for Executrix. lowing ladies were present: Mes­ third goes to you and the rest is mine. strict, said bonds to be dated the 1st rants, endorsed prior to Nov. 1, 1936, day of March, 1937, bearing interest You consume all of your portion with sots called for payment at the office of Coquille, Oregon dames Carl Ensele, Henry Belloni,. the exception of cobs, while I divide at the rate of four per cent (4%) per the Coos County Treasurer, Coquille, Wm. Jones, Betty St. Clair, Hazel Mc ­ tiayable semiannually, de ­ annum, payable in . Oregon, January 25, 1937. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE mine among seven children, six hens, nominations of Five Hundred dollars dol. Coquille, Oregon, Jan. 21, 1937. Kibben, Norma Howe, E. B. White, STATE OF OREGON IN AND two ducks, and a banker. If we both (8500.00) each, maturing serially in Chas. Stauff, FOR THR COUNTY OP COOS M. D. Sherrard, E. E. Benham, R. M. need shoes, you get 'em. Bill, you numerical order as follows: 2tl Coos County Treasurer In the Matter of the Estate of William Waggoner, Ella Sheehan, A L. Burch, 34500.00 on March 1, 1941 are getting the best of me, and I ask Dailey, Deceased. Ernie Johnson and Mias Grace Shee­ 39000.00 on March 1, 1942 you, is it fair for a mule, the son of a WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Notice of Final Account $9000.00 on March 1, 1943. han. AU Coos County Non-High School NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That jackass, to swindle a man—the Lord < Blds must be unconditional and ac­ the undersigned has filed In the of Creation—out of his substance’’ companied by certified check in the District Fund Warrants, endorsed to No. 2390 inclusive, dated Nov. 29, County Court of Coos County, Ore­ Job’s Daughters had a very lovely "Why, you only help to plow and amount of One Thousand Dollars 1035, called for payment at the office gon, his final account as Administra­ (81000.00). tea on Monday afternoon at the home cultivate the ground, and I alone tor with the Will annexed of the Es­ Bonds will be delivered to the pur­ of the Coos County Treasurer. Co­ quille, Oregon, January 25, 1937. tate of William Dailey, Deceased, and of Mrs. J. E. Axtell. The house was must cut, shock and husk ths corn, chaser on March ), 1937.. Coquille, Oregon, Jan. 21, 1937. that the said Court has set Tuesday, most attractive with its beautifully while you look over the pasture fence The right is reurved to reject any Clias. Stauff, February 9th, 1937, at the hour of appointed table. The young todies and hee-haw at me. and all bids. 2tl Coos County Treasurer 10:00 o’clock A. M. at the County Keith Leslie, are very adept at entertaining and “ All fall and most of the winter the Court room in Coquille, Oregon, as Clerk, School Dist. No. 8, Coquille the time and place for hearing objec­ looked most charming. Misses Au­ whole family, from baby up, picks Coos County, Oregon. 2t2 Calling cards. 50 for SI.00. tions to such final account and the drey Taylor and Margaret Stewart cotton to help raise money to pay settlement of said estate _. poured from three to four jmd Misses taxes and buy a new set of harness NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL J. Arthur Berg, ACtoUNT Administrator with the Will an­ Betty Axtell and Eileen Percy from and pay the mortgage on you. And NOTICE is hereby given that the nexed of ,*h« Estate of William Dailey. four to five. Miss Marilyn Compton, what do you care about the mort­ Deceased. 52U honored queen, made a very lovely gage? Not a thing, you onery cuss. I undersigned administrator of the es­ hostess; she was assisted by Misses even have to do the worrying about tate of Louisa A. Bullack, deceased has filed his Final Account in the IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE LaVelle Dele and Marion Hess in re­ the mortgage on your tough, ungrate­ County Court of the County of Coos STATE OF OREGON IN AND ceiving the guests. Mrs. J. E. Ax­ ful hide. in and for the State of Oregon, and FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS tell, Mrs. Lafe Compton and Mrs. Roy “About the only time I am your that said Final Account will be In the Matter of the Estate Boober also assisted in welcoming better, is on election day, for I can heard on Saturday, the 20th day of of February, A. D., 1937, at the hour o Eyes Examined Effie M. Carlsly, Deceased. the ladies. Misses Georgianna John­ vote and