ARAGO McAllister. K ■. and Mrs. H. E. Book and Mrs. He. belt Carl on Monduy accom­ panied Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crow and J. K -Jaker, of Bandon, spent Sunday M um Lodenift Cross to Corvallis, afternoon visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. B. where he visited his brother, Wallace, Wai kins and Mrs. Martha McNair. J. W. Barnett has been suffering who is attending O*. S. C. h They re­ turned Thursday at the close of the fiom sinus trouble this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Damron, of Ban­ state dairymen’s meeting, which Mr. don, called on Ernest Watkins Sat­ Cross went to attend. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff urday night. Mr. Watkins is recov­ were hosts at a surprise birthday er ng from severe cold and threaten­ , party in honor of their son, Ellis, ed pneumonia. Miss Leona Stallard, of Powers, Monday evening. The young people gathered at the home of Gerald niece of Mrs. Jess’ Dawron, is In the Woodward and arrived at the Rack- Mast hospital recovering from a se­ leif home in a group, making the sur­ rious operation. Miss Eldred Wilder, nee Genevie prise complete. t’iie evening was spent in different games with refresh­ Barklow, and small daughter, Joyce ments of iruit salad and oirthday Ann, are at their home in Myrtle cake served at the close of the eve­ Poir.t and will be glad to see their ning. Those present were Miss Es- friends. Mrs. Edith Woodward was able to tner Davidson, Annie Deardorff, Lxatha Munford, Mary, Jean and attend church on Sunday for the Anne Watkins, Maxine Rackleff, first time since her return from Los Keith Kribbs, Clyde Lillie, Milton Angeles at Christmas time. She has Hammack, Charles Webb, Gerald been suffering from a severe cold. Bible study wm held Thursday eve­ Woodward, Ellis Rackleff and Mr. ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S and Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff. C. McAllister, who served ice cream Bill and Ray Ward and Lyle Rog­ and cookies at the close of the lesson. ers have left the Arago school. They Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Sam have moved into‘‘'She Gravel Ford Root, Mrs. Tyrrell Woodward, David district. Root, Mrs. Oluf Aasen, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Barklow have Ein?st Watkins, Mary, Jean and moved from the Charles Butler place, Anne. The book of Acts wm finished. which they have leased for tbs past Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barklow eight years, to Myrtle Point, where drove up from Bandon Sunday and they will stsy with Mr. end Mrs. El­ vw#’"6unday dinner guests of Mr. dred Wilder until they find another| sr.d Mrs. Stanley Halter. Other ranch they can lease. Mr. and Mrs. guests were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Alden Butler, of Myrtle Point, have Woodward and Gerald. moved to the Butler ranch and will Rev. W. R. Wilder, of Coquille, con­ run it this year. Miss Iris Barklow ducted the morning service at Arago will stay at the Flentge Perkins home Sunday with forty-nine at Sunday while she finishes her lest year in school following. Rev. W. A. Stevens, high school. if Coquille, will preach January 24. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Root and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers and Oliver daughters, Lois and Alyse, and Mr. drove to Bandon Monday and spent and Mrs. George Weeks and Bobby the day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Parklow at their home tn the Bob George Hampton, returning to their Otto court. They called on Mr. and homes in Powers the same day. Mrs. Willis Hoover and found them The Arago basketball squad played in comfortable quarters. two games last week end. On Friday Mrs. Oluf Aasen wm taken to the night they played the opening game Coquille Hospital Tuesday for medi­ of the B league schedule,- winning cal treatment. from Coos River by a score of 27 to -John Paul is ill with the flu. 17. The boys were considerably Small Leonard Menegat, two strengthened by having Barklow in month old sorf of Mr. and Mrs. Reg­ at center. Those playing were: Bark­ inald Menegat, is somewhat better low, center; Fredenberg, Rackleff and after suffering from a severe cold and Lillie, guards; Doyle, Hammack, T. cough. He is still coughing but seems Robison and Ivan Robison, forwards. to be on the mend. Coos River reserves were victorious, with a score of 27 to 21. Eugene MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Laird, of Myrtle Point, refereed. Fol­ Miss Marie Clinton has accepted a lowing the high school game, Myrtle Point independents played Arago, position as bookkeeper at the Eads Service Station. winning by a close margin. Mrs. Young and two sons, of India, Glenice Finley, of Johnson’s Mill, came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. who have been visiting Mrs." Young's Frank Burbank on Thursday. She sister, Mis. Frank Freeman, have was joined by her brother, Cecil, Fri­ gone to Palo AltoK California, where day evening and on Saturday their they will visit another sister before parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Finley, leaving for their home in' India. The H. D. Bones family are moving were dinner guests of the Burbanks. The dinner was especially in honor to Idaho, where they will make their of Mr. Finley and Mr. Burbank, home. Lester Porterfield is helping whose birthdays occur on the same them move. Mrs. Raleigh Greene has acecpted a date this week. The young people re­ turned to their home with their par­ position as clerk in the N. P. Peter­ son’s store for a few weeks. ents Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. N. G. W. Perkins re­ Mr. and Mrs. George Hampton left Monday for Corvallis to attend the turned home from a several weeks' state dairymen's meeting. They visit in southern California. . Mrs. Rose Garrett was able to leave planned to return at its close on the Mast Hospital Friday and return Thursday. The B league basketball schedule is to her home. Cecil Carter, of Grants Pass, is out and Arago has the following games, beginning with Coos River at spending this week in Myrtle Point Arago January 15 with a win for visiting relatives and friends. Henry Bryant and Wm. Bell left Arago, with Powers January 22 at Powers, Riverton January 29 at Riv­ Monday morning on a business trip to erton, Coos River February 8 at Coos Sacramento, California. Mrs. Powerie returned home Sat­ River, Powers at Arago February 12, and Riverton at Arago in the fine! urday afternoon on the stage from a several weaks’ stay in Portland. game February 19. P. W. Laird left Thursday for Lyle Rogers, who has been practis­ ing with the squad all fall and play­ Jerkeley, California, after spending ing with the reserves, has transferred :?n days in Myrtle Point on business. Mrs. Agnes Kenyon, of Port Orford, to Myrtle Point as his family have t oved to a ranch near Gravel Ford ¿pent Sunday at the home of her par­ Mrs Sam Root left Sunday after­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Deyoe. The Security Bank of Mrytle Point noon for the Pleasant View school, up the North Fork, where she will act held its annual meeting Thursday af ’ emoon and all officers of the bank as substitute teacher for this week. Mrs. David Root wm unable to be were re-elected for the . new year. They are N. G. W. Perkins, president; out Sunday because of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Myers spent Wed­ Wm. Lundy, vice president; Harry nesday visiting his sister, Mrs. Jess Dement, cashier; and Ralph Kring, assistant cashier. Clinton, near Myrtle Point. R. D. Kring was elected president Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wannamaugher, of Pandon. spent Saturday night and it the Myrtle Point National Farm Sunday visiting Mr, and Mrs. S. C. Loan association Thursday at the or- STORE NO. 136 Phone 122 7". We've selected ^0 . these Xj ?\ values ’ fá\ Sòr .. LA YOU/ DEAR NEIGHBOR: In selecting values to advertise this week, we Safeway Uanagers and store employees put our heads to­ gether and tried to choose the items our experience has taught us you like to see advertised at prices you consider attractive, This Ad is the result. We hope you like it. Shortening 4 £ 4QC SWIFTS 4S-lb Can »5.69' HKfi- Albers 1A Flapjack YOUR SAFEWAY MANAGER Package Cocoa 2“. Flour PRIDE OF THE WEST HOT SAUCE WERE COCOA Bakers Tobacco .0 3 Rolls P & G SOAP, Giant Size 6 Bars CAIX) DOG FOOD - 2 Cans 10c 11c 9c 10c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Qt. Jug TUNA FISH White Star, No. *4 can 3 Can^ SCOTS TISSUE - HOMINY Van Camps No. 2*4 Can Grape Fruit Squash Apples Large Size Banana >/: or Whole Cooking China Lettuce mittee for the next regular meeting A potluck supper will be held at the Vem Magill home Friday evening, January 29. A resolution from the Wasco county Grange was read and approved. This resolution dealt with the surfacing and improvement of market roads. The Grange decided m WS 'Juneral (Home asc 1 Lb. Jarl9C PINEAPPLE Libby’s No. 1 Flat Can PRINCE ALBERT & VELVET SLEEPY HOLLOW SYRUP >/2 Lb. Can PEAS Del Monte No. 2 Can Pocket JBI TtLtPHOne 100 JfMUlAHCt Stw/Ct • COQUILLt - MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE, 1 Lb. CanX9« mutually SUSPENDED 6 Cans PEANUT BUTTER, Beverley OUR ABORIGINAL hostilities - Sack STRINGBEANS, No.2Can 3Cans ANCESTORS LAID ASIDE THEIR CLUBS TO SHOW THEIR GOOD INTENTIONS. ( WHILE HAND J CLASPED HAND Pilone 81 » Master Vem Ma- i things that are i legislature. He