you can’t. And after elec­ 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day Nettes of Final Settlement son, Margaret Belloni, Donna Dean tion I realize that I was fully as big St the County Court room in the Glasses Fitted Notice is hereby given that the un­ Verilja I County Court house at the City of Co­ designed has filed his Final Account Boaserman. Gfetchen Clinton and a jackass as your papa. in said County and State, and in the matter of the Administration of Beverly Norton assisted about the ara prone to wonder if politics were quille the Estate of Effie M. Carlsly, de­ rooms. Misses Joy Norton, Muriel made for a man or a jackass, or to all whom it may concern are cited and required to appear at the time ceased, and the County Court for Davis and Patsy Holverstott helped In and place designated, and s!.ow cause, make jackasses of mm. Coos County, Oregon, has set Satur­ Uird Building Notwithstanding in- . kitchen. ----------------------- . the --------- “And that ain’t all. Bill. When if any there be, why said Final Ac­ day, the 6th day at February, 1937, the as the day, and the County Court clement weather, a large number of you’re dead that’s supposed to be the count should not be approved and al­ lowed and said estate closed. * Phone 82-J Room in the County Court House at guests were able to come and make end —J for *--------- ------------ “ ­ you. But — me? • *" ¥he preach Dated this 22nd day of January, Coquille, in Coos County, Oregon, as the tea a success. A. D„ 1937. ers tell me that when 1 die I may go the place for hearing objections to Coquille John F. Bul’ack. said Final Account and the settlement to hell forever. That is. Bill, If I /.dminlstratcr of said estate. The Tuesday night bridge club met don’t do just as they say. And most Dated this 6th day of January, at the home of Mrs. D. B. Estes this of what they say keeps me from get­ 1937. week A pleasant evening of con­ ting any fun out of life. Harry A. Slack, “Tail me, Willyum, considering Administrator of the Estate of Effie tract was enjoyed by the following M. Carlsly, Deceased. 52t5 members and guests: Mesdames T. S. these things, how can you keep a Stevens, Fred Watson, Walter Litzen- straight face and look so dumb and WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE berger, O. T. Gant, E. A. Walker, Geo. solemn?" and be sure they're Notice la hereby given that war­ McClellan, A. L. Burch and the host­ rants up to and including No. 10,925, issued by Coquille School District, Na ess. Mrs. Gant won high score and G. T. COOK 8, will be paid upon presentation to Mrs Litzenberger and Mrs. McClellan the district clerk, on and after Satur­ won the travelling prizes. Delicious Flowers always fresh Brick Mason day, January 16, 1937. Interest on refreshments were later served by the said warrants ceases on t> hostess. Fireplaces sad Chimneys Keith Leal P. O. Box 62, Coquille School District No. 0, Calling cards, 50 for $1.00. Coos County, Oregon. VALUES that are UNSURPASSED Outstanding Savings on HANDSOME DRESSES $15.95 $5.95 Clearance Sale! $2.95 - $3.95 HATS S1.S9 K $1.95 - $2.95 BLOUSES 99« and $1.99 MISS MAY’S SHOP IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THR STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of Fred Mast, Deceased. Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has been duly ap­ pointed by the above entitled Court, as Administratrix of the Estate of said deceased, and has duly qualified as such, NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claims against said Estate ate hereby notified and required to pre­ sent the same, together with proper vouchers therefor, to the undersized, at the offices of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, Oregon, within six months from the date hereof. Dated this 30th day of December, 1936. Phoebe E. Mast, Administratrix of the Estate of Fred Mast, Deceased J. Arthur Berg, Attorney for Administratrix, Resi­ dence and P. O. Address, Coquille, Oregon. 31t5 WARRANT REDEMPTION NOTICE Warrants Noa. 1301 to 1329 inclu­ sive, drawn against Union High School District No. 3, Riverton, Ore­ gon, will be paid upon presentation to the clerk. Interest on said warrants ceases January 22, 1937.. Mrs. Lillian Hanly, Clerk U. H. No. 3 2t3 Bullards Route, Coquille, Oregon Calling cards, 50 for 8100. Specialisl Reception Room Jointly with Dr. J. R. Bunch Say it with Flowers Bergens Better Blossoms